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Research Design, Methodology and Preparing the Instrument

Learning Task 1: Study your initial research problem. Copy the table on your notebook and
supply the necessary information in each row. Later on, decide which method of research are
you going to utilize in your study. Then, answer the questions that follow.







Guide Questions:
1. Explain the research method that you chose for your research?

2. Why did you choose such method for your research?

Explain its appropriateness for the course of your study.

3. What specific steps do you anticipate/expect in this research method?

4. What possible problems/challenges do you look forward to in the conduct of

the method?
5. How will you prevent such problems/challenges to happen? Or if they
happen, what solutions do you intend to do?
Learning Task 2: Read carefully, understand and answer the following questions.
Write your answers on your notebook
1. Which design are you interested to deal with? Why?

2. Which of these designs is the most appropriate for your initial research inter- est?
Explain your answer.

3. How do you plan to execute the research design that you chose?

4. Provide a detailed procedure or process on how you will execute the design.

5. What problems do you expect as you carry out the research design in terms of:
B. Directions: Construct a 3-5 sentence generalization about the characteristics of
a good data collection instrument. Write it on your notebook.

C. Directions: Analyze the given research scenario in every item and identify the
appropriate data collection instrument for it. Do this on your notebook.
1. Jesse and Jerwin are conducting their research about the behavior of
their pet dogs in the different areas in their house.
2. Roku and Aki are interested in knowing the perceptions of students in
their strand about the changes that are happening in the country in terms of
3. A group of researchers would like to describe the feelings of adolescents
about being at home for several months.
4. Group B is studying the facts and papers regarding the decision of the
Students’ Council about the creation of online student portal.
5. Emmarie and Franc are siblings and they would like to balance the
distribution of the household chores among the 6 siblings.

A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a research,
FALSE if you think it is not. Write your answers on the blank.
_1.There should be adequate data before conducting a research.
_2.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should avoid listening to
another researcher.
_3.A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she is studying.
_4.An opinion from any person is recognized and considered as an answer to the question
asked by the researcher.
_5.The researcher has the final say in his findings.

B. Underline the words in the box that are related to the definition of

biases Instrument theories factual investigation

intuition discovery system subjective Interview
dreams experiences data phenomena guessing
productivit drama validate opinions Literature

C. Using the words encircled, formulate your own definition of research. Use the
blanks provided.

__ _
_ _
Read and Analyse
Direction: Read the following articles below and answer the questions that follow
.Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Ethics in Qualitative Research

Certain ethical challenges in qualitative research necessitate sustained attention of two

interconnected worlds: the world of the researcher and the world of the participant. A critical view of some of
the ethical challenges in the participants’ andresearchers’ world reveals that how we examine both these
worlds’ effects how we design our research. In addition, it reflects the need for researchers to develop an
ethical research vocabulary at the inception of their research life through multiple modes. The modes may
include dialogue in the spoken and written and visual to affect their aims to adhere to the principles of respect,
beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice in a way that is mutually beneficial to the participant and the
Further, the deliberations in this paper reveal that a critical conscious research ethics are
embedded in the unfolding research ethics process involving the participants and the researchers, and both
the participant and researcher add equal weight to the transparency of the ethical process and add value to
building methodological and ethical rigor to the research.1
The global public health response to COVID-19 could be significantly enhanced by safe, effective
vaccines and treatments, reliable measures of correlates of immune protection, and improved scientific
knowledge of the disease and its transmission. It is widely agreed that vaccines would be particularly
important, and over 100 candidate vaccines are currently being developed . Well designed human challenge
studies provide one of the most efficient and scientifically powerful means for testing vaccines, especially
because animal models are not adequately generalizable to humans.

1. Based on the article, how will you define ethics in research?
2. Are SARS-CoV-2 infection and on humans rather than animal models

3. If you were a part of the research teams conducting such phenomenon, what will you do to
correct the unethical feature of the experiment?

What’s More
Answer the three questions relative to the listed issues. Write your
answers on a separate sheet.
A. Does it appeal to your judgment?
B. Is it right or wrong?
C. What type of claim is this?
1. Bullying will never be right.
2. Security is more important than privacy.
3. In the midst of pandemic, restriction is much better than individual freedom.
4. Fake news is not worthy of our attention.
5. Discriminating our front liners who save our lives does not make sense.

What I Have Learned

Write the letter of the word which completes the statement. Use a separate sheet.

A. result E. action
B. evaluation F. judgment
C. emotion G. problem
D. bad H. ethics
1. Claim of value appeals to .

2. Words like good or allow us to recognize claim of value.

3. Claim of value is also called because it persuades
the readers to decide whether to value or not an argument.

4. Morality, philosophy, belief, or are references of claim of value.

5. Acceptance and rejection must be done with claim of value after

the argument undergoes thorough comparison and .

What I Can Do
On a separate sheet, write an acrostic poem about the essence of claim of value.
V- .

A- .

L- .

U- .


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