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Section 1: Officer Name and Details:

Section 2: Feedback for Third National Conference or Chief Secretaries

I. Name of the topic - Health and Wellness

2. Policy Gaps and Challenges

- Link Aadhar to every health portal to unify it under ABDM
o Create social mobilization for usage of digital health care services
o Need incentive to be on the platform
 Mandatory ABDM healthcare account for low-income households
 Creating database for healthcare reports of past illnesses, consultations,
Immunization, usage of AB-PMJAY fund
 Create advertisements, workshops for instilling a sense of trust on the
digitization process among the people
- Setting up of alternative healthcare machineries under AYUSH
o encourage private investors to invest in the AYUSH sector through the Establishment
of World Class, State of the Art Super Specialty Hospitals/Day Care Centres
o strengthen regulatory frameworks at the Central and State levels for effective quality
control, safety monitoring and surveillance of misleading advertisements of AYUSH
- correct regional imbalances in the availability of tertiary healthcare services
o upgrading facilities for improved training of healthcare workers
o setting up training opportunities for mid-level health care workers such as the CHO
for extending a sense of relief between the people in remote areas
- improving quality and quantity of the services provided at the AB-HWCs
- setting up a universal data collection program that tracks healthcare metrics from the HWCs
at the district level
o would make drawing healthcare inferences related to geographical and performance-
based metrics easier
o Training of data entry operators for improved data management
o clearing up definitions to avoid confused and erratic metrics
o Designating a certain role for recording data accurately so there is increased
- Establishing a institutional mechanism that tracks this data and course-corrects, frames
policies in real time for regional healthcare facilities
- Pooling more finance into district level hospitals by the states and UTs

3. Potential Solutions
(Can potentially highlight new technology solutions scope for convergence with other schemes
programmes etc.)

4. Best Practices
(Highlights the practices which are sustainable, replicable. scalable, monitorable etc. Can also
highlights the block district/ State level practices)

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