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Question 1-4 refer to the following text.

A Journalist
Journalism is the activity of collecting news, fact finding and report events through the collection,
writing, interpreting, processing, and disseminating the information. A journalist has two main
functions. First, the function of the journalist is to report the news. Second, make interpretations and
giving opinions based on the news content.
A journalist can either work for a print, on-air, or online publication, but still the essential job duties
remain constant. Experience and education in one area of journalism can easily transfer into other
occupations and related fields, such as photojournalism, broadcast journalism, sports journalism, or
social media. However, being a journalist needs hard work, ethics, quality writing, and the desire to
tell the truth.

1 What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A The job descriptions of a journalist.
B The Job vacancy of a Journalist.
C The definition of a Journalist.
D The theory of journalism.
E The functions of Journalism theory.
2 The word ‘constant’ on the second paragraph line 3 has the similar meaning to …
A Concluding
B Ending
C Stopping
D Continuing
E Unstable
3 The following statements are TRUE based on the text, EXCEPT…
A A journalist has two main functions.
B A journalist can give wrong news.
C A journalist needs a good writing.
D A journalist needs good experience and education.
E A journalist can work in social media.
4 The antonym of the word ‘hard’ on the second paragraph line 8 is …
A Solid
B Unbreakable
C Tough
D Strong
E Flexible
Question 5-8 refer to the following text.
KENNEDY High School, Washington
December 6th, 2016.
The school is hosting the annual musical carnival for class X – XII on January 3, 2017 at the school
dome on 9 a.m.
All the talented students with gifted voices and acts from all classes may appear for the audition that
will be led by Mr. Justin Bieber, the well-known singer on December 8, 2016 at 9 a.m. in the school
For further information, please contact Miss Isabella Swan (11810112).
Bambang Smith
(Secretary of Music and Acting Club)
5 What type of text is it?
A Letter
B Invitation
C Announcement
D Advertisement
E Memo
6 Who’ll be the participants of the event?
A Bambang Smith
B Isabella Swan
C Justin Bieber
D Students
E Well-known singer
7 Where will the event be held?
A Room of Music and Acting Club
B School Auditorium.
C School Music and Acting studio.
D School Dome.
E Classroom.
8 The word ‘Annual’ means …
A Yearly
B Once in two years
C Routine
D Weekly
E Monthly

Question 9-12 refer to the following dialog.

Clerk: Good evening. Pan Pizza. Can I help you?
Arjun: Good evening. I’d like to order a pizza, please.
Clerk: Can I have your name and address, please?
Arjun: My name is Arjun Khan. My address is Veteran 66.
Clerk: Is that an apartment or a house, sir?
Arjun: An apartment, number 388.
Clerk: Okay. And what would you like to order, sir?
Arjun: I’d like a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, olives, and extra cheese.
Clerk: Do you need another extra topping?
Arjun: Yes, mushrooms and extra cheese, please.
Clerk: Certainly, sir.
Arjun: How long should I wait for?
Clerk: It’s 4.30 p.m. now. The pizza will be ready on 5.30 p.m., sir.
Arjun: Good. And how much will it cost?
Clerk: It will be Rp 125, 000.
Arjun: Fine, I’ll be waiting. Thank you.
Clerk: Your welcome. Thanks for calling.
9 What is the telephone about?
A Asking for some Pizza.
B Reserving some Pizza.
C Questioning about the address.
D Asking for the pizza’s price.
E Calling some pizza.
10 What did she order?
A A large pepperoni pizza only with olives and extra cheese.
B A small pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, olives, and extra cheese.
C A large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, and extra cheese.
D A large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, olives, and extra cheese.
E A large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese.
11 How long the order will be finished?
A 15 Minutes
B 30 Minutes
C 45 Minutes
D An hour
E Two hours
12 The word ‘it’ in “And how much will it cost” refers to?
A Price
B Apartment
C Extra cheese
D Topping
E Pizza
Questions 13 - 15 refer to the following letter.

9 Jalan Buah Batu

East Java
Personal Manager
PT. Mahkota Raya
Jl. Dewa Ruci
Jakarta 13210
Dear Sir.
I, here with, send you my application letter for the post of technician in your company.
I have completed my technical course at Paramita Course. Having finished my course. I worked for
PT. United Lima as a part timer for two months. I quit for environmental reason.
For further consideration. I enclose my curriculum vitae and copies of my certificates.
I would be very grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity for an interview.

Yours faithfully

Titik Ma’rifa
13 What position does the applicant apply for?
A Personnel Manager
B Technician
C Interviewer
D Mechanic
E Accounting Manager
14 What does Titik expert?
A She will take a one-year Diploma Program
B She will be invited for an interview
C She will be promoted
D She will complete the course
E She will send an application letter
15 “I, here with, send you my application letter for the post of technician in your company.”
The word “you” in the sentence above refers to…..
A Titik Ma’rifa
B Nina Nur
C Personnel Manager
D PT. Mahkota Raya
E Readers
16 Receptionist : Good morning, World Hotel. May I help you?
Mr. Ulil : Good morning, ………….
Receptionist : What sort of room do you want, sir.
Mr. Ulil : One suit room, please.
A I’d like to reserve two tables, please.
B I’d like to book a room, please.
C I want to book two tickets, please.
D I really need your help.
E I need a bath room, please.
17 Travel agent : Pandora Travel. Can I help you?
Mrs. Irma : Yes, please. I need two tickets to Bali for tomorrow morning.
Travel agent : ………………….. The flight for tomorrow morning to Bali is full for all airlines.

A I’m afraid I cannot help you.

B I’m afraid I can do that.
C I have no reason to reject that.
D I think I can help it.
E I absolutely can help you.
18 Guest : I’m sorry to tell you that there is a problem with the shower in my room.
Manager : …………….. I’ll ask somebody to repair it directly.

A I’m happy to hear that.

B It is good news.
C I’m sorry I can’t help you.
D I’m sorry to hear that.
E I don’t want to know it.
19 Anggia : If the teacher ................... it once more, we would understand well.
Rizky : I think so.
A Explain
B explains
C explained
D is explaining
E had explained
20 Customer : I’m sorry to tell you that there’s a problem with the camera I bought yesterday.
Sales Clerk : I’m sorry to hear that, …

A Let me know if you can repair it by yourself.

B Please try again to make sure
C Let me check the problem
D You should buy a new one
E You should check it by yourself
21 Receptionist : Senggigi Restaurant, can I help you?
Customer : Yes, ………..
Receptionist : Under what name the reservation is, sir?
Customer : Mr. Muhammad Yusuf.
Receptionist : Two tables for ten people will be ready for tomorrow night, sir.
A I want to book a table.
B I need some nice menu.
C I want to confirm my reservation.
D I want to reserve some foods.
E I’d like to cancel my reservation.
22 Travel agent : Good morning, may I help you?
Mr. Ridlwan : Yes, please. I heard that there’s a big flood in Thailand. That’s why I want
to……… I’m afraid being there.
Travel agent : All right, we’ll take care of that.
A reserve a ticket to Thailand.
B cancel my flight reservation to Thailand.
C continue my flight reservation to Thailand.
D book a ticket to Thailand.
E pay my ticket to Thailand.
23 Anne : Oh my God, it’s really hot here.
Laila : Hold on, …………
A I open the window.
B I would open the window.
C I will open the window.
D I’m going to open the window.
E I could buy a van for you.
24 Deny : What are you going to do tonight?
Reza : .…?
A I will to go to the movie
B I am going to meet my girlfriend.
C I went to the hospital.
D I would write a poem

E I will be here tonight

25 Fahril : Are you free on Saturday afternoon?
Farid : No, ….. enjoy with my friends
Fahril : Oh, Do you enjoy fishing?
Farid : sure, just for fun
A I’m going fishing
B I’ll go fishing
C I have been fishing
D I went fishing
E I do
26 Bela : I’d like to meet you tomorrow if you don’t mind.
Mr. Ali : …… I have had another appointment tomorrow. What about Friday?
Bela : That sounds nice.
A Absolutely.
B I’m sorry I like it.
C I’m afraid I cannot.
D That’s great.

E I couldn’t reject it.

27 Leli : Nila, you are a chef in an Italian Restaurant, aren’t you?. What are your duties
Nila : I supervise the preparation and the service of the food from the kitchen to the dining
room, arrange the menu, and……
A carrying away the dirty dishes to thr pantry
B takes care of the cleanliness of the kitchen
C served drinks to the table in the bar
D taste the food for correct seasoning
E preparing food
28 Novi : Yahya, what does your mother do?
Yahya : She is a nurse. She…..
A helps doctors take care of patients
B performs surgical operations
C examine patients
D makes medicine for patient
E cures people’s teeth
29 Ka’bah : Hi, what will you give for your mom in her birthday next month?
Andik : I’ll buy her a new glasses if I ….. a bigger income next month.
A get
B gets
C is getting
D got
E will get
30 Receptionist : Good evening, Surya Kertajaya Hotel. Can I help you?
Guest : Good evening. .....................................
A I’d like to book a single room, please
B It’s a five star hotel
C The hotel is reasonable
D The hotel is comfortable
E It’s one of the best hotel in this city
31 Receptionist : Under what name would you like to reserve?
Arif : George
Receptionist : …..
Arif : Yes. It’s 7999880
A Your phone number, please
B May I have your phone number?
C Can I tell you my phone number?
D Will you speak about your phone number?
E Could you have your phone number?
32 Shop Assistant : Good morning. What can I help you, mom?
Rosa : Yes, I’d like to complain about the milk I bought here two days ago. It’s the
same brand as the one I bought before, but dispatch is different.
Shop Assistant : OK. What’s the problem?
Rosa : When I opened the can, it seemed that the milk powder had different color.
Furthermore, my daughter was not willing to drink it because it tasted horrible.
May I return this milk? I’d like to have my money back.
Shop Assistant : ….. It is guaranteed. We will give all your money back. But do you bring the
receipt along with you now?
Rosa : Yes, here you are.
A I’m disappointed
B I am extremely dissatisfied
C I’m satisfying
D All right, mom
It is not actually what I want
33 Andre : It's hard to learn this new software.
Dodi : Don't say that. It just need practice. If you practice it more, ...
A You will understand the program
B You would be able to create the program
C You wouldn't use the program anymore
D You could explain the program to others
You would have understood the program
34 Hesti : I have to meet the director next week. Can I make an arrangement?
Budi : …..
A Yes, sure. The director is going to have arrangement
B Certainly, Sir. Let me tell it first to you
C Yes, sure. You can meet him tomorrow morning
D Yes, I want to have an arrangement right now
Yes, he has an arrangement with you
35 Reservation : Good morning, Advance Reservation. What can I do for you?
Guest : Two days ago I made reservation for double room with shower for March 15. But
now I’m afraid I’ll have to cancel it.
Reservation : Let me check. What for?
Guest : I booked it for Mr. and Mrs. Martin from France.
Reservation : Oh, here it is. It’s for March 15 to March 20, isn’t it?
Guest : That’s right.
Reservation : Do you want to change the reservation?
Guest : No, it seems they have been forced to postpone their trip to Indonesia.
Reservation : Well. I’ve canceled the booking. Hope we can serve you at some other time.
Guest : ….. Good bye.
A Thanks for your calling
B Thanks for your help
C Thanks for your canceling
D Thanks for everything
E Thank you for your coming
The following dialogue is for answering question 36-40.
Waiter : Good morning, do you want to reserve, Madam?
Mercy : Yes, a table for two. My name is Mercy Gray.
Waiter : Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
Mercy : Non-smoking, please.
Waiter : Fine Madam. Would you follow me, please?
Would you like to see the menu?
Mercy : Yes, I would love to.
Waiter : Are you ready to order?
Mercy : Yes, I’d like to appetizer a Mediterranean salad. Then, the duck stuffed served with
orange sauce looks delicious for the main course.
Waiter : Would you like anything to drink?
Mercy : A bottle of a red wine, please.
Waiter : All right, would you like any dessert?
Mercy : yes, I’d like to dessert a strawberry with whipped cream.
Waiter : Would you like something else?
Mercy : Yes, a cappuccino, please.
Waiter : O.K., Madam. I’ll be with you in a minute.
36 Based on the dialogue above, where does the dialogue happen?
A Hotel
B Restaurant
C Office
D Travel agency
E air-conditioned-room
37 What sort of table does Mercy order?
A Great table
B Single table
C A table for twice
D A table for two persons
E A smoking table
38 Do you want to reserve, Madam?
The sentence above expresses……
A canceling reservation
B handling reservation
C making reservation
D complaining something
E confirming reservation
39 What is the similar meaning of the word appetizer based on the dialogue above?
A The main food
B A small meal before the main food
C The main course
D A big meal after the main food
E A closing food in table manner
40 “I’ll be with you in a minute” has the similar meaning with….
A Wait me for while
B Leave me
C Go away from me
D Stay away from me
E No time for you
41 Guest : I would like to complaint about my room.
Receptionist : Certainly sir, …..
A Do you need a help?
B Let me see your bill.
C What happen with you
D What’s wrong with it?
E What room do you need?
42 Mr. John : Good morning, Mrs. Stephenson. I wonder if we could discuss our project
tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Stephenson : Well, …………………
Mr. John : Oh, I see. If that so, can we make it on the day after tomorrow?
Mrs. Stephenson : That would be great. Thank you.
A I’d love to meet you.
B It would be nice.
C I’m sorry I have another appointment.
D I think I can.
E I’m sorry to hear that.


Hi, everyone. I am Yusuf Akbar. Let me tell you about my family. My dad works as a … (43) ... in
Gajah Mada hospital. His daily activities are … (44)… and dispensing medicinal drugs. During his
work, my dad must always be clean and sterile. That’s why … (45)… asks us to live in a healthy
way since preventing is better than healing. It’s a statement that my dad commonly says to us. My
mom and older sister are chef. They …(46)… a small restaurant near the hospital. I don’t need to be
hungry and boring to the food since they’re always ready to …(47)… some delicious dishes for their
family. I’m really happy with my family.
43 A doctor
B nurse
C pharmacist
D dietitian
E sport trainer

44 A prepare
B preparing
C prepares
D prepared
E will prepare

45 A He
B She
C You
D They
E We

46 A Run
B runs
C running
D is running
E ran

47 A cook
B cooks
C cooking
D cooked
E cooker

Questions 48-50 are complete the following text with the words provided!

The substitution ... 48 "West" in our name - replacing "California" - is the result of an ... 49 we
reached with the California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of
"California" in our name.

We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this ... 50 a change
from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer our customers.
48 A by
B of
C at
D up
E in

49 A agree
B agreed
C agreeable
D agreement
E agreeing

50 A represents
B represented
C representative
D representation
E is represented


1 A 2
2 D 2
3 B 2
4 E 2
5 C 2
6 D 2
7 D 2
8 A 2
9 B 2
10 D 2
11 A 2
12 A 2
13 B 2
14 B 2
15 C 2
16 B 2
17 A 2
18 D 2
19 C 2
20 C 2
21 C 2
22 B 2
23 C 2
24 B 2
25 B 2
26 C 2
27 E 2
28 A 2
29 A 2
30 A 2
31 B 2
32 D 2
33 A 2
34 B 2
35 C 2
36 B 2
37 D 2
38 B 2
39 B 2
40 A 2
41 D 2
42 C 2
43 C 2
44 B 2
45 A 2
46 A 2
47 A 2
48 B 2
49 A 2
50 D 2

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