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Check the compression pile capacity.

compression pile capacity is checked under extreme load cases from SAFE model OCE-PAC-S4-03-
007-OCZ-B1-S2-ST-000012 which consider only 60% of the minimum sea level and full dead and
live loads plus wind or seismic loads.

The soil springs are included in the model with a condition that its contribution is less than the
capacity stated in the soil report (100 kn/m2)

The results show that all piles match the soil report capacity except two pile which their safety
factor is reduced from 3 to 2.73 and 2.83. This safety factor is accepted as the surrounding piles not
reaching the ultimate capacity. local failure will not occur once one pile inside a group has safety
factor 2.73.

Soil reaction is less than 100 KN/m2

Tension pile capacity: Tension pile capacity was checked using the SAFE model OCE-PAC-S4-
03-007-OCZ-B1-S2-ST-000010 which consider 100 years uplift and partial dead loads plus wind or
seismic loads based on alternative load combination stated in IBC 2018 item 1605.3.2

The results are within the pile capacity under tension.

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