Business Topics For Research Paper Globalization

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Globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing economic, cultural, political, and social

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That said, symbolic interactionists aim to use as much empirical data for their scholarly arguments as
possible, because the supporters of this approach believe that an analysis of social life should be
grounded in strong empirical foundations (Blumer 47). Business process outsourcing (BPO) still
remains a big political issue in the US. On other instances the obligations of the employer are
delegated to an employment agency which deals with the employees directly. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. What are the main effects of globalization on culture. In the past,
this process took the form of cyclical changes of hegemon of international system, with this role
being passed between the Netherlands, Great Britain and finally the United States of America. It
was resolved by all leading countries after World War II that the earlier mistakes committed by them
to isolate themselves should not be repeated. According to Haas, the process of integration was
fundamentally political, being driven by the development of common political loyalties. It seems that
'the impact can be both negative and positive and differs by context, by industry and trade, and by
employment status'. One area in need of attention is the global governance regarding the rise to
power and global reach of each entity. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Distances have shrunk, and the efficiency has Essay: globalization Commerce globalization can be
defined as the integration of ideas, products, sales and organizations on an international scale.
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Business (431) 1 Growing economies Powe. McDonald’s has
more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people every day in more than 100 countries.
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The preference should be given to the one of them which may allow better grasp of the problems of
globalization. To cope up with the competition from cheap imports, companies keep the production
of core parts of their output at their home base and send components for assembly in low-wage
countries such as China. The concept of globalization can be traced back to the phenomenon of a
nation-state. The whole objective of globalization is to increase the wealth of nations by making use
of resources in a most efficient way. Mass media market is tightly connected with both these spheres.
Internationally, globalization is analyzed in terms of the challenges to the global economy and
economic issues in general. This is as a result of the advancement in technology and the policy
changes made to various international trade regulations. The East European countries shielded
themselves from the process of global economic integration. Introduction to Globalization and
International Business 2. Free trade is the most noticeable achievement of economic and financial
globalization. As a result, there has been widespread rise in the fragmentation of production
processes, whereby different stages of production for a given product are carried out in different
countries. Their emphasis on problems of structural inequality generated by globalization and the
resulting formation of the unaccountable transnational structures that are prone to causing problems
in the course of their growth and development appears to be rather justified. Globalization is used to
refer to the increasing influence exerted by economic, political, socio-cultural, and financial processes
across the globe. The emergence of the multilateral trade regime under the WTO has facilitated the
reduction of tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers. For instance, France’s collective nationalism favours
home-grown agriculture and the US fear of terrorism has made foreign management of its ports
difficult and restrained the entry of the Dubai Port World.
I tried several websites, but I always order serious papers from you only. As international managers
are especially concerned about economic globalization that affects businesses the most, it can be
measured based on the trade openness of a country, FDI inflows and outflows, capital account
restrictions, trade barriers, etc. Global marketing strategies are marketing strategies created and
implemented on worldwide scale that is uniformity of marketing strategies; it allows countries to
take commercial advantage of universal operational differences, similarities and opportunities in
order to achieve global aims and objectives. Contrary to general belief, the support for globalization
is the lowest in the US and even in certain other developed countries, including France, Britain, and
(Germany, whereas it is much higher in developing countries such as India and China (see Exhibit
1.5). According to this theory, for the South to develop and bridge the gap between it and the North
in terms of development, it needs to become more like the North. The Chinese company TCL not
only rapidly caught up with global cellular phone companies such as Nokia and Motorola, but also
emerged as a significant player in a number of consumer electronics. The increased availability of
quality goods at comparatively lower prices generally benefits the mass consumers in the importing
country but hurts the interests of the domestic industry. Below, you will find multiple globalization
paper topics that will help you understand your direction. In addition to unemployment, globalization
leads to a rising environmental problems. Companies are likely to establish their factories in other
countries with lenient environmental regulations. But first to understand the term, the globalization is
defined as. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Another view on
globalization is presented by Nikitin and Elliott. As all domestic and multinational companies
compete with each other to woo the customer, the consumer became the ultimate gainer. These
changes must take place for globalization to have a significant impact on culture. Finally, the conflict
theory approach to globalization rests on the idea of unequal interdependence as the basis of modern
globalization. Globalisation can thus be said to enhance technological growth where the
technologically advanced countries for example Japan can share their products with the
incapacitated countries like Zimbabwe. The main influences on the boundaries of the nation state
due to globalization according to various definitions can be classified as economic, political and
cultural. This is in terms of among other factors, having better technology than the south and a much
more stable government. The growth in global production rates and the resulting outflows of goods
and services secured the role of the TNC as the principal economic agents, decreasing the potential
of nation-states to regulate their actions. Consumers’ taste and preference seems to be changed in
comparison to past, through internet and satellite they are more aware of beyond the territory
products and are willing to try it. The total trade is arrived by summing up exports and imports of
goods and credit and debits of services. Friedman, T. (1999). “The lexus and the olive tree:
understanding globalization”. Whereas negative integration is an offensive concept for some
developing and underdeveloped countries, it allows removal of protective barriers such as tariffs and
quotas because of which domestic industries suffer and faces tough competition in terms of cost
efficiencies, business processes and finished goods quality. According to (Harrison 2007), it is
revealed that investments into countries in the south as well as the increase the number of exports
have led to the reduction of poverty levels in all these countries. Market liberalization has also been
argued not to be towards the benefit of the developing countries. Noble laureate Joseph Stiglitz
observes that globalization is creating rich countries with poor people. In a study conducted by
Mahmoud in 2006 aimed at determining whether globalization has any effect on the efforts of third
world countries to lessen poverty levels. Naidoo K(2005): “Should Civil Society Engage With
Governing Institutions?”(online),, Accessed December 31 2009. It is clear that globalization has
brought about greater rates of economic growth in most nations, as proven by the highly successful
NIC’s in Asia, known as the “Asian Tiger” economies, however, while the global economy has
grown in total the benefits have varied significantly between economies. The purchases of European
products into India were financed mainly by the exports of bullion and raw cotton from Bengal,
whereas the purchases into China were financed by the exports of opium.
This offers tremendous challenge to the existing business competitiveness of firms, compelling them
to globalize and make rapid structural changes. Discuss the impact of globalization on Chinese
political and economic development; Discuss the anti-globalization trends emerging in the United
States; Compare and contrast the aspects of regionalization and globalization. Some developed and
developing countries outsource human resource due to skills shortages, productivity or to cut labor
cost. The creation of foreign-based affiliates by national firms and of host-country affiliates by
foreign parent companies has led to a rise in intra-firm trade. The company then followed the Filipino
population across the world. If Poor Get Richer Does World See Progress?The Christian Science
Monitor. 2004. Print. Lynch, Katherine L. The Forces of Economic Globalization: Challenges to the
Regime of International Commerical Arbitration. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1933. Print.
Plummer, Ken. “A World in the Making: Symbolic Interactionism in the Twentieth Century.” The
Blackwell Companion to Social Theory. Ed. Bryan S. Turner. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell
Publishers, 2000. Print. 193-222. ReferencesHill, C. W. (2009). International business: Competing in
the global marketplace. (7th ed). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.Rugman, A. M. (2009). The Oxford
Handbook Of International Business. (2nd ed.).New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Globalization has also been seen to be the causing factor of interdependence between nations as a
result of the separation of labor. With aircraft, shipment industry has also developed rapidly over
years which have encouraged trade between countries (Ndoye, 1997). Poorer countries’ share in
world trade has fallen over the past 20 years. Such trading was highly profitable, yielding enormous
dividends. Whereas people prefer to work in developed and some developing countries due to wage
differentials as value of money vary from country to country. The Design Thinking Playbook:
Mindful digital transformation of teams, produc. UNCTAD (2000). “World Investment Report”.
New York. Governments had taken the initiative to take off international trade and investment
barriers and establish free trade. According to this theory, for the South to develop and bridge the
gap between it and the North in terms of development, it needs to become more like the North.
Furthermore, globalization provides poor countries with the chance to develop economically through
infusions of foreign capital and technology. Finally, the conflict theory approach to globalization
rests on the idea of unequal interdependence as the basis of modern globalization. The idea of free or
open market is supported by the principles of Globalization. However, the HDI of the poorer nations
have grown at a slower rate to the richer nation’s which, as some economists put it, shows that
globalization is another word for the continual plundering of the poorer and weaker nations by the
rich and powerful economies. This is owing to the fact that there is a wider market base hence more
goods are sold. Entities’ responses to these may vary, however, historically and prospectively may
become a reference to better understand its causes and provide an accurate view of the similarities
and differences between the previous and current crisis. Different countries are able to exchange
ideas across borders and hence form partnerships that help them and their mother countries. At the
end of the day, it’s the students responsibility to do their own research and work. The main
difference in the political capacity of developed and developing nations is mainly due to the
Weighted Voting in the Bretton Woods institutions (Yunker, 1999). Most people agree that
globalization is changing our values and making lives too fast and impersonal. Comparatively, last
two centuries that is from 1800 to 2000 has given rise to productivity and economic activities
between and within countries. For example, when the WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism, with its
tool of retaliatory compensation, is used by the US or EU is much more powerful against a
developing country than when employed by the latter against the former. This revolution has
contributed a large share to economic growth and productivity of many nations (Raluca, 2010).
This was fuelled by a growth in trade of over 7% per annum, and growth in foreign investment
levels of over 23%. Thus, these countries hardly have an option other than to open up their
economies and attract trade and investment to be globally competitive. Some of the international
trade theories that support globalization are mercantilism, free trade, comparative advantage,
absolute advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin theory, the product life-cycle theory, new trade theory, and
Porter’s theory or the national competitive advantage. The well developed countries are taking
advantage of the poorer countries because of their weak regulations and one of the main problems is
the environmental pollution caused by the poisonous gases released into the air by the large factories.
The development of e-market or e- commerce is an output of Globalization. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. Globalization has applied intense downward pressure on the wages of
the unskilled and the less skilled of the labour force even in advanced countries. This has
significantly enhanced the vulnerability of stocks that were hitherto considered impervious. As a
result, it is becoming more and more difficult for governments to control and suppress information
they prefer to restrict. Due to globalisation and unequal distribution of resources and income poor
countries are becoming poorer while rich countries are heading towards the seat of richest nations.
Global phannaceutical companies often gang up against drug companies from developing countries.
Seeing this scenario it would be advisable that John and Deborah’s corporation should think of
expansion to other countries. Globalisa tion is a complex issue, and therefore it is deeply
controversial. Furthermore, globalization provides poor countries with the chance to develop
economically through infusions of foreign capital and technology. Give me your paper requirements
and I connect you to an academic expert. Some of the local firms, especially in India and China, have
not only challenged supremacy of giant multinationals in their home markets, but leveraged their
competitive advantage internationally. Financial and economic globalization, though helps poor or
developing countries to strengthen their positions, is a “serious impediment to global financial
stability” (Kose et al 2). But this argument ignores the real social consequences of the search for
economic efficiency. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. If the country exported
more than it imported, the GDP will increase, thus, an advantage to the economic aspect of the
nation. This is owing to the fact that there is a wider market base hence more goods are sold. The
production efficiency resulted in cost-effective production of uniform goods on a large scale.
Because of globalization, local businesses will apparently have smaller market because multinational
firms are already dominating. Advancement in transportation and telecommunication has allowed
easy access to cost-effective and skilful labours; in addition development of new labour intensive
service sectors and expansion in current, such as nursing and healthcare has increased the need of
human resource by developed countries; and relaxation in work permit policies of many developed
countries has encouraged people from all over the world to move in developed countries (Lawal,
2006). First of all, it is clear that all of them try to fully represent the reality of globalisation, while it
is not always possible due to the criteria chosen by them. However, it is the conflict theory
perspective that may help in finding ways for overcoming structural inequalities between various
ethnic and social groups that give rise to some of the serious problems of socio-economic
development, which globalisation happened to cause. Business process outsourcing (BPO) still
remains a big political issue in the US. This is despite there being a continuous reduction in poverty
levels in the developing nations with the increase in its incorporation with the rest of the world
through trade for the past two decades. Distances have shrunk, and the efficiency has Essay:
Globalization Commerce Globalization can be defined as the integration of ideas, products, sales and
organizations on an international scale. This has boosted the movement of people and goods across
Discuss the impact of globalization on Chinese political and economic development; Discuss the
anti-globalization trends emerging in the United States; Compare and contrast the aspects of
regionalization and globalization. This is owing to the fact that there is a wider market base hence
more goods are sold. This has led to the view of globalization by some to mean the same as
Americanization. Merchant capital had emerged and there was an elaborate network of agents,
jobbers, brokers, and middlemen. The Neo-Gramscian school of international relations studies was
born out of application of the ideas of the Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci to the
realities of international system and globalization. Cooperating with the trustworthy writing
platform, you will be able to get good grades for your papers without spending days and nights on
their writing. According to Haas, the process of integration was fundamentally political, being
driven by the development of common political loyalties. International Monetary Fund: 2003. Web.
26 November 2011. Shangquan, Gao. Economic Globalization: Trends, Risks and Risk Prevention.
In the present study the economic interactions and effects of globalization are the particular focus,
but clearly, globalisation embraces much more than this dimension. Advancement in network
infrastructure has always fuelled the pace of globalisation; network infrastructure includes
transportation and communication which are the two major components of globalisation. Opinions
vary widely on its influence on national economies. Democracy, in turn, strongly influenced sociable
relations between different nations leading towards a positive impact of globalization on the public
administrations practices. Globalisation has given rise to the concept of mobility of labour and
capital; the concept is not new anymore. Most of the institutions that have been used as tools for
globalization especially in international trade, industry and investments are from the north. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Business process outsourcing (BPO) still remains a big political issue in the
US. The neo-functionalists (e.g. Ernst B. Haas and Leon N. Lindberg) generally followed in the
footsteps of the founder of functionalism, David Mitrany. The world-systems theorists such as
Wallerstein do not view the present stage of globalization as something unique and groundbreaking;
on the contrary, they regard it as just the new expression of the cycle of world-systems development
that was opened as early as 1500, with the beginning of the European expansion to the Americas and
beyond. It is in this context that Globalization often tends to be one of the fruitful concepts at the
present century throughout the world to support effective economic growth models. Economic and
financial types of globalization are among the most discussed ones because they are related to
interdependence of world economies, increased flows of international capital and cross-border trade
of goods and services (Shangquan 1). To sum up, it is worth noting that globalization, while
beneficial for some, does bring certain disadvantages to others, both individuals and societies. The
bottom line of contemporary globalization can be viewed as the 'intensification of cross-national
interactions that promote the establishment of transnational structures and the global integration of
cultural, economic, political, technological and social process on global, supra-national, national,
regional and local levels'(Gaston. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. To the policy
makers of rich countries, they are simply considered as forces of threats ranging from illegal
immigration to drug smuggling to crime and as vectors of diseases. I tried several websites, but I
always order serious papers from you only. The concept of integration of national markets has gained
a lot of popularity since last two centuries, enlarging market access by exchange of factors of
production and distribution, by eliminating trade barriers, and by practicing domestic rules and
regulations to speed up economic efficiency is a positive aspect of globalisation for many nations. An
import restriction in a large number of developing countries has deprived consumers of global brands
and the quality thereof. Each of the above indices is allocated different weights: economic
globalization (36%), social globalization (38%), and political globalization (25%). Customer Service.
The aim of this project is to assess the customer service.
The high degree of economic integration among the countries has also posed considerable risks of
contagion following economic and financial upheavals in foreign countries, even if a firm is not
directly involved. Arrival of this concept in trade has discovered many growth prospects for
countries; mobility in economic activities basically allows the movement of factors of production
around the globe and provides a platform to countries that are willing to excel in economic activities.
Both abovementioned companies advantageously supplement each other. Globalisation encourages
technological, economic, cultural and political exchanges between countries. As for the economic
aspect of globalization, this can be described only as a net of activities and events related to both the
global and the local economies. Increasingly, more firms need to compete with new players from
around the globe in their own markets as well as foreign ones. International organizations such
including WTO and IMF should develop a framework that regulates the process of globalization.
Companies often prefer to expand their business operations in countries that offer peace and security.
With mobility of labour, mobility of capital has also become a good idea to adopt by many countries.
Solimano, A. (2001). The evolution of world income inequality: assessing the impact of globalization.
It contributes to the maximization of economic efficiencies, including the efficient utilization and
allocation of resources, such as natural resources, labour, and capital on a global scale, resulting in a
sharp increase in global output and economic growth. Analyzing these graphs indicates that the
developed and developing countries indicative of the north and south have varied reactions to trade
caused by globalization. A large demand of labor is needed to produce these goods and many times,
businesses turn to cheaper tactics. This has also given rise to rapid increase in global brands. Rich
countries have cost poor countries three times more in trade restrictions than they give in
development aid. It refers to integration of economic and social system of all countries. It widens
our awareness and changes our wrong perception about other cultures. In fact, resources are
transported every single day. Please try again. Email Address Id like to receive the free email course.
One out of every two trucks in the US uses front axles made by Bharat Forge. Some of these aspects
of globalization that will be looked at include the state of international trade, information
communication technology and investment.2. It is in this context that Globalization often tends to be
one of the fruitful concepts at the present century throughout the world to support effective
economic growth models. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Globalization has led to the development of global pop culture. The neo-functionalists (e.g.
Ernst B. Haas and Leon N. Lindberg) generally followed in the footsteps of the founder of
functionalism, David Mitrany. However, countries are consistently evolving innovative marketing
barriers that are WTO compatible. The functionalist perspective enables us to understand how the
growing interests of various nation-states in more stable regulation of the problems of mutual interest
brought about the beginning of globalisation and integration processes, continuing to sustain it even
nowadays. The various ways by which globalization helps a company to spread widely are cited
below. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. In contrast, it has declined in sub-
Saharan Africa and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The author continues to point out that there is no direct connection between globalization and
poverty. The study provides alternative to free market strategies is to separate the word of free from
global market strategies and to practice global marketing strategies with some protections given to
host country so they can enjoy better growth prospects with entry of foreign companies, thus world
can be free from inequalities and injustice. In a study conducted by Mahmoud in 2006 aimed at
determining whether globalization has any effect on the efforts of third world countries to lessen
poverty levels. It is not only the economic integration of countries but also various other aspects
such as financial, cultural, and political integration across the world, as depicted in Fig. 1.3. The
significant rise in cross border investments and the international trade has resulted in ethical issues
involved in the decision-making in the cross-country settings. UNCTAD (1998). “World Investment
Report 1998”, United Nations, New York. Other units of analysis include how the various aspects of
the countries have been affected by globalization as well as a look at the institutions contributing to
globalization. The neo-functionalists (e.g. Ernst B. Haas and Leon N. Lindberg) generally followed in
the footsteps of the founder of functionalism, David Mitrany. The rise in FDI has outweighed the
rise in exports all over the world (UNCTAD, 2000). Globalization is used to refer to the increasing
influence exerted by economic, political, socio-cultural, and financial processes across the globe. In
such instances the employer is able to detach himself from any activities that link him to his
employees resulting to abuse of certain rights of the employees. The role of Disney and other major
companies in globalization; Globalization in South Africa and its characteristic features. As a result,
home country professionals either lose their jobs or have to work for lower salaries. As a result,
business enterprises become more competitive not only domestically but also internationally at times.
Their initiation to protect the employees relationship further help the formulation of national policies
and mechanism of monitoring their implementation to provide grounds for the establishment of a
good relationship between employees and employers locally and internationally. This means being
becoming modernized and abandoning its traditional ways (Kruger, 2003).3. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. Movers and restraining factors of globalization have also been
examined at length. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for
their writing assignments. They have had a high rate of succes in combating social issues like poverty
or child labour. Chase-Dunn mentioned that, although unevenly, in areas of expansion and
intensification of larger and larger economic, political, military, and information networks,
globalization has been increasing for millennia. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
The income divide globally, as a result would tend to widen, as richer nations become richer at a
faster rate than poor nations. These are core countries, semi-periphery countries, and periphery
countries. Similarly, 70% of the financial glow increases are to industrialized nations, increasing their
access to capital and living standards, leaving lower income nations on slower growth rates. The
conflict theorists point to an unequal distribution of power and resources within the global system,
thus drawing a conclusion that globalization is more a result of conflict than of any mutual and
beneficial cooperation. Restrictions on portfolio and foreign direct investment considerably influence
monetary and capital flows across borders. There should also be effective accountability for
international commitments. Skoda, the leading state-owned automaker in the Czech Republic, was
sold by the government to Volkswagen much as the selling of government stake in Maruti-Suzuki to
Suzuki by the Indian Government. With aircraft, shipment industry has also developed rapidly over
years which have encouraged trade between countries (Ndoye, 1997).

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