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wig 1 DAY, BOYS SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, CHENNAI - 06 PRE ANNUAL EXAMINATION : 2018-19 CLASS :X1 MAX. MARKS: 100 SUB : MATHEMATICS THE 13 Hes Date: 15022019 General Instructions; Abguestens a cautry 1+ Bao check at is question paper cons 29 estos #Queston din secton = Aare very shor answer tye estes can Yat each + Questers St Hinsecton=B ashe anaet type questans camjog2 mats each + Questons 1316 3inseton-Cara ng mer pe questions canyng 4 mans each + Quesors 19298 secton- Dare ong newer fe uesinscayng 6 maeach + Please wie oun te seal nerf he quesion ele ateting SECTION-A 1. Deawthe graph oly = sin (oR) -V/ Find Sin and cos 6 6 es inthe for guadrant and cos + Sind = 0 + _ Jog( 4x3 2 erate: lim 22042") sim x0 3. Anexperiment consists of rolling a die and then tossing a coin once ifthe number on the Y, die is even and if the number on the die is add, then the coin is tossed twice. ‘Write the Pipers peste ar, 5H Libs ‘sample space fortis experiment. S= f2m27 4H, 67, 6H 67 INH 1H 343 ‘eur 2 gare yey 8 equation of ne parabola whose focus is (3,0) and vetexis at (0,0) ex ae ; (3.9 is) * SECTION-B i, Gaol ioe pee™ "LS Evaluate: $+ (2 +3") te tf - one L . a ey Me aes bee, 6.V) Find the co-ordinates of foci ana eocenticity for the curve, = + 5 = 1a eal = 20 ) Howrnany deren wats cante omedusig al teleters offre word INSTI, 5S a (oR) ata ee are eee From a cass of 25 students 10 are to be chosen for an excursion party. There ave three € pee students who decide either all of them wil oin or none of them wil join. In how many ways they canbe chosen, 22-£53C3 + 22L,° 3Co | Zu6 = 8. Solvefor8 if :cos( 40) = cos(20) he ath Dow PEM OME + sin = Vileos A - c0sB) Prove that cot (*2) = -V3 4 AE oe z oA ob | © Ina relay race there are five teams A, B,C,D.E { i) whats the probability A,B, C are ( ib V fist tree to frsh (i) what is the probability that A finish first, B second and C third - respectively. “yal (i) 47 7te mm CL YU ee ols)? ae a | % 2. atonr” poh? "Find lim 4260528 ett , ae ion) oc shen 2 oe jm . aa 12. Find tho derivative of cot x + 25 withrospoctto x —Griae* —F5 tance! Fale SECTION-C tito foes ca? Brow c0s20 cos! ~ cos30 cos*? = sinsosin a se he toa hp seh (0R) ica 23 Solve for x; tan 3x + tanx = 2 tandx 23th" 14. IEF () = x8e* + x® loge find f'(x) = (oR) M f(x) = x? sin xlog x, then find f'(x) 15. Calculate the mean deviation about meen forthe folowing frequency distribution. yy (ers 10-20 [20-30 [30-49 [40-50 [50-60 [60-70 ] 70-80 | \s3 2 3 8 4 8 3 2 | students __| | \ ‘Aand B are two events such that P(A) =0.54 P(B) = 069 P (A andB) =0.35 find () P igi Apex 8) HP ApoB) fo) PLAN BY’ = I Ant) ibe, 0, a of) i) (nine aa ne Yi) P ( wet Sy ai oye ’ PU nse aa Sfrreohtain 10 red $84 64 ‘ren bals, 1 wo balls are dst random, find the be a he” a jot, probability that (i) all are of same colour _{i) one red and one green. Athi wet U8, *iCh ts en, et : [eo Ying the sum of the following series upton terms, .6 +654.666+ 40 a + Yo ie ¥ boy Oe the p,q" and the r'* term of a GP. are a,b,c em prove that at (ob) y f i i “bh OMe arryrvcrtn Oe (Mes a eo sgt ie gece ae” =(0R) om Find the sum ton terms aq = (2n— 1)? dMFind the equation of fhe circle having (1, -2) as its centre and passing though 13 eqyiay” e+ y= dand 2x + 5y=18 apseluny x24 Ryr > eugaw Ee a Oke Ww many words with or without meaning, each of 3 vowels and 2 consonanls can be ie ‘sat el % cj) jormed fromthe fetes ofthe werd INVOLUTE (oe ar \ x a : 81 r ae Evaluate lim. S ca ms) xB 3 _ oe 23. Find the derivative ofa) (x + cosx) (x —tanx) (b) sin"x _(o)4VE—2 BO FEV 9) Lowa ion) (ey Nba plan. & Oto =a) la’ =! jo itie + avtlae * 4, ta’ if y OW 0 a9 L- hoet wt tothe , fas ses Ts ( Sina tan (5-9) « eg, - ome 7 g Lh yt tom isle i 0 of AA rst 4 tanh J 4 tony wd 1 ba seed £4 2 (Moon tH He, Lf tin | amt gyn Ltt, 5, Yi enn Sia Mayan went nntwn a and ba , , . £ (Pdr) [14 eteont LOM! ig. gfe OED (Srea) fits ee) (ony oe ay eg a A fies Betwcen 4 and 31, m rombers here ban itd sch ny at he ig (bbilt” Mnf =f seu tn AP, 0 Ui ven AT? od On = 19 mnertoes nog Fete Ag, valu ohm iss wy 2, Clea oman, viene sh wet dabei Ys te Henke tats GE [tase 30-80" ; 1 Nat a7 students als)28? S23, Fina og ek gpl ards it contains 6) sings 3 igs (ata 3 Kegs ee 54 4 eS \ 35° (oR) WG) 7. / ba integer is chosen at random fem the murbers sengieg ftom 1 to. Whats te web oe D probabil thal the inegar chosen i 2 mstigne tor 5 00 10.4 ’ a 2a, ising fst pci fi the etre ck f() = xsinx ee (0R) A sig it pice fr te cere ct fx) = en U2. A merchant plans to sel twa types ct pexsord conigters, 2 desiaop cold xc 2 portable model that wil cost % 25,000 and % 40,000 respectively. He eslinates tat the total monthly demand of computers wi nck exon TED wits. Deterine te ruber of units of each type of computers ukich the merchaet shustd stock oot Ye rerum profit he does not want to invest mere then Z 70 its and this proft on te desicce mmodelis % A500 and on potable mode is @ 5000. |— Unt tui, aun, x —— Gy. ae tele. DA oye,

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