911taus Injustice

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richard taus

13 mar 2006
by greg szymanski

david taus, 42, said his father was "railroaded to the hilt right before the election..."

"he is a good man and was set up big time after he wouldn't back down to signing a
document saying he wasn't aware of any criminal activity in the department," via greg
szymanski's radio talk show, the investigative journal.

"when he refused that's when the government started to try and frame him. first, they
tried to say that he misused his government credit card, which, of course was not true
and didn't stick. then they went after him with trumped up child abuse charges.

"the trial lasted 8 months and it was like a kangaroo court. witnesses and jurors were
compromised. it was a joke as the judge disregarded every objection made in my
father's defense. finally, he was given an incredibly harsh sentence, 33-99 years. he
has been in jail since 1988 and it has been incredibly difficult on him and his family,
as his health been failing and we have no money to mount what may be a final

richard taus recently wrote a letter to the arctic beacon:

"my combat tours in vietnam initially uncovered the cia's involvement in drug
trafficking and other aspects contributing to u.s. intervention in foreign affairs, affairs
that this nation should have avoided," wrote taus from his prison cell. "affairs that
brought death and destruction to so many innocent lives with little or no benefit to

"professor noam chomsky of mit best described this imperialistic phenomenon in his
work "the culture of terrorism." but, rather than discuss philosophy or political
science, it was academic to me as a soldier and as an fbi agent that great harm was
being done to this nation and its people by the shadowy government run by corrupt
government officials."

"the cia's own "privateers, which really are undercover agents, used the ploy termed
"plausible deniability" to hide their crimes. the cia was operating domestically both in
violation of its congressional charter and in violation of u.s. criminal laws. decent fbi
agents were aware of this, but failed to act as they were cowered by their fbi superiors
based upon political orders from higher-ups going up to the white house.

"there was denying that the cia was heavily involved in various criminal operations,
domestically. the pizza connection case proved that, although the cia tried to cover its
trail. further, my organized crime cases in new york against the mafia disclosed a
sinister relationship with the cia and mafia. for example, the five families' godfather
paul castellano, killed by gotti, was the first cousin to vito castellano who occupied key
capitol positions in albany as commissioner of commerce."

"our country, the one we soldiers felt we were fighting for its survival, is now in the
grips of selfish and greedy men intent upon their own preservation and profit," wrote

"i refused," said taus. "i reached out to senators and congressman after my appeals to
higher fbi superiors, including two directors, webster and sessions, failed to respond.

"for 25 years, from 1981 to my false arrest in 1988 and my incarceration up until now,
my story has proven to be true and accurate with many of the revelations being
disclosed by serious investigative reporters to the american people and the world."

rodney stich:
"richard made the same mistake i did, the mistake of going to the senate and
congress," "i believe richard 100 per cent and have placed parts of the manuscript he
wrote up my web site in order to spread the word.

"he will never receive any justice within the system so his only hope is for an outcry
from the american public, demanding justice."

taus's manuscript can be viewed at stich's web site at www.defraudingamerica.com.

for more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com

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