Case Study-Connection Act Time

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CTQ/CTY (Response) Purchase Per Customer (continuous)

Type of promotion (discrete)

Potential X
New Standard Inference
Normality p-value
Ho: Data are normally distributed
Ha: Data are not normally distributed

F-test p value
Ho: s2A = s2B
Ha: s2A ≠ s2B

2-sample t test
Ho: mA=mB
Ha: mA≠mB
Critical Factor
What do these tests do?
Worksheet: Promotion.mtw

Checks whether data are normally

Stat>Basic Statistics>Graphical Summary If data are normally distributed, we can
compare variance and means.

Compares variance (stdev square) of two

Stat>Basic Statistics>2 variances groups

Stat>Basic Statistics>2 sample t Compares average (mean) of two groups

CTQ/CTY Connection activation time(connection)
Potential X
correct Incorrect
Normality p-value
Ho: Data are normally distributed
Ha: Data are not normally distributed

F-test p value
Ho: s2A = s2B 0.427
Ha: s2A ≠ s2B

2-sample t test
Ho: mA=mB 0.328
Ha: mA≠mB

Critical Factor Noo

Connection activation time(connection)
Title Minitab

Normally distributed Stat>Basic Statistics>Graphical Summary

>0.05 P high, null fly.

Ho: Variance A=variance B Stat>Basic Statistics>2 variances
we don’t have evidence to state that variation in
connection activation time diiffer by title

>0.05 P high, null fly.

Ho: Average A=Average B Stat>Basic Statistics>2 sample t
we don’t have evidence to state that variation in
connection activation time diiffer by title
We don’t have evidence to state connection
activation time differ by Title.
What do these tests do?

Checks whether data are normally

If data are normally distributed, we can
compare variance and means.

Compares variance (stdev square) of two


Compares average (mean) of two groups

CTQ/CTY (Response) Transaction time
Potential X Vendor
Normality p-value
Ho: Data are normally distributed
Ha: Data are not normally distributed

Bartlett test
Ho: All variances are equal
Ha: Not all variances are equal

Ho: All averages are equal
Ha: Not all averages are equal

Critical Factor
Transaction time
Inference Minitab
Stat>Basic Statistics>Graphical Summary

*Remember to stack data: Data>Stack>Columns

Stat>ANOVA>Test for Equal Variance


CTQ/CTY Turn around Time
Potential X Laboratory
1 2 3 4
Normality p-value
Ho: Data are normally distributed
Ha: Data are not normally distributed

Bartlett test
Ho: All variances are equal
Ha: Not all variances are equal

Ho: All averages are equal
Ha: Not all averages are equal

Critical Factor
Turn around Time
Y (Response) Buy/Didn't Buy
X (Factor) Gender

Ho Buy/Didn't Buy % Male = Buy/Didn't Buy % Female

Ha Buy/Didn't Buy % Male ≠ Buy/Didn't Buy % Female

p value
Business Inference
Data type
Discrete, 2 categories

Is it greater or less than alpha?

Y (Response) Defectives
X (Factor) Regional Centres

Ho All proportions are equal

Ha Not all proportions are equal

p value
Business Inference
Data type
Discrete, 4 categories

Is it greater or less than alpha?

CTQ/CTY Time to receive Payments
Potential X Priority
Low Med High Inference
Normality p-value 0.228 0.195 0.153 Normally distributed
Bartlett test
Critical Factor

CTQ/CTY Time to receive Payments

Potential X Customer type
Individual Corporate Govt Inference
Normality p-value 0.148 0.176 0.644 Normally distributed
Bartlett test
Critical Factor

CTQ/CTY Time to receive Payments

Potential X Customer Region
Asia Europe US Inference
Normality p-value 0.067 0.481 0.148 Normally distributed
Bartlett test 0.195 Variances equal
ANOVA 0.953 Averages equal
Critical Factor NO

CTQ/CTY Time to receive Payments

Potential X Product type
A B C Inference
Normality p-value 0.316 0.141 0.172 Normally distributed
Bartlett test 0.934 Variances equal
ANOVA 0.437 Averages equal
Critical Factor NO
CTQ/CTY Time to receive payments
Potential X Tax Issues
With Without Inference
Normality p-value 0.128 0.288 Normally distributed
F-test 0.061 Variance equal
2-sample t test 0 Averages unequal
Critical Factor Yes

CTQ/CTY Time to receive payments

Potential X Customer Address
Correct Incorrect Inference
Normality p-value 0.102 0.15 Normally distributed
2-sample t test
Critical Factor

CTQ/CTY Time to receive payments

Potential X Analyst Experience
<2 years > 2 years Inference
Normality p-value 0.177 0.15 Normally distributed
2-sample t test
Critical Factor
CTQ Factor Test p-value Critical (yes/No)
Late Payment % Tax Issue 2-proportion 0 Yes
Late Payment % Priority Chi-Square test 0.349 No
Late Payment % Customer Type Chi-Square test
Late Payment % Customer Address 2-proportion
Late Payment % Region Chi-Square test
Late Payment % Product Type Chi-Square test
Late Payment % Analyst Experience 2-proportion
Stat>Basic Statistics>2-Proportion
Stat>Tables>Cross tabulation and Chi-Square
Stat>Tables>Cross tabulation and Chi-Square
Stat>Basic Statistics>2-Proportion
Stat>Tables>Cross tabulation and Chi-Square
Stat>Tables>Cross tabulation and Chi-Square
Stat>Basic Statistics>2-Proportion

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