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PATINIO, Christian Shakobe B.


Christmas Activity
Love is the genuine meaning of Christmas. According to John
3:16-17, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the
world, but to save the world through him." The true Christmas story is
about God becoming a human being in the person of Jesus Christ.
Why would God do something like this? Because He cares about us!
Why was Christmas required? Because we really needed a Saviour!
Why does God care so much about us? Because He is the
embodiment of love (1 John 4:8). Why do we have Christmas every
year? In thankfulness for everything God has done for us, we
commemorate His birth by exchanging gifts, worshipping Him, and
being especially mindful of the poor and less fortunate. God loves His
people so much that He made a way — the only Way — for us to
spend eternity with Him. He sent His only Son to pay the penalty for
our sins. He paid the whole price, and when we embrace that free gift
of love, we are free from condemnation. "But God demonstrated His
own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
(Romans 5:7-8). With this in mind, Christmas can be a joyous
occasion. It is a time when God demonstrates His immense love for
us. It can be a period of healing and rebirth. Sure, enjoy the season,
but don't forget to celebrate! The fundamental purpose of Christmas,
after all, is the commemoration of God's ultimate gift: the birth of
Jesus, the Christ child. The nicest gift I can get on a daily basis is
affectionate attention from someone who sincerely wants to give it
freely. This will improve my sentiments and emotions, putting me in a
more optimistic and productive frame of mind. Also, I want to obtain
God's blessing and assistance in supporting me and keeping me away
from so-called temptations. I shall not ask for material goods because
they will be wasted as time passes.

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