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CHENNAT SAHODAYA CLUST NAMINATION 2023-24 DMPUTER SCIE 11 2023-24 — MARKING SCHEME > Wes SUBIE CLAS! See eeu ese oe eee eee SECTIONA =Tmark = Tamar Te oa ree nec OEM 7 T TI T | a) drop table 8 = Tmark 4 P by (10,120, "30", 40", 20) (10, "20", '30', "40", 20, 30) 1 marke 1B) Pabstract’, 30, 120, 16,7. 811 Stork it bp 64 =Tmark 7 «) personal aren network = Tmark 7 &_[oeo = Timarke T 9 fa) False =F marke 7 10. | a) 10 =Tmark {zal TL | b) Transm Protocol = J mark 1. [ 6) global x TS. | a) Compile time error Ta, | Increase data inconsistency 15. | a) Telnet 76. [a both a and a) Both A and Rare true Fad Rare trae and Ro not the correct explanation For A Section B Web Server iva server software that stores web pages and when 2 inp elient sends any request toa server tne server responds t0 tHe Fequest and displays the requested web pages: =! mark ii) Web Browser i software helps in accessing web PARE and is also atl the web client. I eps the ser navigate through the vasa avide web and display web pages. (Any one of these pints ) =1 mark STR the correct explanation for A= 1 mark OR isa service which is provided by the com ‘ruct their own websites which are panies to its i) Web host in order to view ‘def Fibo(N_Terms): ab=-11 for jin range(N_Terms): "A mark - mark -% Page 1 © scanned with OKEN Scanner clients to allow them to const scccesibe tothe internet users via world wide wed. — 1 mark, ii) FTPisa protocol to upload files -% marl HTTP is a protocol to transfor files from web server (0 a Browser -%% mark| 2h PRODUCTS 1 Ketlogy nue Cheese Sheevg) Hel DISPLAY (PRODUCTS) ¢ fort PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS 20; prin) oR Maya I=STRING splitg for 1 in range(tenttst): it Maxcte ‘tosnn Jam Mixed Frat 20 Amul =Yomark, =A mark (i) To cheek rint(any() 1 mark =1mark on import random ~Amark print(random.randint(min(L),max(L))) =1% marks 24 esate able sales(Order Ta primary key PName varchar) wor nae ~T mark insert into sales values(1999, Biscuits500); =A mark OR Alter table student modify name varchar(30); “1 mark Upulate student set name = ‘Kiran’; <1 mark (or any relevant Name) 35] 3520 25420,028 =2 marks (if first half eorreetT marigh "> SECTION € 25. rd@aBeA =3 marks (i first halfis corres] 3 eo a —— 5 | min(date_of joining) | max(date_of joining) | ett [2007-0101 |2009.2-10 | tt = tmark ip [smo | name | date_of joining | to | 2) Harry |2009.02-01 | | 5] Kersty 2007-01-01 | = Tmark [Theresa | oie * st 28. | with open('school.txt') as fi -1 mark s=fread()splitO 8: =A mark i) Select WNO, NAME from WORKER where Date Joined like "2013%'s = 1 mark iv) Select WNO,CITY , DEPARTMENT from WORKER natural join DEPT where GENDER = ‘FEMALI <1-mark 32. | import esv Ti marks 7 def Created: <3 wth open boeken) ite | Writer=esv.writer(f) = Yemark for i in range(N): Bookld=int(input("Enter Bookld")) BookName=input("Enter Book Name") -% mark Author=input("Enter Author") Copies=int(input("Enter copies")) Ist=[BookId,BookName,Author,Copies] Writer.writerow(Ist) -% mark def Display): with open('books.csv','r'newline=") as f: | ‘Author=input(“Enter Author”) -% mark Reader=esv.reader({) © scanned with OKEN Scanner @ ay imber of computers =% mark Bus Toplogy = %mark, ) Zone Zas there are m his zone. 1 mark ©) i) Repeater required between Zone Y and Zone U ~%mark, fi) Switch ean be placed in every block ~ mark oe cable oF Twisted pair ret eabl ‘dpa aan | ©) FirewalwRowter 1) a) New contents Will be overwrite =Lmark mt import pickle ~*mark def PrintData(): ~Yemark, se “Yemark en STUDENT.DAT' 40) a5 Fite i epe'STUDENTDAT 1) it nan tty: Isepickte toad ; ipa inl rin(sto}.s}as(2) 7 | found=True : a | xcept EOFError: leh: break if not found: | Drint(*No records whose Marks greater than 75") OR 1) Seriatietion isthe process of transforming data or an objectin 'memory(RAM) toa stream of ys called bye streams, 1 mark import pickle ~Yemare | det CopyDatag: with open(PRODUCT.DAT';1b) a 1 = mark With open(PRODUCT.DATwb)as 2: t mark while True: vias Isepickletoad(t) ~Ymark inisif250: “hmark pickle.dump(Ist,f2) ~%mark except EOFError: | break | 35. | i) DDL is Data Definition Language command, used to ereate and alter the| 5 table structure, - Ymark DML is Data Manipulation Language command used to sclect, insert | supdate and delete records in the table. -% mark | Page 4 © scanned with OKEN Scanner ii) import mysql.connector as conn ~%mark mya ‘conn.conneet(user=!ro0t'host—ocalhost’ydatabase="TRA VEL password='tige’) =I mark mycursor = mydb.cursor() = mark| mycursor.execute( "select * from PLACES where Place_type—'Hill Station") =T mark rows=myeursor-fetchall) ~'Amark - %mark for iin rows: ~ prindloqsta}si2) OR Acandidate key contests for a primary key. Itis a set of attributes used to identify a record. "mark If one of the candidate keys is chosen to be a primary key, the remaining candidate keys are alternate keys. "mark i) import mysqlconneetor as conn —%mark -mydb = cona.conneet(user~'root’host~Tocalhost’database='CUST’,password="tiger') <1 mark mycursor = mydb.cursor() —% mark = 1 mark custid=int(input("Enter customer id")) ceustname=input("Enter customer name") phone=int(input("Enter Phone number") imycursor.execute("insert into CUSTOMER values ((}()\Q)" format (custid.custname,phone) 1 mark mydb.commit() ‘**End of Paper** © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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