BBC Good Food Vegetarian Christmas 2023

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Dla ee ee Re mee et Reema lo er Meeelvo els] os edetc eo wy « Parsnip roast wreath with marsala gravy « Chestnut & pecan loaf PC Ltr} ses ueeae ll -1cs 11-9 Eales iy PARTY COCKTAILS ANDCANAPES ~~ , EYEE ite) di Tey VG Cia Ae f ms 2 Fost oR: Pe a ee &beetroot wellington, peg desserts ee Aiaeers penises) Sie avai a ey eee eee Awaken Your Senses in Sri Lanka Cea ee cry the culture, history and waif of this remarkable country. eee eee eee aos FROM £4,229 incl flights Call TRAILFINDERS on 020 7795 4549, or visit your local Travel Centre eerie eed * Prmerneay ae Sareea neem ie ES Peet pe terest as St meg t CO ACC eae emmy fun and festive treats over the hol OEM eke cre aud Perle meen min ntd Pinautetrce itt Peon DUO Rea tae Taree ete eet cee cit r POOR er rerinets eolecrentoare filling up the biscuit tin (p80). Perens ed Ss a reteree sna loved ones (find atipple on page 6) and. e Pera Cog icc con eon GC eo auc ed Desens ea Rea een ee eee ® bbcgoodfood ©) 'W @bbegoodfood if bbcgoodfood fd eres goodfood ,, Spiced squash, feta & beetroot wellington, p18, Photograph MYLES NEW additional images GETTY IMAGES 6 10 18 24 34 40% 46 o4 58 62 THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Relaxed bites before the main eve STAROF THESHOW SWEET TREATS 88 ‘Comforting ideas everyone will love [AFESTIVE FAVOURITE 20) meermeenoare 120 Quick wins for the 126 mor oe T37 Savery ddossert that sk * « CHRISTMAS * TIPPLES Hosta cocktail party for friends with festively flavoured drinks, including non-alcoholic options tints Christmas martini Ifyou could drink a Christmas cake, this is how it would taste. SERVES 1 (with leftover syrup) PREP Sins plus cooting COOK Smins EASY VE 50ml bourbon 25mi cherry brandy 509 dark brown soft sugar 509 mixed dried fruit i ‘Acinnamon stick Threenew a spins on } aclass aan martini / + 1L First, makethe syrup. Tip the ingredients intoa pan with 50ml water and simmer overa medium heat for min to soften the fruit. Remove from the heat and leave to nfuse until ithas cooled to room ‘temperature. Strain, and discard the fruitand cinnamon stick. You Imake ‘more than you need - leftovers will keep chilled for three days. 2 Pourthe bourbon, brandy and 15mlof the syrup into a cocktail shaker witha handful ofice. Shake untilthe outside ofthe shaker feels very cold, then strain intoa coupe or ‘martini glassto serve, en scc ate carte gmp ‘tre0%9 potest 089 Peppermint martini All the fun of «candy cane, distilled intoa vodka martini. SERVES 1 (with eftover syrup) PREP S mins plus cooling COOKS ming EASY VE mini peppermint candy cane, Crushed, for the rim ‘50mI vodka fice For the mint syrup. 1009 caster sugar step peppermint extract 1LFirst, make the syrup. Heat the sugar and 100ml water in asaucepan ‘overamedium heat until the sugar hhas dissolved. Remove from the heat, stirin the peppermint extract and Teave tocool completely. You'l make ‘more than you need ~ any leftovers voll Reep chilled for three days. 2'Tip the crushed candy cane intoa shallow dish, Dip therim ofa martini slass in water, then the candy cane, (ifthe pieces aren't sticking tothe im, mix the water with alittle icing sugar) Set aside, 3 Pour 15ml ofthe peppermint syrup into jug or cocktail shaker. Add the vodka and a handful ofc, and stir until the outside oftheshaker feels very cold, Strain intothe prepared lass to serve. FERGERUNO Maca sn 7 Ore protest 005 BeOS drinks - Lemon drop martini mocktail Sharp, sweet and fresh, this lemon drop-flavoured drink isideal for designated drivers, as it stil feels celebratory, SERVES1 PREPS mins EASY lemon, zested, plus 15m! lemon iuice ‘Ithsp golden caster sugar '50m| alcohol-free gin or use water) {tsp white wine vinegar ‘1thsp marmalade Combine the lemon zestand sugar onasmall plate, Diptherim of a ‘coupe lass in water, then the sugar ‘mixture to coat, Setaside. ‘Put put the lemon juice, alcohol- free gin, vinogar and marmalade ina cocktail shaker with a handfl ofice, ‘Shake until the outside ofthe shaker feelsicy cold Strain througha fine sieve into the prepared glass. RSAC ect 903 m9 ae ac POU ated Poe eee a een oy Pe eee hheat,cooland strain, You will make pee anger ae ‘This tangy, orange-infused spritz more syrup than you need - any Stas with fragrant cloves will bring you leftovers willkeep chilled for reer eat Cee eee Pret as room en ‘wine glass. Add thegin, prosecco, Cee SERVES 1 (with leftover syrup) Seen ene pend Cee) peor rye are eee ond Ree oc ey Ped , rey eee gtd 50m! orange juice syrup PER SERUNG 25 ce Byres 85> Ee (see recipe below) eo) cs - cara ene ed eee) ees Sec) ice Seen ees era! Forthe orangejuice syrup co cd eee Oe era ad Pee eee ees Eas roe Eee eT eer ost ESC nent) Pre en eo ra the cranberries, rosemary, the restof eee eee rte Scenes oer anette ees Ri a one etty Cee eee See ng eet! boas coy oe ne Cee ee Ten ae are Fe I ee) oe Coron 25mi freshly squeezed lime juice Peay ee Ne eo Tce ee en eat eens eed First, makethesyrup. Heat the Pr reed Seether) dissolved. Turn off the heat and stir ee eect) {6001 completely. You will make more syrup than yourneed ~ any leftovers wil keep chilled for upto three days Poona seeders Roa Perr nescence Seca eo iS er ee / Peseanrearrsnett a co f ereroean a ata rere eee ee ed Ceres Se a eee) Coe On Ce etn any ered) rere) eon ty Eee enn Pete) Seer at Cee ete) Bree oe) tee drinks pos ed Peer For the base, put the cucumber, een ee Peete oan See eed pee eas ore oscars Got een ero er ten ety Ce ee nny es 2Pour the strained mistareintoa se eee eet ieee) Saeed Peseeriee eects See es eee eet) Party bites ideal for pre-Christmas drinks,or. io serveaspartofabuftet, ? mushroom tartlets ‘This isa clever recipe for those occasions when you need an exciting canapé, but could do without the fs i fall Boeryonewillask he secret of ‘ X your crunchy pastry, and the secret Quick ‘N ‘is, itisn't pastry at all. Slices of asset 2 Ue bread are moulded intoa tartet to assemble, tin, and baked up into delicious tart and sure to dases, You can make the mushroom impress all mixture aday ahead and assemble nate the tartletsup to an hour or two ) ahead, then chill until needed. Caramelised j MAKES 12tarlets PREP1O ming COOK20mins EASY 2tbspolive oil ‘onion, chopped ‘tbsp golden caster sugar. 2509 chestnut mushrooms, thinly sliced ‘garlic clove, crushed ‘3-4 thsp finely chopped thyme leaves ‘2slices of thin white sandwich bread butter, for spreading 100 grated vegetarian hard cheese ‘or cheddar, for sprinkling 41Heatthe olin alan frying pan cera medium heat andy the onion for’mins unt soft and golden. Stir inthe sugar and some seasoning, | thenturnuptheheatand add the mushrooms, Sizzle for mins until JF anyliquid has evaporated and the ‘ashrooms are golden. Add the taulic and stir for afew mingtes + more until fragrant nen tam off the {J heatandstirinmostof the thyme, fThemushvoam mistarecon nase chilled for upto day 2 Tomake thetartletbaies stamp cout 7-8cmeireles from thebréad ‘using abisuit outer or lass. Butter one side of each then use tone theholesofal2-holetartettin —- buttered-sde down (Freeze any Jeftoverstomake breadcrumbs) Heat the oven to 220C/200C fin) £887.Spoon the mushroom mixture {nto thetartlets and top withthe sated cheese. Bake for 10-15 mins ‘until golden and bubbling Sprinkle over the reserved thyme and serve. exservnc tiaty-ensaerag: ‘tte 5 eyo Od f f 11 Furikake devilled eggs ‘Try furtkake ~a Japanese seasoning ~in this retro canapé Flavoured witha hint of wasabi ‘and piokled ginger. Furikake is traditionally sprinkled on rice MAKES 12 PREP15 mins COOK 10mins EASY eeaas 2 spring onions, trimmed 2 tbsp Japanese-style mayonnaise cr salad cream 2 sp wasabippaste tsp sesame oll {tbsp pickled sushi ginger, finely sliced, plus tsp vinegar from the jar ‘8 toep furkake (available online or in specialist shops), plus a pinch 4. Cook the eas in a pan of simmering water for 10 mins, then immediately lutige into a bow! oficed water to cool Finely slice the springonions {ntolong, thin strands, and add these tothe iced water with the exes = thoy willcuel up slightly 2 Peel the eggs and halve Tengthways. Seoop the yolks out intoabovil using ateaspoon, then add the mayo, wasabi, vinegar and some salt and pepper, tnd mash witha forleuntl smooth, Fora smoother texture, blend ‘sings hand blender, 3 Putthe furikake on a small plate and dip the rounded sides ofthe egs balvesin it so some sticks tathe ‘ea Pipecor spoon the egg yolk fllinginto the middles, then top with the pickled ginger. Patthe spring onionstripsdryusing kitchen paper, then scatter these overthe eaus along with appinch, more furkake, PensenuNc ake frost extntg:agrorme firenore pth 63 sos Cheese & pineapple skewers Blevate classic cheese and pineapple with sesame and mint - they're easy just four ingredients to make with MAKES 24 PREPS mins COOK 40 mins EASY 3009 fresh pineapple pieces bunch of mint, leaves picked and chopped 25g toasted sesame soods 250g halloum cut into cubes 1 Heat the oven to 180C/160C fam, hop the pineapple pieces into ven chunks and tip into. roasting tin, Bake for 35-40 mins until golden then over and set aside 2 Combine the mint and sesame seeds inadish and set aside, Char the halloumi cubes onal sides ina hot non-stick fying pan over a medium high heat, then remove from the heat nd cool slighty, Toss the pineapple inthe mintand sesame mixture, ther thread ontococktal sticks With apieoe of hallow, sate ft39-sn25 corey 29 fre pre a s ‘aditional Christmas flavours, made mini Br eto & basil crostini Assemble these fig, goat's cheese a ee ror ea pn ee eee Ce Coren og cee) ee Cee ey cee Een ee ay Cee ery Ce) Pr ee eect Pea an ee enor ia) peered Pee Ray for 10 minsuntil lightly golden. Poesy Pe eee eatery Se eee eee Peer ety eo crt td Crees terre terry Perens ‘8 Season with freshly ground black ee ers a eee Se Caen aera ates oy Corer cmc) Chilli, maple & ginger glazed vegan cocktail sausages En plant-based co wsages as part of a buffet or party —amixture of ginger and chillies ‘makes them extra-flavourfil. MAKES 12 PREP10 mins (COOK 30 mins EASY VE 12red chillies, finely chopped (deseeded, i you like), plus extra to serve ‘50mi maple syrup {isp cider vinegar 10g ginger, peeled and finely chopped isp sesame ol ‘t2moat free cocktail sausages sesame seeds, for sprinkling hhancful of coriander leaves and lime wedges, toserve 16 bbs 1.Combine the chilies, maple syrup, inegar, singer and sesame ofl in ‘small pan, and bring to asimmer alow heat, Cook for 2-3 min ‘until lightly reduced, Remove from the heat andleavert 2 Hear the 2286 Linea roa then tipin the sausages, halthe glaze anda sprinkle of sesame seed: wel and season, Bak tuming halfway through, until the and the coriander then serve with the glaze on the side and lim . oro 1 - mgr 105g protein a ‘Add your own twists to these traditional inian toasts Shukhi, warm beetroot & mushroom salad ‘This Ukrainian dish is traditionally eaten at Christmas -serveon toasted rye bread for a crostini any herb you really you can substitute vinegar, orev ‘SERVES 6-8 PREP 25 mins (COOK 30 mins EASY VE ‘banana shallots, halved and sliced lengthways Gbeetroots (about 9009), peeled ‘and cutinto matchsticks 200g wild or oyster mushrooms {tbsp sherry vinegar 2tbsp brown sugar S garlic cloves finely grated a few tarragon sprigs, leaves, picked and chopped ‘smal rye bread loaf, sliced ‘and toasted small Bunch of dill, chopped, toserve 1 Heat the oven to 180/160 fan 4, Heat I tbsp of the olin an ovenproof frying pan overa medium lowheat and cook the shallots for ‘mins until the shallots start rel ‘transfer the pan to the oven and cook ) mins. Sti, then return tothe ren for 10 mins more until th shallotsare goa is cooked thra ‘3 Meanwhile, heat the remaining inalarge,non-stic until golder he vinegar, sugar, gare and some seasoning to ake the dressing. Taste to ensure and sour; it quite gat 4 When the beetroot isdone,stirin ns and a scattering of dll PeRSeRVN YON lt 35-etesone cute igen tg boca ‘Naan, spina halloumi bit Enjoy the moreish combination of spinach and halloum over swarm naan bites, MAKES 40 PREP20 mine (COOK 15 mins EASY 2tbsp unsalted butter 2garliccloves, crushed 2tsp garam masala 160g baby spinach, roughly chopped 2x250g blocks of hallouri, cubed Anaans 18 1 Melt the butter in large pan over ‘amedium heat with the garlic and sraram masala, Add the spinach and cook until wilted, then season, 2Scatter the halloumi cubes over a sill tray and slide under a hot grill until the tops are golden. Warm the naan under the grill then spread overthe spinach mixture 3 Evenly distribate the grilled halloumi over the naan, then cut the naan into squares tofitthe cheese coubes, Secure with cocktail sticks and serve warm, FeROMAFESS ick pow acaba ftps fetg- meg: O2 Mae‘n’ cheese sliders This crowd-pleasing snacks see crispy squares of macaroni cheese sandhuiched in mini bread rolls. MAKES 96 PREP-25 mine plus ‘overnight chiling COOK Thr EASY 300g macaroni 80g butter 3 shallots, finely chopped 80g plain flour ‘300ml whole milk 1 thsp Dion mustard 1009 soft cheese 1009 cheddar, grated ‘Legg, beaten 300g mozzarella, cutinto 36 chunks 3x12-pack assorted mini breed ols, ‘1pack watercress, and barbecue sauce (optional) to serve 1 Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan/ sga55.Cook the macaroni following pack instructions, then drain, Meanwhile, mel the butterin alange ‘saucepan avera medium heat and ccooktthe shallots for 10-15 mins until soft. Add the flour, mix well, then slowiy add the milk, asplash ata time, mixing well after each addition ‘tomakeasmooth sauce. Once all the millchas been added, continue to cook, stirring until the sauce has thickened, Stirin the mustard, soft cheese, cheddar and es Season well, 2'Tip the cooked macaroni intoa deep baking dish (about 28 x18em) ‘and pour aver the cheese sauce, making sure the macaroni is well coated, Bake for20 mins until ‘turning lightly golden, Leave to cot completely then chill overnight. 8 The next day heat the aven to 190C/170C fan /as 5 and cut the macaroni cheese into 36 blocks, Arrange over two baking trays, leaving space between each block Gently pressa piece of mozzarella into the middle of each, then bake for 10-15 mins, or until starting to erisp atthe edges and the mozzarella has melted. Serve the macaroni cheese blocks in the mini rolle with some ‘watercress and asqueeze of barbecue sauce, ifyou like, Serve immediately rR SUDER Ma ft -snate: (crbsSp-sinwatg Renae: pret -s09 a to any buffet 17 Winter stars Stunning seasonal mains that are ideal for Christmas Day or a festive gathering 68 PREP'SO mins plus chilling COOK 1 hr 30 mins e ‘large butternut squash (about tks), peeled and trimmed (S00 tip below) 1D sage leaves 2tbsp olive ol ‘Atsp ground mixed spice ‘Atsp ground mace A large shallots, thickly sliced 1Ithsp maple syrup ‘Ithsp red wine vinegar ‘T5apecans, roughly chopped 25g dried cranberries, roughly chopped 400g cooked beetroot, roughly chopped 200g feta, crumbled 500g.ll-butter puff pastry plain flour, for dusting ‘1699, beaten, to glaze ‘tsp nigella seeds 25g butter Heat the oven to 200C/180C fany gas 6.Cut the squash in half lengthways, scoop out the seeds and set aside. Continue ta serape down the centre ofboth squash halves to carve outa roughly 2em nel. I's tough, you car score with knife and scoop out Roughly chop the scooped-out, squash and add to the seeds, Finely ‘chop half the sage leaves, Pour the oil intoa lange roasting tin and stirin the chopped sage, mixed spice, mace and some: Tip ved seeds, chopped squash, squash halves and shallotsinto thetin and toss well Roast for 30 mins until the squas and shallotsare caramelised. Add the maple syrup, vinegar and pecans, ‘and roast for 15 mins more until the nuts are toasted. Stir through the cranberries and leave to cool S welland se day ake Meanwhile tipthe feta into food processor. Blitz smooth, thick of water ifneeded, pepperand chill. ‘day ahead and ch Cut about a third ofthe pastry off an rollout ona lightly floured surface to an oval of about 25 16em making sureit fits the squash ~ roll outa little more ifneeded. Transferto ‘baking sheet lined with baking parchment, Spread a third of the beetroot mixture over the past, leaving senerousborder, Pack th squash and shallot mixture into the avities ofthe squash halves, and press down with your hands to ensure its well packed. Sandwich t squash halves together, then putin the middle ofthe pastry-Sprea remaining beetroot mixture over th top and sides ofthe squash soit's -ompletely covered, Brush the exposed pastry with beat ol out the second piece into an oval larger than the about 40x 90em. Lay the pastry carefully over the beetroot-covered squash, pressing down the edges lightly to seal, making sure you work fromone end tothe next so you don't seal in too much air, Trim any excess pastry and, using fork, press down all around the edges to seal. Cut a rimmings ntoleaf or star shop corate the top, ifyou like beaten egal over the wellington withthe pastry decorations, if using, and brush with eas again, Sprinkl over the nigella seeds and a pinch of salt flakes Chill uncovered, for at least, 30 mins, or up Heat the oven 10 2000/180C fan/gas 6 with a baking ray insideto heat up. Carefully side he wellington onto the tray. Cook for 40-45 mins until deeply golden, Leave forest for 10% ‘While the wellington is resting melt the butter in a pan over a eat, Onceilt starts foam, add and fy on each: n the wellington and spoon over th melted butter. Cut into thickslioes Reet ees mee erey Bere ead ee rea coe ears Cound een) con Peon ag reed 780g parsnips, peeled and ete ee ed perenne Se read eee ee 250ml vegetable stock, made with peers CO ee a ce See 200g stale sourdough, torn oom Peery ca ete) ere eae eng eee Pree) eed eee) ue ‘500ml vegetable stock oe een then biz the resttofine Ree en Ce ae ¢ eee ny ener td Sere! een et or oe Ee ncad eae eats Pet ete eats esc Pe eee) ecg softened and caramelised. Tip inthe blitzed veg mixture and stock, tumup the heat to high and cookfor 5 mins eu os liquid has evaporated Add the thyme eee nd pee etn large plate, spread out and leave to Soe erent trans ee) Poe a Erte sense) Seu ees Poona ay See es then tip nto the bow with the eee 4 Add the cooled veg mixture tothe Seer nie om eee Per eee pee See) eee ceei) Cover with fil and bake for 0 mins, then uncover, turn up the oven to Fee eee ad ‘further 30 mins until dark brown, Gently release the edge ofthe wreath Rene ec nets Pore Meera aoe te Se ed eer cera Sete os Pern ee oa Ree gaee te eu eae en Sr Eee aca ofsaltfor 15-20 mins until the onions Peet een ntn tt ty eee ee Peay et are Tete inthe marsala and miso, and cook for See ee Cee ed cate eren eae! reduced and thickened. Season to ee ener eet er) ese a eres ee ee aoe ans 089 Meee oTee Len ciey Sead Core eos 2tbsp white miso 2tbsphoney 2tbsp vegetable oil ey ey cry Pee een ty Ee Semen! garlic granules together with 2thsp Seo eens Perera Pere ron Peevey eee ad Pe Sacre Pome teeta Cee ee eed slaze, Bake for 15 mins, then brush ‘with the remaining gaze. canarias Feeney eed Esse} Lighter than a standard nut roast, this recipe combines chestnuts and veg with smoky harissa sauce, and delivers three of your five- 4 PREP 1S mins 55min 2tep rapeseed cil ‘onion, finely chopped ‘aubergine, sliced lenathways and diced 2celery sticks, finely chopped tspdried sage Yétsp dried oregano tbsp thyme leaves 2large garliccloves finely chopped 2x 400g cans borlotti beans, drained egg 25g wholemeal breadcrumbs 180g pack cooked chestnuts, roughly chopped '50g pecans, roughly chopped ‘smoked paprika, for sprinkling (optional) 250m passata ‘garlic clove finely grated (optional) 1-2tspsmoked chill harssa large pinch of dried oregano Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan Sand ine alarge loaf tin with baking parchment, Heat the il in mediumheat and fry the onion, abergine, celery, dried herbs, thyme and gare for 10 mins, Tipa can of bea long with three-quarters ofthe second ean, Add half the ried ve mixture and the egg Season and blitzusing a hand blender unti three-quarters ofthe nuts the rest of the veg and the reserved beans, then spoon into the ti, smooth the surface and press the reserved nuts into the top. Sprinkle over th sd paprika fusing Bake for }0 mins until frm and golden, Leave tostand for a few minute to firmup, then turn ou de with 8ml water, the garlic, ifusi ‘and the harissa and oregano for 5-10 mins until thicke over slices ofthe loa sanwhile, simmer the passata 60ers 20 eee cee rns Ce ay hee Coretta ns Eon Core ee ea eetieneety ‘small pinch of grated nutmeg cere eed peerneee) Peseetten er eae Broree (ert) eet eos eed 2009 plain flour, plus extra for dusting cere tects egg, beaten ee! eee ee Pa ae Sere roe et ‘everything together using your hands until ust eet eee gee er: fe ee ee Cetera crapsto push the pastry into the base and up the side ofthe tin, leaving the excess ove q Epon mente aenys ety eer ssonirig eae eee ere eee feeders ey orem ant co ee eter eet oe Pree nen erty tree eer aerate eet etna Peter eens ee ny cena ee ee Seer cee ee gy the the everhanging pastey to check that is done ~ ete tee sanwhile, stir the egg yolks and two-thirds of th Iheese into the’onion and cream mixture. Tip into the rere te eee anal bake for 20-26 mins, or until ust set and golden, eeenee etn eres ens re eed ee ee Eee eee] eee an festivelunch with ae ee Stel cits zc CNAs) Pete y 4 potatoes provide an extra laye! of hearty flavour Ee ens cpt Cee Do eae Ea Meet ered Cee edd Benoa Cd Peet eee) ore De ae Pere een et] CE Raa eer) 200g sourdough or other bread Sone ee Pere oa eee) finely chopped er Seer aos) een a Rereera sone tense 79 Pree eect Potato oa ‘open, sevop the fesh out intoa bowl, Perera envy you don't have a microwave, peel the: Pere mane mente Tn) So cas Parton en ent Penne ects ro) ee ead emirate stirs ‘a medinura-lowheat and cook the ee ners pee eee cece eee Poeun Sc Raa Coats CUCU oe Drea ceoa eo r Ota sized balls and put ona baking sheet ened Co am Le Peering RC RUS eee CC a te ocd ets ees pene tied pares Oe rrr Stent pron reer ar ea et Gia combination all n one tray Ae ad Cee eg Lo Sed ee See ee Sere peer cena oa eee ae Sd eee ee erty ee Salt the red cabbage overnight to soften this way, it will only need tobe cooked fora fraction of the time, but will still retain all ts Alavowr and texture. 6-8 PREP15 mins plus atleast ‘hrresting COOK 10 mins ‘small ed cabbage, quartered, cored ‘and shredded 25g unsalted buttor 2tbsp cranberry sauce ‘Ithsp vinegar of your choice ‘orange, zested and juiced Tip the eabbage into a bowland sprinkle overs tsp salt, Scrunch the salt through the cabbage using your hands, then coverand set aside for at Teast 1 hr,or cover and chill overnight. The salt willstartto ‘cure’ the cabbage, makingit softer so itean be cooked for less time. Heat the butter in a large frying pan ‘or wok aver high heat until sizzling and stir-fry the cabbage for Sins until wilted Stir in the rest ofthe ‘ingredients, and cook for another ‘Smins until the cabbage is coated in asticky glaze. Serve straightaway, or leave to cool completely. Once cooled, red and chilled for upto sat na.pan or the ‘microwave wntilpining hot tivo days, Re cogs tnd: 0- fe 39. etn ‘This classic French dish of thin slices of potato layered with butter ‘and sale results in a golden, crisp outer layer with arich, soft middle 16-8 PREP 40 mins ‘br 1809 unsalted butter 1L.6kg Mars Piper, Désirée or King Edward potatoes Meltthe butter ina small pan over alow heat, skimming off any white liquid that rises tothe top, then brush over the baseand side of 20-2: ovenproof frying pan Peel the potatoes and cut in 2mm-thick slices (use a mandoline ifyou have one), Put the slices in a large bowl of cold water as yo When all the potatoes haveb sliced, drain, cover with fresh water: repeat oncemore towash off the starch. Drain again and pat dry well using aclean tea towel Heat the oven 1806 fan, ge alayer of potato slices inaneat, concentric eircle in the base butter an with sea sat Repeat this until all the potatoes have been used, overlapping the slices as you layer them. Cook over alow heat for 10 minstobr thebase, Remove mike potatoes on mtheheat, Meanwhile cut aut 28em circle of baking parchment. Fill an ovenproof piedlsh or baking tin (it shou tositinside the top just wide enau of the frying pan) with baking beans. Brush one side of the parchment dise with butter, and lay itbutter-side down over the potatoes inthe pan Putthe dish ortin on top to weigh down the potato layers and press them together, and bake inthe over for 25 mins. Remove thedish or tin ‘and parchment, and bake for anothe 20 mins until the potatoes are soft ‘anda skewer can beeasily pushed sllce inta wedges to serve, Can be cooked a day ahead, co Reheat in its pan (a ee staan re Cy es pee ey coer erent cet) Dee ee eee yet rr) ae eee a ae en pe ae ad SSERVES 6 PREP20minsplus drying fim, simmerforanotherS mins oreo Drain the vegand leave inthe er Beouvegeiorener ron Been a ae eee = copa es and chilled for up to 24 hs, or frozen ‘for up to three months. Defrostin the a a a Re See eee crepe so fg Sere eo Fa ee ee blackpepper ifyou like, . ee pierineenisartemnecbaina rr See ee eet sata ielaceraaelalaciaa atone id ogi Bd Nota fan of boiled sprout Try stir-fryin, Fried brussels sprouts them instead (Cook sprouts more quiekly by ee ae {ried sprouts have caramelised, peers ees yee ee ore Breer es Rea Cee O nS Cee ns ree eo ircg Sea es eee eee Cae onc) Peer es Pre ere eu Pere ere rd container, coveredvwitha couple af Se ee er ea ae aera Pr rnereaegarian teres tare Peet ear) Poorer ert Cer oes Oar a iucaits oy oer tastebitter) Add asplash of water to eae nd orogens Fee crac butter to melt and squeeze over the lemon juice or drizzle with vinegar. Se scatter aver the herbs. Once coal, the eae ear ea Cees es re ea eee an over a medium heat, with a splash of water ifneeded, untilpiping hot. palate oer ener e009 ee ener peta ed eeotentettry This sauce is lavourful, silky and Pan et ae fe eee eats Be aa Corerod Cerne %élarge onion, finely chopped ‘bay lea (optional) Eee ee Ce nnd Creetrcon 100g stale bread, cut into chunks Pentre ees peer teers} Penne tee teresa ty potent ee eee ee emer as ce cents eer eT Pee ese pene from the heat and set asidetoinfuse foratleast Smins, Can be madea omens ere eee ear) ees then remove from the heat and blitz using'a hand blender or jugblender een Tren! Pe ae Ce ae ad then eeated with «splash more mi Tip into bowl and season with black pene ent ee eee Hemline anit) Pe ae OS ea eta Pe eee) ee a eee ear Sa Pere OATS cree Soe erected ‘Vlemon, zested and juiced Ct) oct! Ca 5 : eee) Add some ‘shness to your plate with this zesty side , Pra oer ‘saucepan over alow heat and cook eure Se ee Sey See err tens a Prey ee se ee See ees Remo ceca Poe os eS {for 8-10 minsuntil the kale has ‘wilted stirring frequently Fen ‘beans. Squeeze over the lemon juice, Se eae en ae eet Pee ae Pee ee y roast potatoes Crumble a vegetable stock cube into the roasting tin alongside your vegetable oil to make these ‘moreish, savoury roast potatoes. SERVES 6-8 PREP 15 mins COOK 1he 15 mins EASY VE tbsp vegetable oil 2kg Maris Piper potatoes ‘vegetable stock cube, {Ithsp nutritional yeast roastingtin and put in the heat up for atleast 20 mins. Peel the then halveif smal, quarter if ange. Tip into apan of ‘well-slted cold water and bring t the boi, Boll for § mins until almos tender, then drain, Ler Ary for 10 mins, then: tatoes wp 2 Remove the roasting tin fi potatoes and gently toss toc son and toss again. Roastin the ‘Thr until golden, tuming the ‘over a few timesto ensure ebs38) sg 9 fe prt a piced roast potatoes ‘Add turmeric to the boiling water when cooking the potatoes to mak them golden, then toss in garam ‘masala before roasting in hot oil or beef dripping. SERVES 6.8 PREP 15 mine (COOK Thr15 mins EASY VE 3 tbep vegetable oil 2kg Maris Piper potatoes 1 tsp ground turmeric 1 tsp garam masala 11 Heat the oven to fan/ 87, Drizale thei into alarge, deep roasting tin and put in the oven to heat up for at lenst 20 mins. Peel the with the turmeric, and bring to the boil Boil for 8 mins until almost tender, FE then drain, Leave tosteam-dry hake to duff the potatoes 2 Remove thettin from the oven, Gently roll the potatoes in the oil along with the garam masala and some salt. Roast for hr until golden, NOB elf sur cate3tg: super 29 fre tg: Umami roast potatoes ‘This recipe uses yeast extract to create adeeply savoury, golden crust on the potatoes, } SERVES 6-8 PREP IS mins COOK 1 hr 15 mins EASY VE F atbsp vegetable oll ¥ 2kg Maris Piper potatoes ‘tbsp yeast extract 2tbep plain flour 1 Heat the oven to 220€/200€ fan gas Tip the ol intoalarge, deep roasting tin and put in the oven to heat up for t least 20 mins, Pes ¥ potatoes, then halve if small, or ‘quarter iflarge. Tip into a pan o ‘well-salted cold water and bring to F the boil oil for 8 mins until almost F tender, then drain. Leave tosteam- dry for 10 mins, then gently shake to lif the potatoes up abit F 2 Remove the roasting tin fromthe carefully stirinto theoil, Add the potatoes and gently turn to coat sprinkle ver the flour and season sp each of salt and black pepper, and tossagain, Roast for 1-1hr 15 mins until golden, turning the potatoes afew times to ‘even browning 1 SUN aA et 9 Feng ann 79 fe pots Tender potato SERVES 6-8 PREP 25 mins ‘OOK thr EASY VE ‘2kg Maris Piper potatoes (smaller potatoes work best) tbep vegetable oll ‘garlic cloves, bashed 2rosemary sprigs 1 Heat the oven ‘surface horizontally, then sit a sa them, Cuta row o apart, vertically down the length of the! jppina when you hit the Make sure not to cut all the ‘way through) Repeat with the remaining potatoes. 2 Tip the potatoes into. shallow roasting tin with th rosemary, ltsp sea salt fakes and tsp freshly ground black pepper. srhands, rab the and roast for Thr until tender and den, maving them around Air-fryer roasted canned potatoes Acquick alternative to traditional roasties, these potatoes are golden E anderisp, and very energy efficient SERVES 4 PREP 5 mine COOK 26 mins EASY VE '560g can peeled potatoes in water 2 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oll 1.Drain the p ander F rinse and leave todrain agai. ‘Meanwhile, heat theair-fryer fi 2-3minsat ina bowl and drizzle o Putthe potatoe ason well with salt and f +, plus any oth ings (see tip. below) 2 Mix wellso the potatoes are fully coated inthe oll and Transfert 3k for olden ane Fret: protein: tip Forenextra flavourlick, adel spot ether Ei dnedmixed herbs gare | gramdesor Smoked. eee) rhe Pay just £34.99 every 12 issues and save 55% on your subscription to goodfood magazine!* Lock in this great price when you subscribe today and get every issue of Britain's bestselling food magazine delivered to your door. 38. THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT eo, JOIN THE CLUB i CLL IB “MO ee ed JD automatically become a member of our Subscriber Col ET RU yale ROE Ree Exclusive recipes in your Peeters ange) Fe Mercy ere aeons Pesos hn a ae iiiiod Virender) eee cule ere ere Lela eee RLU and tasting Pech) Pore Cee aca toy eee eh gate Sete eee ee UCR EU ass Discounted tickets to the BBC Good Food Shows TS mun RCM e a ee Rr Mulls rao 03330 162 127” and quote GFVGXM23 C1) IDO d 05) De ENTERTAINING Prep these soups and bakes ahead oftime to serve whenever you need last-minute starters or a hearty lunch 4 yg cata oe) Ei errno Parsnip & apple soup 800m! vegetable stock reduce the heat and simmer for ‘Sweet, earthy parsnip and tart apple 100ml double cream, plus extra 35-40 mins until the parsiips have rebalanced by warming ginger and —_toserve softened. Remave from the heat and cream, resulting inthis velvety soup. nigella seeds, to serve (optional) leave to cool, then blitz using a hand ‘To make it vegan, simply swap the or jugblender until smooth, Surin butter for sunflower orrapescedoil, 1Meltthebutterinslargesaucepan _thecream and taste for seasoning. ‘and use a plant-based eream. overa medium-lowhest and cook the Once coo, the soup can be chilled onion, garlic, thyme, ginger anda for up to48hrsor frozen for upto SERVES Aforhinchor6Basastarter_—largepinchofsalt,covered withalid, three months. PREP20mins COOK SSmins EASY € for 1S ins untiltheonions have ‘8 Reheat the soupina clean pan, softened, ftheystarttocatch,add Ladle into howls, then swirl in some 50g unsalted butter splash of water ‘ereamand grind over some black onions, finely chopped 2Meanwhile, prepare the parsnips, _pepperor sprinkle with nigella 2 garlic cloves, crushed If they're large, quarter them seeds, if'you like. 4 thyme sprigs, leaves picked lengthways, removing and discarding pep serynof hat gta: 20g singer, peeled andfinely grated the woody cores. Chop intoZem, Ceti age fiero at 29 {6004 parsnips, peeled chunks, then add tothe pan along ‘large Bramley apple, peeled, with the apples and vegetable stock. cored and quartered Cover with alld bring tothe bol, Red pepper soup Toserve ‘and chilli lakes for 1-2 mins. Add Grill the peppers and onions to vegan green pesto the canned tomatoes and stock, create acharred, smoky depth of —_afew basil leaves ‘and simmer for 30 mins. Taste for aavour in this soup. Chil flakes optional) seasoning, (You may need to adda pinch of sugar ifyou're using canned SERVES 4 for inch or 635 1Heat thegrillto high orheatthe chopped tomatoes rather than Starter PREP 20 mins COOKSSmins _ovento200C/180C fan/gas6.Peelas cherry) Leave tocool, then blitz EASY VE @ rmuchofthe skin offthe red peppers using ahand or jug blender until asyoucanusinga vegetable pecler, smooth, adding alittle waterto Glargered peppers thenhalveanddeseed the peppers _ loosen, if needed, Will keep chilled 2red onions, sliced ‘and cut into lem strips. Toss the for up to three days or frozen for 3 tbsp olve oll, plus extrafor pepper andonionslices with2tbsp _uptothree months. drizzling oliveoil and spreadout inaroasting 3 Reheat the soupover alow heat, Sgarlc cloves, crushed tin. Grillfor20 mins, stirring often until hot. Loosen the pesto witha ‘B sundried tomatoes, chopped uuntilsoftened andslightly charred, drizzle of ol, then drizale this over tsp chipotle chill fakes, or orroastinthe oven for 25-80 mins. __the soup. Scatter over basil leaves and 2 tspsmoked paprika 2Heatthe remaining tbspoilina chill lakes if using toserve 400g can cherry or chopped largesaucepan overamediumheat exes: ssutesty* tomatoes and cook the charred peppersand tn gaia fie 70: froin 49-089 ‘800m! vegan vegetable stock onions, the garlic, sundried tomatoes Kale soup Tosowe Once cool, will keep chile for upto Serve festive, bright green bowl to coconut yogurt 48 hrsor frozen for thee months ick off your meal. Kale is sweetened — desiccated coconut or pumpkin 2 Reheat inaclean panovera by the addition of peas, and lifted seeds, toasted Jow-medium heat until piping hot, swith a squeeze of zesty ime. lime wedges then adle into bowls, Serve topped ‘withaswit of coconut yogurt and SERVESSforlunchorBasastarter «1 Heat theoilinalargessucepanaver some toasted desiccated coconut or PREP20mins COOK 40 mins EASY medium-low heat and cook the pumpkin seeds, with lime wedges on vee onion, garlic, kalestalksandapinch _theside for squeezing over. ofsalt,covered.for10-15minsuntil pepe) noe ft stag: 2 tbsp extra virgin olve or cold- softened. Removethelid,addthe tn tg-aansgRreSp-pomin ag 039 pressed rapeseed oll potatoes and cook for another 5 mins. ‘large onion, finely chopped Pour inthe stock, bring to the boil, 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped reduce the heat and simmer for 200g kale, leaves and stalks 20 mins, Add the kale leaves and separated, stalksfinely chopped _peas,and cook for another5-10 mins 2iargepotatoes, cutinto2emeubes until the kale has wilted and softened, ‘Titre vegan vegetable stock Remave from the heat, leave to coal 200g frozen peas ‘and blitz usinga jug or hand blender 42. Beer cured Soup toppers ‘Teale your seupalie pre choose ‘complementary flavours, but contrasting textures and colours ‘Add erunch ‘Something todunk ley, dil, basil, coriander, mint ‘Thinly slice this tart to serveas an ES Baspartof a buffet or 1231 mins plus cooling Pom ee shorterust pastry ” 200g long-stemmed broccoli or i * small broccoli florets ® BEEN 200midoublecream os - d 1 tsp wholegrain or Di - ea lerge handful of chives or parsley 5 e leaves finely chopped ny : re sd onion chutney 7 125g mature cheddar or vegetarian 4 ; S hard cheese Heat the oven , 286 with abaking sheet i heat up. Unroll the shorterust ren oe ne 10 mins, Cover and leave to prove heet, then roll out slightly soit eer eer ee ee large enough toline 22em fluted ea Rae Sed tart tin. Lift the pastry into the tin, peta at Pee een ee pressing into the edge, then trim baking parchment. Mixthe rest of the excess soit sits em above th De aes eter eee rim, Prick the base ase all ove ee ccc semary and plenty of black pepper ith afork, then ine with baking Prec 3 Divide the dough into four equal parchment and il with baking bean: pieces and oll into balls Roll each Bake for15 mins, then remove the eS eee eee parchment and beans and bake fo Peete ng floured surface, Put one dough circle 5 mins more until light golden, Wil Pe on Sere ere eet heep at m0 eee eet) ere eet eae Meanwhile, cook the' ET ae) eet! pan of simmering water for 8 min oer ener et) untilsoft but not mushy: Drain, then eee Pea ee ra ool under eold running water. Pa Ts then top with thefinal dough circle dryusing clean tea towel or kitchen er ere eters paper ~this is important, or the eed Creme at) guiche wil be water Cee) stack. Slice the stack into 6 equal ‘Combine the egg, cream, mustard 2rosemary sprigs, needles picked strips up to the edge ofthe scored nud herbs, Season, Reduce the oven oa) circle, Working with two strips ata 018 fan/gas 4. Spread the time, twistthe strips in opposite utney over thebase of the past Pe ee ee ee ee ase. Cut 1004 ofthe cheese nto tem ee a ee ee ubes and scatter these over. Arran Se ee a ee ee et thebroccolion pour over melt then add 180g pumpkin purée, 4 Cover and leave to prove for 1hr the ex mixture. Grate over th Combinethe lou sugar.yeastand _untilpufed up, then bake for 25-35, ofthe cheese. Bake for 35-40 min: ener rend eo until the filings jst set, Cool inthe Peoria te a erty tin for 30 mins, then slic Se eee? peer ee ete at rer aeeecee areas an aah ta eee cate a: ert: fe 29: Serene) Boxing Day buffet aera Natt SEU CSCC Prorat a nstesN ace Cot SY ea ors raet ae eee Poe eee eat Ce ec ees A aed eee kro rais Des See eee cee ety ce een Poe ei oe Forthe cauliflower & fetafriters ett” ees ee] Send eee) ‘afew mint sprigs, leaves picked Ce ead ees eee eas Pee ed oe es 2eaas, beaten to Forthe roasted carrot tahini salad eee ae carrots, halved lengthways (or ear tbsp olive oil Sey es eeu eos) eee ee td Prd Perr Toserve eee Cae Peree ris) Cee recs ee ed Pea anor Se eee eee aed cheesecloth, spoon the yogurt into Recetas Sd eee Cart ei ec ae chill for2-Shrs, Once drained and ee eRe ee tee od asicleon plate, Tip the sumac onto Perens ts labneh ballsinitto coat. Transferto clean plate and chill until needed, aun ete eet een ae neg Pee eee eave ee oe ees allare roughly the same size. Cook Pee es ens Pee Perna cee ee ey Preece cd Pere eos Stogerataieny erect eee ee eT 3 tgp of thereserved water, Stirto Preece ent ene ng Crecente! peices ae Pee nee ne cae a) Soe eo eet eee a Pee ets Seen Scrat on thisin batches.) Keep the cooked ees 4Forthe salad, heat the oven to 200C/180C fan gas 6. Toss the Ce eo eee poe en een eee ence Bama Dea eens Patera ee eaten eet See ec Seemed eee nd Cees Sree Seem prc remennerTs eee eee! cc at) omesranate seeds, Put thisinthe ‘middle ofa ound serving board or eee neers! Peres rort tat) ee ee) Petsson) eee ed eeraenapererssiereet eet) =D» Perk up leftovers with this zingy, colourful Sprout remoulade Liven up any leftover Christmas sprouts by making aneasy remoulade - it's great alongside ham or leftover roast turkey SERVES 4-6 PREP15 ming NOCOOK EASY 400g brussels sprouts ‘lemon, juiced 4heaped tbsp mayonnaise 2heapedthsp oréme fraiche {tbsp wholegrain mustard ‘small bunch of parsley, chopped 48, {1 Trimthe bottoms offthe sprouts, discard any damaged outer leaves, then cut inhalf.Chop the sprouts ina food processor until finely shredded you can use a grater attachment if ‘youhave one, but it's not essential ‘Tipinto alarge bowl, pour over the lemon juice and toss well with your hands to combine 2 Combine the mayo, créme fraiche and mustard with some seasoning. Just before serving. tip ntothe bowl with the sprouts, along with the parsley. Mix well and season to taste, eRSERUNG 2-259 : cet: una fie do 39-029 + Hasselback butternut squash with tahini yogurt & gremolata Use warming winter spices to season this impressive-looking squash dish, then drizzle with azingy citrus and herb gremolata for extra flavour. SERVES 6 10-12 a8 side) PREP 20-mine COOK thr MORE EFFORT VE ‘Smedium butternut squash, halved lengthways, peeled and deseeded Gstaranise Stbspolivecil ‘tsp ground cinnamon Yénutmeg, grated 3 thsp light brown soft sugar 1004 plant-based yogurt (or use natural yogurt ifnot catering for vegans) 100g tahini ‘lemon, zested and juiced For the gremolata 2 large handfuls of fiat-leaf parsley, leaves picked and finely chopped orange, zested, % juiced ‘garlic clove, crushed Sitbsp dried cranberries ‘4.tbsp pomegranate seeds 5 thep flaked almonds, toasted 1 Heat the oven to200C/180C fan/is 6. Working with one squash half.ta time, put ona chopping board with a wooden spoon on either side, Using large, sharp knife, cut slices down the length of the squash st'/som intervals, cutting through ‘only untilyou reach the spoon handles, Arrange the squash on two baking trays lined with baking parchment, cut-side doven, Drop astar anise into the cavity of| ‘each, then drizzle over thsp of the ol. Combine the spices and sugar, then rub this al over the squash halves. Roast for 45 mins until soft, basting with any roasting juleesafter 20 mins. fit starts ‘to bum, cover loosely with foil and return to the oven. Cool slightly 2 Meanwhile, make the gremolata Combine the parsley, the rest ofthe ol the orange zest and Juice, garlic, dried cranberries and pomegranate seeds, 3 Mix the yogurt and tahini with the lemon zest and juice. Season and stir 1-4 tbsp water to loosen until itis. the consistency of double cream. 4Toserve stir the almonds through the sgremolata. Arrange the squash halveson platter, then top with the tahini yogurt and gremolata PeRSERVNG Aor ats cab A ‘oe 9: p poe: a Pach aar: | Baba ganoush Serve this intense, smoky aubergine dip ona party platter with plenty of erackers for dunking. SERVES 6-8 PREP 25 mins (COOK 30 ming EASY Aaubergines ‘garlic clove, crushed ‘lemon, juiced 2tbsp chopped mint leaves Asp ground coriander Yétsp cumin seeds 1 tbsp extra virgin olive ol 2tbep Greek yogurt 2tsp Aleppo chil flakes, or {tsp regular chil flakes For the sesame crackers Glarge pittas tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2tbsp dukkah {tbsp sumac ‘tbsp black sesame seeds {1 Heat the grill to its highest setting Prick the auberginesall over witha forkand grill until charred, about 20 mins, turning halfway through, Or.char over an open iame on ‘the hob for 10 mins, holding the aubergine with tongs and turning often, Transfer toasieve to drain any excess water for 10 mins. 2 Heat the oven to 2200/200C fan/ gs 7 Use soissorsto cut through the seam ofthe pittas, gently separate the ‘wo pieces and cut into trianeles. Spread out on alargebaking tray, or ‘two smaller ones, Drizzle the ofl over and sprinkle with salt, thespices and seeds, Bake for 10-12 mins until golden, swapping the trays halfway through, Remove and leave tocool Willkeep for up to two days inan airtight container ‘3 Put the aubergine flesh ina food processor or blender, adding twoto ‘three pieces ofthe charred skin, too. Ada the garli,lemon juice, mint, coriander, cumin, oil, yogurt and some seasoning. Blend until smooth, scrape intoaserving dish, cover and chill. Willkeep chilled for two days Justbefore serving, sprinkle over ‘the chill flakes, then serve with the crackers for dunking, FeRSERUNG @a0e eft 99-23: erg: aa 69 foe 79a =A 50.

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