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Moral Reasoning and

Ethical theories
By: M. Usman Mustafa
What is Good? What is Bad?
Euthyphro Dialogue
What is it? Dialogue.

Euthyphro; Dialogue written by ancient greek Socrates: Hello, Euthyphro. What brings you to the courthouse
philosopher Plato. A talk was held between Euthyphro: Hello, Socrates. I am here to prosecute my father for
Socrates, which plato believe as his mentor, Socrates: Your father? That's a serious accusation. But tell me,
what leads you to believe that this is the right thing to do?
and a person named Euthyphro. Euthyphro: Well, Socrates, it is the pious thing to do. It is my duty
to bring him to justice, regardless of our relationship.
Main focus of the conversation was to know Socrates: Ah, so you believe that prosecuting your father is pious.
But what is piety exactly?
the very nature of piety(Morally Euthyphro: Piety is doing what is pleasing to the gods.
Socrates: So, the pious is what is loved by the gods?
good/virtuous). Euthyphro: Yes, that's correct.
Socrates: But, Euthyphro, do the gods love actions because they
are pious, or are actions pious because the gods love them?
Euthyphro: I suppose the gods love actions because they are
Why be moral?


Just don’t…..
Genealogy of Morality.

Nietzsche's critique of traditional morality and his concept

of "master-slave morality".

Master Morality: Slave Morality:

Master morality is associated with strength, power, Arises in response to oppression or subjugation by
and nobility. the ruling class.

It is based on the values of the ruling class or those It is characterized by values such as compassion,
in positions of power. humility, meekness, and obedience.

Goodness is defined by qualities such as courage, Goodness is associated with qualities that are
pride, honor, and excellence. beneficial to the weak or oppressed, such as
kindness, empathy, and selflessness.

Ancient Greek master morality. Judeo-Christian morality

Crime and Punishment

Fyodor dostoevsky’s ordinary and extra-ordinary


Ordinary Man: Extra-ordinary Man:

Conforms to societal norms. Transcends societal norms.

Lacks individuality. Driven by individualism.
Lives within social expectations. Challenges prevailing beliefs.
May lead a mundane existence. Pursues ambitious goals.
Moral Reasoning

Moral reasoning is the process through which individuals assess what is right or
wrong, good or bad, and make decisions based on ethical principles.

It involves the use of logical reasoning, empathy, cultural norms, personal values,
and ethical principles to determine the best course of action in morally
challenging situations.
Ethical theories.

Duty-based Ethics Outcome-based Ethics Virtue Ethics Ethical Intuitionism

Proposed by philosophers like
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart
Mill, utilitarianism holds that the

best action is the one that
maximizes overall happiness or
utility for the greatest number of
people. It emphasizes the
consequences of actions.
Developed by Immanuel Kant,
deontological ethics emphasizes
moral duties and principles. According
to Kant, actions are morally right if they
are performed out of a sense of duty
and adhere to universal moral laws,
Deontology regardless of their consequences.

“So act as to treat humanity, whether in

your own person or in another, always
as an end and never as only a
Rooted in the works of Aristotle,
virtue ethics focuses on the
development of moral character

Virtue Ethics
and virtues. It suggests that a
person's character and virtues
determine ethical behavior rather
than adherence to specific rules or
Ethical egoism posits that
individuals ought to act in their

Ethical Egoism
self-interest. It asserts that each
person should prioritize their own
well-being and happiness above the
interests of others.
Ethical relativism maintains that
moral judgments are relative and

vary depending on cultural, societal,
or individual perspectives. It

Relativism suggests that there are no absolute

moral truths, and what is
considered morally right or wrong
can differ across contexts.
Is saying Thank
you! Morally right?

I wonder!

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