ISS-1001-TMP-00020 Fire Risk & Safety Assessment

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Fire Risk & Safety Assessment

Company Name: Date of Assessment:

Site Manager Name Signature:


Main Activities carried out

within the building.

This document is to be completed on the first day of attendance on site. All findings are to be documented accordingly and any serious concerned auctioned

This document should be under constant review as work on site progresses and all changes recorded.

1. Fire Fighting

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Ref No: Question / Description Yes/No Comments / Action Required

Do you have sufficient fire-fighting appliances /

equipment throughout your site?

Are your fire extinguishers located near to higher fire

risk and fire exits?

Are portable extinguishers of the correct type for the

fire risk identified?

Are fire-fighting appliances certified /checked by a

2.4 competent person, and are all fire extinguishers
properly colour coded?

Is the last date of inspection displayed on the

2.5 extinguisher and do you maintain a fire extinguisher

Do your employees know where the fire extinguishers

are located?

Have employees been shown how to use the correct

2.7 type of fire extinguisher for different classification of
fires i.e. electrical, or paper fires?

Operatives should only attempt to fight a fire which is approximately the size of a
2.8 Do you have a policy on fighting fires? small bin and where the risk of danger is not too great. For all larger incidents the
alarm is to be raised and the Fire Authority called.

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3. Fire Exit Routes & Signage

Ref No Question / Description Yes/No Comments / Action Required

Are all exits/routes provided with conspicuous exit
signs i.e. “Green Running Man” on a white
3.1 background, together with an arrow pointing in the
direction of escape? (“Final Exit” signs do not require
an accompanying arrow)

Are all fire exit routes and the points of exit from the
building clear of obstructions?

Are all floor surfaces and stairs on escape routes free

from tripping and slipping hazards?

Are all fire-resisting doors on escape routes correctly

3.4 signed, closing fully, in good state of repair and not
wedged open?

Is all lighting (normal and where provided emergency)

on escape routes fully operational?

Do your employees know not to use lifts in the event

of a fire?

Do escape routes lead in different directions to places

3.7 of safety? (I.e. a muster point beyond the building in
which a person is no longer in danger.)

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4. Hazard Identification

Ref No Question / Description Yes/No Comments / Action Required

Do you have smoking hazards e.g. cigarettes, pipes,

naked flames?

Are the main electrical installation / equipment

inspected /checked and is there a PAT testing
procedure for portable electrical appliances in place,
to help prevent electrical fires?
Are there satisfactory procedures operating to prevent
the accumulation of combustible materials e.g.
4.3 excessive quantities of waste paper in photocopying
rooms, overflow of stationery from stores and desks
piled up with files that should be in cabinets?
Do you need to store any of the following; flammable
4.4 gases such as liquid petroleum gas or acetylene,
oxygen, oxidising chemicals/, or explosive materials?

Do you have any flammable liquids, solvents? If yes

4.5 are they stored in fire resisting cabinets marked with
an appropriate pictogram sign?

Are portable heating appliances guarded, securely

4.6 fixed in position and at a safe distance from any
combustible materials?

5. Fire Detection & Alarms

Ref No Question / Description Yes/No Comments / Action Required

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Are fire call points (break glass) located in the
appropriate areas of the site and clearly visible?

Do your employees know where the fire alarm call

points are?

Are bells/sounders used to give warning of fire, and

are they tested on a weekly basis?

Are employees warned promptly to evacuate in the

event of any fires or alarm activations?

6. Staff Awareness & Training

Ref No Question / Description Yes/No Comments / Action Required

All persons who enter site are given an induction to the site rules and procedures
Does the company induction training cover all
6.2 which they must adhere to. Part of this induction covers fire safety and emergency
relevant fire related information and guidance?

Do your employees know the principles of good

6.3 housekeeping to prevent fire hazards and maintain
safety standards?

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Do your employees know to keep fire doors closed to
prevent the spread of fire, smoke and heat?

Is there an emergency plan developed for the

The fire escape plan is displayed on the health and safety board and operative’s
6.7 company and is it easily available to employees and
attention is drawn to this as part of the site induction.

8. Fire Risk Identified (Insert Any Identified)

Date Person Reviewing assessment Signature

1st Review

2nd Review

3rd Review
Document Number: ISS-1001-TMP-00020

Document Owner: Richard Hull

Document Level: 3a
Date: 18/07/18 Changes to this Revision:
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Prepared by: Richard hull
Reviewed by: Lauren Harrison
Approved by: Enda Nally Revision: 01

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