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Q1: Describe the sales process in each market (Low-end residential, high-end residential,
and industrial.)

Ans: JINDI Enterprise was focused on the low-end residential market accounting for 80% of
sales whereas the high-end residential market was secondary preference with 20% sales. The
managing director was inclined to make a move in the industrial market considering its
positives like less competition and 2X prices with a high margin. Let’s explore JINDI
enterprises sales process in each of these markets.

Overall Sales Strategy

JINDI Enterprises has similar sales processes for high-end and low-end residential markets
with differences in strategies to generate leads. The sales force comprising of 12 sales
engineers and the managing director MA were involved in generating sales.

Direct Walk-in Strategy Targeted Promotion

Sales Engineer visit construction sites to Presentations to selected architectural,
identify on-going projects engineering, and design firms.
Engage with people available on-site to get Connect with interested firms to discuss
referral to technical managers or product details and installation processes.
Share product details and process Negotiate terms of contracts (high-cost
information with technical managers and contracts handled by MA) and sign the
contractors contract
FAQs: Price, Service, and Delivery FAQs: Product efficiency, installation, quality
• Targeted promotion generated 30% of sales.

High-end Residential Market

• This market includes large construction projects like complexes which require heavy
investments and strict procedures.
• The HVAC systems were recommended by architectural and design firms (12-SOE)
which have 20 specific vendors of national level.
• Around 20% of JINDI Enterprises sales come from high-end residential markets, which
was attained by targeted promotion.
• Mr. MA, the managing director, used his contacts to reach out to these firms and
present his products.

Low-end Residential Market

• This market includes small construction projects like small scale buildings which don’t
require heavy investments.
• These buildings were designed by low-level architectural firms or by individual private
• The contractors had the power to get installed HVAC system usually near the end of
• Around 80% of JINDI Enterprises’ sales came from this segment, which was attained
by both direct walk-in strategy and targeted promotions.
• Mr. MA also used his contacts to generate sales from this segment, but most sales
were generated by the sales force.
Industrial Market

• The industrial segment was the untapped market for JINDI Enterprises.
• The market had diverse and hidden sales opportunities because each production
process required different levels of heating solutions.
• The decisions for HVAC systems were driven by engineering and architectural firms
which had 50 established manufacturers list to order HVAC systems.
• Given the low level of competition there was a significant monopoly in getting the

Q2: Assess the effectiveness of the sales and sales management process at Jindi in relation
to these markets.

Ans: Considering the level of sales in each segment, the current sales management process
was only effective in the low-end residential market (80% of sales). JINDI Enterprises was
unable to generate more sales from the high-end residential market (20% of sales) given their
products were standard and met quality standards. It shows issues in the sales strategy and
sales management process.

Role of MA

• The managing director was relying heavily on his connections than actual marketing
strategies. He handled all contracts and reached customers through his references.
• The enterprise has passed the initial stage and should move towards a good sales
strategy rather than traditional word-of-mouth technique.
• Mr. MA’s aggressive involvement in the process was constraining the sales engineers
to attract customers on their own and make lucrative contracts for both company and

Role of Sales Engineers

• Most sales engineers were comfortable with targeted marketing; however, more sales
were generated from direct walk-in strategy. It may be a reason for demotivation
amongst sales engineers which was translating to overall low sales.
• Considering the competition from Yongda and their low-price policy, they will sooner or
later take away low-end customers which prefer low price over quality. Our sales force
should not just sell product information but also sell the product.
• Lastly, the sales engineer’s compensation didn’t include target-based bonuses, which
could have proven beneficial in motivating them to attract more customers.

Ineffectiveness of Sales Management Process

• Inability to target more customers from the high-end residential market.

• Heavy reliance on word-of-mouth and reference-based marketing.
• No motivation in terms of target bonuses for sales engineers.
• No formal hiring of professionals instead preference to acquaintances.
• No strategy to target industrial market with high barriers to entry and monopoly.
Q3: Evaluate the pros and cons of each candidate. If you were Ma, who would you select?
Why? What would be your criteria?

Hin Bin

Pros Cons
Engineering Background Low Level Sales Skills
Leadership Skills Inefficient customer dealing
Technical Expertise
Good Interpersonal Skills
Internal Candidate (Company Experience)

Bai Dong

Pros Cons
Business Background (own startup) Loyalty questionable
High Sales Skills Young age to take leadership role
Customer Engagement
Previous Success (sales generated)
Internal Candidate (Company Experience)

Qian Cheng

Pros Cons
Engineering Background (Masters) Overqualified
Diverse Experience (Arch: Firm–Target market) Outstation candidate
Leadership Skills (Management Roles) Loyalty questionable (Job Switch)

Liu Xiaogang

Pros Cons
Business Background (Economics) No sales experience
Diverse Experience (Teaching+Management)
Connections in Architectural firms etc.

My Selection and Selection Criteria

I will go with Bai Dong and my selection criteria is as follows:

• Sales and Business Background (For Technical Support Sales Engineers are Available)
• Management Experience + Leadership Skills
• Customer Engagement and Dealing
• Excellent Sales Skills
• Internal Candidate (Considering MA’s previous hiring strategy)
Why Bai Dong?

Bai Dong checks every point in my selection criteria. He’s an outstanding candidate for the role.
Here’s why:

• He is an internal candidate and knows the company in and out form its strategy to customer
• He has very relevant sales experience and demonstrated a high level of sales skills.
• He is an internal candidate and most probably hired by Mr. MA who always prefers known
people for their reliability.
• Considering current financial conditions of the company and the reason previous sales
manager left, Bai Dong is more likely to accept same compensation.

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