Year 10 Semester 2 Class Tasks.

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TASK 1:- SEAL Paragraph

• Due: Week 1 – Week 1 – Friday 21 July (Period 4)

TASK 2:- Soliloquy

• Due: Week 2 – Tuesday 25 July (Period 2)

TASK 1 – Worth 20% of your Semester 2 mark.

Compose a SEAL paragraph that encapsulates the attitudes, beliefs and values of ONE of
the following characters in Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird: Scout, Atticus or Arthur Radley.

Ensure that you SEAL paragraph contains:

• An opening statement that responds to the question and prefaces the content of
your paragraph.
• Examples from the text that support your opening statement.
• Quotes from the text that support your examples. Ensure that you explain HOW
the quotes support your opening statement. Additionally, analyse the techniques
contained within the quotes.
• A linking statement that affirms your opening statement.


• No LESS than 250 words, but NO MORE than 350 words. (Marks will
deducted for going under or over the word limit.)
• At the bottom of the paragraph, note your word count.
• An electronic copy of your SEAL paragraph must be uploaded to the
GOOGLE CLASSROOM on or before 10pm on Friday 21 July.
• A hard copy is not required.
TASK 2 – Worth 20% of your Semester 2 mark.

You are to create a soliloquy expressing and unpacking ONE character’s attitudes, beliefs
and values in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

The character choices are restricted to:

• Scout
• Atticus
• Boo Radley

You will need to think about the type of person your chosen character is, and express
their beliefs, values and attitudes in your soliloquy through the use of language.

You will also need to integrate quotes/dialogue from the novel into your soliloquy.
Remember, you are your chosen character for the two minutes that you will be

Your aim is to interpret your character's thoughts and actions in a soliloquy, to give your
peers a full overview of how they appeared in the novel.


• 2 minutes in length
• To be presented in class.
• A hard copy of your soliloquy must be submitted in class on Tuesday 25
July 2023. (Period 2).
• An electronic upload is not required.
TASK 1 – Marking Criteria / SEAL Paragraph / 20 marks

Criteria Marks
● Demonstrates an insightful understanding of the text and makes an insightful and
sustained engagement with the set question
● Structure of SEAL paragraph is logical, clear, evident with defined topic sentence, 13 – 15
2-3 examples elaborated, techniques & effects analysed, linking sentence evident.
● Uses well-selected evidence to support statements 5
● Uses a wide range of sentence structures, paragraphs are strategic,
punctuation and spelling are correct

● Demonstrates an effective understanding of the text and offers a sustained

engagement with the set question
● Structure of SEAL paragraph is clear, with a topic sentence that may need some
elaboration, 2-3 examples with some elaboration, some analysis of techniques & 10 – 12
effects, linking sentence is provided, but may need to be more specific
● Uses detailed evidence to support statements 4
● Uses a wide range of sentence structures, paragraphs are logical, punctuation
and spelling are mostly correct

● Demonstrates a sound understanding of the text and engages with the set question
● Topic sentence may need to be more explicit & specific, 2-3 examples with an
attempt to elaborate & some attempt to analyse or describe techniques& effects, 7–9
may or may not attempt to have a linking sentence
● Uses some evidence to support statements
● Generally uses structured sentences, paragraphs are logical, punctuation and
spelling may be flawed

● Demonstrates a limited understanding of the text and makes some attempt to

answer the set question
● SEAL paragraph structure is limited, topic sentence is general & may attempt to
address the question, 2 pieces of evidence listed, with or without elaboration, little 4–6
analysis of techniques& effects, may or may not have a linking sentence
● Attempts to use evidence to support statements (but may be unbalanced in
● Uses mainly short simple sentences, paragraphs are evident, punctuation and
spelling lack consistency

● Demonstrates an elementary understanding of the text and makes little or no

attempt to answer the set question
● Little or no evidence of SEAL structure, descriptive, no analysis of techniques & 3–1
● Has little or no relevant use of evidence to support statements
● Limited control of sentence structure, paragraphing, punctuation and
spelling lack consistency
TASK 2 – Marking Criteria / Soliloquy / 20 marks

MARK: /20

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