P3-Chapter 1 Basic Concepts

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-1- Contents -2-

Introduction to Dynamics

1. Review contents of Engineering Mechanics

Chapter 1. 2. Contents of Dynamics / A brief history of Dynamics
3. Basic concepts
4. Axioms of Dynamics
Basic concepts and 5. System of Measurement Units
6. Methods in Dynamics
dynamic axioms 7. Basic problems of dynamics
8. Steps to solve dynamic problems
9. Why study dynamics ? - Roles of Dynamics

Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME

1. Review contents of Engineering Mechanics -3- 1. Review contents of Engineering Mechanics -4-

• Statics (Tĩnh học ) deals Mechanics

Mechanics with the equilibrium of
bodies, that is, those that
Considered objects are either at rest or move
with a constant velocity.
Statics Dynamics
rigid-body deformable-body Gas & fluid • Dynamics (Động
học) dealing with the
mechanics mechanics mechanics motions of material
bodies under the action
of given forces. The force Kinematics Kinetics
acts on a body with its
Classification Statics Dynamics properties as mass and
inertia moment.
- Kinematics (Động hình học) examines geometrically the motion of
particles / bodies/ mechanical systems, regardless of the cause of
Kinematics Kinetics motion.
- Kinetics (Động lực học) examines the relationship between the motion
of the bodies/systems and the force acting on the system
Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME
1. Review contents of Engineering Mechanics -5- 2. A brief history of Dynamics -6-

Classification of Dynamics: Kinematics and Kinetics proposed that the Sun, not the
Nicolaus Copernicus Earth, was the center of the Solar
(1473-1543, Poland) System. Such a model is called a
heliocentric system.
Law of Free Fall. In the absence
ĐỘNG HỌC of air resistance, all objects fall
Galileo Galilei with the same constant
(1564-1642, Italian) acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s2, this
acceleration is called the
acceleration of gravity.
ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC Kepler's three laws of
ĐỘNG HÌNH HỌC planetary motion : (1) All planets
Johannes Kepler
Theory of interaction between move about the Sun in elliptical
Theory of motion, regardless of (1571-1630, German)
forces and motion of a mechanical orbits, having the Sun as one of
force - causes a change in motion. the foci; (2) ... ; (3)…

Isaac Newton Newton's Laws of Motion:

(1642-1727, English) (Dynamic Axioms)

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2. A brief history of Dynamics -7- 3. Basic concepts -8-

 Space: the geometric region occupied by bodies

Leonhard Euler
Deriving motion equations around whose positions are described by linear and
the center of mass / around a angular measurements relative to a coordinate
(1707-1783, Swiss)
fixed point.
 Length: needed to locate the position of a point in
Jean Rond d'Alembert Inertial force of a particle;
space and thereby describe the size of a physical
(1717–1783, French) d’Alembert principle system. Once a standard unit of length is defined,
one can then quantitatively define distances and l
geometric properties of a body as multiples of the
unit length. The Unit of Measurement of length in
Joseph-Louis Lagrange Lagrange's equations SI standard is meter (m).
(1736 – 1813, Italian) Analytical mechanics
 Time: conceived as a succession of events.
Although the principles of statics are time
William Rowan Hamilton's principle
independent, this quantity does play an important
Hamilton Principle of minimum potential role in the study of dynamics. The unit of t0 t1 t2
(1805 – 1865, Irish) energy. measurement of time in the SI standard is
seconds (s).
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3. Basic concepts -9- 3. Basic concepts -10-

 Force: represents the action of one body on F  Idealizations. Models or idealizations
another. A force is characterized by its point of are used in mechanics in order to
application, magnitude, and direction, i.e., a force   
F (t, v , r ) simplify application of the theory.
is a vector quantity. The Unit of Measurement of
force in SI standard is Newton (N). m
 Particle. A particle can be defined as
 Mass: a property of matter by which we can Particle
a body which has a mass, but its size
compare the action of one body with that of
can be neglected.
another. We can define it as a quantitative
measure of the inertia of matter which is its F body
resistance to a change in velocity. This property
 Rigid Body. A rigid body can be A1 f
manifests itself as a gravitational attraction
1 kg considered as a combination of a
between two bodies. The Unit of Measurement of
large number of particles in which all
mass in SI standard is kilogram (kg). Rigid body
the particles remain at a fixed F
 m  distance from one another both before
F a F 9.81N A1 f
m= and after applying a load.
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3. Basic concepts -11- 3. Basic concepts -12-

Mechanical system includes particles and rigid bodies that interact to Classification of forces
each other (forces and constraints of motion) 
External force: forces from outside the outside Fl e
system act on the system, such as gravity,
Boundary, Inside and outside of the system. force associated with the environment, .. 
 Fji
Fke , k = 1, 2,... 
Boundary Fki

outside Fl e 

Internal force: forces interact between
Fke mj Fje
 particles / rigid bodies in a system. internal

Fji Fke
 g 
Boundary Fki Fki , k = 1, 2,...
mk  mk
Fl e Properties of the internal force system
internal O i  i

Fke y  k  0,
 O (Fk )  0, O
Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME
3. Basic concepts -13- 4. Axioms of Dynamics -14-

Classification of forces
 The set of dynamic axiom consists of three
Constraint forces: forces due to connections, are reaction forces. Newton's laws of motion and some other
 axioms about the forces we have stated in
Fkc , k = 1, 2,... statics.

Applied forces are independent of the constraints.

 The three laws of motion were first compiled
 by Isaac Newton in his Philosophiæ Naturalis
Fka , k = 1, 2,...
 Principia Mathematica (Mathematical
F2a Principles of Natural Philosophy), first Sir Isaac Newton
B published in 1687. Newton used them to (1643–1727)
O explain and investigate the motion of many
 A
physical objects and systems.
m 30
 
Fa F1a F1c

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4. Axioms of Dynamics -15- 4. Axioms of Dynamics -16-

First dynamic Axiom. When viewed in an F3 Second dynamic Axiom. The net force on an  
inertial reference frame, an object either F2 object is equal to the rate of change (that is, F = å Fk
remains at rest or continues to move at a the derivative) of its linear momentum p in an 
constant velocity, unless acted upon by an d
(mv )
   inertial reference frame. dt
external force. (F1, F2 , F3 ) = 0
If the total force acting on the particle is zero,  The second law can be stated mathematically as
 v = const  
its linear momentum remains constant.
dp  d (mv )   
= å Fk or = å Fk , p = mv
The first law can be stated mathematically as dt dt
Linear momentum of a
  If mass of particle is constant, so
d (mv ) particle (mass in motion)
 Fk  0  0     
dt p  mv ma = F = å Fk
In the study of particle dynamics, we often state the second Newton law in
• An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless an external force acts
the form :
upon it.
• An object that is in motion will not change its velocity unless an mass × acceleration = force
external force acts upon it.
Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME
4. Axioms of Dynamics -17- 4. Axioms of Dynamics -18-

Fourth dynamic Axiom: The acceleration

Third dynamic Axiom. When one body exerts a force on a second body, F2
the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and
of a particle acted upon by several forces m 
is the sum of accelerations which each a
opposite in direction on the first body, force gives the particle individually.
Action = Reaction F1
Principle of Superposition (Principle of    
action addition) a1 = F1 / m, a2 = F2 / m
    
a = (F1 + F2 ) / m = a1 + a2

Force of Force of
A on B B on A

Body A Body B

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4. Axioms of Dynamics -19- Newton's law of universal gravitation -20-

Fifth dynamic Axiom: The constrained body or particle can be considered Any two bodies attract each other with m1
as a free body when it is released from physical constraints and a force that is directly proportional to   m2
subjected by corresponding reactive forces and kinematic constraints the product of their masses and F1 F2
instead. inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between them. r
Example: particle hang by a constant length cable. m1m2
F1 = F2 = G
Free Body Diagram (FBD) r2

Earth W m
The size of objects is considered to M
be very small compared to the R
  distance between them.
l G is the gravitational constant
g m
T r =R+e
m G = 6.67408(31) ´ 10 -11 3 -1 - 2
m kg s
= 6.67408(31) ´ 10 -11
Nm-2kg-2 W = = mg, g=
R2 R2
Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME
Inertial reference frame -21- Mass and weight -22-

Second Newton Law: In an inertial reference frame,  

the net or resultant force acting on an object is d
(mv ) = å Fk It is important to understand the difference between the weight and weight of
equal to the rate of change of momentum. an object!

What is meant by the inertial reference frame?

Mass: a property of matter by which we can m = 1 kg
compare the action of one body with that of
A frame of reference in which a body remains at rest or moves with
another. We can define it as a quantitative
constant velocity unless acted upon by forces: any frame of
measure of the inertia of matter which is its
reference that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial
resistance to a change in velocity. W = 9.81N
system is itself an inertial reference system.

Weight of an object is not absolute, because it

depends on the gravitational field in which it is
For problems involving motion on or near
measured. Weight is defined as W = mg where g
the Earth's surface, we often consider
is the acceleration due to gravity.
"inertial reference system" as a reference
system fixed to the earth. Here, we
Gravity or weight: The force applied by the Earth to an object according
neglect the effect of Earth's movement.
to the law of gravitation.

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5. Units of Measurement -23- 7. Why study dynamics ? -24-

Many technical problems related to dynamics

Kinetic Units: length, time, mass, and force.
2 1
• Dynamics of controlled systems: robots, r 1
airplanes, ships, submarines, missile B
Three of the kinetic units, referred to as basic units, may be
techniques, .... The dynamic problem provides r1
defined arbitrarily. The fourth unit, referred to as a derived a mathematical model for designing the r2
unit, must have a definition compatible with Newton’s 2nd controller, simulating the test before the q1 = 21 a 0t 2 ,
Law,   experiment on real systems.
F = ma • Dynamics of Machines: investigates motion A a 0 = const
of machines, analysis forces acting on
machine elements, design and check the m
International System of Units (SI): The basic units are length, durability (the tension of the cable when the
cabin is accelerated); motor selection based
time, and mass which are arbitrarily defined as the meter (m), on power, maximum torque,….
second (s), and kilogram (kg). Force is the derived unit, (1 N = 1 • Dynamics of structures: study the dynamic
kg m/s2) behavior of the structure such as bridges, tall 1. Tension force in cable hanging
 m building, determination of vibration cabin A during accelerating?
F  ma  1N  1kg  1 2  frequencies, avoiding resonance, ... 2. Power of motor when the cabin
 s  • Dynamics and control turbines in the power A has velocity v and acceleration
plant, …. a upward?

Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME

7. Why study dynamics ? -25- 7. Why study dynamics ? -26-

Answer some questions: Role of Dynamics in design of robot:

Answer some questions:

O OA=AB = L 20 m C

 A

1. How about radius of the shaft?

1. Natural frequency of the 1. Velocity of the object
1. How about radius of the shaft?
2. How a bout the motion of the motor
pendulum? before crash to the ground? and the load? 1 and 2. 2. How a bout the motion of the
2. Change parameters of the 2. Maximum tension force in 3. Motion of the load when apply motor and the load? 1 and 2.
pendulum to have a the cable? torque on motor shaft? 3. Given the torque T1, determine
desired frequency? 3. …
the motion of the load?
Ref. William J. Palm III. System Dynamics-
McGraw-Hill, 2009 4. …
Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME

7. Why study dynamics ? -27- 7. Why study dynamics ? -28-

Role of Dynamics in design of robot: Role of Dynamics in design of elevator, conveyor,…

1. How about radius of the shaft? 1. How about radius of the shaft?
2. How a bout the motion of the motor and the load? 1 and 2. 2. How a bout the motion of the motor and the load? 1 and 2.
3. Given the torque T1, determine the motion of the load? 3. Given the torque T1, determine the motion of the load?
4. … 4. How about power supply for system, maximum torque, …
Ref. William J. Palm III. System Dynamics-McGraw-Hill, 2009 Ref. William J. Palm III. System Dynamics-McGraw-Hill, 2009

Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME

8. Basic problems of dynamics -29- 9. Steps to solve dynamic problems -30-

    How to solve a problem

Relationship between force and motion (acceleration) : ma  F (r , v , t )
1. Forward problem: the motion of the body is known, and the task is to To help you develop an “engineering approach” to problem analysis, you
determine the forces causing that motion. will find it instructive to divide your solution for each homework problem into
2. Inverse problem: the forces acting on the body and the initial condition the following parts:
of the body motion are known, and the task is to specify the motion of
the body. 1. GIVEN: After carefully reading the problem statement, list all the data
3. Mixed problem: Given some of the forces (active forces) and some provided. If a figure is required, sketch it neatly and approximately to
information about motion (such as trajectory), determining the motion of scale.
point and unknown forces (reaction forces).
2. FIND: State precisely the information that is to be determined.
 O

  Fc 3. SOLUTION: Solve the problem, showing all the steps that you used in
F1 F g the analysis. Work neatly so that your work can be easily followed by
 others.
  F
m F2 Fa 4. VALIDATE: Many times, an invalid solution can be uncovered by simply
asking yourself, “Does the answer make sense?”
Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME Applied Mechanics-Department of Mechatronics-SME

9. Steps to solve dynamic problems -31- Textbooks -32-

To be successful at problem solving, it is necessary to present the work in a

logical and orderly manner as suggested by the following sequence of steps:
1. Read the problem carefully and try to correlate the actual physical
situation with the theory studied.
2. Draw any necessary diagrams and tabulate the problem data.
3. Establish a coordinate system and apply the relevant principles,
generally in mathematical form.
4. Solve the necessary equations algebraically as far as practical; then, use
a consistent set of units and complete the solution numerically. Report
the answer with no more significant figures than the accuracy of the
given data.
5. Study the answer using technical judgment and common sense to
determine whether or not it seems reasonable.
6. Once the solution has been completed, review the problem. Try to think
of other ways of obtaining the same solution.

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