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pee a tee ee Ly A curve on graph “that 2epnesemts a function Like 4 reaction at a suppod , the shear donce at a section , the bending amomemt at a section of a stmucture fon various positions aba umit Load om the span of the structure ts called an an Influence Lime Diagram. jokjesives (i) To identify the pesition of moving Loads for. metscimum value of Stress xesultants (meaction ,shear force , bending moment , toxsion), (see Exp- 1) GI) TLD fon a stress Resultant is the ome im which cadimate represent the value of the stress nesultant Sor the position of unt lead at the comesponding abscisse, > Bet oe TL fon reaction at A doa 4kN IL for smomnemt at section fs Y A E Cs A B Oe een a R ved Bs ca is When LkN acting at point A> Ry=tky 3 a@raw the BMD when LkN is When fk ating at point B > \=o75kH applied at blhem 4EN acting at point C> Peos kn Sle kerma Hhen 1kN acting at point D> Ryzo.25kn 2 When 1LkN acting at poimLE R= 0 A D> aks 8 oAbk 4 oS kN thy Ooskn | —— A E & Eos & TLD for. neactiowtA CR) Ordinate OD= value of BM at C when 1 kit is acting aD Mille.- Breslau Principle —> The Miiller-Bzeslaw principle on Miitler- Breslau imfluence theoxem ig the most important tool i obtaining influence Lines for Stabically determinate as well as statically indeteseminate structures, + The emethed is based om the concept of the influence bine as a deflection cure. > This principle is the straight application of Maxwell's neciprocal theorem. => Statement TE an imternal stress component on a reaction component is considered to act though some senall distance and thereby to deflect on displace a structure , the Cue of the deflected on displaced structure. will be, to some scale, the influence. Lime fon the Stress on ection component. Proof : = Let us consider a two span continuous beasn ABC ancl plot the imfluence Lime fon reaction at B CRs), Aa ie a @ a. Soot Cb) ee) —> Leta umit load act a point X distant x trom emd A ~+ IP the suppont at 8 is hemoved the beam will deflect as shown. in Fig,¢h). Remove the umit lec as well as the nedundant Aaeaction Ra and place. a downward Umit loa at®. The bearn will deflect unde the unit load asshewn im Fig. @. Let Spe = deflection at B due to umit Load at B Sxe = deflection at x due to unit bad at B deHection at B due to umit lead at X deflection at x due to unit load at x Spx = Sx. = nt at B is at the same level as A and C, the As the. suppe to Rg is to neutralize this Upward deflection at 6B due downward deflection Sax. 2, Fromm consistemt defonmabion Re-Sae = Sex But As pee Maxwell's reciprocal theorem Sax = Gx8 Hence Re= SS if Sen=1 => Re- Sse Thus, the reaction. at B due to unit load at any point X is Proportional to the deflection at the point x due to the unit boacl atcting at B. Ly The deflection cuxe shown in Fig.) nepresents , to some scale the imfluence Line ton Ra. => If the deHection Spe in the Selected as umity, the deflection cuwe will directly give dinection of umit Load at 8, is imtluemce Line fon Re. Ex1 Bra the influence limes fon (i) reaction al B; and Cl) aoment at A fon the propped. canttlever shown in Siqure. Compute the ordinates at intervals of 1.25%. 4 eee @ k——_z: —a kL borg 4 [TA] Tip fom Re. p e eo wo ar: anc ee 7 +) © TL forRe os 4 2 y 6 é © 410.0 o.. OCF [z ad Fromm the Mitller-Breslau principle Ry = Sx8. see To coonpute Sxe , apply a umit vertical lead at B as shown in Fig.ct) At any section X distant x from B oe a, = re Here Mx= —4-2 |" = erdiitic Aes oe 3 Gye -£ 2 > ELY= ES Etc “EL er le y a Ses 3 At x=0 3 Y? Spe = — ML Max > ¥> 6yq = 4, (= fart) * Ry= Se (SE _ VL, £)3 -4(2 8 = ( 2 Bo 2 3242) Ra= it (mi ant2 wohere. M= XL a= 5 mn +2) a The ordinates of ILD fon Ra axe computed im following table © [1.95 |ase S45 | 5 (6.95 | 7.5 a5) roel | xn) ie) (0.195, 0.95 |0.315| 0.5 |o.605 O65 0875) 4 0.655 0.64 loains ateyclaoee o.022 © — OR ne 4 sts | [TB] ILD fon Ma Tm onder to drat the ILD fon Ma, replace the fixecl support at A by a pim as shown im Fig. (a). Remove the external umit foad. and apply a umit couple att A, os shown io Fig. €). From the Mitller-Bueslau principle My= 24. Pad Where, Ska= verbical deflection at x due to umit couple at A Pan= Slope at A due to unit couple at A Now EXAY tte Ma athe € da ae i ¥ 2 £88 e288 4 So 8 ry GB wR a F erd’ _-sc 3 dL qs > exdy_ aka ar Atx=0 ,Y=o Sa. 2 Lys Ff asic, a Gs v Abaol yao Peak att ee Cs fag At orl, Wig 3 _ = ‘aes ee ed S At x=ax , Y= 4 Pi oy (978mm = Fe atte Therefone My= SAL [= +b]: aa. == Dan The ordinates of TLD ton Ma oe. computed in following table. xm) | oO 4.25] 2.5 |3.45) 5.0 |6.25| 7.5 | S45) 410 PAZ | 0 footes| ose 0.55) 4.26) 2.44) 4.22 6.4 | to My °o 0.645 a4 6L|-1BF5\-1.905|-1.64 |-A.025| 0 The minus sign ae that the cee of Ma ia im Reverse dixection to that af the unit moment applied at A,ie, Ma acts Exo Betermine the influence Lime diagrams don the neaction at A(R), the shear force at D (Fp) and don the bending moment af (My) of a comtrmucug beam ASG as Shown in figure. D ts the emiddle point of span BC. Compute the ordinates at ton interval sett 4) ILD fon Ry EET comsternt > 49 [> aceon E Z g Faonn the Mutller- Breslau principle R= Sam by applying a unit verteal load at A Here Now er dy Me Reeser da® Mz= Rg Goh) for segored > er di = -x|+2Ce-4) x= Re Gh) a ae Q an SE |+ (x)* ELy= et Cyx+Co |+ Cony 3 % 3 3 “ 2 ELy = a HO _ 128 |+ eH At so, y=Sm= 128 SEL Mm ge Gua tte 8 ees] T he) Sza ia [oro 128 4. -tos Er BEL 4 [go +to-t38 4 2-477 Cee Seerese er GEL 7H 4BO _ 12g] 41 _ —104 Za ie Soe eee ee 3 [ees -ae- 2B €°3 SIJ&r” cer 4 = tso_aag]4, 2 S 6 At x=hom ,Yy=o e Acy+ cy = SA At x=Sm , y=0 : = $1264 - Sept Cy = FE ely 64 y= Ae c= -128 #7 Caz C= (2) TLD fon Fo A 8 D> Se re EO constant 4 4am 4 2 — — 20 —t => From the. Mittler- Breslau principle Fa = So 2D > The umit load (external) is nemoved and a paix of the unit Loads Cunit shear) is applied at D. The beam will then distort as shown im Fig. ©) The shear fonce at D (Fa) = Gxo Soap Where Sip = deflection of beam at X due to unit chean at D Sov= total relative smoveremt at D due te unit shear at D Refering Fig), The calculated Reactions ane as follows : Ret kn , Ra--2 kn , Re=t kw Since. the beam is discontinuous at D, the spans ADand DE are (\) For portion AD treated separately. BICZ ROLE aan Measuring dnom A towards right Ex ti = tx Hexe dee Ma =Rax Jom segment AB => Er & —_— | exerci) Mare Rg (et) Jon. segment BD se > EL: ae +a |+ Gay ieee 9 c=0 eee sli TEs axsc, |> lene Atx=4,Y=o 3 Sie aca Hemce the slope and deflection equations ; en fon portion AD ctiece ES) Este ds = +s | + (anh) a) 3 3 Ety = ~E+$x + cS ® At sc=Gan (#\,,-2 £[-3e +8 Su |= - 3 (4 =A )_ 2c 4 As wlece ) an ae ansehen Gil) For. portion, Dc Measuring x ficen D, towards right Erg te Ma = Qed = 2% 2 => Erdy ox-9 3 Erdy fan 4c, AL x=0 ser). = => Secs per Shaan bak ( (4) i" Oar at fx )oc™ Hence. the slope and deflection equations for portion Dc are en Erdy . of Ab =2 ,Y=o ieee! —_a) oS = O-=-S_4+tIG4+c, Ey = ¥ a2 sy, 76 . {ret Here __@® 4... 4-g-2(-3)-¥ Atxso (y)o. = is 3 25 * Sao =p, - @)ac = A (-2-% =~ ee [mtce Used -drom A | Equation. Sx __ X@n)y (D ILD fon Mp ee © EL constant Ma=0 =R.¥2-41=0 PRe=8lo My=0 = (Rriot{Rax2) ee > GRyt Raab And Rar Rarer = Rate Reed To draw the ILD fon Mp , Consider a pin ot D. The bean will deflect umder the umit Load as shown in Fig-& “+ Remove the extermal unit lead and apply a pair of unit Couples at D as shown im Fig. C). > From the Miitler- Breslau principle The bending moment af D Cig) = Sx ‘DD where, Srox deflection at amy section X due te unit ceuple at D dao= Rotation at D, due te unit couple at D Relerrng Fig ©, The calculated reactions axe as dotlows: R=Skn, Row-tkn, Rew d kN Since the beam is discontinuous at D, the spans AD and De cue. treated separately. (i) For pontion AD Measuring se rom A, towards right EL dy eto . Here ce Moca Race For segment AB > erdy -- \* cx-4) Maz Ra Ga) fon segment BD ae 7 3 ery sfc | ed ln 2 At x=0 ,Y=o 3 Ce=0 =» bey = ~E cys te, |S cH) 4y eee ones 2-64 Hemce the slope and deflection ee ole ates fon portion AD axe rE Ely --S+4x|+ee? ——O 49 3 6 - BE te Peet = 726 Ue (2). a-% a ™ SEL eal Oe Set Ci) Fon_pention DC Measusing sx from D, towords right da ry = —M: iG da? a Ma= ~Satt > erdy 2x4 eo 2 = erd een At x=2 i Y=o ae F088 -hascyec, exe x @ Ely= -Sscrte 2 2cte,24 Hemce the slope amd deflection Mx=o equations fox portion De are => ETy=cq+ a Edy = Lat5 —@ sa,.5 Ery = E-F 5-36 __ @ 5 AL X=0 >(#),.- a “Pons relabve change im this angle at D fe ease [Distance Used | from A Equation, | mend L 2 Cw=o)| EL : cn EB (1) EL Tos fa (ee2) | EL ae I i (x=3) & T L ee Cesk) ek 2 _(z=5) EL Tt 4 C Gwe) “ { IV 7 cert) = | Iv % | Grea) | ED 32 5 |= Gad ee 2 = So | Se doo ell eect enc | —— | fet Be OndU aaa) Lart]-2 her | ces = | $+ |= 2 a1875 | [+2 ]-% | 0.164 19 2] EL 64,467.29. ° el fe a 426 420 447 = <43 | 0.336 12°53 6 42eL ~ 36 a BAD. 3s. ++] oe o8! 5 4456-26]. -A9 eS 2*5 == Wer cae acl Eey 9° | aikce ao -%] = =

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