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Study the verb patterns and prepositions which follow reporting verbs.

+ question word +
admit + (that) + clause + (to) + gerund + to + noun

+ gerund / + against
advise + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive

agree + (that) + clause + infinitive + to + noun

allow + sb + infinitive

answer + (that) + clause + noun

to sb for +
apologise + for + gerund + for + noun
+ if + clause

argue + (that) + clause + about + noun

+ about + gerund /
ask + (that) + clause + infinitive
+ if + clause

assure sb + (that) + clause

beg + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive + for + sth

boast + (that) + clause + about + gerund + about + sth

challenge + sb + infinitive

claim + (that) + clause + infinitive

command + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive

comment + (that) + clause + on + sth

complain + (that) + clause + about + sth

confess + (that) + clause + to + sth + to + gerund + sth

confirm + (that) + clause

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congratulate + sb + on + gerund

convince + sb + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive + sb + of + sth

+ against +
decide + (that) + clause + infinitive

dare + sb + infinitive

declare + (that) + clause

demand + (that) + clause + infinitive

describe + gerund

discuss + gerund

doubt + (that) + clause + if + clause

encourage + sb + infinitive + gerund

estimate + (that) + clause

expect + (that) + clause +(sb) + infinitive

explain + (that) + clause

fear + (that) + clause

feel + (that) + clause

forbid + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive

force + sb + infinitive

forget + (that) + clause + infinitive + gerund

guarantee + (that) + clause + infinitive

guess + (that) + clause

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help + sb + infinitive + sb + base verb

hope + (that) + clause + infinitive

imagine + (that) + clause + gerund

insist + (that) + clause + on + gerund

instruct + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive

invite + sb + infinitive

know + (that) + clause + infinitive

let + sb + base verb

make (force) + sb + base verb

mention + (that) + clause + gerund

notify + sb + (that) + clause

observe + (that) + clause

offer + infinitive

order + sb + infinitive

permit + sb + infinitive

persuade + sb + infinitive

prefer + (that) + clause + infinitive

promise + (that) + clause + infinitive

propose + (that) + clause + infinitive + gerund

realise + (that) + clause

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reassure + sb + (that) + clause

recommend + (that) + clause + gerund

refuse + infinitive

remark + (that) + clause

remember + (that) + clause + infinitive + gerund

remind + sb + infinitive

repeat + (that) + clause

reply + (that) + clause

report + (that) + clause + gerund

request + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive

reveal + (that) + clause

say + (that) + clause

state + (that) + clause

suggest + (that) + clause + gerund

swear + (that) + clause + infinitive

teach + (that) + clause sb + infinitive

+ sb + (that) +
tell + sb + infinitive

think + (that) + clause

threaten + infinitive + sb

understand + (that) + clause

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urge + sb + infinitive

volunteer + infinitive

warn + (that) + clause + sb + infinitive

+ question word +
wonder if + clause

This is not a complete list. Whenever you learn a new verb which can be followed by another verb,
it is a good idea to take note of the verb pattern which follows it.

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