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Ansel Adams- Landscape (1935)

Henri Cartier-Bresson- Street (1933)

Philippe Halsman- portraits of actors and authors(1930s)
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce- view from the window at Le Gras (1825)
Louis Daguerre- Street, boulevard, buildings (1838)
Alfred Stieglitz- People, landscapes (1892- 1930)
Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (Felix Nadar)- Artificial Lightning,
people (1886)
Henri Cartier-Bresson- Street (1932)
Relate why did they have that particular subject in the context
of the social activity of the time and mindset of the people.
Early photographs are monochromatic. It is mainly black and
white. Colors are not captured, but instead the shapes and
figures are present in the picture. It is unique and beautiful in
its own aesthetic way. The subjects are strongly related to their
current time and viewed as its beauty at its highest. Forx
example, a photographer may choose a bustling street full of busy
people to take as subject of his photography. It is considered
beautiful for it reflects the daily busy life of people during
that time. A photographer may choose a well known person as his
subject to show people who they are and to showcase their works.
Each subject has its own beauty that are rightfully considered
during their times and it is, and as what the saying goes beauty
is in the eye of the beholder.

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