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Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 3, Number 4, Winter 1994

The Freudian Slippery Slope

T he problem with this book is not
that the author’s heart is in the
wrong place. To the contrary, Dr. Jones,
Likewise, Nietzsche’s embrace of the
idea that “God is dead” was not the
product of his syphilitic affliction, as
the editor of the Catholic periodical Jones implies, but its cause.
Fidelity, abhors the satanic, Dionysian In Jones’ explanation of Wagner’s
evil of Richard Wagner, Friedrich Niet- viewpoint, we see his confusion: “His
zsche, Thomas Mann, Arnold Schön- rebellion was the rebellion against the
berg, Aleister Crowley, and Mick Jag- moral order; his musical innovation was
ger, and their “art”—and warns of the simply the discovery of a musical ana-
peril into which they have led Western logue to the rebellion against reason that
culture and civilization. his troubled conscience and increasingly
The problem, rather, is that his impetuous desires craved.” Dionysos Rising:
analysis of this evil is such a mishmash Much of what Jones develops is use- The Birth of Cultural
of psycho-musicology, that the reader is ful, factual material on the development Revolution Out of the
left wondering if there is any explana- of New Age culture. He fails, however, Spirit of Music
tion for evil beyond what one can dis- to competently explain why it happened: by E. Michael Jones
cover between the bedsheets. Jones correctly denounces Freud as part Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1994
Jones’ central thesis, developed in the of the New Age, yet embraces neo- 204 pages, paperbound, $16.95
first chapter on Richard Wagner, is that Freudianism to explain how the New
Wagner, in order to bring down the Age came to be. speaking on behalf of a British oli-
Christian morality that stood in the way garchy that had created Mick Jagger
of his libidinal pursuits (he was a notori- Britain’s ‘Traditional’ Venetian Values and the Rolling Stones, along with the
ous adulterer), purposefully de-linked Readers will grasp the problem best by drug trade (remember the Opium
Classical music from reason and from referring to an example from the final Wars?), as a conscious weapon to
its Christian roots, by substituting chro- chapter on Mick Jagger. Jones cites an destroy the West, and had no intention
maticism for the diatonic scale, and text editorial written by London Times edi- of letting Jagger rot in jail. Rees-Mogg
for tonality. tor William Rees-Mogg on July 2, 1967, wasn’t simply defending his own sexual
The remaining three chapters then urging that Jagger be released from proclivities (whatever they may be); he
develop how this Wagnerian “cultural prison, where he had been sentenced for was defending the British-Venetian
upheaval” was subsequently adopted and drug charges. Rees-Mogg wrote, “If we world order!
developed, in turn, by Nietzsche, Mann, are going to make any case a symbol of Today, Rees-Mogg is at the forefront
Schönberg, Theodor Adorno, Crowley, the conflict between the sound tradi- of an assault on the institution of the
and Jagger, based on each man’s peculiar tional values of Britain and the new presidency of the United States, through
sexual needs. The final product, Jagger’s hedonism, then we must be sure that the Whitewater and related scandals,
“Sympathy for the Devil,” is the openly the sound traditional values include which is intended to finish off this last,
satanic embodiment of Wagner’s merely those of tolerance and equity.” weakened bastion of republicanism.
less-overtly satanic intent. Today’s rock- Jones asserts that what Rees-Mogg Indicative of Jones’ misguided view of
drug-sex counterculture and the con- and the British establishment wanted the motivation behind strategic events, is
comitant breakdown of the family are was to “reserve to itself the same sort of the fact that Fidelity, the journal he
traceable, Jones concludes, to this centu- sexual freedoms” that Jagger was advo- edits, recently featured the alleged sexu-
ry-long devolution of culture which cating so openly. “When Jagger flaunt- al affairs of President Clinton in a cover
began with Wagner. ed what they acknowledged in private, story which reduced British political
Jones is right about what happened; they found that they did not have the machinations against the institution of
he’s wrong about why it happened. For, heart to press the issue.” In other words, the U.S. Presidency to a problem of
like his admirer Friedrich Nietzsche, says Jones, Rees-Mogg was motivated Clinton’s passion!
Wagner’s motivation was hatred of by his sex drive. People like E. Michael Jones need to
Christianity, and of the Christian cul- But this entirely misses the point. begin to understand how real cultural
ture embodied in the music of Bach, What are the “sound traditional values warfare works, or else that British
Mozart and Beethoven—not his sex of Britain,” to which Rees-Mogg refers? assault will succeed, and the New Age
drive. His libidinal pursuits were the Colonialism, racism, oligarchism, and will indeed conquer the world.
product of that hatred, not its cause. war, to name but a few. Rees-Mogg was —Marianna Wertz

Note: The Leonardo da Vinci drawings in this issue are identified as follows: p. 4, Windsor RL12376 (detail); p. 14, Windsor RL12581 (detail); p. 14, Uffizi 423E;
p. 23, Windsor RL12542r (detail); p. 37, Windsor RL12570; Atlanticus 272v-b (detail); back cover left, “Deluge,” Windsor RL12378 (detail); back cover right,
“Investigation of Rectilinear and Curvilinear Figures as Measurements of the Area of the Circle,” Atlanticus 167r-ab (detail).


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