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Aristotle - Father of Biology

2. Isaac Newton - Father of Physics
3. Galileo Galilei - Father of Modern Science
4. Albert Einstein - Father of Modern Physics
5. Carl Linnaeus - Father of Taxonomy
6. Charles Darwin - Father of Evolutionary Biology
7. Louis Pasteur - Father of Microbiology
8. Gregor Mendel - Father of Modern Genetics
9. Nikola Tesla - Father of Electrical Engineering
10. Antoine Lavoisier - Father of Modern Chemistry
11. Robert Hooke - Father of Microscopy
12. Friedrich Wöhler - Father of Organic Chemistry
13. John Dalton - Father of Atomic Theory
14. Michael Faraday - Father of Electromagnetism
15. Leonardo da Vinci - Father of Paleontology
16. William Harvey - Father of Modern Medicine
17. Hippocrates - Father of Medicine
18. Hans Christian Ørsted - Father of Electromagnetism
19. Sir Francis Bacon - Father of Scientific Method
20. Alexander Fleming - Father of Antibiotics
21. James Clerk Maxwell - Father of Electromagnetic
22. Archimedes - Father of Mathematics and Physics
23. Sigmund Freud - Father of Psychoanalysis
24. Ibn al-Haytham - Father of Optics
25. Dmitri Mendeleev - Father of Periodic Table
26. Thomas Edison - Father of Modern Technology
27. Edward Jenner - Father of Vaccination
28. Werner Heisenberg - Father of Quantum Mechanics
29. Joseph Lister - Father of Antiseptic Surgery
30. Alfred Nobel - Father of Dynamite and Nobel Prizes
31. Max Planck - Father of Quantum Theory
32. Johannes Kepler - Father of Planetary Motion
33. Enrico Fermi - Father of Nuclear Physics
34. James Watson and Francis Crick - Fathers of DNA
35. Erwin Schrödinger - Father of Quantum Wave
36. Benjamin Franklin - Father of Electricity
37. Ivan Pavlov - Father of Classical Conditioning
38. Linus Pauling - Father of Molecular Biology
39. Alhazen - Father of Experimental
40. Carl Friedrich Gauss - Father of Modern Mathematics
41. Niels Bohr - Father of Atomic Physics
42. Rosalind Franklin - Contribution to the Discovery of
DNA Structure
43. George Washington Carver - Father of Agricultural
44. Joseph Priestley - Father of Experimental Chemistry
45. Alfred Wegener - Father of Continental Drift Theory
46. Francis Crick - Father of Modern Neuroscience
47. Watson Watt - Father of Radar
48. Hipparchus - Father of Trigonometry
49. Alan Turing - Father of Computer Science and Artificial
50. Sir Tim Berners-Lee - Father of the World Wide Web

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