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Knowledge, discipline and piety is the gateway to success.


END OF TERM 1 2024

NAME _____________________________________ADM__________ STREAM ________


Answer all questions in the space provided

1a) A patient was given tablets with prescription 4x 6 on the envelope. Clearly outline how the
patient should take the tablets. (2mks)

b) State three roles of chemistry in the society (3mks)

d) Name three frequently abused drugs? (3mks)

2) Distinguish between a conductor and a non-conductor and give an example in each.


3) The table below shows liquids that are miscible and those that are immiscible

Liquid L3 L4

L1 Miscible Miscible

L2 Miscible immiscible

Use the information given to answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the method that can be used to separate L1 and L3 from a mixture of the two.


b) Draw and name an apparatus that can be used to separate a mixture of L2 and L4.


4) Give two reasons why most Laboratory apparatus is made of glass. (2mks)

5) Name three sources of heat beside Bunsen burner in the laboratory. (3mks)

6) a) Draw a labeled diagram of a non-luminous flame produced by the Bunsen burner.


b) State two reasons why a non-luminous flame is preferred for heating. (2mks)

c) After use a non-luminous flame should be put off or adjusted to a luminous flame.

Explain. (2mks)

7) Name three apparatus that are used to measure accurate volume of liquids. (3mks)

8) By use of a diagram distinguish between a residue and a filtrate. (2mks)

9) Name the method you would use to separate the following mixtures.

a) Sand and ammonium chloride. (1mk)

b) Oil and Water. (1mk)

c) Kerosene and crude oil (1mk)

d) Salt and water. (1mk)

10) Describe how you would separate a mixture of salt, sand and iodine into different

components. (3mks)

11) State the functions of the following apparatus as used in the laboratory.

i) Spatula (1mk)
ii) Pine-clay triangle (1mk)

iii) Wire gauze (1mk)

b) Draw and state the use of a deflagrating spoon. (3mks)

12) State the two causes of accidents in a Chemistry laboratory.


13) Define the following terms

a) Solvent extraction (2mks)

b) crystallization (2mks)

c) Saturated Solution (2mks)

14) Give two reasons why dry ice is preferred to ordinary in the refrigerator. (2mks)

15) The diagram below shows spots of pure substances A, B and C on a

chromatography paper. Spot D is that of a mixture. After development, A, B and C were
found to have moved 8cm, 3cm and 6cm respectively. D had separated into two spots
which had moved 6cm and 8cm

i) On the diagram I. Label baseline (1 Mark)

ii) Show on diagram the positions of all the spots after development. (2 Marks)
iii) Identify the substances present in the mixture D. (2mks
iv) State two factors that determine the position where the pigments are deposited in the

paper chromatogram from the point of origin. (2mks)

16) Figure below shows a heating curve of a certain pure solid.

What is happening at the stages represented by BC and CD (4mks)

17) Describe how to separate oil from coconut (4mks)

18) The apparatus below was used to separate a mixture of water and paraffin

a) State two properties of the liquids that make it possible to separate them using such
apparatus. (2 mks)

b) Name the liquids A and B (2mks)

c) Give the name of the above method of separation (1mk

19.) The diagram below shows a set up that was used by a student to separate a mixture of water
and ethanoic acid. Study it and answer the questions that follow. (Boiling point water = 100 OC,
ethanol = 78.2OC)

a. State one mistake in the set up. (1mk)

b. Which component of the mixture will be collected first and why? (2mks)

c. What are the roles of the following; (4mks)

i. Thermometer

ii. Liebig condenser

iii. Broken porcelain

iv. Glass beads

v) State two application of the above method of separation (2mks)


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