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GSCI 325 Reviewer (G2) facilitate.

In this age, complex problem

MODULE 2: Integrating Active Learning solving, critical thinking, and creativity
Approaches in Mathematics and Science are three of the ten skills that are needed
Learning in this age. These skills start from the
process of asking questions.
Integrating Active Learning Approaches in • Inquiry-based learning is an approach
Mathematics and Science Learning that essentially involves task requiring
learners’ active participation in finding
Active Learning Approach answers to curricular questions. Learners
- are characterized through learners’ are given opportunities to engage in self-
engagement in activities that are geared regulated activities as they pursue their
towards the generation/creation of new investigation.
knowledge or making meaning of existing • Utilizing it to science and mathematics
knowledge while developing other 21 st classrooms develops learners’
century skills in the process. communication skills, deliberating on the
- In mathematics and science are utilized ways in finding answers to curricular
to realize the development of the questions, and presenting outputs as
necessary and needed knowledge and evidences of inquiry among others.
skills. • The process of inquiry starts from
positing a question aligned to content
Inquiry-Based Learning, Research-Based standard in the K-12 curriculum for
Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and mathematics and science. Investigation
Project-Based Learning proceeds using various sources of
- Are introduced to enhance the teaching information and presentation of outputs
and learning process. These approaches of the students using a productivity tool.
are designed to give more depth and The assessment tool depends on the
breadth in the learning contents in the K- required output and should be given to
12 Curriculum. the students before the inquiry
Construction of Framing Questions
- Is considered to be the central to active When to use?
learning approaches as it guided the - In science, inquiry-based learning
learners in their investigation either on a provides students with the opportunities
specific topic/unit. to investigate and learn practical skills
through hands-on activities. As for
Technology (Digital or non-digital) mathematics, inquiry-based learning
- Plays an important role in the utilization approach can help students to focus on
of these active learning approaches as how to solve problems in different but
the learners become active participants logical ways.
in the process of generating new
knowledge. Types of Inquiry
1. Structure Inquiry – this lets the
Teachers’ role students follow the lead of the teacher as
- Is to ensure the appropriateness and the entire class engages in one inquiry
relevance of technological tools in the together.
development of learning competencies, 2. Controlled Inquiry – the teacher
since the students are more exposed to a chooses topics and identifies the
wide array of technological tools. resources the students will use to answer
the questions.
LESSON 1: Inquiry-Based Learning and 3. Guided Inquiry – the teacher chooses
Research-Based Learning topics or questions and students design
the product or solution.
Nature of Inquiry-Based Learning 4. Free Inquiry – students are allowed to
• Inquiry – is a process of asking choose their own topics without any
questions. It brings various reference to a prescribed outcome.
developments that we continue to enjoy
in our society today. In the classroom,
the process of inquiry is a basic learning
activity that every teacher is expected to
Role of the Teacher centered learning of content and facts
• Teacher must look into the learning and greater emphasis on students as
competencies that can be satisfied by a active researchers.
simply inquiry or more complex inquiry. • In a research-based learning approach,
• The teacher control and prepares the students actively search for and then use
topic for investigation and guides the multiple resources, materials, and texts
learners by setting questions to be in order to explore important, relevant,
explored. and interesting questions and challenges.
• Learners are allowed to design their own • Students find, process, organize, and
way of investigation and present their evaluate information and ideas as they
outputs using technology tools that are build reading skills and vocabulary. They
afforded to them. learn how to read for understanding,
• When designing an Inquiry-Based form interpretations, develop and
Learning, the teacher has to consider the evaluate hypotheses, and think critically
following fields (Avsec and Kocijncic, and creatively. They learn how to solve
2016): problems, challenges, and dilemmas.
1. Prior Knowledge and capacity Finally, they develop communication
2. Context – learners require skills through writing and discussion.
meaning from experience
3. Content and learning materials LESSON 2: Problem-Based Learning and
4. Process Project-Based Learning
5. Strategy of reactions and
behaviors Nature of Problem-Based Learning
6. Course outcomes • Learners are engaged in a collaborative
task as they work towards the solution to
The Role of Technology the problem, learning activity is done in
• The internet or the World Wide Web small groups with each member are
offers many platforms for mining assigned to complete a certain task.
information. It has become the most • In this approach, the students will learn
sought out source of information due to several skills including; problem-solving,
the variety of tools that bound. communicating, research, among others
• In the mathematics and science which are essential in the workplace. The
curriculum, there are many free end goal of problem-based learning
educational websites depending on the approach is to ensure that the target
unit of the study are available for learning competencies are achieved in
mathematics and science teachers and the process.
• The use of technology in IBL is just one Five Principles of Problem-Based Learning
of the many other sources of information • Independent and self-directed learning
in the process of inquiry. However, • Learning happens in a groups and
learners are undeniably familiar and teacher is a facilitator
probably more adept in exploring the • All groups have to participate equally
internet. • Students learn about motivation,
• As a teacher, guiding them in locating teamwork, problem-solving, and
online resources that are relevant in engagement with the task
developing their research and • Materials such as data, photographs,
communication skills will really help them articles, can be used to solve the
in learning the importance of using problem.
education resources in an explicit and
implicit way. Six-Stage Process in Adoption of the
Online Problem-Based Learning
Nature of Research-Based Learning 1. Identifying the Problem – current
• The term “research,” which often issues that do not have just one answer
conjures up a picture of students writing or one definite solution;
research reports, is here defined as a way 2. Brainstorming – generate ideas; tackle
of thinking about teaching and learning, the problem through self-directed
a perspective, a paradigm. It is a specific questioning; arouse student’s intrinsic
approach to classroom teaching that motivation;
places less emphasis on teacher-
3. Collecting and analyzing the level of concept construction for them to
information – assigning group adopt to the changing world.
members to collect information; posting
what they found and what they learned; Role of Technology
collaborative collection of useful • The WWW or World Wide Web can be
information. utilized by the learners to accomplish
4. Synthesizing information – solving their task.
the problem through relevant data • Web 2.0 technologies are characterized
synthesized; knowledge building; by collaboration, sharing, and networking
5. Co-building knowledge – presentation that can facilitate and enhance PBL
of the solution to the learning activities in its different stages. It is
problem/issue; and effective in helping students in health
6. Refining the outcomes – giving science to bridge the gap between theory
feedback and suggestions by the and practice (Tarrant, 2018). It also
instructor to help students improve; facilitates creativity, collaboration, and
learning from other group’s presentation. sharing of research result among users
(Holmes & Dubinsky, 2009).
Benefits of Problem-Based Learning • Productivity Tools – are those for
writing, presentations, spreadsheets,
Schettino (2016) calendars, organizers, citation, and
- Group works values all voices and that a others that are also available to assist
mathematics classroom environment learners and teachers in accomplishing
becomes open and safe. This research required task and outputs for PBL
prompts the importance of PBL in activities.
checking students’ communication • In the Problem-Based Learning
through feedback on their presentation, approach, learning competencies must
questioning skills, metacognitive be the primary consideration together
journaling to reflect their errors, and with the content and performance
though process. standards before the technology
O’Brien, Wallach, & Mash-Duncan (2011) • The statement of your learning outcomes
- Teaching Mathematic/Science should not in the learning plan or lesson plan must
only be limited in solving word problem be stated in behavioral and measurable
but also to solve problems outside the terms because the PBL is about
classroom – essence of PBL. The heart of developing high order thinking skills
the PBL is collaborative work that will (HOTS).
help students devise and solve problems
involving conceptually complex The Nature of Project-Based Learning
materials. PBL promotes personal • Project-based Learning – is an
construction knowledge where students approach but has evolved as a teaching
engage in interesting tasks, problems, method that engages learners in a series
and investigations. of planned task resulting to the
generation of solutions to real-world
Kim, Belland, & Walker (2018) problems. It is a student-center approach
- PBL is a learner-centered approach that as it takes into account the realm of
aims to improve student’s content experiences and interest of students.
knowledge and problems-solving skills • This teaching method is based on John
using authentic problems. Students are Dewey’s principle of learning by
able to do a self-reflection by identifying doing and Vygotsky’s constructivist
the needed skills and knowledge in theory of learning that advocates
solving problems they encounter. social construction of knowledge.

Inel & Balim (2010) Past and Present Researches have proven
- PBL allow students to construct their own PrBL to be Beneficial in the Development
learning through group activities to solve of various Skills such as:
real-life problems presented as scenario-
based problems. It has proven also that 1. Research Methodology Skills (Tiwari,
this approach effectively teaches science Arya, & Basal, 2017) – it was revealed
and technology and to improve student’s that students were enhance in their
knowledge of the topic taken, searching
review for the topic, improved
communication skills, data collection
skills, and analytical and presentation
skills when PrBL was used as a
component in research methodology.

2. Critical Thinking Skills (Nargundkar,

Sumaddar, & Mukhopadhyay, 2019) –
The researchers investigated how PrBL
advances the critical thinking skills of the
students. To solve real-life problems,
students are expected to use the
knowledge they had constructed, to think
deeply about the issue, consider
evidence for or against a proposed
solution, and apply reasoning skills and
logical inquiry to come up with the best
solution or conclusions.

3. Development of Life Skills

(Wurdinger & Qureshi, 2015) – Revealed
that after taking the PrBL course, there
was a significant difference in the mean
scores for the following life skills:
responsibility, problem-solving, self-
direction, communication, and creativity
skills. It was concluded that PrBL indeed
promotes further development of life

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