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LESSON NAME Tissues,Improvement in Food



Q1 Vertical growth in plants takes place by –

(a) Latral meristem

(b) apical meristem
(c) Intercalary meristem
(d) none of the above
Q2 Which of these components of blood fight infection?
(a) RBC
(b) WBC
(c) Platelets
(d) serum
Q3 In desert plants, rate of water loss gets reduced due to presence of :
(a) cuticle
(b) stomata
(c) lignin
(d) suberin
Q4 Cartilage is not found in –
(a) nose
(b) ear
(c) kidney
(d) larynx
Q5 Which of these types of cells is most likely to divide?
(a) Epidernins
(b) Parenchyma
(c) Meristem
(d) Xylem
Q6 Which tissue has chloroplast in cells?
(a) Parenchyma
(b) Chlorenchyma
(c) Sclernehyma
(d) Aerenchyma
Q7 The meristmatic tissue is found
(a) In flowers
(b) At the tip of the leaves
(c) Below the epidermis of stem
(d) At root tip
Q8 Movement of passage of food in the intestine is caused by the contraction of
(a) cardiac muscles
(b) unstriated muscles
(c) striated muscles
(d) Nerve tissue
Q9 You have been provided with narrow thick – walled living cells, elongated in shape
and possessing thickening of cellulose and pectin these cells belong to:
(a) Parenchyma
(b) collenchyma
(c) sclerenchyma
(d) none of the above

Q10 Which out of the following honey bees have high honey collection capacity?

a) Apis florae

b) Apis mellifera
c) Apis cerana

d) Apis dorsata

Q11 The degradation of organic waste through the consumption by the earth worms is

a) Vermicomposting

b) Composting

c) Fermentation

d) Decomposition

Q12 Which one is not a source of carbohydrate ?

a) Millets

b) Sorghum

c) Gram

d) Rice

Q13 Assertion (A): The process of supplying water to crop plants by means of canals,
wells, reservoirs, tube-wells, etc. is known as irrigation.
Reason (R): Most agriculture in India is rain-fed.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false.

d) A is false but R is true.

Q14 write a short note on :-

a) Manure
b) Pasturage
c) Hybridisation
d) Cattle Farming
e) Capture Fishing
f) Photoperiod
g) Mericultue
h) Aquaculture
i) Stomata
j) Epithelial Cell
k) Weed control

Q15 What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming?

Q16 What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production?

Q17 Differentiate between striated, untreated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their
structure and site/location in the body.Along with the diagram

Q18 How many types of tissues are found in animals? Name the different types.

Q19 Describe different types of meristems.

Q20 A few layers of cells beneath the epidermis are generally simple permanent tissue.
Parenchyma is the most common simple permanent tissue. It consists of relatively
unspecialized cells with thin cell walls. They are living cells. Collenchyma allows bending
of various parts of the plant-like tendrils and stems of climbers without breaking.
Sclerenchyma tissue makes the plant hard and stiff. We have seen the husk of a coconut.
It is made of sclerenchymatous tissue. They are long and narrow as the walls are
thickened due to lignin. The tissue is present in stems, around vascular bundles, in the
veins of leaves and in the hard covering of seeds and nuts.

i. The flexibility in plants is due to

a) chlorenchyma

b) collenchyma

c) parenchyma

d) aerenchyma

ii. Function of aerenchyma:

a) It helps the aquatic plant to float

b) It performs photosynthesis

c) It provides mechanical support

d) none of these

iii. Which of the given tissues has dead cells?

a) Parenchyma

b) Epithelial tissue

c) Collenchyma

d) Sclerenchyma

iv. Which of the following statement is incorrect

I. Parenchyma tissues have intercellular spaces.
II. Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners.
III. Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues.
IV. Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles, muscles

a) (I) and (II)

b) (III) and (I)

c) (II) and (III)

d) Only (III)

v. Which of the following is the function of the tissue which is shown in the below

a) Provides mechanical support

b) Transpiration

c) None of these

d) Provides strength to the plant parts

Q21 A bee colony consists of a single queen and a large number of worker bees. Drones
are present in the early stages but do not occur later on. All the functions of the colony
are performed by worker bees. They build the hive, collect food, feed themselves as well
as the queen, store food and protect the hive.

i. Why are drones absent in the mature bee colony?

a) Drones die soon after their formation

b) They take part in nuptial flight after which they but not allowed to enter
the colony

c) They transfer all their sperms to the queen and di of exhaustion

d) They are haploid and hence nonviable

ii. When are drones produced and how?

a) When the colony becomes mature, through unfertilized eggs

b) When the colony becomes old, through fertilized eggs

c) During new colony formation and from fertilized eggs

d) During new colony formation and from unfertilized eggs

iii. What is the genetic nature of worker bees?

a) With haploid number of chromosomes

b) With one chromosome in excess

c) With diploid number of chromosomes

d) Without chromosomes

iv. Worker bees are females. Still they do not lay eggs. Why?

a) All of these

b) Antiqueen pheromone produced by queen

c) Feeding on bee pollen only

d) Activation of anarchy gene

v. Why is only one queen present in a bee hive?

a) The queen requires a large amount of food

b) The existing queen kills the young new queen through her sting

c) There are no drones to inseminate another queen

d) Non-formation of second queen chamber by workers

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