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and Ethics
Name: Anushka Shetty

Roll no: 35

Sy Bsc Data Science

Practical 1: Preparation of a review
article and justifying the significance
of its study

Title: "Exemplary Experience: Unlocking Boundless Potential with VersaTask"

In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, mobile applications have become an integral part of our
daily lives. As an avid Android user, I recently had the pleasure of exploring VersaTask and was truly
blown away by its exceptional features and seamless functionality. It is my distinct pleasure to share
my review and justification for why this app deserves recognition and a place on every Android

User Interface and Design:

Right from the moment I launched VersaTask, I was captivated by its stunning and intuitive user
interface. The design elements were visually appealing, striking the perfect balance between
simplicity and elegance. The app's layout made navigation effortless, allowing me to seamlessly
explore its extensive range of features. The attention to detail in the design showcases the developer's
commitment to delivering a polished and user-friendly experience.

Versatility and Functionality:

VersaTask offers a level of versatility that sets it apart from other applications in its category. Its wide
array of features cater to a broad range of user needs, making it a true all-in-one solution. Whether it's
organizing tasks, managing finances, tracking fitness goals, or connecting with friends and family,
this app covers it all with remarkable efficiency. Its functionality extends far beyond basic
expectations, empowering users to unlock their true potential in various aspects of their lives.

Reliable Performance and Stability:

One crucial aspect of any Android application is its performance and stability, and VersaTask excels
in this regard. Throughout my usage, I experienced no lags, crashes, or glitches. The app's smooth
performance was consistent, even when handling large amounts of data or multitasking between
different features. This stability is a testament to the meticulous development and rigorous testing that
has gone into ensuring a seamless experience for users.

Privacy and Security:

In an age where privacy and data protection are paramount, VersaTask truly stands out by prioritizing
the security and confidentiality of user information. The app implements robust encryption measures
and follows best practices to safeguard personal data, ensuring peace of mind for its users. Such
commitment to privacy is commendable and further enhances the overall trustworthiness of the

Regular Updates and Support:

The dedication of the development team behind VersaTask is evident in their commitment to regular
updates and providing excellent customer support. The app consistently receives updates that
introduce new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Moreover, the responsive customer support
team promptly addresses user queries and concerns, ensuring a positive experience for all users.

In conclusion, VersaTask is an exceptional Android application that sets new standards for versatility,
functionality, performance, and user experience. With its beautiful design, comprehensive features,
reliable stability, and unwavering commitment to privacy, this app offers an exemplary experience
that surpasses expectations. It has undoubtedly earned its place as a must-have application on every
Android device, serving as an invaluable tool for personal and professional growth. I highly
recommend giving VersaTask a try and witness the endless possibilities it can unlock for you.
Practical 2: Classifying 15 titles of
research papers based upon the type
of research
Aim: Visit the college library or nearby research center or from the internet collect 5 titles of research
papers/theses and classify them according to types of research. Discuss how the problems are
delineated, how they are relevant to scientific method etc.

Sr.NO Titles of research paper Type’s Of


1. Exploring the factors influencing the employee job Explonartory Research

satisfaction in the IT industry

2. Investigating the relationship between Exercise and mental Explonartory Research

health health in older adults

3. Shocking effects of technology on child development Explonartory Research

4. What are the major reasons behind the poor functioning of Explonartory Research
the human heart and what could be done for it?

5. Being a celebrity: A phemenology of fame Explonartory Research

6. The Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL) Experimental Research

and PEBL Test Battery

7. Determinants of dissent in a psychological experiment Experimental Research

8. Experimental Research

An Absorbing Dark Matter Experiment

9. Principles of cloning. Experimental Research

10. Microfluidics-based systems biology Experimental Research

11. Macro-development - describe key findings at a global Descriptive Research

level from new databases arising from comprehensive
cross-country data collection efforts

12. A comparative study of cultural practices and tradition in Descriptive Research

different region

13 Examining the relationship between social media and self Descriptive Research
esteem among teenagers

14. Exploring customer perceptions and attitudes towards Descriptive Research

sustainable packaging in the food industry

15. Descriptive Research

Exclusion of elderly people from clinical research
Practical 3: Prepare a proposal on
an identified research problem
Title: The Enduring Value of Sigmund Freud's Contributions to Psychology Today

1. Introduction:
Sigmund Freud, a pioneering figure in the field of psychology, revolutionized the understanding of
human behavior and the mind. Despite the passage of time and the emergence of alternative theories,
Freud's work continues to shape contemporary psychology. This research aims to explore and analyze
the enduring value of Freud's contributions to psychology, elucidating their relevance and impact on
modern psychological thought and practice.

2. Review of Literature:
The literature review will critically examine Freud's key theories, such as the unconscious mind,
psychoanalysis, defense mechanisms, and the stages of psychosexual development. It will also
explore the historical context in which Freud developed his ideas and how they were received by the
scientific community during his time. Additionally, the review will assess subsequent critiques,
evaluations, and adaptations of Freudian concepts, highlighting their influence on various
psychological approaches.

3. Aims and Objectives:

The primary aim of this study is to assess the enduring value of Freud's contributions to contemporary
psychology. The specific objectives are as follows:
a) To identify and analyze Freud's major theories and concepts that remain relevant in current
psychological research and practice.
b) To investigate the impact of Freud's ideas on the development of modern psychological theories
and therapeutic approaches.
c) To explore the criticisms and debates surrounding Freud's work and how they have influenced the
perception of his enduring contributions.
d) To understand the perspectives of contemporary psychologists and practitioners on the relevance
and applicability of Freudian concepts in their work.

4. Research Design and Methodology:

This research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data
collection methods. The qualitative phase will involve in-depth interviews with psychologists and
mental health professionals to gather insights into their perspectives on Freud's contributions to
modern psychology. The interviews will be semi-structured, focusing on their utilization of Freudian
concepts in their practice and their opinions on the ongoing value of Freud's work.
The quantitative phase will consist of a survey distributed among practicing psychologists and
psychology students. The survey will assess their familiarity with Freudian theories, their beliefs
about the continued relevance of Freud's work, and how they incorporate these ideas into their
research and practice.

Data analysis will involve thematic analysis of qualitative data from the interviews and statistical
analysis of the quantitative survey responses.

5. Ethical Considerations:
Participants in the study will provide informed consent before participating in interviews or
completing the survey. Confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be maintained throughout
the research process. The research will adhere to the ethical guidelines and protocols established by
the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

6. Budget:
The research budget will cover expenses related to survey administration, data collection,
transcription services for interviews, and data analysis software. Any necessary travel costs for
conducting in-person interviews will also be included.

7. Appendices:
Appendix 1: Informed Consent Form
Appendix 2: Interview Protocol
Appendix 3: Survey Questionnaire

8. Citations:
A comprehensive list of references will be provided, including Freud's original works, relevant
literature on the enduring impact of Freud's contributions, and contemporary research that
incorporates Freudian concepts.
Practical 4: Introduction to EndNote:
Integration with Word and adding citation
and creating bibliographies.
1) assemble the information you'll need
2) develop findings,
3) develop
conclusions, and
4) develop recommendations.
The following sections describe each step. The sections on findings, conclusions, and
recommendations suggest questions you should answer at each step.

Paper Writing
Understand Your Assignment. Prepare. Identify the purpose or goal of your
assignment: Why are you writing this paper? ...
Brainstorm. Think and Decide. ...
Research. Find Information. ...
Outline. Review Information and Organize. ...
Draft. Write. ...
Revise. Make it Better. ...
Edit & Proofread. Make it Correct.

Report Writing
1 Choose a topic based on the assignment.
2 Conduct research.
3 Write a thesis statement.
4 Prepare an outline.
5 Write a rough draft.
6 Revise and edit your report.
7 Proofread and check for mistakes.
Report Types:
Top 8 Types of Reports.
1.Formal or Informal Reports:
2.Short or Long Reports:
3.Informational or Analytical Reports:
4. Proposal Report:
5. Vertical or Lateral Reports:
6. Internal or External Reports:
7. Periodic Reports:

Report Writing Format

Executive summary – highlights of the main report.
Table of Contents – index page.
Introduction – origin, essentials of the main subject.
Body – main report.
Conclusion – inferences, measures taken, projections.
Reference – sources of information.

Principles of Report Writing
These principles are often called as qualities or requirements of a good

Cost Consideration:
Proper Language:
Footnotes and Endnotes

Footnotes appear on the bottom of the page that contains the

sentence to which it refers.

Endnotes are listed at the end of the paper on separate pages. On the
top of the first page, the title “Notes” is centered one inch from the
top of the page. Endnote pages are placed before the bibliography.


A bibliography is a detailed list of all the sources consulted and cited

in a research paper or project. The bibliography structure always
includes citing the author's name, the title of the work, the year of
publication, and the publisher for each source one consults for a
paper or project.

Citation Model

a citation can include the author's name, date, location of the

publishing company, journal title, or DOI (Digital Object Identifier). A
citation style dictates the information necessary for a citation and
how the information is ordered, as well as punctuation and other

For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a

corresponding entry in your reference list. APA in-text citation style
uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for
example: (Field, 2005).

APA Model
APA (which stands for American Psychological Association) is a
common social sciences formatting style for essays and papers. APA
Style has a specific format for in-text and reference list entries.

Guideline for writing references

a reference will include authors' names and initials, the title of the
article, name of the journal, volume and issue, date, page numbers
and DOI.
Each citation in the text must correspond to an item in the reference
In alphabetical order by surname of first author. ...
In order of date, with earliest first, for references by the same author.
With hanging indents, meaning the first line of each reference is set
flush left and subsequent lines are indented.
Practical 5: Preparation of a
questionnaire for micro-level educational
Demographic Information:

Age: _______

Gender: _______

Grade/Level of Education: _______

How many years have you been in the education system? _______

Educational Experience:

5. Are you currently enrolled in a formal educational institution? (Yes/No)

If yes, please specify the name of the institution:

What type of educational institution are you attending? (e.g., public school, private school,
homeschooling, vocational training)

How do you commute to your educational institution? (e.g., walk, bicycle, public transport, carpool)

How many hours per day do you spend on studying and homework on average?

Teaching and Learning:

10. How satisfied are you with the teaching methods used in your educational institution? (Very
satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied)

What subjects or topics do you find most challenging in your studies?

Do you have access to digital learning resources (e.g., computers, the internet) for your studies at
home? (Yes/No)

How often do you use online resources for learning? (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Rarely, Never)

Do you receive any extra tutoring or academic support outside of regular classes? (Yes/No)

If yes, please specify the type of support: ______________________

Assessment and Evaluation:

15. How do you feel about the assessment and grading system in your educational institution?
(Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied)

Do you believe that assessments accurately reflect your understanding of the subjects? (Yes/No)

How often do you receive feedback on your academic performance?

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Rarely, Never

Extracurricular Activities:

18. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities (e.g., sports, clubs, arts) at your educational
institution? (Yes/No)

If yes, please specify the activities you are involved in:

Parental Involvement:

20. How involved are your parents or guardians in your education? (Very involved, Somewhat
involved, Not involved)

Do your parents or guardians help you with homework or assignments? (Yes/No)

How do you communicate with your parents or guardians about your educational progress? (e.g., in-
person meetings, phone calls, emails)

Future Plans:

23. What are your future educational aspirations? (e.g., continue to higher education, enter the
workforce, start a business)

Are you aware of scholarship or financial aid opportunities for further education? (Yes/No)

Additional Comments:

25. Is there anything else you would like to share about your educational experiences, challenges, or
suggestions for improvement?
Questionnaire on research paper artificial intelligence and its application:

1. What are the key advancements in AI technologies in the last decade, and how have they influenced
various industries and domains?
2. How does AI impact the job market, and what are the ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven
automation and job displacement?
3. What are the current challenges and limitations in AI, and what research efforts are underway to
address them?
4. How can AI be utilized in healthcare to improve diagnosis, treatment, and patient care, and what
are the ethical concerns associated with AI in healthcare?

5. What are the applications of AI in natural language processing (NLP), and how has it
revolutionized areas like chatbots, language translation, and sentiment analysis?

6. How can AI and machine learning techniques be applied to climate change modeling and
environmental sustainability efforts?

7. What are the potential security threats and risks associated with AI, and how can AI itself be used
to enhance cybersecurity?

8. How are AI and machine learning being employed in the field of finance and stock market
prediction, and what implications does this have for investment strategies?

9. What are the ethical and societal implications of using AI in autonomous vehicles, and what
challenges must be overcome for widespread adoption?

10. How can AI be used in education to personalize learning experiences for students, and what are
the key considerations in implementing AI-driven educational tools?

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