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Digital Marketing Plan Summary for FIS Snowboard Federation

Tactics (How exactly Situation (Where Strategy (How do we New Revenue Streams Strategy - Target
do we get there) are we now) get there) Segment
In-App Purchases and Subscriptions: Premium
content, live event streaming subscriptions, and
The FIS Snowboard Federation is facing 1. Casual Fans: Individuals who
exclusive access to AR/VR experiences.
Develop a feature-rich official FIS challenges with declining global fan Digital Merchandising: Collaborations with brands for
enjoy snowboarding content and
Snowboard mobile app offering live engagement, stagnating ticket sales for events,
and reduced attendance at non-marquee
Implement a mobile-first exclusive merchandise available through the app.
Virtual Ticketing: Selling access to high-quality, may watch events occasionally
event streaming, ticket purchasing, interactive live streams of events with exclusive

event schedules, athlete tracking, and

competitions. Additionally, there is a digital marketing campaign features.
Digital Sponsorships: Innovative advertising
but do not participate actively.
2. Active Snowboarders: Enthusiasts
noticeable lack of engagement from younger
that leverages the latest in
opportunities within the app and during live streams
interactive venue maps. demographics who primarily consume content for sponsors. who regularly engage in
By focusing on these areas, the FIS Snowboard
Initiate a social media blitz targeting on mobile devices. The federation's digital snowboarding and follow
younger fans, utilizing platforms like
presence is not fully optimized for mobile social media trends, mobile Federation can significantly improve fan engagement,
diversify and increase revenue streams, and build a professional events closely.
strong digital presence that appeals to a global and
users, missing out on engaging a tech-savvy
Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat with audience effectively. app technology, and younger audience. 3. Aspiring Athletes: Young or
amateur snowboarders who
engaging content formats including AR
augmented reality aspire to compete professionally
filters, interactive polls, and athlete Actions (Who does Control (How do we and look up to current athletes.
takeovers. what and when) experiences to deliver measure our success) 4. Snowboarding Veterans:
Deploy geolocation-based promotions
personalized and engaging Measure the increase in app downloads and active users.
Experienced snowboarders and
past athletes who maintain an
and notifications for event ticket Digital Marketing Team: Executes the social media Monitor growth in social media followers, engagement

discounts, merchandise offers, and

campaign and monitors engagement starting three
months prior to the season kickoff.
content to fans worldwide. rates, and campaign reach.
Evaluate ticket sales and event attendance against
interest in the sport's community
and developments.
local snowboarding events to app Mobile Development Team: Finalizes and launches
the FIS Snowboard app with all key features two
Use data-driven insights to previous seasons.
Gather fan feedback through app surveys to assess Each segment requires tailored
users. months before the season begins.
tailor content and
satisfaction and areas for improvement. content and communication
Collaborate with popular Partnership Manager: Establishes influencer and By embracing a mobile-first approach and integrating
strategies to effectively engage and
athlete collaborations for exclusive content, to be cutting-edge digital marketing strategies, the FIS
snowboarding influencers and rolled out throughout the season. promotions to fan Snowboard Federation can significantly enhance fan convert them according to their
athletes to create exclusive content Data Analytics Team: Implements KPI tracking for engagement globally, drive higher ticket sales and
interests and engagement level with
for the app and social media. app engagement, ticket sales, and social media preferences and behaviors. attendance, and establish a strong digital foothold that
appeals to the younger, mobile-centric audience. the sport.
metrics, providing monthly reports.

Elevate Global Fan Engagement Among Younger Demographics by 25%

Strategy - Awareness (Educate & Entertain): Early-stage content aims to attract casual fans and aspiring athletes by providing
Timeframe: Start of the 2024 competitive season (Q1) to the end of the 2024 season (Q4).
educational content on snowboarding techniques, equipment guides, and entertaining behind-the-scenes looks at
Content events and athlete lifestyles. This content will be distributed through social media, blogs, and YouTube to build Milestones: Quarterly increases of 6.25% in engagement metrics, monitored through social media analytics,
interest and engagement.
Objectives website traffic, and app engagement data.
Marketing Consideration (Convince): For active snowboarders and snowboarding veterans, the content will focus on (Where do Increase Ticket Sales for Events by 20% and Improve Attendance at Smaller Competitions by 30%
showcasing the value of attending events, participating in the federation’s mobile app community, and the Timeframe for Ticket Sales Increase: Launch targeted marketing campaigns in Q1 to drive advanced sales, with the
benefits of staying engaged with the sport through exclusive interviews, advanced technique breakdowns, and we want to
goal of achieving a 20% increase by the end of Q3.
detailed event previews. be) Timeframe for Attendance Improvement: Focus on promotional activities and local engagement from Q1, aiming
Decision (Inspire): Inspirational stories of athletes, community achievements, and the impact of snowboarding on
personal and community levels will be shared to inspire fans to purchase tickets, download the app, and for incremental increases each quarter to achieve a 30% rise by Q4.
participate in federation-sponsored events and programs. This content aims to convert interest into action by Grow the Number of Season Pass Holders and Digital Subscribers by 15%
demonstrating the emotional and experiential value of becoming more involved with the snowboarding Timeframe: Implement strategies in Q1 for early bird promotions, with the target reached by the end of Q3,
community. allowing Q4 to focus on retention and setting the stage for the next season.
Loyalty (Engage): Post-purchase or event, the focus shifts to engaging content that encourages app usage, repeat Develop a Robust Mobile Presence as the Go-to Digital Destination for Snowboarding Fans
ticket purchases, and active participation in the community. This includes exclusive content for email subscribers,
Timeframe: Begin development and user testing in Q1, with a phased roll-out starting in Q2. By Q3, all major
app users, and social media engagement tactics like contests, live Q&A sessions with athletes, and sneak peeks at
upcoming events and content.
features should be live, with Q4 dedicated to optimization based on user feedback and analytics.

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