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Identify – Recognise and Name (1-2 marks)

What it means: to use your knowledge and list the idea/information

What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. Components of the main ideas/topics.

Describe – Provide Characteristics and Features of (1-3 marks)

What it means: give information and insight about the characteristics of something with
detail of the features of the topic/idea.
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. Components of the main ideas/topics
2. Features, characteristics and attributes?

Explain – relate cause and effect, make the relationship between things evident (2-3 marks)
What it means:
1. Find a cause and the effect.
2. Determine how these different things relate to each other.
3. Determine/state how/why the relationship works.
4. For each piece of knowledge, state the why/how it relates to the topic.
5. Use an example to maximise marks
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. Components
2. Characteristics and features
3. State function/purpose.

Analyse- identify components and the relationship between them; state and relate
implications. Identify, Explain, state and relate implications (3-5 marks)
What it means: explain the HOW AND WHY something is occurring by figuring out the
relationship between the components.
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. Identify the components of the topic
2. Describes the components characteristics
3. Provide examples
4. Explain the why or how the effects and impacts are present.
Identify the different components, relate them with one another and figure out their
impact/effect and significance to the topic.

Evaluate – Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of (5-6+ marks)
What it means: determine the value or quality of the topic by examining its features and
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. List components
2. Describe characteristics and features
3. Explain the purpose and function
4. Provide examples
5. Determine the effects and impacts
6. Make a judgement; determine the value, effectiveness, and quality/worth of the
State why characteristics, features or impacts/effects may result to a more or less value to
the thing.

Compare – show how things are similar or different (2-3 marks)

What it means: explain how 2 or more things are either similar or different to each other
What does it mean according to ALARM:
For each thing:
1. List the components
2. Identify the features, characteristics, and attributes
3. Figure the purpose and function
4. Figure the effect and impact

Discuss – identify issues and provide points for and/or against (1-5 marks)
What it means: go into detail on each reason that supports and/or goes against in an
What does it mean according to ALARM:
for each reason:
1. List the components
2. Describe the components’ characteristics and features
3. Explain its purpose and function
4. Provide example on why the reason will support or go against the topic
5. Determine the effects and impacts
Make a judgement (state final opinion on the course of action) after stating all reasons (pros
and cons). Determine value, effectiveness, and quality/worth. Also explain why you believe
your opinion is valid relating to the pros and cons.

Assess – make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size, of the topic (5-6+
What it means: make a judgement about the topic.
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. List the components of the topic
2. Describe the characteristics of each component
3. Explain the function and purpose of each component
4. Figure the effects and impacts of each function/purpose
5. Make a judgement of the value/effectiveness of the topic.

Contrast – show how things are different or opposite (1-6+ marks)

What it means: identifying the different characteristics and traits between 2 or more things
related to the topic. Including the functions, purposes and impacts or each characteristic.
Provide example if possible
What does it mean according to ALARM:
For each ‘thing’:
1. List the components
2. Find the characteristics and features of each component
3. Figure the function/purpose of each component
4. Figure the impact/effect of each function/purpose
5. Provide examples

Recall – present remembered ideas, facts or experiences (1-2 marks)

What it means: state the remembered ideas, facts, or experiences learned
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. List components of each remembered fact/idea/experience.

Outline – sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

What it means: present the main ideas/points about something.
What does it mean according to ALARM:
1. List and identify main points

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