The 10 Year Back-Up Plan

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The 10 Year (Back-Up) Plan

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Other
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), The 10 Year Plan (2014)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson,
Howie "Chimney" Han
Additional Tags: Best Friends, Dating Pact, The 10 Year Plan Reimagined, Attempt at
Humor, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, Not Actually Unrequited Love
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-11-05 Words: 1,167 Chapters: 1/?
The 10 Year (Back-Up) Plan
by parva_noctua95


Best friends Eddie and Evan make a deal to be together if neither finds love within a decade.
With their deadline ahead, they both scramble to avoid fullfilling it. | Very inspired by my
love for J. C. Calciano's The 10 Year Plan (2014)


Hello out there, long time no see 🤗

First things first: First chapter is practically a rewrite of the first scene of the movie (with a
few exceptions) I love the beginning, which is why I wanted to leave it as unchanged as
possible for its (nearly) 10-year anniversary. But don't worry, from here on the plot will take
some different paths. So please be patient with me! 😉
And now: May you have fun!
Eddie Diaz is nervous, like superfunkycalifraginervous. He quickly wipes his damp hands on
his jeans and smiles: “I wanted to go someplace special tonight... Romantic.”

With that, he pulls a red rose from under the table, and without really breathing, he adds: “If
you’ve met someone wonderful, then you should spoil them.”

There is the slightest hint of an expression on his vis-à-vis face that is awfully familiar, so
Eddie bucks up.

“It’s important to find that special person you can be yourself around”, he says unfalteringly.
“This calls for a toast, I guess…” Now beaming, he reaches for the glass of whiskey in front:

“Here’s to relationships.”

“To first dates”, briefly and unnoticed by him, his date’s lips purse into a thin line. “Just
excuse me for a minute”, they say, and Eddie is still nodding when they already head towards
the restrooms. Waiting, Eddie relaxes into his chair, pulling out his cell phone. After a few
rings, his best friend answers. That is, it's a kinda muffled but clear moan, followed by an
exhausted Buck asking: “What’s up, Eds?”

“They’re so cute”, Eddie tells him, completely unflustered, “and smart. I really like them. I
think they may be the one…”

“What kind of puppy did you pick out?” Buck still sounds breathless, and in the background,
Eddie can hear something, probably his flat hand, slapping against bare skin.

“Puppy?” he asks innocently, raising an eyebrow.

“The one you’re imagining in your dream house”, Buck counters, voice dry, and Eddie bites
the inside of his cheek.

“I don't know, what you're talking about…

Small Munsterlander”, he then adds after only a short hesitation and grins. “Where are you?
No, don’t tell me, let me guess…”

At the other end of the line, he can hear Buck snorting with amused laughter: “You’re only
gonna need one guess,” he says, sounding so smug that Eddie rolls his eyes. “God, I wish you
could see this”, Buck sighs. Cut off by some crackling and ruffling, he adds: “This guy’s ass
is so tight, you can bounce a quarter off of it. Or something bigger,” his last words he
practically shouts into Eddie’s ear, so that’s probably meant for the guy in question.

“Oh, that’s a nice visual while I enjoy my romantic dinner”, Eddie replies with a mock
offense. “Well, my date and I are sharing a connection, deep meaningful conversation… I
took them to this amazing restaurant. Just gave them a red rose.”

Silence. And as if that wasn't enough of an answer, Eddie’s gaze now falls to the exit.
“They’re leaving, aren’t they?”

“They just slipped out the door,” Eddie’s voice wavers between anger and dejection.

“Oh, Eddie,” Buck mumbles sympathetically, “Time to initiate our suicide pact?”

“I’m sure the time is upon us,” Eddie blankly stares at the empty chair.

“Death by chocolate?”

“Afraid so…”

“Text me, where you are”, Buck says, which stops Eddie from drowning himself in the
flower vase.

Less than fifteen minutes later, Buck enters the restaurant. “Jeez–“, grinning from ear to ear,
he makes his way to the table.

“It was before my date left me,” Eddie retorts before putting down his now-empty glass.
“Here, this will cheer you up,” as he passes by Buck hands him a big sky-blue paper bag.

“What’s this?”

“It’s your birthday present”, he says, obviously ignoring the very steep wrinkle forming
between Eddie’s eyebrows.

“But… my birthday isn’t for two months yet…”

“I know, but I figured you could use a little happy now– Oh, hello…” Buck winks
flirtatiously at the waiter, who comes to their table with a whiskey, chocolate tarts, and a beer.

“Oh, you got my favorite”, Buck notes with a peek at the label, which makes Eddie smile.

„Of course“, he utters, trying to pry curiously into his bag as Buck takes his first sip. “Don’t
get too excited, it’s not much”, he says quickly, seeing Eddie's eyes light up.

“Buck, that’s…”

He is visibly moved when Buck interrupts him: “Oh come on, no, don’t get all gushy on me,”
he tries to sound accusing but can hardly hide his joy.

“You do have a sentimental side!”

“That’s the day we met,” Buck grins slyly. “I made two of ‘em: One for you, one for me.”

Eddie just gives him a pointed look.

“I just wanted to do something you would like, so don’t make me regret doing something
nice, alright?” Buck grunts and playfully threatens him with the bottle in his hand. “Enough
of the sappy crap,” he toasts Eddie. “Here’s to men. Fuck ’em.”

“To find the perfect man”, Eddie smirks.

“To friends.”

“To relationships.”

“Being single.”

Shaking his head, Eddie clinks his glass with him. “Do me a favor: Don’t let me die alone,”
he then groans, and what is supposed to be a half-hearted remark stings badly.

“You’re not gonna be alone,” Buck teases, “I’m gonna be there, holding up a pillow over
your face.” Eddie, knowing that Buck is just trying to cheer him up, forces a smile. “Now,
my friend, stop being all mopy and drink”, with that, Buck takes another swig of beer, “to the
hangovers we’re gonna have tomorrow.”

“So we agree?”

“To being hungover?”

“No”, Eddie answers a bit more sharply than intended, “that we won’t grow old alone.”

“Nah, I’m never gonna be alone,” Buck waves off. “In fact, I’m already drafting a list in my
head of all the things, I’m gonna do to our waiter…” Glancing over Eddie’s shoulder, he
leans closer and whispers: “Most of them are still illegal in 42 states…”

Eddie’s mouth drops open.

“You little shit… Hey–” He snaps his fingers in front of Buck’s face, “Hey, I’m serious!”

“Come on,” Buck wears a mock annoyed expression that quickly morphs into a grin, “you
know that I’m always gonna be here for you.”

Eddie keeps a straight face.

“Alright, since you’re obsessing over this already, I’ll make you a deal: If in ten years we’re
both still single, neither of us has found anybody, we’ll be boyfriends. A couple, together

“A backup plan?” Eddie asks, narrowing his eyes.

Buck nods.

“You serious?”

“Sure,” and without further ado, Buck angles for a pen and napkin from the neighboring
table, “Here, since you’re the one going to school to be a fancy attorney– write something up,
I’ll sign it, make it legally binding.”
“So I have ten years then?”

“To find love before you’re thirty-one”, Buck cracks while Eddie scribbles down something.

After a moment, Eddie pauses, raising his glass one last time: “Here’s to being in love.”

“To ten years of freedom,” Buck shoots back and only shrugs when Eddie catches him staring
at their waiter’s ass.

Two quickly scribbled lines later, Buck reaches for the pen to put his signature down. “You
happy now, huh?” he says, watching how Eddie impatiently snatches the napkin from his
fingers, only to hide his grin behind it.

“Unbelievable…” Smirking, Buck grabs his cake fork and digs in.
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