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Submitted By:
Pearl Joy Delima BSED 3 Math

Submitted To:
Nicanor Parreño Ph.D
Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher:________________ Teacher’s Signature _________ School________________

Grade/Year Level:_____________ Subject Area: __________________ Date:___________
To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:
1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in the
Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a) Descriptive paragraph b) Photo essay
c) Sketch or drawing d) Poem, song or rap

As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A
good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better
learning results.

Republic Act 496 of 1983 provided the School(SENAVHS) and the neighboring San Enrique.
Agricultural College (SEAC) years later, the Bayanihan School Program was opened al Garita, San
Enrique, Iloilo. By the virtue of RA 6944, San Enrique Agricultural College was changed into a
Polytechnic College. Thus, Bayanihan School Program was changed into Dominador Abang Memorial
Extension High School (DAMEHS)
The demand to cope with the increasing students populace and the need to better and quality delivery of
Education, the vision to separate DAMEHS from SEPC was approved under the Republic Act 8784
datert April 27,2000, Dominador Abang Memorial Extension High School (DAMEHS) became
Dominador Abang Memorial National High School (DAMNHS) but it was still under the supervision of
the SEPC Administration.
In 2002, Dominador Abang Memorial National High School was directly under the supervision of
Department of Education, with Dr. Nelida Barten as its first principal.
At present, Dominador Abang Memorial National High School is under the Supervision of the
Depertment of Education, Schools Division of Iloilo, headed by Dr. Jean Pacino Pelaez with fifteen
teachers under her.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how each will
contribute to the students’ learning and development.
Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the students’
learning and development. Why?
Office of the / The principles office is Yes, a clean Principal’s office can
Principal clean. It is looks like an old motivate the students to have a clean
building but it is free from and organized classroom too.
pollution and papers,
documents were arranged
and stored in a proper
Library / Even though the building of Yes, having an organized library, the
the library is old, but the students will enjoy to the school
books were arranged library.
according to its system of

Counseling Room NA NA NA

Canteen/Cafeteria / The canteen is beside the Yes, clean canteen and healthy foods
Principal’s office they sell they sell can help the students to be
some junk foods but also healthy that they can study well.
offering nutritious foods.

Medical Clinic / The medical clinic is beside Yes, if the medicines are available, it
of the entrance gate and it's can accommodate some of the
made up of bamboo and students having problems during
they have a first aid kits and class hours that they don't need to go
the medicines for the home.
students who will needed it.

Audio visual learning NA NA NA

resource center

Science Laboratory NA NA NA

Gymnasium NA Not applicable, but in case NA

of school gathering or
occasions the barangay
plaza in front of the school
will be the venue of the
Auditorium NA NA NA

Outdoor/Garden / The schoolyard have Yes, as they do gardening they learn

different kinds of garden a lot about plants and how they take
they are garden with care of it.
ornamental plants, herbal
plants and some vegetables.

Home Economics / The room is clean and not Yes, it is a venue for students to
Room yet in a good condition and practice, learn and showcase their
it has incomplete of skills and different works.
necessary things that are
needed in the students

Industrial Workshop NA NA NA


Comfort Room for / The boys CR was a bit Yes, if the facilities are clean and
Boys clean but it has a Light have a good water supply it will not
unpleasant smell. It was have an unpleasant smell that could
also a bit slippery. affect to the health of the students.

Comfort Room for / The girls CR has also a bit Yes, if the facilities are clean and
Girls of unpleasant smell and have a good water supply it will not
there were also vandalism have an unpleasant smell that could
writings on the walls. affect to the health of the students.

Others (Guard House) / The guard house was in Yes, it is a safety for the students
good condition, and it is who are entering the school to have
new even though it was their own school guard
raining or shining the guard
can stay there.
An observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space provided..
Guide question Classroom Observation Report
1.Describe the community or The school is found in a cliff part of barangay Garita San
neighborhood where the school is found Enrique, Iloilo, beside the highway facing the barangay plaza
and it is in the left side when you are going to municipality of
San Enrique.
2.Describe the school campus. What The school looks like an old school and some of the building
color do you see? What is the condition was fragile because some of them is made up by bamboo,
of the building some building is need to be repaint to make it looks like a
new building. I see only green and brown color in the school
3. Pass by the offices. What impression The impression I have to those offices are it is organized,
do you have of these offices clean environment and most importantly the teachers who
accommodate us and giving us a warm welcome in their
school without hesitating to help us and cooperate us.
4. Walk through the school halls, the The other facilities they have are the classrooms from Grade
library, the cafeteria. Look around and VII to Grade XII and also the design or every classroom they
find out the other facilities that the has have.

Resource Teacher:__________________ Teacher’s Signature:______________

Grade/Year Level:_______________ Subject Area:____________________ Date:_______________

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures,
lessons, visual aids, announcements, Do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teachers table located? How are
the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/equipment are presents?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your data.
Classroom Facilities Classroom Facilities Matrix
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays There a lot of wall displays posted everywhere may be a club
organization and important announcements They are arranged
accordingly but some are dusty and teared.
2. Teachers Table The teacher table is located at the center of the students facing them
when the teacher is having a class.
3. Learner’s Desks The learners disks are provided for each students. They are arranged
properly in columns and rows but a bit of vandalism can be observed
on furniture.
4. Blackboard The blackboard is wide but its color is faded but also students can
learn on what their teacher is teaching.
5. Learning Materials/ Visual aids are written and printed legibly for the students to learn.
Visual aids They were arranged and mountain in the blackboard facing the

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observe: Dominador Abang Memorial National High School
Location of the School: Brgy. Garita San Enrique, Iloilo
Date to visit: January 25,2024

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to
school? What are your conclusions?
-By collecting data on teacher interview I conclude that the teacher can identify which physical aspects
of their classroom need to be improved. Changing the classroom environment can increase academic
engagement and decrease disruptive behavior classroom design has the power to impact students well-
being and motivation either for better or for worse.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ how does this relate to
your knowledge of facilitating learning?
-Children, even adults learn, through their senses different stimuli from environment affect the way they
perceive. If the school campus and classroom smells stinky or noisy children may not be interested to
learn. This is because the environment has a great impact to the learning of the student going to school

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why ? Why not?
When we talk about the school environment I would say yes because the school is not a very big,
they have a less number of students which I can think may the teaching and learning process easier.
But on the other hand, the location of the school is a bit far from where I live.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive learning?
A school campus that is conducive to learning is a pollution free campus whether it is a noise, air or
water pollution. Different facilities, materials and equipment are also present for the teaching and
learning process to become efficient and effective.
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
The classroom should be decorated with items related to the classroom theme. It should be also
quiet, tidy, properly lit and ventilated. A classroom should have a nice ambiance which help students
feel comfortable, safe and conducive for teaching and learning. A set of rules and regulations on how
students must behave in any circumstances is set and clearly understood by the students.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in the number 3?
In the future, to accomplish or to have a classroom that is conclusive to learning I should create a
classroom that encourage interaction. Having calm discussion with the students can help them to be
motivated towards positive behavior. I will also make the best out of my classroom space.
5. Write your additional learning and insights here.
Additional learning and insights about this topic is when you are a teacher you need to adjust the
environments where you were belong and also to give your students a good lesson or a strategy
enable for them to understand the topic that you should be teach.

Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board display

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s signature____________ School____________
Grade/Year Level:___________ Subject Area:___________________ Date: ______________
The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most readily
available and versatile learning resources.
To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through the steps:
1. Examine for bulletin board displays. Include example of those found at the entrance’ lobby hallways
and classrooms
2. Pick one and elevate the display
3. Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you most interested in.
Evaluate if using the evaluation from above.


Topic of the Board Display:(BKD) Barkada Kuntra Droga
Location of the Board Display in School: In the wall

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement
Criteria 1-NI 2-S 3-VS 4-O Comments
Effective Communication / Satisfactory and needs
It conveys the message improvement
quickly and clearly.
Attractiveness / Satisfactory
Color and arrangement
catch and hold interest.
Balance / The objects are arranged
Objects are arrange so
stability is perfect.
Unity / Needs improvements
Repeated shapes, color or
use of borders hold display
Interactivity / Some style and approach of the
The style and approach boards do not entice learners to be
entice learners to be involved
involved and engaged.
Legibility / Few letters cannot be seen from
Letters and illustrations can distance
be seen from a good
Correctness / The writings are not in certitude
It is free from grammars
errors misspelled words,
Durability / Most of the boards need to be
It is well-constructed, repaired or replaced
items are securely attached.

Bulletin Board Evaluation by:

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:
Bulletin boards are very important when it comes to holding and relying important information that
would serve as a reminder to both students and faculties.
Evaluation Strength’s Weaknesses
Description of the bulletin board Its location can be seen easily by Some writings are
layout the students, faculties and other unreadable and the colors
people. are bland.
Evaluation of educational There are boards that are attractive. Most of the boards need to
content and other aspects be repaired for the writings
to be seen clearly.

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

Observation REPORT
( You may paste pictures of the board displays here)

Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement:

Using light color may affect to our eyes every time we see it. And it has a simple design . And also next
time try to make it more attractive to students to gain their interest.
Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your output through any
of these:
A hand-made drawing or layout
An electronic ( computer) drawing / illustration or layout
A collage

My Board Display Lay-out


What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

-Some boards gives information to the audience about mission and vision of the school. Other also
inspire them to do their best in academics.
Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
-Yes, there are board design reflect to the likes or interest of the audience because the draft fits in the
board where in the content is all about the achievements of the students.
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?
-Yes, the language used was clear and simple so that the audience could easily read the writings on the
Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
-Yes, because it help students to know what is happening in their school and to let them know the
important announcements.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
Content Resources ( Name each needed resource and give a brief description):
Material for aesthetic enhancement:
What suggestions can you make?
Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form below.

My proposal Board Display

Theme: “Extra discipline makes up for a lack of talent and a lack of discipline quickly siphons away
extra talents”
Board title: Volleyball

Rationale(Purpose): To enhance the skills in playing volleyball

Objectives: 1. To stimulate to students to join in playing volleyball.

2. To develop the skills of the students.
3. To appreciate the volleyball sport.
Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement; Announce information, skills to be practice and the
Content Resources ( Name each needed resource and give a brief description): Volleyball is an Olympic
team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net.
Material for aesthetic enhancement: wood/board, inscription, sample pictures, coloring materials and
glass for covering

1.Name at least five skills that you a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board
displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
-A teacher should have at least five skills to be able to come up to a effective board displays. These are
the following: Creativity, Resourceful. Originality, Good in Communication and Artistic. Teachers need
to be creative in presenting concepts and content in an interesting way. Resourceful to use the means at
one's disposable to meet the situations and to conserve teacher’s time, effort and money. Next is
originality, it is a work created in a unique style and substance in order for the students to be attracted on
the board. Also an educator needs good communication skill, he should know that words combined with
visual content can often communicate more that words and students can easily comprehend the message.
Lastly, a teacher needs to be artistic to visualize the presentation effectively and impacts them what they
want to apply to the display. They are somewhat like a interior designer.
2.Which of the skills you named # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board
displays. How do you practice these skills?
-I think the skills that I already have is being creative and resourceful as I remembered in my past
experiences in making board displays and scrapbooks. I practice my skills by making those stuffs and
browsing on the internet and doing it in real situation. I usually collects recyclable materials and use it
for designing. I think I was able to make some that look like new and presentable.
3Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can improve
on or acquire these skills.
-The skills I need to develop is Communication skills. I admit I still have imperfect grammar sometimes
and it makes people confused. I should have improve this skill by practicing and studying by all means
the right way to make it correct and better.
Activity 2.1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages
Resource Teacher : Teacher’s Signature:
School: Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area: Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work way through these steps:
Step 1 Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (preschool, elementary, and high school).
Step 2 Describe each of the learners based on my observations.
Step 3 Validate my observation by interviewing the learners.
Step 4 Compare them in terms of their interests and needs.

Use observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your observations
An Observation Guide for Learners’ Characteristics
Read the following statements carefully, then write your observation report on the provided space.
Your teacher may also recommend another observation checklist is a more detailed observation is

1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run, go up the
stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/ smooth?
3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily cries,
2. How do they express their wants/ needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their
thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they showed problem solving

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