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note : nginx documentation


note :
-> user -> https/http => reverse proxy => server => services on different port =>
-> admin -> https/http => reverse proxy => server => services on different port =>

note : diagramatic representation

-> user = user icon
-> server = rectangle
-> db = cylinder
-> all arrows : non overlapping and intersecting ; horizontal and vertical
-> sync : single direction arro
-> async messaging queue

note : gateway protocols : http / https

=> http : if we do not configure certificates in http server then it is http
=> https : if we configure signed or self signed certificates in http server then
it is https
=> generally we do not protect services by https, instead we protect reverse proxy
server with certicicates
=> it requires two things to be configured in nginx to make it https : certificate
and key

note : openssl
-> certificates and keys are generated with help of openssl
-> we can generate ssl certificates with help of openssl windows and linux
-> configuring ssl certificates with nginx :
-> https server optimization with nginx :

note : open ssl installation


note : openssl certificate generation


note : nginx functionalities

-> we can server frontend via nginx
-> we can configure self signed certificates with nginx to make it https protocol
-> we can pass proxy to different server and services via nginx
=> conf file :

note : load balancer

-> it helps to balance load between servers: it helps to handle 1000 requests per
=> different types of load balancing with nginx :
=> loadbalancing: nginx :
=> load balancing through different servers and ports :

note : types of load balancing strategy (server picking strategy) : round robin ;
least connection ; ip_hash

note : types of balancers

-> layer 4 : transport layer (it can access tcp/udp,ip,port)
-> layer 7 : app layer (it can access http header, cookies, payload)
-> loadbalancers : nginx, haproxy, traefik

note : benefits of load balancer

-> resilience: if one of the server fails then load balancer sends request to
another server
-> scalability : if request gets twice then
=> if you increase number of servers : horizontal scaling
=> it optimizes the request load on servers : vertical scaling


note : content delivery network cdn

-> if a user visit then browser needs to load content on page
-> if content is in near server then it will take less time; else more time
-> if we increase servers then it can become faster but costly
=> instead of putting servers ; we put cache in each location to store static
content (public folder : images, css, html, javascript)
=> this cache is called cdn server less costly then actual server machine

note : types of cdn

-> push cdn: when you upload a new static content on central server, it will
automatically get pushed to all cdn irrespective of user requests
-> pull cdn : when a user request a updated static content then only it will be
fetched from centeral server and cached to local cdn

note : benefits
-> place static files closer to user
-> reduce latency and cost
-> increase complexity of system

note : amazon : 216 points : ~50 countries

-> cloud front is content delivery network of amazon
-> cloud front :


note : caching
-> code <-> cache <-> storage
-> improve read performance and reduce load
-> increase complexity and consume resource
-> caching dbs : redis, memecache, dynamodb

note : caching strategies

-> cache aside : read from cache ; if miss then code will access db and put it in
cache and get return
-> read through : read from chache ; if miss the cache will get data from storage
and store it in itself and return
-> write through : update the cache and then update the storage
-> write behind : update the cache ; wait for timeout or more writes ; update the

note : eviction strategies : lru, mru, lfu, mfu

note : cache nginx

-> nginx server level caching:
-> nginx content caching:

note : cache redis

-> in memory
-> key (string) value (string, list, json) pair
-> limited ram
-> multiple instance of redis are required to store data : single node supports
100k req per seconds
=> when we set a key in redis then we also set time to live (ttl) : amount of time
it will remain in redis

note : cache memcache


note : cache aws: dynamo db


note : difference usage of different caching dbs



note : queues
-> if you have a pizza delivery system
-> 10 req comes to pizza service for customization
-> then they pay at payment service (1 paymemt per sec)
-> then payment send res to pizza service
=> it is a sync system and extremely slow : performance = speed slowest component
of system

note : queue : asynchronous system

-> as payment request comes to pizza service : it puts them in a queue
-> as payment service process the current payment and once done ; it sends the resp
of this payment and pick up new payment req from queue
-> meanwhile pizza service keep on taking new customization and adding payment req
in queue
=> it is a producer consumer mech : pizza service : producer & payment service :

note : queueing mechanisms

-> kafka



=> kafka with nodejs :

=> kafka with spring boot :

-> rabbitMQ :

-> amazon SQS

=> js:
=> spring boot :
=> python :

note :
-> pros: scalability ; reliability ; buffering ; durability ; req spikes smoothing
-> cons: incr system complexity ; increase latency
=> even if service crashes ; the req remains safe in queue ; once service restarts
it again starts processing the queue

note : messaging paradigms

1) message queue
-> one of the producer (one instance of pizza service) sends message to one of the
consumer (one instance of payment service)
-> if that instance of payment service is unavailable then request goes to another
instance of consumer (payment service instance)
=> action ; exactly once delivery ; message can arrive out of order

2) publisher subscriber
-> if payment service wants to initiate an event about a payment to billing and
reciept service
-> then it publishes that event on a channel which in turn is subscribed by billing
and reciept service
-> notification ; atleast once delivery ; message are always in order

note : rabbitMQ
-> AMQP protocol : it stores messages until consumer retrieves thems
-> offloads heavy tasks
-> distributes tasks

1) routing keys
=> when producer puts a message then it contains a routing key (it contains
information that in which queue this message needs to be droppes like payment
=> then the actualy body contains information like amount, orderid which again
helps to put the message in a queue related to particular instance of service

2) exchange: router / load balancer

-> it recieves all msg and put them in correct queue
=> types
i) direct : it puts message in the queue according to routing key of msg : if more
than one consumer of that queue then it works in round robin manner
i) topic-header : bifurcation of queues on the basis of metadata or configuration
(topic/header) in routing keys
i) fan out : all the consumer recieves the message

=> rabbit MQ acts as msg q in direct, topic and header exchange ; but it works as
pub/sub in fan out exchange

3) channels : concurrency
-> rabbitMQ consumer use tcp connection ; multiple tcp connection from different
threads in same service to consume msg faster
-> but tcp conn are expensive : instead rabbitMQ makes multiple channel with only
on tcp connection with from different threads within same service

4) acknowledgements : when to delete msg from queue : automatic and explicit :

-> it should be deleted when consumer ack to exchange instead once msg is just
-> service can ack after storing or processing the msg

note : kafka : most popular pub/sub system : event streaming platform : msg stored
for period of time
-> topic : it is basically queue name and >1 consumers are connected/subscribed to
that topic
-> each msg = event ; each event has key, value, timestamp
-> kafka topics are usually sharded / partitioned : it makes rules such as : (#1:
0,1,2 ; #2 : 3,4 ; #3 : 5,6,7 ; #4: 8,9)
=> if a producer produce and sends key ending with '9' will go into 4th paritioned
(kafka sharding logic)
=> consumers divide parition in themselves: if we have three instance of service
then one instance can be connected to #1,#2 and the other two can be connected to
#3, #4 resp
=> if more consumers then partitioned then wastage of resource

-> pros : high throughput ; cons : latency

note :
-> instances of same services comes under same consumer groups
-> two instances of same group may not recieve all messages of a queue partition
they are connected with (ex : two instances of receipt)
-> but two instance of diff group if connected with same topic then any one
instance of both groups will recieve same message (ex : different instance of
receipts and billing)
=> appending at end ; deleting at start
=> it can process 100k events per second


note : protocols
-> tcp and udp
=> tcp > web sockets
=> tcp > http
=> http > rest, gRPC, GraphQL

note : tcp : reliable, ordered, error checked :: slower than other protocls
-> sender establish connection to reciever
-> sender breaks the message in peices (payload) and then sends package one by one
-> if reciever do not ack then sender will again send the packet
=> udp : non reliable, fast, good if there is constant stream of data

note : http: hyper text transfer protocol (tcp protocol) : text with links and
other docs
-> client sends request and wait for response
-> it contains status, header, body
=> status codes :
i) 100 - 199 : informations
i) 200 - 299 : success (200: ok ; 201: created)
i) 400 - 499 : client error (401: unauth ; 403: forbidden ; 404: not found)
i) 500 - 599 : server error (500: internal server error ; 503: service unavailable)
i) 300 - 399 : redirections

note : rest : api structure

-> restfullness : get /users/123/books => returns all books burrowed by user 123
-> nested resources: get /users/123/books/567 => it returs the book 567 borrowed by
user 123
-> state : put /users/567/enable
-> safety : get /users/567/ban (incorrect)
-> idempotency : put /online (boolean) ; post /likes (non idempotent : counter
-> pagination and sorting : get /books?limit=50&offset=100 (***)

=> if there is deeper nesting then use graphQL instead of rest

=> never use get to change any entity

note : web sockets

-> generally client send req and sever responds
-> if we want to send response from client to service without a req then web
sockets comes into picture (chat service)
-> adv : connection is established once and real time message delivery to client
-> disadv : more complicated ; load balancer trouble ; websockets are statefull (if
connection drops we need to reconnect)
=> more effecient than polling in http

note : long polling

-> if sometimes we can not use websockets then long polling is used
-> opening and closing connection ; based on http

note : rpc : remote procedure call

-> generate function : define function in abstract manner
-> it can not use grps in web / mobile client

note : graphQL
-> it solves issues of overfetching and underfetching
=> overfetching : get request fetching multiple columns from diff tables but only
one gets used in frontend
-> instead of get, we can use post and send alias (list of fields) (required
fields) as body and only fetch those fields

=> QL : query language ; http based ; req & res => json format ; define which
fields/nested entities need to return
-> get : query
-> post, put, delete => mutation

note : graphQL documentation


note :

note : notification


note : concurrency and parallelism

-> parallelism : doing more than one thing at same time ; two people parallely &
independently making tea and sandwich ; if 2 cpus then we can acheive parallelism
-> concurrency : illusion of doing more than one thing at same time ; one person
making tea and sandwich then tea and sandwich switching tasks ; if 1 cpu then need
to switch

note : process
-> each process has seperate memory space
-> if you start java server then you see only one process
-> if you start nodejs process then you see multiple processes
=> if 10,000 users needs to be cached in memory then nodejs can consume a lot of
memory than java because they will replicate data multiple times (each process will
have its own data img)
=> what kind of process model your tech uses according to requirements

note : interprocess communication

-> file : each process will not have comman data instead it will be present in-
memory and process will read it as required ; but update problem
-> signal : signal terminate process : kill -9 kills process
-> socket : client process connect at 8080 and server process listen at 8080
-> pipe : output of one process becomes input of another process => ls grep hello
(output of ls process is input of grep process that will run hello file and give a
new output of print hw)
-> shared memory
-> message passing

note : threads: it executes code : code execution ; garbage collection

note : thread pool : limit on number of threads


note : database

note : indexes
=> indexes are made on a column so that searches on that column becomes much faster
=> if we search something by name col and there is no index then we need to search
all rows and match string
=> if indexing then each name will be mapped to an id and fast to search
=> hashmap and dictionary : string type query
=> b-tree (it can have more than 2 child and leaf nodes are linked list) : if query
: where age between 25 and 50

note : sharding (***)

-> all tables in same db and single instance but then it grows from 4tb to 34 tb
-> split a large db of 16tb => xtb, ytb, ztb : but how our application will know
which db to connect with ?
1) tenant based sharding : suppose we have a global app then we can divide
databases on the basis on country : IN, AUS (uneven distribution ; creating new
shard easy)
2) hash based sharding : if we need to operate record then with help of hashing we
decide the shard (even distribution ; add new shard needs to change func ; hard to
join with fkey)
=> there are 4 shards then hash(id) % 4 => will give shard number
=> shard router : there is locator to locate the shard in which a particular record
with id can be present

note : consistent hashing

-> problem : if use hash approach and need to add a new shard then we need to
=> number of shard incr 4 => 5
-> inti sharding func : 6%4 => 2 ; new shard func : 6%5 => 1 (we need to move
record with id = 6 from shard 1 => 2)

=> if there are this much records: 0-127 record

=> 1 : 96-127
=> 2 : 0-31
=> 3 : 32-63
=> 4 : 64-95

=> if we need to add one more shard then we will add it in the middle : most of the
ending with ending hashes remains same
-> 1 : 100-127
-> 2 : 0-24
-> 5 : 25-49
-> 3 : 50-74
-> 4 : 75-99

note : partitioning
-> sharding : breaking one large db in smaller dbs
-> partitioning : breaking one large table in smaller table
=> benefits : smaller files = fast queries ; easy indexing

note : partitioning strategies

1) list of values : amazon (orders table partitioned into three tables : placed
orders (small db) ; in-progress orders ; completed orders (large db))
=> most of the users hit placed order db ; if that will be smaller then queries
will be faster ; incr user experience
=> cons : if order is complete then we need to move data from one table to another
table (adding and deleting record instead updating)

2) range of dates : paritioning orders : 2020 ; 2021 ; 2022 ; 2023 ; 2024 ; 2025
(more queries will come to 2025 ; hence decreased paritioned size will make queries
=> cons : uneven key distribution : if people purchase more in a particular month

3) hash of keys : take a primary key and hash by number of table and put data in
hash table ; it will contain even distribution ; works good if access data by key
=> cons: it will more worse then keeping data in single table as we need to query
all tables to find an order by date

=> cons
-> complexity ; scanning all parition is expensive ; hard to maintain uniqueness

note :
-> cap theoram : consistency ; availablility ; partition tolerance
-> acid preoperties : atomicity ; consistency ; isolation ; durability


note : architectureal patterns

1) web sessions : session management

-> http is stateless ; it means each request does not know about another one ; but
what if we want to store items in cart because cart is statefull
-> solution 1 : everytime user add something into cart then push it into db :
-> solution 2 : everytime user add something into cart then push it into client
side cookies which will move to serve in http headers : less secure and cookie size
-> solution 3 : everytime user add something into cart : go to server and save them
in file system and create a session id and set the session id as cookie in browser
=> when we need to save cart in db then cookie containing session id will some to
server ; server will match it with fs and save cart into db (secured and unlimited
-> problem 3 : if we have load balancer then first saved item can go to server 1
and next item can go to server 2 which will lead to inconsistency
-> solution problem 3 : we will map session id with a server so that for one
session req will go to only that same server : load balancing failure
-> final solution : we can use a redis database (k-v store) between client and
server which will resolve all problems : data incons ; load balancing ; secured ;
unlimited size
=> ways to preserve state accorss http
1) cookies : scalable ; limited size ; insecure
2) sticky session : require layer 7 load balancer => app layer ; non resilient to
scale up ; down ; crash
3) key-value store : resilient ; increase complexity

2) serialization
-> data serialization != req serialization
-> serialize and deserialize data structure and object to store them on disk or
transfer them over network
-> use queue to serialize req ; avoid data race ; acheive serializability

-> if there are buyer ans seller
-> seller add record to table and buyer fetch/update/delete record from table
-> buyer queries can be made faster by increasing number of indexes in table
-> but it will lead to request timeouts for seller as it will take time for db to
add record with indexiing
=> solution : there will two tables
-> seller will add record to a non indexed table
-> in the regular intervals or with help of websockets we will update the added
record in indexed table
-> buyer will read from indexed table


note : system design

-> if there are two kinds of users going to use an app then this is called market
place app (demand and supply) : uber
-> if there is only once kind of users or independent kind of users then it is
called retail app : amazon

-> identify type of system

-> estimate total users ; active users and service consumption estimate (demand /
-> db estimate :
i) 5000 inserts per second for a single node ;
i) 10k reads per second for a single node ;
-> if we want to scale read operation then we increase db replica
-> if we want to scale write operation then we use db sharding
-> a server can easily handle 1000 req per second

=> redis db read : 100 k rps

=> cache read : 100 k rps

=> estimate number of insert operations and decide number of shards and sharding
=> estimate db size
=> estimate throughput : number of request per second
-> number of user : x
-> number of times user consumes app : y
-> amount of time user consumes app each time : z
-> estimate user session for y and z tradeoff
-> estimate number of api user calls in z time : a
-> find the request per second : x*y*z*a / 24*60*60
=> estimate the req in terms of reads and writes

note : storage size estiamtes

-> relational database : 1 TB data : ~depends on system hdd/ssd
-> redis : 10 GB data ~ ram size : 64 GB
-> ram : ~depends on system of ram = 16-64 GB
-> cache : 32 GB data
=> calculate yearly storage requirements : generalize url/tweets size = 100 bytes
=> how long we need to store old data in storage can help to estimate storage

note : how to approach design problems ?

-> total number of users : storage requirements
-> number of active users : number of request per seconds

note : we place limit at read and sessions to optimize system with help of

note : db size estimation

-> text / string => 64KB
-> longtext / stringified json => 4 GB
-> datetime = 8 bytes
-> uuid = 128 bits ~ 16 bytes

=> services
=> caches
=> queues
=> load balancing
=> database


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