Capture D'écran . 2024-03-09 À 19.07.59

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INSTRUCTION 1 : write the meaning of ‘’get ‘’ at the end of each sentence . Work in group of 6.

1.He gets some books from his friends living in Paris .

2.Can you get me some juice ,i’m very thirsty .

3.We have got a new house by the beach for 120 ,000 ,000 .

4.The baby is getting fatter and fatter ,because he is fed by breast.

5.The ladies will get more money if they work hard .

6. Finally the bus arrives and the passengers get on for a trip.

7. Malian former President ATT has got the Nobel Peace Prize.

8. Our Army forces are getting stonger and stronger

ACTIVITY 2 : GET + preposition .

INSTRUCTION : Fill in the blanks with: get up - get on - get to - get out - get off - get over. You must
respect the tenses

1.They _____ Bamako with the last flight of Turkish Airlines .

2. Ami is short, she must _____ to see the singer .

3.The passengers _____ bus following the list.

4. Many peole were affected by covid19 in Mali, but fortunately most of them _____ .

5.The taxi driver says : ’’ _____ my taxi please !’’

6. Madou _______ at 7 o’clock tomorrow to go to school.

7. The teacher orders me to _____ his class immediately.

ACTIVITY 3 : get + adjective

INSTRUCTION : translate these verbs and give 5 example with some of them .

To get angry :……………………. /To get tired :………………………… / To get hot :…………………..
/to get cold :……………… / to get interested :………………… /to get anxious :………………… / to get
worried :……………………. /to get hungry :…………………… /to get thirsty :………………….. /to
get wet :…………………………. /to get drunk :…………………. /to get bored
:………………………… /to get sick ,ill :…………………….. /to get dry :………………….. /to get well
:………………………. /to get rich :…………………….. /to get engaged :…………………………../to
get divorced :………………………../to get young :…………………………../to get rid of


INSTRUCTION: complete these ideas by using the correct of get .

1. When the bus stopped ,the passengers ………………………………..

2. She prefers to ………………………………….with the short ugly and rich man because of his
money .

3.The match was ………………………………………..and I turn off the tv and went to sleep.

4.The boy …………………………a good mark in the tests.

5. She ………………………….their parents a confortable car for their trip.

6.You must ………………………………after these injections.

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