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Lesson 3.1


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to

1. Identify if an argument is inductive or deductive in nature. Apply inductive and

deductive reasoning to solve problems.

Reasoning, according to Oxford dictionary, is the action of thinking about something in a

logical and sensible way. As we can infer from the definition the so-called “gut-feeling” and
“women’s intuition” are basically not included in reasoning. Reasoning is generally classified into
two types, inductive and deductive, where the difference is on how the conclusion is obtained.

Deductive Reasoning

This type of reasoning starts with some general ideas, called premises, then applying it to
a specific situation. Deductive reasoning is also used in the scientific method to test hypotheses
and theories. Scientists and researchers predict the consequences of the theory assuming that
the theory in itself is correct.

Deductive reasoning follows steps. Given a major (first) premise and a minor (second or
succeeding if there are more) premise, the last statement is the inference or conclusion. Assuming
that both major and minor premises are true then it is guaranteed that the conclusion is true. If
the premises are true and the inference is true then the reasoning is valid, otherwise it is invalid.

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Example 3.1.1

Consider the following statements.

1. All catholic priests are men.

2. Padre Damaso is a catholic priest.
3. Therefore, Padre Damaso is a Man.

The first statement is true and so is the second statement leading to an unavoidable
conclusion. If a group possesses a certain property (in this case the group being catholic priests
and the property being a man) and an individual (Padre Damaso) is a member of the group, then
the individual must possess that property.

Example 3.1.2

Pick a number, multiply the number by 8, add 6 to the product, divide the sum by 2, and
subtract 3. Apply deductive reasoning to compare the original number to the resulting number.

Let x be the original number.

8x Multiplying the by 8
8x+6 Adding 6 to the product
8𝑥+6 = 4𝑥 + 3 Dividing the sum by 2 and then simplifying
4x+3-3 subtracting 3
4x this is the resulting number
Comparing it to the original number x, the resulting number is four (4) times larger.

Inductive Reasoning

This type of reasoning uses specific examples to arrive at a conclusion. Here, the
conclusion serves as the generalization of the observed pattern exhibited by a group of individual
samples. Unlike deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning does not follow a standard format. If
deductive reasoning is used to prove a conclusion, inductive reasoning is used to predict a
conclusion. It does not create a definite conclusion but tries to provide a probable one.

Example 3.1.3

Modifying the previous example,

1. Jessie is not using his bike.

2. It is raining.
3. Therefore, Jessie won’t use his bike because it is raining.
Example 3.1.4

Use inductive reasoning to predict the sixth term of the sequence: 1,3,6,10,15, .

Observation from the first few terms indicate that the difference between consecutive
terms is increasing by one unit. That is, the difference between two consecutive terms is one more
than the difference between the previous consecutive terms. The last pair of consecutive terms
are 15 and 10. Their difference is 5. Therefore, the next term should be 6 more than the last term
15. The sixth term is 15+6=21.

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Example 3.1.5
Use the data in the table below as well as inductive reasoning to answer each of the
Length of Pendulum in units Period of pendulum in heartbeats
1 1
4 2
9 3
16 4
25 5
36 6
a. If a pendulum has a length of 49 units, what is its period?
b. If the length of a pendulum is quadrupled, what is its period?

In summary,

1. Deduction gets you to a definite conclusion – if and only if all your premises are correct.
2. Deduction is from theory to experiment to validation of the theory while Induction is
from observation to generalization to theory.
3. Deduction is better in scientific/controlled settings as the facts to structure the
argument are easier to find than in the real world. On the other hand, induction is better
in the real world as most often than not we deal with incomplete information and
induction gives us a most probable answer.
4. Both types of reasoning can be used to solve a single problem, however, one must
not argue with the force of deduction while actually using induction.

Practice Exercises 1

A. Determine if the following arguments are inductive or deductive.

1. All squares are rectangles and all rectangles have four sides, thus all squares have
four sides.
2. Every time you eat nuts your throat swells. This is similar to people having allergic
reaction to nuts. You must be allergic to nuts.
3. Bantay is a dog and all dogs have a keen sense of smell, therefore Bantay has a
keen sense of smell.
4. All cars in this town are right-hand drives. It can be safe to say that all cars in this
region are right-hand drives.

B. Provide the conclusion for the following arguments

1. The last few Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies have been successful.
Black Panther 2 is an MCU movie.
Therefore, .
2. All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5.
35 ends in 5.
Therefore, .
Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

Exercise 3.1
Types of Reasoning
Name: Score:
Course and Year: Date:

A. Identify whether the given argument is inductive or deductive.

1. All birds have beaks. All chickens are birds. Therefore,
chickens have beaks.
2. Yennefer always leaves for school at 6:30 a.m. Yennefer is
always on time. Yennefer assumes that if she leaves at 6:30
a.m. for school today, then she will be on time.
3. Bobby is showing a big diamond ring to his friend Larry.
Bobby has told Larry that he is planning to marry Jenny. Bob
must be surprising Jenny with the diamond ring tonight.
4. All noble gases are stable. Hydrogen is a noble gas, so
hydrogen is stable.
5. All horses have manes. The Stallion is a horse; therefore,
Stallions have manes.

B. Provide the conclusion for the following arguments.

1. The first lipstick I pulled from my bag is red. The second lipstick I pulled from my
bag is red.
Therefore, .
2. Tagpi is a stray dog. Tagpi is happy.
Therefore, .
3. All typhoons come from the east. A typhoon is approaching.
Therefore, .
4. Cabbages are plants, and all plants perform photosynthesis.
Therefore, .
5. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides and whose interior
angles are right. A square is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides
and whose interior angles are right.
Therefore, .

C. Use inductive or deductive reasoning to solve the following problems.

1. You died and you are at a fork in the road. You meet 2 guardians, one of them always
lies and one always tells the truth, of which you do not know who is who. Of the two
paths, one leads to heaven and one leads to hell. You are allowed to both guardians
one question only. What would you ask to get them lead you to heaven?
2. You are playing Russian roulette with a six shooter revolver. You put in one bullet and
fired at the captive but no bullet comes out. You give him the choice to either spin the
chamber again or immediately fire a second round. What should your captive choose
to increase his chances of survival?

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Lesson 3.2

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to

1. Identify the stages of Polya’s problem-solving framework;

2. Use Polya’s problem solving framework to solve worded problems.

Whether we like it or not, problem solving is involved in our daily lives, whether you are a
farmer, a housewife, a teacher, a rocket scientist or any fancy profession. Contrary to popular
belief that a person simply can or can’t do problem solving, it can actually be learned.

Polya’s Four-Stage Problem Solving

George Polya in 1947 wrote numerous mathematical papers and three books in problem
solving. In his books he stated four stages:

1. Understanding the problem

2. Making a plan
3. Carrying out the plan
4. Looking back
However, it is important to note that Polya’s stages are flexible and not to be taken literally
in linear order. To Polya, problem solving was a major theme of doing mathematics and “teaching
students to think” was of primary importance. “How to think” is a theme that underlies much of
genuine inquiry and problem solving in mathematics.

Here is a framework that emphasizes the dynamic and cyclic nature of genuine problem
solving. A student may begin with a problem and engage in thought and activity to understand it.
The student attempts to make a plan and in the process may discover a need to understand the
problem better. When a plan has been made, the student may not be able to carry it out thus a
new plan may be needed. A plan may have been carried out and was able to produce an answer
however it may not answer the original problem, thus a student may start again at understanding
the problem or there may have been an error in carrying out the plan.

The following framework is useful for illustrating the dynamic, cyclic interpretation of
Polya’s Stages.

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Any of the arrows indicate the current activity of the student in the process of solving a
mathematics problem.

Understanding the Problem. Sometimes the problem lies in how a problem is understood.
If you are unclear on what to solve, then most likely you would get an incorrect answer. In order
to understand the problem, one must read the problem carefully. A lot of students jump the gun
trying to solve the problem before even reading through the problem. After reading the problem,
write down what is asked then identify all the components and data involved (given). Assign your

Making a Plan. Think of ways on how you will solve the problem. Was there a similar
problem you have solved before? Is it possible to use the solution before? Is there a theorem you
can use? Are there patterns? These are some guide questions that may help you solve the
problem. You may also start by drawing a diagram, making a chart, use trial and error, work
backwards, use a formula and be ingenious.

Carrying Out the Plan. Basically solve the problem based on your plan.

Looking Back. See if your answer really answers the “What is asked” part. It is important
to look back as you may have an impossible answer, i.e. a son who is older than his father.

Problem Posing

Problem posing or problem formulation is another aspect of problem solving that is seldom
included in textbooks. Polya did not talk specifically about problem posing, but the spirit and format
is included in his illustration of looking back. Problem posing is basically extending the problem
with a series of “what-if” questions.

Examples 3.2.1

Thrice the sum of a number and 5 is 4 times that number. Find the number.

Step 1: Understand the Problem

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Since we are looking for a number, we

Let x = a number

Step 2: Making a Plan

In this case we are going to set up an equation. Take note that the presence of
the verb “is” means it is an equation.
Sum of a number and 5 x+5
Thrice the sum of a number and 5 3(x+5)
4 times that number 4x
Thrice the sum of a number and 5 is 4 times that number 3(x+5) = 4x

Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan

Solve the equation using algebra.
3(x+5) = 4x Given equation
3x + 15 = 4x Distributive Property
3x + 15 – 3x = 4x – 3x Get all x terms on one side of the equation
15 = x Combine similar terms

In this case since the coefficient of x is one, we end the solution as we already
have the answer.

Step 4: Looking Back

15 + 5 is 20 multiplied by 3 results to 60 which is the same as 4 times 15.

Examples 3.2.2

A bus and a car leave the same place and traveled in opposite directions. If the car is
traveling at 65 km/h and the bus is traveling at 55 km/h, in how many hours will they be 240
kilometers apart?

Step 1: Understand the Problem

The problem is a distance-rate-time type, where in this case the unknown is time.
There is no mention of whether the car or the bus took off first, thus we assume that
they left at the same time. We set up a distance-rate-time (drt) table based on the

Let t be the time required for both vehicles to be 240 km apart.

Rate Time Distance
Car 65 t
Bus 55 t

Step 2: Making a Plan

Since the vehicles are travelling opposite each other, d(car) + d(bus) = 240 km.
Do take note that rate = distance/time thus distance = rate*time.
Rate Time Distance
Car 65 km/h t 65t km/h
Bus 55 km/h t 55t km/h

Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan

d(car) + d(bus) = 240 km Given Equation

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


65t km/h + 55t km/h = 240 km Substituting given

120t km/h= 240 km Combining similar terms
120t km/ h 240km Dividing both sides of the equation by
= coefficient of t
120 km/ h 120 km/ h
t = 2 hours Final Answer

Step 4: Looking Back

The distance travelled by the car = 65 km/h (2 h) = 130 km while the distance
travelled by the bus = 55 km/h (2 h) = 110 km which totals to 240 km, as stated in the

Examples 3.2.3

Suppose Johnny can do a paint job in 12 hours while Mikey can do the same job in 9
hours. If they work together, how long will it take them to finish the job?

Step 1: Understand the Problem

This is a typical work problem. Work problems typically follow the format
1 1 1
+ = . In this case we let
a b x
1 1
= = amount of work Johnny can do in 1 hour
J 12
1 1
= = amount of work Mikey can do in 1 hour
M 9
= amount of work when both work together

Step 2: Making a Plan

Since both of them would work at the same time we are going to add their
individual work times then equate it to .
Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan
1 1 1
+ = Working equation
12 9 x
3 4 1
+ = Applying LCD
36 36 x
7 1
= Combining like fractions
36 x
7 1
36x = 36x Eliminate the denominators by
 36  x multiplying both sides of the equation
    with the product of the denominators
7x = 36 simplifying
7 x 36
= Divide both sides of the equation by the
7 7 coefficient of x
Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

x= hours  5.1429 hours Final Answer

Step 4: Looking Back

The answer makes sense as it should take a shorter time to finish the job if both
of them work at the same time than if they do it individually.

Examples 3.2.4

In a dance competition, all contestants were dancing at once. After 3 minutes, half are
eliminated. After another 5 minutes, half of the remaining were eliminated. At the 15-minute mark,
another half were eliminated. At the 20 th minute, another half were eliminated. In the last 3
minutes one was eliminated and the remaining one was the winner. How many dancers were
there at the beginning?

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

The problem requires us to identify how many dancers were there at the beginning,
with the clues as during specific times half are eliminated.

Step 2: Making a Plan

Working backwards would be a great strategy to use in this type of problem. With
working backwards, all operations are reversed, division becomes multiplication and
subtraction becomes addition.

Step 3: Carrying out the Plan

Number of Dancers Time
1 Time end
1+1 = 2 Last 3 minutes
2*2 = 4 20th minute
4*2 = 8 15th minute
8*2 = 16 8th minute
16*2 = 32 3 minutes
32 Start
Therefore, there were 32 dancers at the start of the competition.

Step 4: Looking Back

If we try to work forwards from 32,
Time Number of Dancers
Start 32
After 3 minutes 32/2 = 16
After another 5 minutes 16/2 = 8
15 minute mark 8/2 = 4
20th minute 4/2 = 2
Last 3 minutes 2–1=1
Time end 1

Can you solve the problem using another strategy?

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Exercise 3.2
Polya’s Problem Solving Framework

Name: Score:
Course and Year: Date:

A. Use Polya’s problem-solving strategy to solve the following problems.

1. Every person at a party with 30 participants said “hello” to each of the other people at the
party exactly once. How many “hellos” were said?

2. Suppose John has 8 shirts and 4 pairs of pants. How many different outfits can John make
by combining one shirt and one pair of pants?

3. Kimmy and Jane bought the same item. Kimmy bought it for 20% less than the original
price. Jane said if she paid 25% more, she would have paid the original price. Who paid

4. Al and Irene both work at night shifts. Al has every sixth night off and Irene has every fifth
night off. If they both have tonight as night off, how many nights before they are both off at
the same time again?

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Lesson 3.3

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to

1. Solve problems by identifying patterns and extending those patterns to answer

questions about different scenarios.

Patterns are things that repeat in a logical way, like vertical stripes on a sweater. They can
be numbers, images or shapes. Patterns help us make predictions based on certain data using
logical connections and reasoning skills (not on hokum like palm readers and horoscope writers).

Mathematics is often regarded as the science of patterns. In solving a complex problem,

it is advisable to work on simpler versions of the problem and observe what happens in a few
specific cases to look for patterns that will help solve the original problem. A lot of principles in
algebra and geometry rose from generalizations of patterns in numbers and shapes.

Examples 3.3.1

Mary and her mother are out planting seeds. For every three seeds that Mary plants, her
mom plants 8. How many seeds in total are planted by the time her mom plants 72 seeds?

We first create a table referring to the number of seeds planted by both Mary and her

Mary 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27

Mother 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72

Based on the table we can see that by the time Mary’s mother planted 72 seeds, Mary
was able to plant 27 thus we can say that 99 seeds have been planted.

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Example 3.3.2

Find the sum of the first 100 even numbers.

Using patterns to solve this problem we start with the first few even numbers.

Numbers Sum

2 2

2, 4 6

2, 4, 6 12

2, 4, 6, 8 20

2, 4, 6, 8, 10 30

We can rewrite the numbers in the sum column as a product of 2 numbers.

Numbers Sum Factors

2 2 1*2

2, 4 6 2*3

2, 4, 6 12 3*4

2, 4, 6, 8 20 4*5

2, 4, 6, 8, 10 30 5*6

We can observe that the factors can be expressed as n(n+1) where n refers to the number
of digits used. So to find the sum of the first 100 even numbers it would simply be 100(100 + 1) =
100(101) = 10100. Can we do the same for the sum of the first 100 odd numbers?

Example 3.3.3

Given below is a multiplication pattern. Use the given pattern to answer the succeeding

a. b. c. d.
30 50 18 14 12 108 45
60 10 6 4 7 16 2 9 2
15 5 3 11 3

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Let us answer letter b. First we observe the pattern on a. We can see that the numbers on
the first row and first column are products of the numbers on the remaining cells, i.e. the number
on cell ((row)1, (column)1) is a product of cell (2,2) and cell (3,3) and on cell (1, 2) it is a product
of cell (2,2) and cell (3,2). Using the same pattern, the 3x3 box on b would be:

12 44 21
28 4 7
33 11 3

Now you can do the rest.

Practice Exercises 3

1. Here are the first five pentagonal numbers?

What is the next pentagonal number?

2. Given the figure below complete the table.

Number of White Circles Number of Shaded Circle

(X) (Y)
1 4
2 6
3 8

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Exercise 3.3
Problem Solving with Patterns

Name: Score:

Course and Year: Date:

A. Solve the following by investigating the patterns within.

1. Each of these groups of numbers follow a pattern. Find the pattern, and write down the
next three numbers.
a. 1, 3, 7, 13, 21, ___, ___, ___
b. 64, 32, 16, 8, ___, ___, ___
c. 6, 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, ___, ___, ___

2. Use the given nth-term formula to compute the first five terms of the sequence.
a. 𝑎𝑛 = 5𝑛2 − 3𝑛
b. 𝑎𝑛 =
c. 𝑎𝑛 = 2𝑛3 − 𝑛2

3. Use a difference table to predict the next term in the sequence

a. -4, -1, 14, 47, 104, 191, 314, ___
b. 5, 6, 3, -4, -15, -30, -49, ___
c. 2, 0, -18, -64, -150, -288, -490, ___

4. The first 4 triangular numbers are 1, 3, 6, and 10. Determine the 11 th, 15th and 23rd term of
sequence of the triangular number.

5. The first 5 pentagonal numbers are 1, 5, 12, 22, and 35, write the next 5 terms of the
pentagonal number.

Chapter 3 Problem Solving & Reasoning RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024


Exercise 3.4
Problem Solving with Patterns

Name: Score:

Course and Year: Date:

What number should replace the question mark?

1. ____ 5. ___

6. ___

2. ____

7. ___

3. ___

8. ___

4. ___ 9. ___

Chapter 3 Maths in Our World RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

Lesson 3.4 _FINALS



At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to

1. Solve recreational problems mathematically.

Recreational problems in mathematics are entertaining and challenging problems. The

main criteria for these problems are:

1. Attention grabbing: either because of their aesthetics appeal or because they are
interestingly strange.
2. Readily explored with minimal technical content: you don’t need high end
mathematical knowledge and you may answer it using brute force.
3. A student can generate conjectures and new questions easily.
As such this genre of mathematics include mathematical games, logic puzzles and other
puzzles that require deductive reasoning. Classic examples of recreational problems include the
handshake problem, tangrams, Sudoku and the bridge crossing problem. As these types of
problems often attract non-mathematicians it may inspire their further study of mathematics.

Examples 3.4.1

Palindromic numbers. These are symmetrical numbers or numbers when reversed are still
read the same like 16461, 121, and 1234321 and so on. The date February 2, 2020 when written
in digits form a palindrome (02/02/2020). Can you think of other palindromic dates? And when will
the next one be?

Examples 3.4.2

Magic Square. It is a square which is divided into smaller squares and contains distinct
integers. The catch however is the sum of the digits in all rows, columns and diagonals are the
same, in this case the sum is 15.

2 7 6
9 5 1
4 3 8

Example 3.4.3

Ken Ken Puzzle. A ken ken puzzle is very similar to a Soduko puzzle, except that the
former has an added feature.
3 2÷
This is a 3 by 3 three Ken Ken Puzzle. Every square
must contain the numbers 1, 2, and 3 but a number
3+ 18x 1
cannot be repeated within any row or column.

Chapter 3 Maths in Our World RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

2÷ The heavily-outlined areas are called “cages.” The

small number in the upper left of each cage is the
“target” number. Beside this traget number is a
mathematical operation that will be used in the cage.
Specifically, when the numbers within a cage is
operated using the operation, the result must be the
target number.

3 Cages comprised of only on e square is the easiest

3 because its value is the same as the target number.
For this particular Ken Ken puzzle, we have two
3+ 18x 1
1 single cages. We start by putting the target numbers
as its value.

We then move to the exist bigger cages. Starting

with two-square cage at the top row, we know that
3 2÷
3 1 2 the answers are 1 and 2, because 1 and 2 are the
only numbers from 1 to 3 whose qoutient is two and
18x 1
1 we already used “3” in this row. We also know that it
should be in these order becuase we already have a
1 “1” in the third column. Also the two-square cage at
the first column has the values 2 and 1 becuase their
sum is 3. The order as illustrated is guided by the

3 1 2 fact that “1” is already present in the second row.
3+ 18x 1 Finally, the three-square cage has values 3-2-3,
2 3 1 becuase the product of these numbers is 18. We
choose to put “2” in the middle of the last row
1 2 3 beacuse 2 is present in the second row, and in the
third column.
Examples 3.4.4

A frog is at the bottom of a 30 foot well. It tries to escape by jumping. Every time it leaps,
it can cover 3 feet but slides down by 2 feet. How many leaps will it take to escape the well?

The frog can jump 3 feet buts slides by 2 feet, so we can say that for every jump the
distance covered is 1 foot. Since the height is 30 feet, you might say that it takes 30 jumps but
that thinking would be wrong. By the 27th jump, the frog would have covered 27 feet and on the
28th jump the frog would have covered 30 feet which is the height of the well. So, it only takes 28

Examples 3.4.5

Each of four neighbors Sean, Maria, Sarah and Brian has a different occupation (editor,
banker, chef, or dentist). From the following clues, determine the occupation of each neighbor.

1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before the dentist.
2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not the editor.
3. The dentist and Sarah leave for work at the same time.
4. The banker lives next door to Brian.

Chapter 3 Maths in Our World RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

To answer this problem, we a create a table where

we can systematically reason based on the given
facts in the problem. From the first statement, we
know that Maria is not the banker nor the dentist.

From the second statement, we know that Sarah is

not the editor. Also in the first statement, we can
deduce that the banker is the last to go home since
Maria gets home after the Banker. If Sarah is the last
person to go home, she can’t be the banker.

Following from the third statment, Sarah cannot be

the dentist dentist, so she must be the chef. If Sarah
is the chef, the other three people cannot be the
chef. If Maria is neither the Banker, the chef, nor the
dentist, she must be the editor, which makes Brian
and Sean not the Editor.

The fourth statment means that Brian is not the

banker, which makes him the dentist. This also
means that Sean is the banker.

Example 3.4.6

Cryptarithmic Problem. Cryptarithmic problems are mathematical puzzles where digits are
replaced by letters of the alphabet. Each letter represents one digit throughtout the problem. The
numbers does not begin with zero. This problems also involves a mathematical operation which
needs to be satisfied.

Consider the following cryptarithmic problem.


The letter-number correspondence are as follows:

S=9 E=5 N=6 D=7 M=1 O=0 R=8 Y=2

To check, we have

+ 1085

Chapter 3 Maths in Our World RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

Exercises 3.4
Recreational Problems Using Mathematics

Name: Score:
Course and Year: Date:

1. Complete the following 4 by 4 magic square. The sum all rows,

columns and diagonals must be 98.

5 6 19 68
69 18 3 8
4 7 70 17
20 67 6 5

2. Solve the given KEN-K

Chapter 3 Maths in Our World RAF Sinakay_BSU_CNAS_2nd Sem 2023-2024

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