Final Exam - Garcia, Van Angel Marie - Ethics PHI109G

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Van Angel Marie R.


BSED-English II

2. Pedro is a multi-billionaire living in Bais City. He did not marry and has no family to support.
Then, super typhoon Odette hit Bais city very badly, leading to the deaths of multiple people and
to the destruction of the homes of hundreds of families. Because Pedro lives in a very strong and
fortified mansion, nothing bad happened to him during the typhoon. After the typhoon hit,
thousands of people were displaced and had difficulty finding food to eat and clean water to
drink. Pedro, however, refused to help the people severely affected by the typhoon because he
thinks that his money is the product of his own hard work and thus only he should be able to
enjoy or benefit from it. Pedro is also planning to buy a helicopter even if he does not really need
it. Using Singer’s ethical theory, explain whether Pedro’s behavior is moral or not.

To answer this: Explain Peter Singer’s argument as to why the rich are morally obligated to help
the poor. Then argue whether Pedro’s behavior is moral or not using Singer’s ideas.

Peter Singer is a contemporary philosopher and utilitarian thinker who supports the theory of
utilitarianism. According to Bentham, an action is considered good when it results in happiness,
while it is considered bad when it results in pain. When an action causes happiness not only to the
doer of the action but also to the majority of people involved in the action, this action is viewed as
morally good. Peter Singer expanded this theory and related it to one of our social problems, which
is poverty. He argues that when a rich or wealthy person refuses to donate to the poor or those who
are merely surviving to live, then this person displays immorality.

Poverty has been a problem in our society. A lot of people are struggling with hunger and
malnutrition. Not only that, but they couldn’t even afford to have a decent shelter and receive
medical help when they needed it; that’s why they ended up living on the streets, and some didn’t
even survive. These problems can be resolved if those who are financially fortunate are willing to
help and give to the poor. Singer strongly believes that if we are financially capable enough to give
and help without compromising our own needs, then we should do it. Donating to those who are
suffering from poverty is a moral obligation, except if you not financially well-off. Those who live
in abundance must sacrifice some of their pleasures that are not that essential and instead share
what they have with the poor, which is a moral thing to do. By doing this, you are not putting
yourself in a bad situation; rather, you are actually making other people’s lives better. This action
is praiseworthy because you are able to help lessen their burdens and struggles.

In the case of Pedro, what he is doing is considered immoral. He is a multi-billionaire, which

means that he can have anything and everything he wants. He lives a very luxurious life, especially
since he doesn’t have any family to feed. But despite this, he still turned a blind eye to those who
were suffering from the typhoon. Knowing that while he is in the comfort of his own home with
all the finest foods, expensive clothes, and tons of money in his pocket, he still doesn’t want to
help those in his own hometown who are barely surviving. This shows how greedy and selfish of
a man he is. Donating his money to those who are affected by the typhoon will not cost him so
much since he is a multi-billionaire, yet he refused to help. He even bought superficial things, like
planning to buy a helicopter. Spending money on the things that you want is not a bad thing, but
ignoring the needy even if you are capable of helping them is wrong.

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