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English Explorer:

Your Guide to Language and Learning

Jusak Patty

Pattimura University

English Explorer:
Your Guide to Language and Learning
Jusak Patty

Jusak Patty

Cover and Layout Designer

Jusak Patty

First Printing, August 2023

Printed and Published by

Universitas Pattimura, Ambon
Jl. Dr. J. Leimena, Poka, Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia
Telp. (0911) 322628


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Welcome to English Explorer: Your Guide to Language
and Learning! As you embark on your journey through the
world of English, this book has been carefully crafted to
accompany you through your first year at university. Whether
you are taking your first steps in language learning or striving to
enhance your existing skills, this book is designed to be your
trusty companion.

Navigating Language Landscapes

English is more than just a tool for communication; it's a
gateway to knowledge, culture, and personal growth. In these
pages, we will explore the intricacies of the English language,
from its foundational basics to its intermediate nuances. This
book is specially tailored to suit the needs of beginner to
intermediate students, providing you with the essential
language skills that will empower you to excel in your academic
endeavors and beyond.

A Roadmap for Success

Divided into five units, each delves into a distinct aspect of
life and language. English Explorer takes you on a
comprehensive journey through essential topics. From
exploring family bonds to discovering the realm of technology,
each unit is crafted to enhance your language proficiency in
various contexts.

1. Family Bond: Strengthen your language foundation by

exploring themes of relationships, emotions, and
personal connections.

2. Hobby Harmony: Immerse yourself in conversations
about leisure activities, interests, and hobbies while
expanding your vocabulary and language structures.
3. Cultural Holidays: Learn about different cultures,
traditions, and celebrations while honing your reading
and writing skills through engaging exercises.
4. Sporty Vibes: Dive into sports and wellness, practicing
speaking skills as you discuss physical activities and
healthy living.
5. Technology: Embrace the digital age by enhancing your
technological vocabulary and engaging in discussions
about the ever-evolving world of innovation.

Interactive Learning Experience

Each unit is carefully structured to offer a balanced blend
of vocabulary building, reading comprehension, grammar
practice, speaking exercises, and writing tasks. These exercises
are not mere drills but opportunities to actively engage with the
language, express yourself, and reinforce your learning through
practical application.
Throughout your exploration, you will find the guidance
and resources you need to progress confidently from a beginner
to an intermediate level of English proficiency. Remember,
learning a language is not just about memorizing rules and
words—it's about embracing the process, making mistakes, and
celebrating your achievements.

Embark on Your Journey

As you turn the pages of English Explorer: Your Guide to
Language and Learning, know that you are embarking on a
transformative adventure to enhance your language skills,
broaden your horizons, and enrich your university experience.
Your dedication to mastering the English language is

commendable, and we are thrilled to be a part of your
educational journey.
Let's embark on this expedition together, where each unit
is a stepping stone toward linguistic excellence. The voyage may
have its challenges, but it is in overcoming them that proper
growth occurs. Are you ready? Let's set forth on our journey of
language discovery and academic achievement!


Jusak Patty
Author and Language Educator

Table of Contents
Preface iii

Table of Contents vii


Introduction 01
Learning Objectives 02
Brainstorming 03
Vocabulary 04
Reading 05
Grammar Focus 07
Speaking 11
Writing Time 12
Self-Reflection Checklist 13


Introduction 15
Learning Objectives 16
Ice-breaking 17
Vocabulary 18
Reading 19
Grammar Focus 22
Speaking 25
Writing Time 26
Self-Reflection Checklist 27


Introduction 29
Learning Objectives 30
Ice-breaking 31
Vocabulary 32
Reading 34
Grammar Focus 38

Speaking 40
Writing Time 41
Self-Reflection Checklist 42


Introduction 43
Learning Objectives 44
Brainstorming 45
Vocabulary 46
Reading 48
Grammar Focus 51
Speaking 54
Writing Time 55
Self-Reflection Checklist 56

Introduction 57
Learning Objectives 58
Brainstorming 59
Vocabulary 60
Reading 63
Grammar Focus 66
Speaking 69
Writing Time 70
Self-Reflection Checklist 72

References 73

Pic source:

Welcome to the "Family Bond" unit, where we delve into
the intricate relationships that shape our lives. In this unit, we
will explore the profound influence of family dynamics on
personal growth and development and hone our language skills
by delving into the Present Simple tense. Through engaging
exercises and thought-provoking discussions, we will unravel
the roles, traditions, and challenges that define families while
simultaneously mastering the art of expressing routines,
experiences, and opinions using the Present Simple tense. By the
end of this unit, you will have gained a deeper understanding of
the vital role family plays in our lives and honed your linguistic
abilities to communicate using this fundamental tense

Pic source:

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Vocabulary: Acquire and apply a diverse vocabulary
related to family dynamics, relationships, and emotional
connections, enabling effective communication about
various aspects of familial bonds.
2. Reading: Analyze and interpret texts centered around
family themes, demonstrating the ability to identify key
ideas while critically evaluating the impact of familial
relationships on the narrative.
3. Grammar: Employ the Present Simple tense accurately to
describe routines, roles, and contributions within
4. Speaking: Use the Present Simple tense in thoughtful
conversations about family dynamics.
5. Writing: Craft well-structured written composition that
highlights the role of the family in personal growth,
effectively employing the Present Simple tense to convey
ideas and insights.

2 Unit 1 – Family Bond


Create a family tree that depicts your family relationships.

Write the names of family members in the appropriate positions
and describe their roles and contributions.

Family is not an
important thing.
It’s everything.

- Michael J. Fox -
Pic source:


Exercise 1: Word Meanings

Match the words in column A with their meanings in
column B.
Words Meanings
1. Vital a. Providing care and attention to promote
2. Foundation b. Essential or crucial.
3. Nurturing c. Passing on knowledge or information.
4. Imparting d. A strong sense of togetherness.
5. Unity e. A basis or groundwork.
6. Continuity f. Uninterrupted existence or flow.
7. Strained g. Tense or difficult.

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word

Values Challenges Roles Emotional

1. Family members often have specific roles within the

household, contributing to its functionality.

2. Families provide ______________ support during times of
need, offering comfort and understanding.
3. Shared ______________ and traditions create a sense of
belonging within the family.
4. Modern life poses ______________ to maintaining strong
family bonds due to busy schedules and technology.
4 Unit 1 – Family Bond

Reading Passage:

The Importance of Family Bonds

Pic source:

Family plays a vital role in shaping our lives and

influencing our growth as individuals. It gives us a strong
support system, a sense of belonging, and a foundation for our
values and beliefs. Family connections are at the heart of our
emotional and social development, whether through blood
relations or close-knit communities.
In many cultures, the family unit consists of parents and
their children. This basic structure forms the core of society,
with each member contributing to the group's overall well-
being. Parents are responsible for nurturing and guiding their
children, imparting life lessons, and instilling important values
such as respect, empathy, and responsibility. Children, in turn,
bring joy and a sense of continuity to the family, ensuring that
traditions and customs are passed down through generations.

Moreover, families often provide emotional support
during challenging times. Family members come together to
offer comfort, encouragement, and practical assistance when
facing difficulties, such as illness, loss, or financial troubles.
These moments of unity strengthen the family bond and create
lasting memories.
Maintaining close family ties can be challenging in today's
rapidly changing world. Modern lifestyles, emphasizing
individualism and career pursuits, can sometimes lead to
strained relationships. However, it is essential to prioritize
family connections and find ways to bridge the gaps that may

Exercise 3: Comprehension Check

1. What role does family play in shaping individuals' lives?
2. What are some of the benefits that family provides?
3. How do family connections impact emotional and social
4. In terms of family structure, what does the basic family
unit consist of in many cultures?
5. What responsibilities do parents have within the family
6. What values do parents typically instill in their children?
7. How do children contribute to the family dynamic?
8. How do families offer support during challenging times?

6 Unit 1 – Family Bond

9. What are some examples of difficulties that families
provide emotional support for?
10. What challenges can modern lifestyles pose to
maintaining strong family bonds?

Exercise 4: Discussion
Discuss the following questions with a partner or write a
short paragraph about each:
1. What does the phrase "sense of belonging" mean to you
in the context of family?
2. How can families adapt to modern challenges and
maintain strong bonds?
3. Share a personal experience where your family provided
emotional support.
4. In what ways can extended family members contribute to
the overall family dynamic?
5. Why is it important to strike a balance between
individualism and family connections?


Present Simple Tense

The Present Simple tense is used to talk about actions,
situations, or states that are general, habitual, or permanent. It
often describes routines, facts, and always true things.

Positive Negative Yes/No
Subject Wh- Question
Sentence Sentence Question
I / You play do not Do What do
/ We / sports. (don't) I/you/we/they I/you/we/they
They play play sports? play?
He / plays the does not Does he/she/it What does
She / It piano. (doesn't) play the piano? he/she/it play?
play the
I / You watch do not Do What do
/ We / movies. (don't) I/you/we/they I/you/we/they
They watch watch movies? watch?
He / watches does not Does he/she/it What does
She / It TV. (doesn't) watch TV? he/she/it watch?
watch TV.

Frequency Adverbs
You can use frequency adverbs to explain how often an
action occurs. These adverbs usually come before the main verb.
Frequency Adverb Example Sentence
Always She always goes to the gym.
Usually We usually eat dinner at 7 PM.
Often They often play soccer.
Sometimes I sometimes read before bed.
Rarely He rarely watches TV.
Never She never drinks coffee.

8 Unit 1 – Family Bond

Exercise 5
Rewrite the following sentences in the Present Simple
tense, using the correct form of the verbs.
1. She (dance) salsa every Friday night.
She dances salsa every Friday night.

2. They (go) to the park on Sundays.

3. He (read) science fiction novels.

4. We (study) Spanish twice a week.

5. The cat (sleep) on the windowsill.

Exercise 6
Create negative sentences using the Present Simple tense.
1. He (watch) TV in the morning.
He does not watch TV in the morning.

2. They (eat) fast food for lunch.

3. She (play) the piano in the evening.

4. We (visit) the museum on weekends.

5. The dog (bark) at strangers.

Exercise 7
Form Yes/No questions and Wh- questions using the
Present Simple tense.
1. (You / like) to swim in the ocean?
Do You like to swim in the ocean?
Where do You like to swim?

2. (He / live) in the city?

3. (They / eat) vegetables every day?

4. (She / have) a pet dog?

5. (What / you / do) after school?

10 Unit 1 – Family Bond


Pic source:

Exercise 8: Interviewing a Classmate

Pair up with a classmate you do not know well. Take turns
interviewing each other about your families. Ask questions to
learn about family dynamics, traditions, and values. Use the
Present Simple tense to frame your questions and share

Example Questions:
1. What role does family play in your life?
2. Do you have any family traditions you'd like to share?
3. How often do you spend time together as a family?
4. Have you faced any challenges in maintaining strong
family bonds?


Exercise 9: Letter to Future Generations

Write a letter to your future descendants emphasizing the
values and traditions you want to pass down through
generations. Use the Present Simple tense to express your hopes
for the family's continued unity and preserving essential









12 Unit 1 – Family Bond


Use this checklist to reflect on your progress and learning

while working through the exercises related to family dynamics,
the Present Simple tense, speaking, and writing.

Aspect Reflection Questions Status

Did I explore family members' different roles
and contributions in the passage?
Have I discussed the importance of family
connections and emotional support?
Did I accurately identify the rules for forming
positive and negative sentences in the Present
Simple tense?
Present Have I practiced forming questions using the
Simple Tense Present Simple tense, yes/no, and Wh-
Have I used frequency adverbs to indicate how
often actions occur?
Have I participated in discussions about family
roles, traditions, and challenges using the
Present Simple tense?
Did I engage in role-playing scenarios that
allowed me to apply the Present Simple tense
in real-life situations?
Have I shared personal experiences related to
family support and balancing modern life?
Did I write paragraphs, essays, and creative
pieces discussing family traditions, dynamics,
and challenges?
Have I used the Present Simple tense to
Writing accurately convey my thoughts, observations,
and reflections in writing?
Have I explored various writing styles, such as
essays, stories, and opinion pieces, to practice
using the tense in different contexts?

Aspect Reflection Questions Status
Have I gained a deeper understanding of
family dynamics and the role of family in
personal growth?
Learning and
Did I successfully apply the Present Simple
tense in speaking and writing exercises to
describe routines, experiences, and opinions?

Note: Use this checklist as a tool for self-assessment and

reflection. Mark each aspect with a checkmark (√) once you have
reviewed and evaluated your progress. Use the "Status" column
to track your completion. Remember that learning is an ongoing
process, and this checklist can help guide your continuous

14 Unit 1 – Family Bond

Pic source:

Welcome to the captivating realm of the "Hobby Harmony"
unit, a voyage that invites us to traverse an array of compelling
interests and individual fervors. Throughout this unit, we
embark on a journey into the world of hobbies, unraveling the
intricate tapestry woven with boundless joy, untamed creativity,
and the deep satisfaction they infuse into our lives. Our
exploration will be guided by engaging exercises, thought-
provoking discussions, and reflective activities, culminating in
the revelation of the skillful equilibrium between pursuing
leisurely endeavors and nurturing personal development.

Pic source:

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary related to hobbies.
2. Reading: Enhance your reading comprehension skills
through hobby-centered texts.
3. Grammar: Master the degrees of comparison for
adjectives, enriching your grammar skills.
4. Speaking: Engage in meaningful conversations about
hobbies, expressing opinions and preferences.
5. Writing: Develop effective writing techniques while
sharing personal experiences and insights about your

16 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony


Hobby Sharing Bingo

Welcome to our "Hobby Harmony" unit! To kick things off,
we have a fun and interactive ice-breaking activity called "Hobby
Sharing Bingo." This activity is designed to help us get to know
each other's hobbies and interests in an engaging way.
1. Draw a Bingo card with hobbies in each square. Instead
of numbers, think hobbies like painting, cooking, or
playing an instrument.
2. Talk to your classmates and find someone who likes a
hobby that matches a square on your card.
3. When you find a match, ask a question about their hobby.
For example, if the hobby is "gaming," you could ask,
"What's your favorite game?"
4. If their hobby matches a square on your card, mark it. Try
to complete a row or column.
5. Keep chatting and marking until you've talked to
different classmates and filled in your card.
6. Return to your seat once you've talked to a few people
and completed a row or column.
7. Later, we will discuss what we learned and share some
fantastic hobby stories.


Exercise 1: Word Meanings

Match the words in column A with their meanings in
column B.
Words Meanings
1. Proficiency 1. A feeling of comfort or consolation in times
of distress.
2. Solace 2. A sense of friendship and mutual trust
among a group of people.
3. Respite 3. A high level of skill or expertise in a
particular area.
4. Camaraderie 4. A short period of rest or relief.
5. Tapestry 5. A complex and interconnected combination
of different elements.

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

Choose the appropriate vocabulary words from the word
bank to complete the sentences.

Tranquility Cultivation Community

1. The community of interests among hobby enthusiasts

creates a sense of unity and belonging.

2. Engaging in artistic hobbies often leads to a state of
__________, helping individuals find inner peace.
3. The __________ of a new skill requires dedication and
consistent practice.

18 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony


Reading Passage:

The Joys and Benefits of Hobbies

Pic source:

Hobbies, those cherished pastimes pursued outside of
daily obligations, encompass a vast realm of interests that
captivate and engage individuals. These leisure activities,
ranging from gardening to playing musical instruments, offer
respite from life's demands, serving as therapeutic outlets for
stress relief. Painting on canvas or assembling intricate models
grants a sense of tranquility, allowing enthusiasts to find solace
in their chosen pursuits.
Beyond their calming effects, hobbies act as vehicles for
self-expression. Writing, photography, and dance provide
mediums through which emotions and thoughts flow freely,
conveying personal narratives that words alone might struggle
to articulate. This creative expression fosters a deeper
connection with oneself and enables sharing unique
perspectives with the world.

Hobbies are more than just enjoyable diversions; they
cultivate growth and proficiency. Learning a new language,
mastering a musical instrument, or refining culinary skills
demands dedication and patience. Through these endeavors,
individuals develop discipline, perseverance, and the ability to
learn from mistakes, which extend beyond the hobby itself,
enriching various facets of life.
Additionally, hobbies foster communities and connections.
Enthusiasts convene in clubs, workshops, and online platforms,
united by their passions. These social networks provide
opportunities for knowledge exchange and forge lasting
friendships. Hobbies transcend individual interests, weaving
together a tapestry of shared experiences that enrich personal
lives and the broader cultural landscape.
In essence, hobbies embody the spirit of leisure, offering
more than just enjoyable activities. They facilitate emotional
release, nurture personal development, and foster connections
beyond individual pursuits. Engaging in hobbies is an invitation
to embrace creativity, find solace, and embark on journeys of
self-discovery and shared experience.

Exercise 3: Multiple Choice

Please read the passage carefully and choose the best
option for each question.
1. What is the primary purpose of hobbies in people's lives?

20 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony

a. To generate income
b. To fulfill daily obligations
c. To provide relaxation and self-expression
d. To enhance work-related skills
2. How do hobbies contribute to stress relief?
a. By adding more tasks to daily life
b. By engaging in physically demanding activities
c. By providing a therapeutic outlet
d. By increasing social interactions
3. Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned as a
form of self-expression in hobbies?
a. Writing
b. Gardening
c. Photography
d. Dance

Exercise 4: True or False

Please read the following statements and determine
whether they are true or false based on the passage.
Hobbies only provide an escape from stress and have
__ no other benefits.
Engaging in hobbies like writing can help individuals
__ communicate their emotions effectively.
Learning a new skill through a hobby has no impact
__ on personal growth.

Hobbies only connect individuals with similar
__ interests locally.
Hobbies play a role in preserving traditional forms of
__ art and craftsmanship.

Exercise 5: Short Answer

Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.
1. How do hobbies contribute to personal growth and skill
2. Besides relaxation, what are some of the benefits of
engaging in hobbies?
3. How do hobbies foster social connections and
4. Explain the role of hobbies in creative expression.
5. Why is the pursuit of hobbies considered an enriching


Degree of Comparison for Adjectives

In English, adjectives can express different degrees of
comparison to compare the qualities of different objects or
people. There are three degrees of comparison for adjectives:
positive, comparative, and superlative. Understanding how to
form and use these degrees is crucial for effective
communication and clear expression.

22 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony

Degree Formation Examples
Positive Adjective The cat is small.
-er (short adjectives),
Comparative The cat is smaller than the dog.
more (long adjectives)
-est (short adjectives), The elephant is the largest
most (long adjectives) animal.
This is the best movie I've ever
Irregular Good - Better - Best
Forms Bad - Worse - Worst
A tattler is worse than a thief.

Exercise 6
Choose the correct form of the adjective (comparative or
superlative) to complete each sentence.
1. This river is (wider/ widest) than the one we crossed
2. Lisa sang the (beautiful/ most beautiful) song among
all the contestants.
3. My brother's room is (messy / messier) than mine.
4. The (bad / worse) part of the movie was the ending.
5. The weather today is (hot / hotter) than yesterday.

Exercise 7: Rewriting Sentences in Comparative Degree

Rewrite the following sentences using the comparative
degree of the given adjective.
1. The book is interesting.
The book is more interesting than others I've read.

2. Her painting is creative.

3. The dog is friendly.

4. The movie was entertaining.

5. The city is crowded.

Exercise 8: Superlative Degree and Irregular Forms

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of the
1. This is the (worse/worst) weather we've had all year.
2. Among all the students, Maria is the (smarter/smartest)
in the class.
3. The (better/best) part of the day was getting the job.
4. This hotel has the (more comfortable / most
comfortable) beds in the city.

24 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony


Exercise 9: Hobby Swap

In this exercise, you'll imagine you're trying out a new
hobby your partner is passionate about. Role-play a
conversation where you discuss your experiences and feelings
about the new hobby.
1. Choose an unfamiliar hobby, and have your partner do
the same.
2. Role-play a conversation where each of you talks about
your experiences trying out the other person's hobby.
3. Share what you found interesting or challenging about
the new hobby.
4. Express your thoughts on whether you'd continue
pursuing the new hobby or stick to your original
Person A : Hey, today I decided to try out your hobby of
gardening. It was quite an experience! I planted
some flowers and did some weeding.
Person B : That's awesome, Person A! Gardening can be
therapeutic. I tried painting today, and I have to
admit it's more challenging than I thought. Mixing
colors is not as easy as it seems.
Person A : I agree. Gardening was calming, but remembering all
those painting techniques was overwhelming. I think
I'll stick to my guitar and let you take care of the


Exercise 10: Exploring a New Hobby

Imagine trying out a new hobby you've never considered
before. Write a journal entry (around 100-150 words)
describing your experience with the new hobby. Include the
following details:
1. Introduce the new hobby you decided to explore.
2. Describe your initial thoughts and feelings about trying
out this hobby.
3. Narrate your experience as you engaged in the activities
associated with the new hobby.
4. Reflect on what you enjoyed or found challenging about
the experience.
5. Conclude by expressing whether you'd consider
continuing with this hobby and why.

26 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony

Pic source:


The checklist below is a structured self-assessment tool

designed to gauge your progress across various language
aspects – vocabulary, reading, grammar, speaking, and writing.
By reflecting on each activity and marking your status, you can
track your learning journey and identify areas that require
further attention and improvement.

Activity Reflection Questions Status

Did I understand the meanings of the words
used in the exercises?
Vocabulary Could I correctly match words with their
Exercises definitions or forms?
Did I grasp the usage of new vocabulary in
Did I comprehend the main ideas and details
from the reading passages?
Comprehension Could I answer the questions accurately based
Exercises on the given text?
Did I identify essential vocabulary and phrases
used in the reading material?
Did I understand the rules and concepts
Grammar presented for each grammar point?
Could I accurately complete the grammar
Materials and
Did I recognize and apply irregular forms and
usage patterns?
Was I able to discuss hobbies with a partner
Speaking using the given prompts?
Exercises Could I express my opinions and ask questions
during the role-play?

Activity Reflection Questions Status
Did I actively listen to my partner's responses
and engage in conversation?
Could I successfully complete the writing tasks
using the given prompts?
Writing Did I organize my writing coherently and
Exercises express my thoughts clearly?
Did I use correct grammar and vocabulary
while writing?

Note: Use the "Status" column to mark your progress for each
aspect and update it as you complete or continue working on
each activity.

28 Unit 2 – Hobby Harmony

Pic source:

Explore the world of " Cultural Holidays," where we delve
into cultural celebrations, traditions, and escapes that bring us
joy. In this unit, we'll uncover diverse ways people worldwide
connect through occasions like Diwali's lights, Thanksgiving
gatherings, Carnival parades, and Hanukkah rituals. Join us to
learn about stories, customs, and meanings behind these events,
improving vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, conversation,
and writing. Let's journey through the captivating tapestry of
"Cultural Holidays."

Pic source:

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Vocabulary: Expand your holiday-related vocabulary,
including cultural terms, festive expressions, and
holiday-specific words.
2. Reading: Comprehend and analyze texts related to
various holidays, identifying main ideas, cultural
nuances, and contextual details.
3. Grammar: Practice using prepositions to describe
holiday activities and traditions accurately.
4. Speaking: Engage in conversations and participate in
role-plays simulating holiday scenarios.
5. Writing: Create descriptive and expressive written
pieces, like holiday postcards, showcasing your
understanding of diverse traditions and celebrations.

30 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays


"Holiday Fact or Fiction"

This interactive activity prepares you to break the ice and
discover unique holiday experiences!

1. Prepare Statements: Think of two factual statements and
one fictional statement related to holidays. For example:
• "I've celebrated Diwali with my family."
• "I once attended a Thanksgiving parade."
• "I rode a reindeer at a winter festival."
2. Introduce Yourself: When it's your turn, introduce
yourself and share your three statements, including the
fictional one. Remember, keep the group guessing which
one is not true!
3. Guess the Fiction: After you share, the rest of the group
will take turns guessing which statement they believe is
4. Reveal and Share: Finally, reveal which statement was
fictional and share stories behind the two factual
5. Rotate: Keep the activity going until everyone has had a
chance to share and guess.


Exercise 1: Word Meanings

Match the words in column A with their meanings in
column B.
Words Meanings
1. Diwali a. A Jewish festival lasting eight days,
commemorating the miracle of the oil in
the Temple.
2. Thanksgiving b. A Hindu festival of lights symbolizes light's
victory over darkness and good over evil.
3. Carnival c. An Islamic holiday celebrating the end of
Ramadan, marked by feasting and
communal prayers.
4. Hanukkah d. A festive season before Lent featuring
parades, masquerades, and vibrant
5. Eid al-Fitr e. A North American holiday focusing on
gratitude and a large family meal, usually
involving turkey.

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

Choose the appropriate vocabulary words from the word
bank to complete the sentences.

Tradition Festive Cultural Commemorate

1. People dress in colorful costumes during the festive

parade and dance through the streets.

32 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays

2. The _______________ of exchanging gifts is an integral part of
many holidays around the world.
3. Families often gather to _______________ the lives of their
ancestors during special ceremonies.
4. Different countries have their own unique _______________
holidays that reflect their heritage.
5. The _______________ foods and decorations create a joyful
atmosphere during the celebrations.

Exercise 3: Synonyms and Antonyms

For each holiday-related word, find a synonym and an
Words Synonym Antonym
Pic source:


Reading Passage:

Holiday Traditions Around the World

Pic source:

When it comes to holidays, the world is a tapestry woven
with diverse cultural threads, each representing unique
traditions and customs that bring people together in celebration.
Let's take a journey around the globe and explore the
heartwarming traditions of Diwali, Thanksgiving, Carnival,
Hanukkah, and Eid al-Fitr.
In India, the Festival of Lights, Diwali, illuminates the night
skies and hearts of millions. Families gather to exchange gifts,
decorate their homes with radiant lights, and indulge in
delicious sweets. This festive occasion signifies the victory of
light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil.
In the United States, the fourth Thursday of November
marks Thanksgiving, a time of gratitude and togetherness.
Families and friends come together for a feast, with the
centerpiece often being a roasted turkey. This tradition stems

34 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays

from the Pilgrims' first harvest feast, which serves as a reminder
to appreciate life's blessings.
Moving to the vibrant streets of Brazil, we find the
exuberant Carnival. Just before the solemn season of Lent,
Carnival ignites a frenzy of color, dance, and music. People don
elaborate costumes, participate in lively parades, and enjoy the
spirit of unity that permeates the air. This joyful celebration
allows people to express themselves freely before the
introspective period of Lent.
In the Jewish tradition, Hanukkah is a time of light and
remembrance. Families light the menorah, adding a candle each
night for eight nights. This commemoration recalls the miracle
of the oil that burned for eight days, highlighting the theme of
hope and perseverance.
Muslims worldwide observe Eid al-Fitr, a joy festival
marking Ramadan's end. After a month of fasting, families come
together to share a meal and give to those in need. This cultural
celebration emphasizes unity, charity, and gratitude.
These holiday traditions remind us of the rich tapestry of
humanity's shared experiences. Each tradition adds a unique
thread to the fabric of our global community, showcasing the
power of diversity in bringing people closer together. As we
celebrate these holidays, we embrace the values of unity,
gratitude, and the warmth of human connection.

Exercise 4: Main Idea and Supporting Details
Read the passage about "Holiday Traditions Around the
World" and answer the following questions:
1. What is the main theme of the passage?
2. Which holiday involves lighting a menorah and
commemorating a miracle?
3. How is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States?
4. Describe the significance of Diwali in India.
5. How does Carnival differ from other holidays
mentioned in the passage?

Exercise 5: True or False

Please read the following statements and determine
whether they are true or false based on the passage.
Diwali is celebrated by exchanging gifts and lighting
__ fireworks.
In the United States, Thanksgiving is a solemn holiday
__ marked by fasting.
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that emphasizes unity
__ and charity.
Carnival is celebrated in Brazil before the period of
__ Lent and involves vibrant parades.
Eid al-Fitr is a celebration that takes place during
__ Ramadan.

36 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays

Exercise 6: Contextual Details
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words based on the
1. In India, families come together to celebrate Diwali, also
known as the Festival of Lights, by exchanging gifts and
adorning their homes with _______________.
2. Thanksgiving in the United States is a time of expressing
_______________ and enjoying a hearty feast with loved ones.
3. During Carnival in Brazil, people wear elaborate
costumes and take part in vibrant _______________ to
celebrate before the period of Lent.
4. Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday where families light a
_______________ each night to remember the miracle of the
5. Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid al-Fitr by sharing a
meal and engaging in _______________ to demonstrate unity
and generosity.

Exercise 7: Critical Thinking

1. Compare and contrast the themes of unity in Carnival and
Eid al-Fitr.
2. How do the holidays mentioned in the passage reflect
cultural diversity?
3. Why do you think lighting candles is a common symbol
on Diwali and Hanukkah?

4. Discuss the significance of gratitude in Thanksgiving and
its impact on people's lives.
5. Imagine you are a traveler experiencing one of these
holidays for the first time. Which holiday would you
choose to participate in, and why?


Prepositions are essential words that help us describe
relationships between different elements in a sentence. They
provide information about time, place, direction, location,
possession, relationships, and purpose. Here's a brief
explanation of each type of preposition:
Examples in
Type Examples
He has a dentist
Time at, in, on
appointment at 2 PM.
in, on, at, under, over, between, The cat is hiding
behind under the table.
to, into, onto, through, across, She walked to the
towards park with her dog.
The hotel is next to
Location at, in, on, by, next to, beside
the shopping mall.
of, 's (apostrophe s), with, That book is hers, not
without mine.
They had a heated
about, between, among, along,
Relationship argument about
around, against
I need a wrench to fix
Purpose for, to, with, as
the leaky faucet.

38 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays

Exercise 8: Fill in the Blanks
Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence.
1. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
2. They went for a walk ___________ the beach.
3. The meeting is scheduled ___________ 10 AM.
4. She placed her keys ___________ the table.
5. The children are playing ___________ the playground.
6. The book is ___________ the shelf, right next to the vase.
7. They climbed ___________ the mountain to reach the
8. The bakery is located ___________ the corner of the street.
9. He is traveling ___________ Europe to explore different
10. The cat jumped ___________ the fence and ran into the

Exercise 9: Sentence Correction

Identify and correct the preposition errors in the following
1. She's allergic on to cats.
2. The dog is lying under of the table.
3. The event is taking place in the 12th of September.
4. They walked towards the forest.
5. I need to buy some groceries for the dinner tonight.


Exercise 10: Hosting a Holiday Gathering

Imagine you are hosting a holiday gathering. Describe the
preparations, location, and activities you have planned. Invite
your partner to the event using appropriate prepositions and

Pic source:

40 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays


Exercise 11: Holiday Postcard

Imagine you are on vacation during a holiday celebration.
Write a postcard to a friend or family member describing your
experiences. Include details about the location, the people
you've met, the food you've tried, and the activities you've
participated in. Use prepositions to indicate places and


The checklist below is a structured self-assessment tool

designed to gauge your progress across various language
aspects – vocabulary, reading, grammar, speaking, and writing.
By reflecting on each activity and marking your status, you can
track your learning journey and identify areas that require
further attention and improvement.

Reflection Questions Status
Did I understand and use the new vocabulary
introduced in the exercises?
Did I apply the vocabulary in sentences and
Did I comprehend the reading passages and
answer related questions?
Could I identify the main ideas, cultural nuances,
and contextual details?
Did I practice using prepositions and other
grammar concepts correctly?
Did I understand how prepositions work in
different contexts?
Did I participate in speaking exercises, using
vocabulary and prepositions?
Could I express myself clearly while discussing
holiday-related topics?
Did I complete writing exercises, applying
prepositions and vocabulary?
Could I effectively convey ideas and information
in writing tasks?

Note: Use the "Status" column to mark your progress for each
aspect and update it as you complete or continue working on
each activity.

42 Unit 3 – Cultural Holidays

Pic source:

Discover the exciting world of "Sporty Vibes" in this
section. We'll explore the energetic realm of physical skill,
teamwork, and rivalry. From the cheers of crowds in stadiums
to the determination of individual athletes, we'll look at the
many aspects that make sports important in our lives. Through
fascinating stories and thought-provoking articles, you'll learn
new sports-related words and understand sports' cultural and
global impact. This section will explore the rules, strategies, and
histories shaping different sports. Whether you're a big sports
fan or just curious, join us to see how sports go beyond the
playing field and become a symbol of life itself.

Pic source:

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Vocabulary: Understand and employ a diverse range of
sports-related vocabulary.
2. Reading: Analyze and comprehend articles and
narratives about various sports, identifying main ideas,
supporting details, and authorial perspectives.
3. Grammar: Apply appropriate verb tenses, prepositions,
and sentence structures when discussing sports events,
describing gameplay, and expressing opinions.
4. Speaking: Engage in conversations about sports,
articulate personal preferences and debates related to
sports-related topics.
5. Writing: Craft well-structured essays or opinion pieces
on sports, demonstrating coherent arguments, critical
thinking, and the ability to convey emotions and ideas

44 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes


What's Your Sports Story?

Before delving into the exciting world of sports, take a
moment to reflect on your personal experiences and
connections with sports. In the space below, jot down any
memories, feelings, or anecdotes related to sports that come to
mind. It could be a childhood soccer match, a memorable
moment watching a championship game, or even a sports-
related dream. Don't worry about grammar or structure – this is
a freeform brainstorming activity. Once you've captured your
thoughts, we'll use them as a starting point to explore the
broader theme of "Sports" in this unit. Ready to begin? Let your
memories flow!


Exercise 1: Match the Sports

Match each sport on the left with its corresponding
description on the right. Write the letter of the correct
description next to the sport.
Words Meanings
1. Soccer (a) a. A team sport played on a rectangular field
with a ball and goals, requiring players to
use their feet to score.
2. Basketball b. A water sport where athletes compete by
swimming various strokes in a pool.
3. Tennis c. A sport played on a court with a net, using
rackets to hit a ball over the net.
4. Swimming d. A precision sport played on a course where
players aim to hit a ball into a series of holes
using the fewest strokes.
5. Golf e. A fast-paced game on a court involves
bouncing and passing a ball to score in a

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

Choose the appropriate vocabulary words from the word
bank to complete the sentences.

Gymnastics Tie Shot Javelin Tennis

1. In track and field, athletes compete in various events such

as sprinting, long jump, and javelin.

46 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes

2. The baseball player hit a powerful __________ that sailed
over the outfield fence for a home run.
3. The gymnast displayed incredible __________ as she
performed a series of flips and twists on the balance
4. The soccer match ended in a 2-2 __________, with both
teams scoring an equal number of goals.
5. He has been practicing his __________ skills diligently,
aiming to perfect his serve and volley techniques in

Exercise 3: Synonyms and Antonyms

For each sports-related word, find a synonym and an
Words Synonym Antonym


Reading Passage:

Explore the World of Sports

Pic source:

Sports are a fantastic way to have fun and stay active.

There are so many different sports to enjoy, each with unique
features. Let's take a closer look at a few popular sports!
Soccer is a game where teams try to score goals by kicking
a ball into the opposing team's net. Players run around the field,
showing off their quick moves and trying to make incredible
goals. It's played all around the world and brings people
If you prefer a slower pace, you might like golf. Golf is about
hitting a little ball into a series of holes using as few hits as
possible. It takes patience and skill to get the ball where you
want, avoiding sand traps called bunkers and other obstacles.

48 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes

Tennis is where players use rackets to hit a ball over a net.
It's like a friendly battle on the court. You need to be quick and
have good technique to win points. It's a bit like playing chess
with a ball!
When it's time to cool off, swimming is a great choice.
Swimmers glide through the water, trying to be the fastest. It's
not just about speed, though – swimmers must also use the
proper techniques to move efficiently.
No matter the sport, there are highs and lows. Winning
brings incredible happiness while losing can be tough. But
remember, sports are about having fun, making friends, and
learning new things. So whether you're a soccer superstar, a golf
guru, a tennis whiz, or a swimming champion, get out there and
enjoy the wonderful world of sports!

Exercise 4: Comprehension Questions

Read the passage "Explore the World of Sports" and
answer the following questions.
1. What is the main purpose of playing soccer?
2. How is golf different from soccer in terms of pace?
3. What equipment do players use in tennis?
4. What skills are essential for success in tennis?
5. What makes swimming a unique sport?
6. How do athletes feel when they win in sports?
7. What is the overall message of the passage?

Exercise 5: True or False
Please read the following statements and determine
whether they are true or false based on the passage.
1. __ Soccer is played with a bat and a ball.
Golfers aim to hit the ball into as many holes as
__ possible.
3. __ Tennis players use rackets to hit a ball over a net.
4. __ Winning in sports can make athletes feel very happy.
Swimmers don't need any specific techniques to swim
__ well.

Exercise 6: Fill in the Blanks

Read the passage "Explore the World of Sports" and
complete the sentences with the correct words from the passage.
1. In golf, players need to show __________ and skill to
navigate the course and avoid obstacles like bunkers.
2. Tennis is a game played with rackets and a ball, where
players need to use good __________ to hit the ball over the
3. Swimming is a sport where swimmers move gracefully
through the water, using specific __________ to glide
4. Athletes often feel a sense of __________ when they win in
sports, knowing that their hard work has paid off.

50 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes


Modal verbs are a particular group of verbs that work
alongside the main verb to express various shades of meaning,
such as possibility, necessity, ability, permission, and more. They
add depth and nuance to a sentence by indicating the speaker's
attitude or the likelihood of an action. Modal verbs do not change
their form based on the subject or tense; they remain the same
regardless of the subject or time.

Meaning and Usage Examples
Ability or capacity She can swim very well.
Permission Can I borrow your pen?
Permission May I use the restroom?
May Possibility It may rain later today.
Polite request or suggestion May I suggest an idea?
I must finish this report by
Must Strong necessity or obligation
You should study for the
Advice or recommendation
Should upcoming exam.
Probability or prediction It should stop raining soon.
I might attend the meeting,
Possibility or permission
Might depending on my schedule.
Suggestion or polite request Might I ask for your opinion?
She could solve complex math
Possibility or ability
problems at a young age.
Could you please pass me the
Polite request or suggestion
Would you mind closing the
Would Polite request or offering

Meaning and Usage Examples
When he was younger, he
Past habit or willingness
would visit his grandparents.
Shall we go for a walk after
Suggestion or offer (formal)
We shall arrive at the
Future prediction (formal)
destination by noon.
Future prediction or intention She will be here at 5 PM.
Will I will help you with your
Willingness or offering

Exercise 7: Complete the Sentences

Complete the sentences using the appropriate modal verb
from the list: can, must, should, will.
1. You should bring an umbrella, as it looks like it will rain.
2. I'm not sure if I __________ attend the party, it depends on
my schedule.
3. Students __________ complete their assignments before the
4. He is talented; he __________ play multiple musical
5. If you study hard, you __________ perform well in the exam.
6. We __________ start the project as soon as possible to meet
the deadline.

52 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes

Exercise 8: Rewrite the Sentences
Rewrite the following sentences using a modal verb that
fits the context.
1. It is possible that the movie will start late.
The movie might start late.

2. You are allowed to use your phone during the break.

3. It is essential for her to practice the piano regularly.

4. She might come to the party if her work finishes early.

5. He has the ability to speak five languages fluently.

6. I am willing to help you with your project.

7. They usually go for a jog in the morning.

8. It's necessary for you to complete the assignment before

the deadline.


Exercise 9: Sports Discussions

Engage in a group discussion about different sports and
share your opinions and experiences.
1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Each group should choose a facilitator to guide the
discussion and a recorder to take notes.
3. Use the following prompts to guide your discussion.
Feel free to ask follow-up questions and share personal
Discussion Prompts:
• Share your thoughts on the importance of sports for
physical and mental well-being.
• In your opinion, which sport requires the most skill and
technique? Why?
• Do you think sports play a role in building teamwork and
communication skills? Share examples.
• Discuss the cultural significance of sports in your country
or region.
• Share any challenges you faced while learning or playing
a sport. How did you overcome them?
• How do sports contribute to a sense of community and
social interaction?

54 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes


Exercise 10: Descriptive Paragraph

Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite sports
moment or event.
Instructions: Describe a specific sports moment or event that
holds special significance for you. Use vivid language and
sensory details to bring the scene to life. Incorporate modal
verbs to express your emotions and thoughts about the


This self-learning reflection checklist is designed to help

you assess your progress and understanding in various aspects
of learning, including vocabulary, reading, grammar, speaking,
and writing. Use this checklist to guide your self-reflection and
identify areas for improvement in your language skills.

Reflection Questions Status
Did I effectively use new vocabulary words from
Vocabulary the exercises?
Did I understand the meanings of the vocabulary
words in context?
Did I comprehend the main ideas and details
Reading from the reading exercises?
Did I identify key vocabulary words while
reading and understand their usage?
Did I apply the correct grammar rules and
Grammar structures in the exercises?
Did I use modal verbs appropriately to convey
different meanings?
Did I actively participate in speaking exercises
Speaking and discussions?
Did I express my opinions and ideas using modal
Did I effectively incorporate modal verbs in my
Writing writing exercises?
Did I showcase my ability to use modal verbs in
different writing genres (essay, story, letter)?

Note: Use the "Status" column to mark your progress for each
aspect and update it as you complete or continue working on
each activity.

56 Unit 4 – Sporty Vibes

Pic source:

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern world,
technology has become indispensable, shaping our lives in ways
we could scarcely imagine a few decades ago. This unit delves
into the fascinating realm of technology, exploring its profound
impact on society, communication, and daily existence. From the
marvels of artificial intelligence to the intricate world of coding,
we will navigate the complex web of technological advancement,
examining its benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations.
Through engaging readings and thought-provoking discussions,
we will unravel the nuances of this digital age, enhancing our
language skills while gaining insights into the dynamic interplay
between innovation and human progress.

Pic source:

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Vocabulary: Acquire and employ a range of technology-
related vocabulary to discuss various aspects of
innovation and digital transformation.
2. Reading: Analyze and comprehend complex technology-
related texts, identifying main ideas, supporting details,
and underlying implications.
3. Grammar: Utilize appropriate grammatical structures to
express concepts, ideas, and opinions concerning
technology and its effects on society.
4. Speaking: Engage in meaningful conversations about
technology on its merits and drawbacks.
5. Writing: Produce coherent and well-structured written
pieces, addressing technological advancements and their
broader consequences while effectively communicating
viewpoints and arguments.

58 Unit 5 – Technology

Exploring Technological Wonders

Before diving into the exciting world of technology, let's
activate our prior knowledge and creativity with a
brainstorming session. In your notebooks or on paper, write
down as many technological devices, inventions, or concepts as
possible within the next five minutes. Don't worry about
organizing them –jot down whatever comes to mind. These
could be everyday gadgets, futuristic ideas, or even historical
breakthroughs. Ready? Set your timer and begin brainstorming!
Remember, brainstorming has no right or wrong answers – it's
all about generating ideas.


Exercise 1: Word Associations

Match each technology-related term from Column A with
its corresponding definition from Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Artificial Intelligence a. Program or sequence of instructions
that carries out tasks automatically.
2. Algorithm b. The use of tiny particles for
technological applications.
3. Automation c. The ability of a machine or computer
program to learn and think.
4. Cybersecurity d. The process of converting
information into a digital format.
5. Digitalization e. Measures taken to protect computer
systems and networks from attacks or
unauthorized access.
6. Computer Science f. The introduction of new ideas,
methods, or products.
7. Innovation g. Branch of technology dealing with the
design and use of computers.
8. Virtual Reality h. The unique physical or behavioral
characteristics used for identification.
9. Nanotechnology i. A set of step-by-step instructions to
solve a problem or perform a task.
10. Biometrics j. Technology that creates a computer-
generated environment simulating
real-world experiences.

60 Unit 5 – Technology
Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate technology-related
vocabulary words from the word bank.
Coding Breakthrough Biometric Innovation Digital
Interconnected Communication Robotics Wireless Algorithm

1. The digital age has transformed how we share

information and connect with others around the globe.
2. The field of __________ has led to remarkable advancements
in automation and artificial intelligence.
3. In the realm of __________, researchers have made a
significant __________ by creating a robot that mimics
human movements with astonishing accuracy.
4. As technology becomes more __________, the need for
robust __________ measures to protect sensitive data has
5. The development of sophisticated __________ has paved the
way for safer and more efficient security systems that
utilize unique human traits for identification.
6. The rapid __________ of various devices and systems has led
to an __________ world where everything seems to be
7. Learning __________ languages such as Python or Java is
essential for anyone interested in software __________ and
app development.

8. __________ reality is an emerging field that immerses users
in computer-generated environments, creating a sense of
presence and interaction.
9. __________ is at the heart of technological progress, driving
us to seek new solutions to old problems constantly.
10. A/an __________ is a step-by-step set of instructions that
guides computers in problem-solving or decision-making

Exercise 3: Synonyms and Antonyms

For each technology-related term, provide a synonym and
an antonym.
Words Synonym Antonym

62 Unit 5 – Technology

Reading Passage:

Tech Transformations

Pic source:

Technology has become integral to our lives in today's

rapidly changing world. From the moment we wake up to the
time we go to bed, we are surrounded by the wonders of
digitalization. Our smartphones, smartwatches, and coffee
makers are all connected through the interconnected web of the
Internet of Things (IoT). This innovation has transformed how
we communicate, work, and relax.
One of the most intriguing developments in recent years is
the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). This branch of computer
science focuses on creating machines that simulate human
thinking and learning processes. Automation powered by AI is
revolutionizing industries, with devices capable of executing
tasks without human intervention. Algorithms, which are step-

by-step instructions, lie at the heart of this coding marvel.
However, as technology advances, the need for robust
cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information has
become paramount. The complexity of modern technology
brings both opportunities and challenges.
As we enter the digital age, virtual reality is reshaping our
experiences. This breakthrough technology immerses users in
lifelike computer-generated environments, blurring the line
between the real and the virtual. Moreover, the world of
nanotechnology is making strides in the medical field, where
tiny particles are used for targeted drug delivery, illustrating the
potential of this innovative approach. Alongside these
advancements, biometrics has emerged as a fascinating field,
utilizing unique physical and behavioral traits for identification,
adding an extra layer of security to our devices.
In conclusion, the ever-evolving landscape of technology
continues to captivate our imaginations. From the intricate
world of algorithms and AI-driven automation to the immersive
experiences offered by virtual reality, our world is shaped by
ongoing innovation. However, as we revel in these marvels, we
must also remain vigilant about cybersecurity and the ethical
implications of our technological leaps. As society embraces
these changes, the future promises to be a captivating blend of
human ingenuity and digital advancement.

64 Unit 5 – Technology
Exercise 4: Comprehension Questions
Read the passage carefully and answer the following
1. How has technology impacted our daily lives, according
to the passage?
2. What does the term "digitalization" refer to in the context
of the passage?
3. What is the Internet of Things (IoT), and how does it
connect various devices?
4. Explain the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in
modern times.
5. How are algorithms and coding related to AI?
6. What challenges does the complexity of modern
technology bring?

Exercise 5: True or False

Please read the following statements and determine
whether they are true or false based on the passage.
Technology has not significantly impacted our lives in
__ today's rapidly changing world.
Virtual reality technology is making strides in the field
__ of nanotechnology.
Algorithms are used for targeted drug delivery in the
__ medical field.

The complexity of modern technology only brings
__ opportunities, not challenges.
Artificial intelligence (AI) focuses solely on creating
__ machines with physical capabilities.
Cybersecurity measures are essential to protect
__ sensitive information as technology advances.


Gerunds and Infinitives

Gerunds refer to verbs that end in -ing and function as
nouns in a sentence. They are used to indicate an action or state
of being. On the other hand, infinitives, with "to" before the verb,
are also used as nouns but can also function as adjectives,
adverbs, or the base form of a verb. They are used to express
purpose, intention, or anticipated action. Both gerunds and
infinitives can be used as subjects, objects, or complements in
sentences, and their usage depends on the context and meaning
Gerunds Infinitives
➢ Verbs ending in "-ing."
➢ Base form of a verb with "to."
➢ Used as subjects, objects
➢ Used after certain verbs
➢ Often sound natural as
➢ Express purpose of an action
Examples Examples
• - She wants to study abroad.
• Running is good exercise.
• - He likes to run in the park.
• She enjoys swimming.
• - She went to the gym to work out.
• He is interested in gaming.
• - They plan to visit the museum.

66 Unit 5 – Technology
Exercise 6: Gerunds and Infinitives
Choose the correct form (gerund or infinitive) for each
1. She enjoys (to read / reading) mystery novels on
2. I plan (to visit / visiting) my grandparents next week.
3. He used to hate (to get / getting) up early in the morning.
4. They decided (going / to go) for a hike in the mountains.
5. She needs (buying / to buy) some groceries for tonight's
6. He hopes (passing / to pass) his driving test on the first
7. We love (watching / watching) movies at the cinema.
8. She offered (helping / to help) her friend with the math
9. The teacher told us (not talking / not to talk) during the
10. He couldn't wait (graduating / to graduate) and start
his new job.

Exercise 7: Complete the Sentences

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form (gerund or
1. She enjoys (paint) painting as a hobby.
2. They decided (travel) to Europe next summer.

3. I can't stand (wait) in long lines.
4. He agreed (help) his brother with the move.
5. She promised (call) as soon as she got home.
6. We used to love (play) soccer in the park.
7. He needs (study) harder for the upcoming exams.
8. They avoid (eat) fast food for health reasons.
9. She hopes (find) a job in her field of interest.
10. The coach encouraged us (practice) every day to

Exercise 8: Gerunds or Infinitives in Context

Read the following text and choose the correct form
(gerund or infinitive) for each gap.

Technology has changed the way we live and work. Many

people enjoy (use) using smartphones and computers daily, while
others prefer (read) books or (watch) movies. People have also
become more conscious about (protect) their online privacy and
(avoid) sharing sensitive information. Companies have started
(invest) in artificial intelligence (AI) to improve customer service
and increase efficiency. In the future, we can expect technology
(continue) (evolve) and (shape) the world around us.

68 Unit 5 – Technology

Exercise 9: Tech Impact and Ethical Considerations

Engage in a discussion about the impact of technology on
society and explore ethical considerations related to its use.
1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
2. Each group will discuss the following questions and share
their insights.
3. Allocate 15-20 minutes for the discussion.
4. After the discussion, groups can share their critical points
with the class.
Discussion Prompts:
• How has technology transformed the way we
communicate and interact with each other?
• What are some positive effects of technological
• Discuss potential negative consequences of technology.
How can individuals mitigate these issues?
• In what ways has artificial intelligence (AI) impacted
industries? Do you think AI will have a more significant
role in the future?
• Ethical considerations are crucial when developing and
using technology. Share your thoughts on ethical
challenges posed by AI, data collection, and surveillance

Exercise 10: Exploring Technology's Role in Society

Objective: Develop a well-structured essay that explores
the impact of technology on society, discussing its positive and
negative effects.

1. Choose one of the following essay prompts.

2. Plan and write a 400-500 word essay that addresses the
chosen prompt.
3. Focus on presenting a clear introduction, body
paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion.
4. Review and revise your essay for clarity, coherence, and
proper grammar.

Essay Prompts:

• Prompt A: Discuss how technology has transformed how

people communicate and interact. Consider the benefits
and drawbacks of this transformation, and share your
perspective on whether the overall impact has been
positive or negative.
• Prompt B: Analyze the influence of technology on
education. Explore how digital learning platforms, online
courses, and educational apps have reshaped traditional

70 Unit 5 – Technology
learning methods. Discuss both the advantages and
potential challenges of technology in education.
• Prompt C: Examine the ethical considerations
surrounding using artificial intelligence (AI) in various
industries. Describe real-world applications of AI, such as
automation and data analysis. Discuss AI's ethical
dilemmas and propose strategies to ensure responsible
and ethical AI development and implementation.
• Prompt D: Reflect on the concept of a "smart city" and
technology integration in urban environments. Discuss
the potential benefits of smart technologies in
transportation, energy efficiency, and waste
management. Address any concerns or potential
downsides of transforming cities into smart ecosystems.


This self-learning reflection checklist is designed to help

you assess your progress and understanding in various aspects
of learning, including vocabulary, reading, grammar, speaking,
and writing. Use this checklist to guide your self-reflection and
identify areas for improvement in your language skills.

Reflection Questions Status
Did I complete the vocabulary exercises?
Can I use the new vocabulary words in sentences
or discussions?
Did I read and understand the provided reading
Reading Can I identify the main ideas and supporting
details in the text?
Did I correctly answer the comprehension
questions related to the reading?
Did I complete the grammar exercises on
Grammar gerunds and infinitives?
Can I differentiate between gerunds and
infinitives in sentences?
Did I actively participate in the speaking exercise
Speaking about technology's impact?
Did I contribute meaningful ideas and engage in
discussion with others?
Did I complete the writing exercise on exploring
Writing technology's impact on society?
Did I address the prompt with a well-structured
essay containing relevant points?

Note: Use the "Status" column to mark your progress for each
aspect and update it as you complete or continue working on
each activity.

72 Unit 5 – Technology

Adelson-Goldstein, J., & Shapiro, N. (2008). Oxford English

picture dictionary. Oxford University Press.
Cornog, M. W. (2010). Merriam-Webster's vocabulary builder.
Crichton, J., & Koster, P. (2015). English made easy volume one:
A new ESL Approach: Learning English through pictures.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
DK. (2016). English for everyone: Coursebook level 1 beginner. DK.
Jones, L. (2004). Cambridge English for beginners: Student's book.
Cambridge University Press.
Matthiesen, S. J. (2007). Essential words for the TOEFL. Barron's
Educational Series.
Molinsky, S. J., & Bliss, B. (2003). Side by side: Student book 1.
Pearson Education.
Murphy, R. (2019). English grammar in use. Cambridge
University Press.
Nakata, R., Frazier, K., & Hoskins, B. (2012). Let's go 1: Student
book with audio CD pack. Oxford University Press.
O'Dell, F., & McCarthy, M. (2017). English idioms in use.
Cambridge University Press.


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