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Ethiopian Civil Service University

College of Finance, Management & Development

Department of Development Economics and

Program : MDM Regular

Course Title: Sustainable Development

Module Code: MDM 5071
Credit Hours: 5

8/27/2021 Girmaw A (PhD) 1




8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 2

Understanding the Millennium Development
Goals, Cont…nd

• At the beginning of the new millennium, in 2000,

world leaders gathered at the UN to shape a broad
vision to fight poverty in its many dimensions

• That vision was translated into 8 Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs)

• The MDG framework has guided development

work across the world for the past 15 years

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 3

Understanding the Millennium Development
• The Millennium Declaration commits
governments to a clear agenda for combating
 poverty,
 hunger,
 illiteracy,
 disease,
 discrimination against women,
 shelter and environmental degradation
• In September 2000, 189 countries (147 Heads of
State) signed the declaration
• Initially there were 8 goals, 18 targets and 48
In 2008 framework Girmaw
•8/27/2021 adjusted:
A. (PhD)
20 targets and 604
The 8 MDG’s
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve primary education
3. Promote gender equality
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improved maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 5

Sustainable Development Goals

# 1. End poverty in all its forms every where

#2. security and improved nutrition and promote

sustainable agriculture

#3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being

for all at all ages

#4:Ensure inclusive and quality education for all

and promote lifelong learning

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 6

Sustainable Development Goals,
#5:Achieve gender equality and empower women
and girls
#6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
#7:Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
sustainable and modern energy for all
#8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic
growth, employment and decent work for all
#9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote
sustainable industrialization and foster
8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 7
Sustainable Development Goals,
#10: Reduce inequality within and among
#11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and
#12: Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
#13: Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts
#14: Conserve and sustainably use the
oceans, seas and marine resources

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Sustainable Development Goals,
#15:Sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, halt and reverse land degradation,
halt biodiversity loss
#16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

#17: Revitalize the global partnership for


NB. Each goal is important in itself and they are all


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The Role of National Development

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 10

The role of National Development
policy, Cont…nd
• What is national development ?
• The term ‘National Development’ is very
broad and comprehensive.
• It includes all aspects of the development of a
nation namely, political, social, economic etc.
• National development is a comprehensive term
which includes improvement in living standard of
the people, increase in per capital income,
providing social amenities like education, medical
care, social services, etc. to the citizens of the

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The role of National Development
policy, Cont…nd

• Policies are plans or actions designed to

encourage economic and social development.

• What are the Roles of National Development

Policies ?


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Roles of National Development
policies, Cont…nd
1. National Development seeks to remove
2. It improves the national income as well as
per-capita income
3. It develops quality in Education
4. it brings change in the field of agriculture
5. It develops Transport and communication
6. Development of medical facilities
7. it controls pollution and environment hazard
8. Use of science and Technology

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Roles of National Development
policies, Cont…nd
9. Preservation and development of nature and

10. Development of the socio-economic condition of

the people.

11. Introduction of welfare scheme of people for the

betterment of their life and standard of living

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Roles of National Development
policies, Cont…nd

13. Development of an impartial and well-organized

political system

14. Preservation, enrichment and development of


15. It promotes the concept of sustainable


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Managing indigenous community
• Indigenous knowledge (IK) is, broadly speaking,
the knowledge used by local people to make a
living in a particular environment (Warren, 1991).
... Indigenous knowledge can be defined as “A
body of knowledge built up by a group of people
through generations of living in close contact
with nature” (Johnson, 1992).
• Indigenous knowledge has guided societies and
supported sustainable management of resources,
especially in regions where practices have been
known for hundreds of years.

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Managing indigenous community,
• In contrast, Western science often produces
knowledge from simulating the real world
through modelling.
• Therefore, not only is indigenous knowledge an
important indicator of how sustainable
development can be achieved, but it can also
complement science and policy by placing them
in the local context for better implementation.

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Managing indigenous community,
• Existing indigenous knowledge on megatrends
such as
 biodiversity,
 climate change adaptation and
 land conservation must be documented.
• More importantly, strong respect and ethics are
crucial throughout the process.
• Harnessing and securing indigenous knowledge
must be undertaken with regards to the
intellectual property ownership, which belongs
to the indigenous people

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Knowledge and communication for
Communication is essential to human, social and
economic development.
Communication for development is a social process
based on dialogue that uses a broad range of tools
and methods.
Listening, building trust, sharing knowledge and
skills, building policies, debating and learning for
sustained and meaningful change can be
At the heart of communication for development is
participation and ownership by those most affected
by poverty and other development issues.

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Knowledge and communication for
development, Cont…nd
Communication is a process of public and private
dialogue through which people themselves defines
 who they are,
 what they need and
 how to get what they need in order to improve
their own lives.
It utilizes dialogue that leads to
 collective problem identification,
 decision making and
 Community - based implementation of solutions to
development issues.

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Knowledge and communication for
development, Cont…nd
• Where media and communication play roles?
Examples :
 Health issues
 Good governance
 Climate change
 Education
 Human right violation
 Conflict resolutions

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Harnessing technology for development,
innovative practices for development

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Harnessing technology for development
• Technological advances are a driving force for
• Technological solutions are increasingly playing a
role in helping solve some of the world’s greatest
• Science and technology are powerful agents of
change for better or worse, depending on how
they are steered.
• Guided by the 2030 Agenda, intensified science-
policy cooperation can enable the achievement of
the Sustainable Development Goals .

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Innovation matters for development
• Innovation can make a difference in addressing
urgent developmental challenges such as
 providing access to drinking water,
 eradicating neglected diseases or
 reducing hunger etc.
• The transfer and, when necessary, adaptation of
technologies developed in developed countries can
often contribute significantly to these goals.
• Substantial research efforts are needed to find
solutions that address other global challenges.
• Effective international co-operation that involves
both public and private bodies is an important
mechanism for finding these much needed
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Sustainable Development Strategies
Achieving sustainable development will require
deep structural changes and new way of working in
all areas of
 economic,
 environmental,
 social and
 political life.
This will include promoting pro-poor economic
growth and reforming fiscal policies which
negatively affect the poor or cause environmental

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Sustainable Development Strategies,
• The impacts of decisions taken at different levels
need to be looked into in an integrated and
coherent way.

• Their consequences and implications across

different sectors and for different interest-groups
must be considered explicitly.

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Sustainable Development Strategies,
• There are costs involved in establishing or
harnessing institutions and processes to move
towards sustainable development

• e.g.

 Time and effort to engage in the process,

 Mechanisms for collecting information and

 Monitoring sustainable development indicators.

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Sustainable Development Strategies,
• These costs can be high in the short-term,
particularly for developing countries and poor
• But, the costs of taking no action are likely to be
much greater.
• All these issues need to be taken into account in
steering a track towards sustainable
• They cannot be effectively dealt with on
piecemeal basis. They require a strategic
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Sustainable Development Strategies,
• Being strategic implies setting goals and
identifying means of achieving them. This further
implies adopting an approach which
 has an underlying vision,
 has based on solid evidence,
 has sets of priorities, goals and direction, and
 sets out the main tactics for achieving them.
• In relation to sustainable development, 'being
strategic' requires a comprehensive understanding
of the concept of sustainable development and its

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Sustainable Development Strategies,
• A strategic approach to sustainable development
implies new ways of thinking and working so as to
 From developing and implementing fixed-plans,
ideas and solutions towards operating an adaptive
system that can continuously improve governance
to promote coherence between responses to
different challenges.
 From a view that it is the state alone which is
responsible for development towards one that sees
responsibility with society as a whole.

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Concept of Sustainable Development
Strategy, Cont…nd

 From centralized and controlled decision-making

towards sharing results and opportunities,
transparent negotiation, co-operation and
concerted action.

 From a focus on outputs (e.g. projects and laws)

towards a focus on outcomes (e.g. impacts of
projects and legal changes).

 From sectoral towards integrated planning.

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Sustainable Development Strategies,

 From a dependence on external assistance

towards domestically-driven and financed

 Towards a process which can accommodate

monitoring, learning and improvement

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Sustainable Development Strategies,
• Such an approach will assist countries in
participating more effectively in international
affairs -providing opportunities to consider the
adverse social and environmental effects of
globalization and identifying ways in which they
can reap its benefits.
• It should also enable improved dialogue with
foreign governments, corporations and NGOs to
negotiate new ways of working towards and
supporting sustainable development.
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Components of Sustainable Development
Depending on circumstances, a sustainable
development strategy may be viewed as a system
comprising the following components (OECD, 2001) :

 Regular multi-stakeholder forum and means for

negotiation at national and decentralized levels,
with links between them.

 A shared vision and set of broad strategic


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Components of Sustainable Development
Strategy, Cont..nd
 A set of mechanisms to pursue those objectives in
ways that can adapt to change
 an information system;
 communication capabilities;
 analytical processes:
 international engagement; and
 coordinated means for policy integration,
budgeting. monitoring, and accountability).
 Principles and standards to be adopted by sectors
and stakeholders, through legislation, voluntary
action, market-based instruments, etc.

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Components of Sustainable Development
Strategy, Cont…nd
 Pilot activities to generate learning and

 A secretariat or other facility with authority for

coordinating different mechanisms.

 A mandate for all the above from a high-level,

central authority such as the prime minister's
office and, to the extent possible, from citizens'
and business organizations.

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 36

Key Principles for Sustainable Development
• Wider international experience including the UN
regional consultative workshops on sustainable
development have shown that there are many
common features of good practice.

• These common features point to a set of

principles underpinning effective strategies for
sustainable development

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

 People centered approach

 Consensus on long term vision

 Comprehensive and integrated objectives

 Targeted with clear budgetary priorities

 Comprehensive and reliable analysis

 Incorporate monitoring, learning, and continuous


 Country led and nationally owned

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 38

Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
 High level of commitment of government and
lead institutions
 Building on existing process and strategies
 Effective participation at different levels
 Link national and local level
 Developing and build on existing capacity
 Consider all requirements for effective
participation in strategies

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• These principles are applicable to both developed
and developing countries
• People-centered approach: An effective strategy
should follow a people-centered approach '
ensuring long-term beneficial impacts on the
poor, the disadvantaged and the marginalized
• Consensus on long-term vision: Strategic
planning frameworks are more likely to be
successful when they are based on a long-term
vision with a clear timeframe upon which
stakeholders agree

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Comprehensive and integrated objectives:
Strategies should seek to integrate, where
possible, economic, social and environmental

• The entitlements and possible needs of future

generations must be factored into this process.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Targeted with clear budgetary priorities : A
sustainable development strategy must be fully
integrated in existing budget processes to ensure
that plans have the financial resources to achieve
their objectives, and do not represent mere "wish

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 42

Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Based on comprehensive and reliable analysis:
Identification of priorities must be based on a
comprehensive analysis of the present situation,
forecasted trends and risks, and the links
between local, national and global challenges.
• External pressures on a country such as those
resulting from globalization or the impacts of
global climate change need to be factored in this

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 43

Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

• Incorporate monitoring, learning and continuous

improvement : Monitoring and evaluation needs
to be based on clear indicators and built into
strategies to steer processes, track progress, distil
and capture lessons, and signal when the change
of direction is necessary.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

• Country-led and nationally-owned: Past

strategies have often resulted from external
pressure and development agency requirements.

• It is essential that countries take the lead and

initiative in developing their own strategies if
they are to be enduring.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• High-level commitment of government and
influential lead-institutions: Such commitment on
a long-term basis is essential if policy and
institutional changes are to occur, financial
resources are to be committed and for there to be

clear responsibility for implementation.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

• Building on existing processes and strategies: A

strategy for sustainable development should not
be thought of as a new planning process but
instead build on what already exists in the
country, thus enabling convergence,
complementarity and coherence between
different planning frameworks and policies

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Effective participation at different levels: Broad
participation helps
 to open up debate to new ideas and sources of
 exposes issues that need to be addressed;
 enables problems, needs and preferences to be
expressed ;
 identifies the capabilities required to address
them; and
 develops a consensus on the need for action that
leads to better implementation.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Link national and local levels: Strategies should
be two-way interactive processes within and
between national and decentralized levels.

• The main strategic principles and directions

should be set at the central level. Here,
economic, fiscal and trade policy, legislative
changes, international affairs and external
relations, etc., are key responsibilities.

• But, detailed planning, implementation and

monitoring would be undertaken at a
decentralized level, with appropriate transfer of
resources and authority.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Develop and build on existing capacity: At the
outset of a strategy process, it is important to
assess the political, institutional, human,
scientific and financial capacity of potential state,
market and civil society participants.

• Where needed, provision should be made to

develop the necessary capacity as part of the
strategy process.

• A strategy should optimize local skills and

capacity both within and outside government.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd
• Consider all requirements for effective
participation in strategies :
• These requirements will depend on the scope and
goals of the strategy and the likely participants,
as well as on political and social circumstances.

• In general, these needs and requirements include

the following:

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

 Appropriate participatory methods for appraising

needs and possibilities, dialogue, ranking
solutions, forming partnerships, resolving
conflicts and reaching agreement on the way
 A proper understanding of all those with a
legitimate interest in the strategy, and a
considered and concrete approach to include the
more vulnerable and disenfranchised among

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 52

Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

 Catalysts for participation, e.g. NGOs and local

authorities to start participation and to link
decisions that need to be taken centrally with
those appropriate to more local level: specific
activities and events around which to focus

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 53

Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

 A step-by-step approach, i.e. start modestly,

building on existing participation systems, and
build up; then deepen and focus participation
with each iteration of processes.
 Adequate resources, skills and time - effective
participation tends to start slowly and requires
early investment; it becomes more cost-effective
with time.

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Key Principles for Sustainable Development
Strategies, Cont…nd

• If there are learning environments (e.g. policies,

laws and institutions that encourage, support,
manage and reward participation in the planning /
development process, including specially-
formulated groups where appropriate institutions
do not exist, and which allow participants and
professionals to test approaches), then these
requirements will be more likely to be met.

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 55

Specific Roles of Individual, organization and
1. Individual and family level: An important role in
achieving sustainable development at individual and
family level, which include the following:
 Less wastage of energy.
 Less wastage of food.
 Limiting our needs.
 Alternative use of resources e.g. plastic table
instead of wooden or steel table, chair.
 Maximum use of solar and wind energy.
 Less wastage of water.
 Environment friendly food habits.
 Co-ordination and co-operation among families
and individuals.
8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 56
Specific Roles of Individual, organization
and Government, Cont…nd
2. Society level: At this level, the following things
determine crucial role of society.

 Social customs and celebrations of family

functions should be environment-friendly

 Social discipline.

 Community cleanliness -civic sense.

 Communal harmony.

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Specific Roles of Individual, organization
and Government, Cont…nd
3. Industrial / corporate level: At this level, the
specific roles include the following :

 Control on excessive use of natural resources like

energy, fuel, water, etc.

 Control on various types of pollution - air, water,

land, noise.

 Use of alternative materials for more scarce


 Use of eco-friendly material, and soft technology

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 58
Specific Roles of Individual, organization
and Government, Cont…nd
4. Government level : Government roles include:
 Proper implementation of the policies.

 Proper planning of manpower, industries,

resources and development.

 Reducing wastage.

 Strict pollution-control measures.

 Co-operation and co-ordination among various

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Key Challenges to Sustainable Development
Strategy in Developing Countries
• Whatever be the strategy, challenges are bound to
• However, in the context of sustainable development
strategy in developing countries, the key challenges
include the following :
 Extreme poverty
 Political instability
 Environmental deterioration
 Rapid population growth
 HIV AlDS and malaria
 Marginalization
Each of the challenges is discussed in the upcoming
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Key Challenges to Sustainable Development
Strategy in Developing Countries,Cont…nd

• Extreme poverty still ravages the lives of one out

of every five persons in the developing world.
The social ills associated with poverty, including
diseases, illiteracy, family breakdown, crime, use
of narcotic drugs, etc., are on the rise in many

8/27/2021 Girmaw A. (PhD) 61

Key Challenges to Sustainable Development
Strategy in Developing Countries,Cont…nd

• Political instability, sometimes leading to violent

conflicts hinders socio-economic progress in
many countries and regions.

• Growing inequality of income both within and

between countries as well as the marginalization
of ethnic and other minorities contribute to this

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Key Challenges to Sustainable Development
Strategy in Developing Countries,Cont…nd
• Environmental deterioration continues to
increase. Natural resource-depletion. (soil
erosion, loss of forests, habitats, biodiversity and
depletion of fish stocks), and pollution are clearly
evident in most countries, placing growing strain
on the quality of water, soil and air.
• Rapid population growth is expected to
exacerbate these pressures, although it is
people's consumption levels that matter more
than their mere numbers. Over
• 95% of the estimated increase of 2 billion people
over the next twenty years will live in the
developing world.
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Key Challenges to Sustainable Development
Strategy in Developing Countries,Cont…nd

• HIV AlDS and malaria are particularly serious

diseases which erode the productive capacity and
social fabric of nations. In the worst affected
countries, HIV has already had a profound impact
on existing rates of infant, child and maternal

• Nearly 500 million people suffer from acute

malaria a year, of whom 1 million will die.

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Key Challenges to Sustainable Development
Strategy in Developing Countries,Cont…nd
• Marginalization: Many countries are
struggling under the combined weight of
slow economic growth, a heavy external
debt burden, corruption, violent conflicts,
and food insecurity.
• They also suffer from actions taken in the
North such as trade-protectionism and
pollution causing global warming. As a
result, they are increasingly marginalized
from the global economy.

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Thank You

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