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Struggling with writing a thesis on childhood obesity? You're not alone.

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Some people have heredity or have genes that force them to gain weight faster as compared to
others. By advocating healthy diets, exercise, and education, the fast increase in childhood obesity
throughout the country can be ended. Parents need to help at home, providing children with a proper
diet and outdoor activities. Another research gap stems from lack of a prospective longitudinal study
that links dietary and other behavior patterns to development of obesity. They are sitting around on-
screen time more and more as the days go by. An individual’s BMI (body mass index) or weight is
essential in coining the obesity equation. Parents of overweight children invariably underestimated
their children's weight. Parents must remain dependable in pursuing the required and positive deeds
that will ensure that their children are healthy and well-sustained. It has affected 1 out of every 5
individuals in the world. Mental health is essential in the current world dominated by social media.
Hispanics, African-Americans, and American Indians, females to males are more prone to this
devastating medical condition. Winning the war against obesity rests on a number of factors, which
hinges on the government against this disease. And being healthy in college can really help people
deal with other stuff better. Aerobic or endurance training should also be completed 3 days per
week. Three days per week should be spent strength training. Obesity can be cured by natural as well
as medical ways. Alcohol intake can also contribute to the condition, due to its high sugar content.
Obesity essays: examples, topics, questions, thesis statement - How to make a thesis statement. As if
that was not enough, they would still attack her again. An online polling site named
posed the question of whether parents needed to check what their kids did on social media. In order
to come up with a strong paper, you need to start with a strong topic. Though the strength of
evidence is moderate to high for school-based interventions, the limited number of studies and
insufficient or low strength of evidence to support interventions in other settings made it difficult to
conclude that interventions in other settings could effectively prevent childhood obesity. Altogether,
parents or guardians of younger children are responsible for the outcomes of all these aspects of the
child’s life. Increased intake of junk food, decreased physical activities, increased medication, and
unhealthy lifestyle is some major causes of obesity. There are many benefits from physical activity,
such has stronger muscles, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, better sleep and leaner bodies. The
body needs regular exercise in order to stay healthy, and sitting around all day does nothing to
prevent obesity. The authorities then threatened to take the child, raising concerns about whether
obesity should be termed parental neglect or medical neglect. It is the medical condition which puts
adverse impact on the health of such children who are very fat as compared to other children of their
age group. Answer: There are various natural and medical cures available for obesity. Children will
gain weight as they grow and develop.
This can be accomplished by increasing the number of mothers who breastfeed their babies, thereby
delaying the introduction of solid foods to six months of age, limiting the television and video game
intake of toddlers and older kids alike, providing healthy, low-fat nutritious snacks and meals for
kids of all ages, and creating family exercise plans. In any case, the parents give access and allow
their kids to play games and watch TV. Secondly, by doing some physical activities like walking,
jogging, running, or exercising one can also burn unwanted fat and calories, thereby reducing obesity.
Not only children but also elders have changed their lifestyle a lot. This places a strain on the health
care system and creates health issues that will extend into adulthood. Most of them have penetrated
the school systems in the U. This is the best way to keep the self and family away from obesity. And
being healthy in college can really help people deal with other stuff better. Hispanics, African-
Americans, and American Indians, females to males are more prone to this devastating medical
condition. Such as, Elementary schools offering a variety of physical education programs in which
the student can get involved in, schools limiting their junk food and replacing it with healthier and
smaller portions of food, lastly limiting the usage of technology o. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Paragraph Two: The effects of obesity in children. In
fact, forty-five percent of all new cases of juvenile type-II diabetes are obesity linked. This paper
will look at the analysis of diabetes in young children, obesity, health education strategies and
communication strategies used in nursing care and control of diabetes Benjamin, 2011, 108. The
second cause of obesity is a decrease in physical activities. What strategies are used to make us feel
alarmed about childhood obesity (a. An individual’s BMI (body mass index) or weight is essential in
coining the obesity equation. It will also support the other hypothesis that poor dietary habits of
children are responsible for causing childhood obesity and overweight. The most common cause of
obesity is unhealthy food habits. Too much screen time, the accessibility to the internet and not
enough physical activity are the biggest reasons the obesity rates have increased. The parents
purchase all these assets and are to blame for their children’s overweight or obesity. According to
David Rogers, a public health spokesman for the Local Government Association, parents who expose
their children to too much food for consumption are guilty of neglect just as much as those who do
not give food to their children. Taking the campaign in the community, schools, and healthcare
facilities would spread the health information to a considerable population. The authorities then
threatened to take the child, raising concerns about whether obesity should be termed parental
neglect or medical neglect. Obesity is a lifestyle disease whose control and prevention lies on the
behavior of the society. According to Discovery News, interactive games can make children active by
moving around, thus lessening their likelihood of being obese. Childhood obesity is on the rise, and
clearly, everyone is at risk from the effects of this devastating condition. I strongly identify with the
National Institution of Health’s recommendations for leading a healthy lifestyle: having more
nutritious options for snacks for children to choose from and drinking the suggested amount of water
for height and weight, which is usually eight-ounce glasses per day. An appropriate definition of
obesity is based on a classification of individuals into percentiles as compared with others in their
age group. We all have to take a stand on this issue before it gets any worse than it already is.
The cases of obesity are more prevalent in children as they tend to be couch potatoes. Hispanics,
African-Americans, and American Indians, females to males are more prone to this devastating
medical condition. An individual’s BMI (body mass index) or weight is essential in coining the
obesity equation. Paragraph Two: The effects of obesity in children. But usually, these are clubbed
with natural therapies like exercising and yoga. A riveting and striking film, Fed Up explains the
issues of obesity, the health consequences of eating unhealthy, and the varying problems that
coincide with this national epidemic. Parents are responsible for establishing a firm foundation for
their children’s lives at an early stage. BBC News magazine ( notes that watching the
television was an everyday activity among children, and 75% of junior high school children prefer
staying at home other than going to a local park. Future Research Needs for Childhood Obesity
Prevention Programs 2019-02-10. There are various natural as well as medical treatments available
for obesity. Introduction Childhood obesity has become a widespread epidemic, especially in the
United States. An increase in the consumption of junk foods and munching in between leads to
obesity. According to David Rogers, a public health spokesman for the Local Government
Association, parents who expose their children to too much food for consumption are guilty of
neglect just as much as those who do not give food to their children. Essential questions a parent
should ask is whether they are offering healthy foods to their child, whether they are offering and
motivating healthy choices, and whether they are a good role model for their children. It is, however,
due to poor lifestyle choices that the U. Other views accept that the internet is harmful and children’s
activities on the web should be closely monitored. A study posted on states that:
teens of parents who consume soda daily are at an increased rate by forty percent of drinking soda
daily individually compared to teens whose parents do not consume the drink. It is the use of
resistance to induce muscular tightness. The researcher will visit children at schools and parents at
homes in order to know their views on childhood obesity. Future Research Needs for Childhood
Obesity Prevention Programs. The objective of this report is to prioritize the needs for research
addressing gaps in the existing literature on the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention
programs by engaging expert stakeholders using a modified Delphi method. The world today is
facing various complex diseases. There are many benefits from physical activity, such has stronger
muscles, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, better sleep and leaner bodies. According to
Discovery News, interactive games can make children active by moving around, thus lessening their
likelihood of being obese. Obesity puts children at a high risk of developing many serious illnesses.
This research paper is going to be very important for parents and nutritionists as they will not only get
to know the impact of childhood obesity on young children but also the ways they can use to deal
with this health problem. Childhood Obesity (Argumentative Essay Sample ) May 24, 2017 by
admin Argumentative Essay, Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples. The center for disease control
(CDC) outlines that there are direct and prospective health dangers concerning childhood obesity,
and it can portray severe effects on the body. Also making people aware of cause and cures of
obesity can be of great use. In my opinion, all of the parties mentioned have a responsibility for
addressing the issue of childhood obesity. Children establish trust in their caregivers from birth to
fully believing that whatever a parent says or does is the best and right choice for them.
Childhood Obesity 3 Childhood Obesity: Turning a Risk Factor into a Solution Obesity is a critical
health problem that is increasing worldwide, and in the United States in particular. Eating a healthy,
fibrous, and nutritious diet can help reduce that excess weight. Because school plays an important
role in providing a supportive environment for children, it is critical that schools improve their dietary
programs and physical activities. After all, parents carelessly teach their children what to eat, with or
without their presence. According to Discovery News, interactive games can make children active by
moving around, thus lessening their likelihood of being obese. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Paragraph Two: The effects of obesity in children. Medical treatments for obesity
include drug treatment and surgeries like bariatric surgery. These include healthy food habits,
exercising, drug treatment, and surgeries like bariatric surgery. Question 4. What steps can be taken
to reduce cases of obesity. An increase in the consumption of junk foods and munching in between
leads to obesity. Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi. (This book will provide the researcher
with the knowledge of every aspect of childhood obesity. Others believe obesity is as much of a
disease as cancer or diabetes. We need to identify that the world we live in looks to make money and
at the cheapest way possible. Initial observations and analysis proved that lack of physical activities,
increased time spending in front of the computers and television, changing lifestyles and food habits,
genetic reasons, sedentary behaviors, etc as the major reasons for childhood obesity. The focus of the
research will be the effects of childhood obesity on the lives of the children aged 11 through 18
years. Adult obesity is linked with a high risk of numerous health issues such as heart disease,
cancer, and type two diabetes. Natural ways to cure obesity include healthy food habits, a healthy
lifestyle, and exercising. It is the use of resistance to induce muscular tightness. Obesity not only
generates internal health issues, but also external ones that can easily be identified just by looking.
Any of these problems is in public health attention as serious and dangerous dilemma. Long Essay on
Obesity 500 words in English Obesity essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Other views
accept that the internet is harmful and children’s activities on the web should be closely monitored.
With the triple-escalation of obesity numbers in the country over three decades, the effects of the
issue has also affected the health care systems and the tax payer. An appropriate definition of obesity
is based on a classification of individuals into percentiles as compared with others in their age group.
West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (This book will provide the researcher with an understanding
of latest evidence based research on interventions to improve children’s well-being)Methodology
Personal interviews and questionnaires with parents and children will be conducted. The Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) suggests that children should remain physically active for at least one hour a
day. Her decision was informed by the fact that she had received online bullying due to her
overweight stature. The third reason is related to heredity or genetics. They would say things like
you are fat and ugly, and others would question why she is still here. This research paper is going to
be very important for parents and nutritionists as they will not only get to know the impact of
childhood obesity on young children but also the ways they can use to deal with this health problem.
Forty-five percent of adolescents whose parents do not consume five servings of vegetables and
fruits daily feed on fast food once a day, while only thirty-nine percent of teenagers from parents
who do five servings of vegetables and fruits eat fast food once a day. Obesity puts children at a
high risk of developing many serious illnesses. The third reason is related to heredity or genetics. The
average percentage recommended for carbohydrates is 50% -60%, and there should be about 30% of
calories come from fat. Economists believe imposition of taxes contributes to decrease in supply to
certain products deemed harmful to human consumption. The internet creates an all different
atmosphere where people are behind the screen and can start a series of bullying others, causing
imminent danger, hence why parents should be concerned with what their child encounters on social
media. Social media makes it very easy to bully a child or criticize them according to their looks. In
fact, forty-five percent of all new cases of juvenile type-II diabetes are obesity linked. Listed below
are a few of the health risk from the CDC. They would say things like you are fat and ugly, and
others would question why she is still here. Mental health is essential in the current world dominated
by social media. The second cause of obesity is a decrease in physical activities. The obesity rate has
been rising all over the world. Winning the war against obesity rests on a number of factors, which
hinges on the government against this disease. The research will uncover the consequences of
childhood obesity on present and future lives of the children. It has affected 1 out of every 5
individuals in the world. And being healthy in college can really help people deal with other stuff
better. No matter what the exact definition, obesity is, simply, excess body fat. Approximately five
million children and adolescents are now classified as obese. Most of them have penetrated the
school systems in the U. Davis et al 2007 assert that there is a strong positive correlation between
high intake of sugary beverages and soft drinks by children and obesity. Bullying and depression are
among the leading social stigmas that obese children face. On top of that, about seventy percent of
those children will grow up to be obese adults (Dehgan, et al, 2005). Ever-increasing cases of obesity
are surely a cause of concern, but there are various cures available to treat it. Examples of aerobics
are jogging, swimming, skating, tennis or basketball. It is estimated now that 20 percent of children
and adolescents are affected by obesity. The focus of the research will be the effects of childhood
obesity on the lives of the children aged 11 through 18 years. It includes main causes and risks
related to childhood obesity)Smith, C. (1999). Understanding Childhood Obesity. Cyberbullies are
all over the internet, and they prey on vulnerable feelings such as those of a child. They should also
take entire accountability for what they do or fail to do concerning their children’s lives.
We all have to take a stand on this issue before it gets any worse than it already is. This is the best
way to keep the self and family away from obesity. It is, however, due to poor lifestyle choices that
the U. When you give your child an equivalent portion of food as yourself, you are already exposing
your child to more significant health issues. This paper will look at the analysis of diabetes in young
children, obesity, health education strategies and communication strategies used in nursing care and
control of diabetes Benjamin, 2011, 108. The whole research process will take around one month that
will include visiting children, distributing and collecting questionnaires, and conducting
interviews.Introduction and Importance of Research Childhood obesity is one of most critical issues
related to children. Obesity is, easily, the world's fastest growing health concern. Cyberbullies are all
over the internet, and they prey on vulnerable feelings such as those of a child. Many girls will
practice their cartwheels or splits on the playground. This means that a parent should be well
educated in the dietary requirements of a child and should give them a well-balanced meal. Health
concerns: Obesity in children has been linked to an increase in Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol, and
other health problems. The studies we reviewed typically had limited followup and we could not
know the sustainability of these interventions. These statistics are proof every year the rate of
obesity is increasing, making obesity one of the most common diseases in childhood. The technology
that this world holds has become a huge active role in child obesity. This will help to take the
necessary steps and combat obesity. Nevertheless, childhood obesity can bring about health
complications which are life-threatening. Also, not every treatment is related to medication or
surgery. Also making people aware of cause and cures of obesity can be of great use. Making people
aware of how to adapt to a better lifestyle can reduce the chances of obesity. Obesity increases the
skin area subject to folds, which, in turn, increases problems like heat rash and dermatitis which is
the inflammation of the skin. You can spend 20 minutes running to get your cardio, 20 minutes
strength training with your body weight and lastly 20 minutes stretching the muscles and joints you
just used to get all the aspects of fitness. Children?s Diets in the Mid-1990?s: Dietary Intake and Its
Relationship with School Meal Participation. You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events,
people, sports, technology many more. Initial observations and analysis proved that lack of physical
activities, increased time spending in front of the computers and television, changing lifestyles and
food habits, genetic reasons, sedentary behaviors, etc as the major reasons for childhood obesity.
How to write a thesis statement about abortion maker help.Every part of the essay paper is
important.Young adults what is thesis statement in research examples. There are many causes for
children being at or above this percentile. I believe that future results will be a bit different from the
previous researches as parents are getting more and more awareness of their children’s well-being and
are doing their best to prevent childhood obesity. Regular exercise builds a strong heart and lungs,
lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, leaner bodies, helps with depression and anxiety, improves
sleep and improve the mind. In any case, the parents give access and allow their kids to play games
and watch TV. Right from doing household chores to getting things from the market, everything was
done manually.

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