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Learning Episode 1: Classroom Management Plan

FIELD STUDY 2 – Participation and Teaching Assistantship AY 2022 - 2023

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this Learning Episode, you must be able to:

1. explain the importance of classroom management plan; and
2. write your own classroom management plan.

Clarify Your Task:

Creating My Classroom Learning Management Plan

A classroom management plan is a plan that a teacher designs that sets the expectations for
every student. The purpose of a classroom management plan is to make the students
accountable for their actions. Effective classroom management increases students’ success,
enhances students’ academic skills and competencies and promotes social and emotional
The teaching-learning process may be implemented in various modalities. Teachers must
bear in mind that alternatives and other options may be considered in designing the classroom
management plan.
A good learning environment produces highly engaged students who learn more, do more
and work more. Teachers likewise become more creative and productive in their work.
Key Elements for effective Classroom Management:
1. Classroom Design- This refers to seating arrangement, bulletin boards, display, storage area,
equipment, supplies, etc.
2. Rules- These are the expectations set at the beginning of the class to foster love, care,
respect and sense of community in the class.
3. Discipline – Classroom rules must be defined the consequences of every action/
misdemeanor in class. This will ensure fairness and consistency in dealing with students. This
also includes the rewards given for good behavior.
4. Scheduling – This includes time allotment given for each period and activity in class. This will
make the students to stay on time and on task.
5. Organization – This refers to the systematic arrangement of files and records and keeping
them organized always and ready for use.
6. Instructional Techniques – These are ways by which you implement your learning content.
Tailoring your techniques to the subject, grade levels and nature of the learner is really
7. Communication - Consistent open lines of communication to all the stakeholders of the
school community will lead to better teacher-student teacher relationship.

In order to implement these elements effectively, a classroom management plan must be
designed. Each teacher has its own unique style of management to meet class needs, although
the same elements are found consistently. In order for a classroom management plan to be
successful, the students must have a complete understanding of each of the guidelines. At the
same time, the teachers must follow their plan to ensure that the learning environment is safe,
friendly, secured, and non-threatening whether in the classroom or in remote learning.

Components of Classroom/ Guide Questions

Learning Management Plan
Philosophical Statement What is your set of ideals, values, beliefs
and goals on classroom learning
What set of criteria and/ or standards will
you set to judge the quality of your
learning environment?
Classroom Rules and Procedures What classroom rules and procedures will
you formulate to ensure discipline and
order in
your class?
Teacher-Student Relationships How will you treat every student in your
class? How will you interact with them?
How will you ensure good
between and among students and
Schedule and Timeframes How will you organize your class schedule?
How will you keep your students to stay
focused and on task?
Classroom Structure, Design How will you design your classroom to
and create
Arrangement an appropriate learning environment?
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures How will you ensure the safety and security
of your students?
What rules will you formulate to safeguard
their protection?
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences What strategies will you employ for rewards
and consequences?

Participate and Assist:

After realizing the different elements of a classroom management plan, you are now ready
to make your own plan. You may request a copy of the Classroom Learning Management Plan
of your Resource Teacher or you may surf the internet for more samples to guide you in
creating your plan.
Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these reminders in
writing your plan:

✔ State your plan positively.

✔ Use simple specific terms.

✔ Use measurable and observable behaviors.

✔ Convey expected behaviors.


Philosophical Statement
. The classroom must be organized at all times. Students must be well disciplined and must observe
cleanliness and orderliness in their surroundings. Everyone is expected to be friendly and take care of
one another to avoid conflict and arguments. Fighting is strictly prohibited, and those who will engage
in fights shall receive demerit points and shall be sent to the guidance office for counciling

Classroom Rules and Procedures

- Punctuality must be observed (Be early in class and always submit your requirements on time)
- Don't cheat (Avoid cheating in exams. Practice a study habbit that fits your time well)
- Keep the classroom neat at all times (Remember to keep the classroom nice and tidy)
- No vandalism (Don't write anything on the classroom walls and other designs inside the room)
- Wear the prescribed uniform (Wear the official school uniform and PE uniform on your PE
- Be respectful to everyone (Be nice and respectul to your classmates, teachers, and other staffs)
Teacher-Student Relationships
I will give time to talk to my students every other day to check their well being before class starts and
to make sure that everyone is doing well. I will give them the freedom to ask for consultation regarding
the lessons and activities and other things that they need advice or an adult's opinion. I will make sure
to be a good friend to my students outside the classroom to maintain a good relationship with my

Schedules and Timeframes

I will not consume the entire timeframe for every subject. I will give a few minutes for my students to
prepare for the discussion before we start and also after we end the lesson so that they can also breathe
before their next subject.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

I will make a big room for the students so that they can move freely and not feel too hot because of
being overcrowded. I will put academic and non-academic designs on the classroom so that the
students can feel the vibe of learning inside the classroom. There will also be 2 teacher's table, one in
front and one at the back so that if I do not have a class at a specific time, I can still sit inside and work
on my loads even if there is a teacher discussing their lesson inside my classroom.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

● Harmful jokes will be strictly prohibited
● Dangerous activities and games are not allowed
● Bringing sharp objects/weapons will not be tolerated
● I will conduct a GPTA meeting every now and then to ensure that the parents know how their
child is performing at school as well as their behavior

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

● I will implement a merit-demerit point system so that the students will be more motivated to
do well in class
● Violating the rules inside the classroom will result to sanctions depending on the rules violated.


After reading and reviewing the classroom learning management plan from different sources and
creating your own plan, answer the following questions.
1. What salient components have you noted?

- I noticed that most of the classroom rules in every school is the same. Maintaining
cleanliness, honesty, and punctuality are only a few of the most common rules and
values that are to be observed inside a classroom.
2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management plan?

- It is important because one must create their own classroom management to have
authenticity and create a better management system inside the classroom based
on what one has observed in their experience as a pre service educator.


What were your realizations after creating your classroom learning management plan?

- After my experience in observing classroom management during our FS1, I realized

that there is no perfect classroom management and not all the rules implemented
inside the classroom is followed. However, teachers make sure to remind the
students from time-to-time to observe and follow them. Luckily, the students that I
have observed are obedient and respectful that's why even as an observer, they
still respect my authority and obey whenever I remind them of certain rules that
they sometimes forget to follow.

Scoring Rubric for Field Study 2 Episode
Learni Excelle Very Satisfact Needs Scor
ng nt Satisfa ory Improvem e
Episo 4 ctory 3 2 ent
de 1
Accomplish All One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4)
ed participation (2) participati participation
Participatio activities/ participation on activities/
n Activities questions/ activities/ activities/ questions/
tasks questions/ questions tasks not
completely tasks not / tasks not answered/
answered/ answered/ answered accomplished
accomplished accomplished /
Analysis All questions All questions Questions Four (4) or more
were answered were answered were not participation
completely; completely; answered questions were
answers are with answers are completely; not answered;
depth and clearly answers are answers not
thoroughly to theories not clearly connected to
grounded on grammar and connected to theories; more
theories; spelling are free theories; one than four (4)
grammar and from errors. (1) to three grammatical/
spelling are free grammatical/ spelling errors.
from error. spelling
Reflection Profound and Clear but lack Not so clear Unclear and
clear; supported depth; and shallow; shallow; rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyzed analyzed what were observed and
observed analyzed
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted Submitted two
before the the deadline a day (2) days or
deadline after the more after
deadline the


Lucas, Maria Rita D. et al., (2021). Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.


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