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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 4

l. Objectives
At the end of 60-minutes with At the end of 60 minutes the pupils are expected to;
1. Identify types of rest notes;
2. appreciate the importance of rest notes in rhythmic patterns and;
3. create a rhythmic patterns.

ll. Subject Matter

Topic: Rhythm (rests)
Reference: Music book sing,sketch ,stretch , and stay healthy 4 (page 9-11)
Materials: Pictures, Pentel pen Manila paper

Values Integration: Cooperation

lll. Procedure

Teacher Activity Student Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
(The students will stand and bow their head
Kindly lead the prayer and pray).

b. Greetings

Good morning class! -Good morning Teacher!

Take your seat

c. Checking of attendance
Is anybody absent today? -None Teacher.

Very good, everyone is present

d. Setting of the classroom standards.

What will you do if someone is talking in front? -Listen carefully Teacher.

Very good, what else?

-Teacher raise your hand if I want to
Can I expect all of these from you class?
-Yes Teacher.
e. Passing of assignments

Kindly pass your assignments

(students will pass their assignments

f. review
What was our topic yesterday?
-Our topic yesterday was all about the notes

Yes that’s right, Again what is note?

-note is a symbol used to represent s
musical sound.
Very good! I am very happy to know that you have
learned something about our topic yesterday give (the student will clap 5 times)
yourselves 5 claps

B. Lesson Proper
a. motivation -Yes Teacher!
Class do you know the song titled “BINGO”?

Okay everybody let us sing is together ready 1, 2, 3, Go

-Yes Teacher!

There was a farmer had a Dog and Binggo

was his name oh


And bingo was his name oh

There was a farmer had a Dog and Binggo

was his name oh
Very good, class you are very cheerful today!
-I clap my hands
Now What do you do when you hear music? -sing along with the song

Yes. What else? Stomp my fee, Teacher!

Another? -Snap my finger, Teacher!

What do you feel when you hear music? -I feel happy Teacher!

Yes that’s right! What do you think our topic for today?
-I think our topic for today is about rhythm

Yes very good! our topic for today is all about Rhythm.

b. Activity
okay at this moment we will be having an activity
I will group this class into 3groups.
( the student will count )
Start counting 1 to 3 from left to right

All you have to do is to

Perform according to the following rhythmic patterns.

1 (The students do their task)

3 4

Okay class are you ready to perform it?

Okay grou1 perform it in front of the class

-Yes teacher!
Very good group 1 let us give them 5 claps
(group 1 will perform the clappings)
Okay next group

Very good everyone did a great job ! give yourselves

very god clap in 1,2,3

very good very good !
c. Analysis
Now class I want you to go back to your proper seat
quietly and listen carefully okay?

Now that you already know what are the types of notes -Yes, Teacher!
this time let us know what are the types of rests

First let us know what is rest

Rest are marked by symbol, which represent the length

of the pause. rest note tell us how long to play, or have
silence in the music.

Musical notes and rests have similar time values but

have different uses

I will be showing you some pictures of a rests notes and

you are going to identify it. okay?
Yes Teacher!
-Teacher it is a rest note.

Very good! It is a rest note this type of rest note is called

Whole rest

A whole rest have the same count or a time value of

whole note which is 4 beats or 4 counts

How about the second picture.

Very good! Why do you think it is a quarter note?

Yes very good it is a half rest -Teacher the second picture is a half rest
Half rest have 2 beats or a 2 counts

Next picture what do you think is this?

-it is a quarter rest teacher

Very good it is a quarter rest for one steady beat. We can

feel the beat by clapping, walking, and playing a rhythm
instrument. It has only 1 beat or count

Okay for the last picture what is this?

-an eight rest teacher!
class it is
an eight
it has a
½ beat or a count

d. Abstraction
Now class, your already know what are the types of rests
let us apply it in our clapping since you already know the
counts of the notes and beats also for the counts of the

(the student do their task)

Let us do it together in 1 2 3 go

Very good class!

e. Application
Now I will group your class into 2 groups and you will (the student will do the activity)
perform each notes and rests using the clapping action

1. clapping

1 2 3 4
-Yes teacher!!
2. Tap

1 2

lV. Evaluation
Direction: Read each item carefully. Write your answer on your paper.

1. marked by symbol, which represent the length of the pause?

a. rhythm c .quarter note
b. beat d. rest note
2. It is a rest shows a 1 beat in a sound.
a. rhythm c .quarter rest
b. beat d. rest rest
3. It symbolize the silent part of the song or tune.
a. rhythm c .quarter note
b. beat d. rest note
4. it is a rest that has a 4 beats.
a. whole rest c .quarter note
b. beat d. rest note
5. What kind of note is these?
a. rhythm c .quarter note
b. beat d. rest note
In front of the class, sing part the song “Will you play with me?” that has the following
1. Whole rest
2. Half rest
3. Quarter rest

Prepared by: Jessalyn Mae S. Salvador

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