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AU Powerlab




MAY – 2004
CHENNAI – 600 025


Page No
1.1 Introduction 1-1
1.2 Preliminary Consideration in Data Preparation 1-1


2.1 Introduction 2-1

2.2 The Opening Window for AU Powerlab 2-1
2.3 Opening Window for EMTP Case Studies 2-1
2.4 Menu Bar and Its Uses 2-1
2.5 Running the Program with Packaged Sample Data 2-2
2.6 Running EMTP with Existing Data 2-2


3.1 Introduction 3-1
3.2 Creation of a New Data 3-2
3.3 Case Title –Case Study-I 3-2
3.4 Simulation Time –Case Study -I 3-2
3.5 Network Data 3-3
3.5.1 Lumped R,L,C - branch data entry – for single and three phase
3.5.2 Three phase circuit - symmetrical coupled PI -circuit – data
3.5.3 Branch data entry- for different case studies 3-4
3.5.4 Switch data 3-5
3.5.5 Source data 3-5
3.5.6 Buses for output option 3-5
3.5.7 Running EMTP with newly created data
3.6 Changing Sample System Data and Saving in a New File-
Using Default Option
4.1 Introduction 4-1
4.2 Conventional Text Output 4-1
4.3 Plots of output 4-2


5.1 Data for a Single Phase 0.95 load Non-ideal Source 5-1
5.2 Sample Output File –Case Study-I 5-1

I The Single – line diagram and data for case studies I to VI A-1
II The Output File for Case Study I A-11

This document briefly outlines the user-interface and provides guidelines for creating data,
editing data, saving created data, viewing output and archiving results. It is written specifically
keeping in mind a student in laboratory environment. The user interface is well planned and one
can understand the program easily

Conventions used in this document : Menu items or button names are given in italics

Accompanying Document : Laboratory manual for Power System

Simulation Lab


1.1 Introduction
The EMTP originally – developed by H.W. Dommel is a versatile and efficient program for
analyzing variety of transient phenomena occurring in power systems. A detailed simulation of
various transients and study of its effects on E.H.V equipment are essential in the design of
E.H.V transmission system and it is a key tool for power utilities. Six case studies are selected to
provide the basic knowledge to U.G students on electromagnetic transients resulting from line
energization and faults.

1.2 Preliminary Consideration in Data Preparation

Before starting the task of preparing the data, the following Preliminary factors should be


DWW  ûWûW«
W max.

2. Maximum time to which simulation is to be carried out.

3. Units for system parameters

The units followed for branch data are
All branch data must be specified in the above units.

4. A network diagram showing all the relevant nodes and branches should be prepared. Each
node should be named.

5. Network representation
Network nodes are given alphanumeric names with six characters and the name ‘GROUND’
(six characters) is reserved for ground. Node voltage is the voltage from node to local
ground. The names of nodes should be distinct both for single phase and three phase circuits.

6. Branches
Branches are identified by their data and the names of the nodes to which the branches are

7. Switches
Switches are identified in the same way as branches.
8. Sources
Voltage sources are identified by node names and peak voltage and the sources are assumed
to be connected between the node and local ground. If no ground resistance is involved, then
‘ground’ is the common neutral. Otherwise ‘ground’ means local ground.

2.1 Introduction
This manual is a comprehensive guide for creating data, running the EMTP program and viewing
the results of the six case studies. This manual cover the instructions needed to carryout the six
case studies on electromagnetic transients, which are included in Power System Simulation Lab
course. The step-by-step procedure to complete the various tasks is given in a simple language
with suitable window displays. With hands-on practice, the student will be able to complete any
task with the software. Conventions used: Menu items and buttons on the window are given in

2.2 The Opening Window for AU Powerlab

Once the AU Powerlab software package is installed, then the AU Powerlab icon will appear on
the desktop.

1. Click the AU Powerlab icon on the desktop. Then a window carrying Anna University
frontage will appear on the screen and will disappear within few seconds and the student Log-on-
Window will appear (Fig.2.1).

2.Enter the student information in the respective boxes. After entering all information, click
Enter button. Then the opening window for AU Powerlab will appear (Fig 2.2.)

2.3 Opening Window for EMTP Case Studies

1. Click the button, ‘Electromagnetic Transients’ in the Opening Window. Then another
window with six buttons carrying the title of six case studies will appear (Fig 2.2a) Hereafter
wards the case studies are referred as Case Study -I ,II,…VI from top button.

2. Click the button of the case study that you want to run. Then the opening window for this case
study will appear. The opening windows of all case studies are the same except for the
experiment number.

2.4 Menu Bar and Its Uses

A menu bar with four commands appears at the top of the opening window. A brief description
of each command is given below.

Main menu Sub menu

Project New : Enables creation of new data file
Existing : Enables selection of an existing data file for editing, or for
running the program with the data.

Exit : Enables to exit from the project and return to opening window .
Run : Enables to run the program either with the newly
created data or existing data.

View: Input : Enables to view the input data file of the
chosen case study.
Output : Enables to view the output file

Plot : Enables to get the plot of the results.

2.5 Running the Program with Packaged Sample Data

The sample system data for the respective case study is prepared and stored in the program. The
user can use this sample data for running the program. The procedure for running the program
using the sample system data is explained in this section.

Open the screen (Fig.2.2a) for EMTP case studies as explained in sections 2.2 and 2.3 above.
Assume that the Case Study- I is selected. Click the button ‘Energisation Of A 1-Ph Load Fed
Through 1Ph-PI Model Line’. The opening window for case study –I will appear (Fig.2.3).

1. Click the button tutorial and point to Example. Then the sample data file name appears
(Fig.2.4). Click the file name. Then the control returns to the opening window. Now the Run
and view buttons will be enabled.

2. Click the button Run. Then the program will be executed and a message. ‘Program
Completed Successfully’ will app ear. Click ok to complete the process and return to opening
window. The procedure to view the output is given in Chapter 4.

The procedure for running the program with the sample data for case studies II to VI are exactly
same as that explained above for case study – I.

2.6 Running EMTP with Existing Data

Open the screen for EMTP case studies (Fig.2.2a) as explained in sections 2.2 and 2.3 above.
Select any case study and click the corresponding button. Assume that the case study -I is
selected and the corresponding button is clicked.

1. Point to the button project on the menu bar in the opening window for case study-I, then a
dropdown menu that contains three items, namely New, Existing and Exit appears.

2. Click the button Existing. Then the file- open dialogue window will appear (Fig.2.5). Click
the file name for the case study that you want use for running the program and then click the
open button. Then the control will return to opening window. (It may be noted that we can
select a data file for any case study ( I to VI) and it need not be for case study –I.)

3. Click the button run on the menu bar in the opening window. Then the EMTP program will
be executed with the selected data and a display. ‘Program Completed Successfully’ will

4. Click ok to complete the process and the control will return to the opening window of the
case study.

5. To view the output file refer Chapter 4.

Fig. 2.1 Student Log-on-Window

Fig. 2.2 Opening Window for AU Powerlab

Fig.2.2a Opening Window EMTP Case Studies

Fig 2.3 Opening Window for Case Study - I

Fig.2.4 Tutorial Option Dropdown Menu

Fig.2.5 File-Open Dialogue Window


3.1 Introduction

The network diagram and the sample data for the six case studies are given in Annexure -I of
this manual. The data file can be created for any case study from the respective network diagram
and data given in Annexure –I and the created data file can be used for running the program.
The data consists of several items and the steps for creating the data file are explained.

New data file to be created may be any of the six case studies given below.

1. Energization of a single-phase 0.95 power factor load from a non-ideal source.

2. Energization of a three-phase load fed through three-phase PI model line.
3. Energization of a single-phase open-end -distributed parameter line fed from an ideal

4. Energization of a three phase load fed through three phase distributed parameter line
connected to a transformer.
5. Transient fault over voltages – single line to ground fault .
6. Study of transient Recovery voltage – Three phase circuit.

. The data for each case study consists of several items. The procedure for entering the data for
the following five items is exactly same for all the six case studies. There are minor differences
in the procedure for entering the branch data for different case studies.

1. Case title
2. Simulation time
3. Switch data
4. Source data
5. Bus and branch selection for output option

The common procedure for entering the data for the above five items is explained in the
following sections.

The branch data may be any one of the following types or a combination depending upon the
case study .

1. Single phase and three phase lumped R,L,C- branch data

2. Single phase distributed R, L, C – branch data
3. Three phase symmetrical PI circuit (coupled )- data
3. Three phase distributed parameter branch data.
The procedures for entering the branch data for the above four type are explained in the
following sections. Then the procedure for each case study is explained.

3.2 Creation of a New Data

The procedures for the creation data for the six case studies are more or less the same except for
few minor differences. The procedures for the entry of branch data for different representations
are explained with suitable screens. While creating a new data, the default button should
never be used. The creation of new data is explained for case study-I and the difference in the
procedure for other case studies are explained at the end of each section.

1. Get the opening window for EMTP case studies (Fig.2.2a) as explained in sections 2.2 and
2.3 in chapter 2 of this manual.

2. Click the button ‘Energisation of A 1-Phase Load Fed Through 1- Ph PI Model Line’
button in the opening screen. Then the opening screen for this case study will appear (Fig
3.1 case study – I).

3. Point to project on the menu bar of the opening window. Then a dropdown menu with three
buttons namely New, Existing and Exit appears. Point to New and Click the button Data
Preparation. Then the opening window for preparation of data appears (Fig.3.2). The items
of data are to be entered sequentially from top button.

3.3 Case Title –Case Study-I

The case title is the alphanumeric text used to identify the case study selected. The case
title is entered as explained below.
1. Click the button Case Title in Fig 3.2. Then the window for case title entry will appear
(Fig 3.3). Enter the case title in the box. (A maximum of 66 characters may be entered in the
case title box). Enter the frequency and also specify the units for the parameters L and C.

2. After entering all the data click the save button. Then the control will return to input data
preparation window. The button ‘simulation time’ will get highlighted.

3. Click quit button in the window for case title entry if you desire to abort the data entry and
return to the opening window of EMTP case studies.

4. The procedure for entry of case title for case studies II to VI is exactly same as that explained
for case study-I

3.4 Simulation Time –Case Study -I

The time step for numerical integration and the maximum time of simulation are important
parameters for transient analysis. The procedure for entering this data is given below.

1. Click the button simulation time in the input data preparation window. Then the window for
simulation time data entry appears (Fig.3.4).

2. Enter the time step width in seconds for transient simulation in the box against’ time step’
and maximum time for transient simulation in the box against ‘maximum time’ for

3. (a) Enter zero in the box against plot skip preference, if the results at every point of the
time step is to be used for plotting, or
(b) Enter an odd number say ‘y’ in the box against skip preference if the results at only
every yth time step is to be used for plotting.

4. After entering all the data click the button save. Then control will return to input data
preparation window.

5. Click the button quit if you desire to abort the data entry and return to the beginning of the
opening window.

6. The procedure for entry of simulation time for case studies II to VI is exactly same as that
explained for case study-I

3. 5. Network Data
The network chosen for a case studies may be a single phase circuit or three phase circuit. The
branches of the network may be characterized by lumped R.L.C or by distributed parameters or
PI model (coupled)or a combination.. The procedure for entering the branch data will differ
depending upon the type of model used for branch representation.. The procedure for entering
data for the branches represented by lumped parameter, distributed parameter and PI model
( coupled )are explained and then the procedures for entering data for case studies are explained.

3.5.1 Lumped R,L,C - Branch Data entry – for Single and Three Phase Circuits

In the case of lumped R.L.C parameter representation (with no mutual coupling) the branch data
for single phase and three phase circuits are entered by taking the series and shunt branches
one at a time. . The values of R, L and C are entered branch-wise till the network is completed.

For three phase circuits the series branch data and shunt branch data of each phase A,B and C
are to be entered taking one phase at a time. The steps for entering lumped R,L,C -branch data
are given in this section

1. Click the button LINEAR LUMPED R.L.C. BRANCH DATA in the input data preparation
window. Then the window for branch data entry will appear (Fig. 3.5).

2. Enter the starting and ending node names (max. six alphanumeric) of the branch in the
boxes. If one of the nodes is grounded, identify the ground node by entering ‘GROUND’.


respective boxes .

4. When the data entry for a branch is completed, click the button Next . Then a new window
appears for next branch data. Follow the above procedure till the data for all branches are

5. After entering the data for all branches, click End Branch data button. Then confirmation
message will appear. Confirm by clicking Ok and then the control will return to opening

window for data preparation. If you click Cancel button in the message, then a new window will
appear for next branch.

Click the button Quit if you desire to abort the data entry and return to the input data
preparation window.

a. Single Phase Circuit - Distributed Parameter Branch Data Entry

The procedure for entry data of distributed parameter branch of a single phase is same as that
for lumped R.L.C branch data entry for single phase circuit except that the resistance, inductance
and capacitance per km length and the total length are entered (Fig.3.6).

b. Three Phase Circuit -Distributed Parameter Branch Data Entry

The procedure for entry of data for three phase distributed parameter branch is same as that for
single phase distributed parameter branch except that the names of the starting and ending nodes
for phase A, B and C are entered. In this case the positive and zero sequence impedance values
per km and the total length are entered (Fig.3.7.)

3.5.2 Three Phase Circuit - Symmetrical Coupled PI -Circuit – Data Entry

Three phase symmetrical PI coupled circuits are represented by lumped resistance [R] and
inductance [L] matrices if there is only inductive coupling. Both the matrices are assumed to be
symmetric. Only the diagonal elements of [R] and [L] are entered, since the matrices are
symmetric. The procedure for data entry is given below.

1. Click the button LINEAR LUMPED R.L.C. BRANCH DATA in the input data preparation
window. Then the window for data entry for three phase symmetrical PI model coupled
circuit will appear (Fig.3.8).

2. Enter the names of starting and ending nodes of phase A, B and C.

3. Enter the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the resistance in ohm and inductance in milli
Henry in the respective boxes.

4. When the data entry for a branch is complete, click the button Next. Then a new window for
next branch data will appear.

5. When the data for all branches are entered, click button End Branch Data. Then the control
will return to opening window.

3.5.3 Branch Data Entry- for Different Case Studies

Case Study – I
The circuit configuration for this case study is a single phase circuit and the series and shunt
branches are represented by lumped R,L,C parameters. The branch data can be entered
following the steps given in section 3.5.1

Case Study – II
The circuit configuration for this case study is a three-phase circuit. The series and shunt
branches of phases A,B and C represented by lumped R,L,C parameters. The mutual coupling
between phases are neglected.. The branch data can be entered following the steps given in
section 3.5.1

Case Study – III

The circuit is a single phase circuit with open-end line. The line is represented with distributed
parameters. The entry of branch data is done by following the steps given in section 3.5.1

Case Study – IV
The circuit for case study –IV is a three phase circuit. One of the series branch, the load and the
Thevenin’s equivalent sources are represented using lumped parameters. The series branch is
represented by distributed parameters. First the data for the branches represented by lumped
parameters is entered as explained in section 3.5.1

When the entry of data for the branches represented by lumped parameters is completed, click
the button End Branch Data , then a message ‘Do you Want to Enter Distributed Line Parameter
Data?’ will appear. Click yes. Then the screen in Fig 3.7 will appear. Enter the distributed
parameter branch data as explained in section 3.5.2

Case Study - V
The circuit configuration for case study -V is a three phase circuit in which two branches are
represented by distributed parameters and the two Thevenin’s sources are represented by
symmetrical coupled PI model. When the data entry for the branches represented by symmetrical
coupled PI model are completed, click the button End Branch Data. Then a message ‘Do you
want to Enter Distributed Line Parameter Data?’ will appear. Click yes and e nter the distributed
parameter branch data as such explained in 3.5.2.

Case Study - VI
This is a three phase double circuit with two Thevenin’s sources. The sources are represented by
symmetrical PI model (coupled) and other branches are represented by distributed parameters.
Enter the data for the branches represented by symmetrical PI (coupled) model as explained in
section 3.5.3. After entering the data for branches represented by symmetrical PI model, click
the button End Branch Data. A message ‘Do you want to Enter Distributed Line Parameter
Data?’ will appear. Click yes. Enter the distributed parameter branch d ata as explained in 3.5.2.

3.5.4 Switch Data

This data is used to represent circuit breaker poles or similar types of switches where opening
and closing depends upon time

1. Click the button Switch Data in the opening window. Then the window for switch data
entry will appear. (Fig. 3.9)

3. Enter the starting and ending node, closing time and opening time for the switch in the
respective boxes. Enter the data for all switches for the case study. The procedure is similar
to that followed for branch data. Switch data entry for other case studies is exactly the same.

3.5.5 Source Data

A source is always connected between node and ground. The node to which the source is
connected is entered. For sinusoidal voltage, the frequency and peak values are entered. The
data entry is done as follows.

1. Click the button source data in the opening window. Then the window for source data entry
will appear (Fig.3.10).

2. Enter the node name to which the source is connected by its alphanumeric name. Enter the
frequency and peak value of sinusoidal voltage source. For three phase source, the names of
node for phase A,B and C are entered.

3. Click quit button, if you desire to abort the data entry and return to the beginning of input
data preparation window.

4. When data for all source are entered, click Next button, then a new screen for next source
will appear. Enter the data as before. Continue till the data for all source are entered. Now a
confirmation message will appear. Confirm by clicking ok and then the control returns to
opening window. If you click the button cancel in the message box, then a new window will
appear for next source data.

3.5.6 Buses for Output Option

There are several buses and branches in the network. The solution for voltages and currents are
obtained in the EMTP simulation only for those specified buses and branches. The selection of
buses and branches are carried out as explained below.

1. Click the button output in the input data preparation window. Then the window shown in
(Fig.3.11) will appear

2. Select the buses from the dropdown list for which the results are to be viewed
3. Click the button quit if you desire to abort the window and return to the main window
4. Click the button save. Then the confirmation message will appear. Confirm by clicking Yes

5. The file open dialogue button will appear. Type a file name to save the data file and then
click save button, then the main window appears.

3.5.7 Running EMTP With Newly Created Data
1. Click the run button on the menu bar in the opening window, then the EMTP program will
be executed with the newly created data and then the following displays appears. ‘Program
Completed Successfully’.

2. Click ok to return to the opening window of the case study.

3. To view the result refer chapter 4

3.6 Changing Sample System Data and saving in a New File-Using Default Option
The sample data for each case study is stored in the program. This data may be changed and
stored in a new file and the program may run with this changed data. This option may be used if
one or two parameters of the sample system are to be changed to study its effect on the response.
The procedure is explained for case study –I and for other case studies only differences are
explained at the end of each section.

Get the opening window for EMTP case studies as explained in previous sections. Click the
button Energisation of A 1-Ph Load Fed Through 1-Ph PI Model Line . Then the opening
window for case study –I will appear.

1. Click the project button, a dropdown menu with New, Existing and Exit Project will appear.
2. Point to New and Click the button Data Preparation. Then the window for input data entry
will appear (Fig 3.12)

Case Title
1. Click the button Case Title. Then the window for case title will appear( Fig.3.13 )
2. Click the button default. Then the case title of the sample data (case study -I) will be inserted
in the respective boxes.

3. Now, the case title on the screen may be changed if desired by typing the new title in the box.
When the changes in the case title are completed, click the button Save. Then the control will
return to the window for input data entry.

4. The procedures for creation of case title data for case studies II to VI are exactly the same as
explained above.

Simulation Time
Click the button Simulation Time. Then the window for simulation time data entry will appear
(Fig 3.14). Click the button Default. Then the simulation time data of the sample data (case
study chosen) will be inserted in the respective boxes. Now change of data may be made as
explained above. When the changes of data are completed; click the button Save . Then the
control will return to the window for input data entry.

The procedures for creation of simulation time data for case studies II to VI are exactly the
same as explained above.

Branch Data Entry

The branch data creation differs from case study to case study and the procedures for data
creation for each case study is explained separately.

1. Click the button Linear Lumped R.L.C Branch Data in the window for input data entry. Then
the screen for branch data entry will appear (Fig.3.15). Click the button. Default. Then the
branch data of the sample data (case study chosen) will be inserted in the respective boxes.
Now change of data may be made in the screen as explained above. When the change of
data is completed; click the button Next. Then a new window will appear for entry of data
for next branch data and again click the button Default to enter the data for second branch.
Follow the same procedure till the data for all the branches are completed. When the data
creation for all the branches is completed, then the default button is disabled and the button
End Branch Data is enabled which indicates that the branch data entry is completed. Click
the button End Branch Data.

1 At the end of lumped parameters branch data entry ( Step –1 given above) , the control will
return to the window for input data entry in the case of case studies I, and II and you can
continue entering the data for other items.

2 At the end of distributed parameters branch data entry ( Step –1 given above) , the control
will return to the window for input data entry in the case of case studies III and you can
continue entering the data for other items.

3. At the end of lumped parameters branch data entry ,a message ‘Do You Want To Enter
Distributed Line Parameter Data’ will appear in the case of case study IV. Click the button
Yes, since the distributed parameter branch is present in the circuit model for case study IV.
Then the screen for distributed parameter branch data entry will appear. The procedure
explained for case study –I is followed for creating the data for branches represented by
distributed parameters. When the data entry for all the branches is completed, click the
button End Branch Data. The control will return to window for input data entry and entry of
data for other items may be continued.

4. In the case of case study V and VI, the circuit model comprises symmetrical PI circuit
(coupled) model and distributed parameter line model. Click the button Linear Lumped
R,L,C Branch data in the window for input data entry. Then window for three phase
symmetrical PI (coupled) circuit –branch data entry will appear. Follow the procedure
explained above to complete the data creation for this type branches. When the data entry for
all the branches (PI model lines) is completed ,a message ‘Do you Want To Enter Distributed
Line Parameter data’ will appear. Click the button Yes, since the distributed parameter
branches are present in the circuit model for case study V and VI. Then the screen for
distributed parameter branch data entry will appear. The same procedure is followed to
create the data for distributed parameter branches. When the data entry for distributed
parameter branches is completed, click the button End Branch Data. The control will return to
window for input data entry and data entry for other items may be continued.
Switch Data
Click the button Switch Data. Then the window for Switch data entry will appear (Fig 3.16).
Click the button Default. Then the Switch Data of the sample data (case study chosen) will be
inserted in the respective boxes Now change of data may be made as explained above. When
the change of data is completed; click the button Next. Then a new screen for the next switch
data entry appears. Follow the same procedure to create the data for all the switches. when the
data for all the switches is created, the default button is disabled and End Switch Data button is
Enabled indicating that the data for all the switches are created. Click the button End Switch
Data. Then the control will return to the window for input data entry.

The procedure for switch data creation is same for case studies II to VI as that explained for case
study -I.

Source Data
The procedure for source data entry is exactly similar to that explained for Switch Data Entry
(Fig 3.17).

Output Option
Click the button output in the window for input data entry. Then the window for output option
entry will appear (Fig. 3.18). Click the default button. Then the output option data( bus names to
view the voltage ) of the sample data (case study chosen) will be inserted in the box. Now
change of data may be made. When the change of data is completed; click the button Save.
Then a message ‘ Data Preparation is Completed. Do You Want to Save Your Project? will
appear. Click the button yes. Then file save dialogue window will appear. Type a file name for
storing the created data and click save. The changed sample data is stored in the file name which
may be used for running the program. The control will return to the opening window.

Running the Program with Changed Data

Click the button Run on the menu bar. The program will be executed and a message ‘Program
completed successfully’ will appear. Complete the process by clicking ok. To view the result
refer chapter 4.

Fig.3.1 Opening Screen for Case Study –I

Fig.3.2 Opening Window for Data Preparation

Fig.3.3 Window for Case Title Entry

Fig.3.4 Window for Simulation Time Data Entry

Fig.3.5 Window for Lumped R,L,C- Branch Data Entry

Fig.3.6 Window for Distributed parameter – Branch Data Entry –

Single phase
Fig.3.7 Window for Distributed Parameter – Branch Data Entry –
Three phase

Fig. 3.8 Window for Three Phase Circuit - Symmetrical Coupled PI

Circuit – Data Entry

Fig.3.9 Window for Switch Data Entry

Fig.3.10 Window for Source Data Entry

Fig 3.11 Window for Selection of Buses Output Option

Fig 3.12 Window for Input Data Entry

Fig 3.13 Window for Case Title Data Entry

3.14 Window for Simulation Data Entry

3.15 Window for Branch Bata Entry –Case Study –I

Fig 3.16 Window for Switch Data Entry

Fig. 3.17 Window for Source Data Entry

Fig 3.18 Window for Output Option

4.1 Introduction
The output of the latest run will be stored in the output file and can be viewed using view
command. The previous run output will be erased and the output of the latest run will be stored
in the output file. The output of the latest run will also be erased when the session is completed
and the user quits the program. The output results can be viewed as follows.

The results of the EMTP analysis are presented in conventional text form and in graphical form.
The window carrying the conventional output is shown in Fig. 4.1

It consists of the following:

• Title of the case study
• Input data
• The maximum of source voltages, bus voltages, branch voltages and branch currents that
occurred during the simulation.

The source name, bus name and branch names are presented in one row and the corresponding
maximum values are shown in the next row. The time steps and the corresponding values, of the
variables are not given in tabular form as it will run into a long table: However the plot of the
variables against time steps can be obtained using the plot option. A printout of the text form
output is needed for giving input for print option.

The network configuration used for the case study and the sample data are given Annexure-I of
this manual The step-by-step procedure to view the conventional output and plotting are given

4.2 Conventional Text output

1. Point to view button and click, then a dropdown menu shown in Fig.4.2 will appear
2. Click the button output then a window showing conventional output will appear and a print
out can be taken.

3. At bottom the output file under the heading ‘RESULS SAVED ON FILE FOR
PLOTTING’, the following four statements are present.


FINAL ‘X3’ RESULTS ARE CURRENTS (Variable names ). .
(The fourth statement gives the list of bus names, branch names for voltages and branch names
for the currents.)

The variables X1, X2 and X3 are the number of bus voltages, branch voltages and branch
currents stored. The names of buses for which the voltage are stored, the names of branches for
which the branch voltages are stored and the names of branches for which the branch currents are
stored are given in the fourth statements.

The above statements give information on the table of results stored in the file for graphical
plots. Always the first column in the table is used for storing the time steps and the remaining
columns are used for bus voltages, branch voltages and branch currents.

* The first statement indicates that X1 columns(commencing from second column) are used for
storing bus voltages.
* The second statement indicates that X2 columns(commencing from (X1 + 2)th column) are
used for branch voltages.

* The third statement indicates that the remaining X2 columns (commencing from
(X1 + X2 + 2)th column) are used for branch currents.

Demonstration from the results taken for case study 1.

Let X1 = 2
X2 = 0
X3 = 1
The bus voltages are stored in columns 2 and 3 – Bus names SRC and BUS13L
No branch voltages are stored – No branch voltage
The branch currents are stored in columns 4 – BUS13L to BUS 13S

These information should be noted to provide the input for plots.

4.3 Plots of output

The results from EMTP analysis can be plotted and viewed. The time steps are taken along x-
axis and a maximum of three variables can be plotted along y-axis. The maximum and minimum
of each variables captured during the simulation will be printed under each graph. The title for
the graph, the names of the variables along x and y axis can be given. The step-by-step
procedure for inputting the parameters for the plot is explained.

1. Click the plot button on the main menu bar, then a help message will appear. After reading the
message, close this window. Now the plot axis selection window opens which display
the following
X axis …Lin = 1; Log= (2:1/2) :
Y axis …Lin = 1; Log=(2:1/2) :
2. Type 1 for linear plot both for x axis and y axis. Enter 2 for log plot, then press Enter button
the “General Plotting Utility” window opens that contains the screen view or print view option.
If screen view is chosen a colour graph appears differentiating the curves. If print view is chosen
ordinary graph appears without colour.
3. Type ‘s’ for screen view and ‘p’ for print view as you desire and press Enter, then the
following statement appears

Plot file name: temp .PLT

Enter X column Number :
Enter Y1 column Number:
Enter Y2 column Number:
Enter Y3 column Number:
The column numbers for time and y axis variables are noted from the conventional output.
Column 1 is reserved for time and the remaining variables are listed from second column
onwards. The column numbers of the three variables chosen for plotting are noted and typed
for plotting. Each time three variables may be chosen and the graphs can be plotted.

To quit from the screen press escape, then a window appears with the following statement
Continue with same plot,
Switch to another plot file.
Type Q to Quit from the plot or type, C to continue with the same plot or F to switch to
another plot.

The graph can be printed on the paper by clicking print screen key and then coping it to the
destination file (MS Word).

Fig. 4.1. Results of EMTP analysis in Text Form

Fig 4.2 Window to View the Results of EMTP Analysis


5.1 Data for a Single Phase 0.95 load Non-ideal Source

The Single – line diagram and data for case studies I to VI are given in Annexure -I. In the
single-line diagram, the bus number, the name and other details are given. The source voltage is

5.2 Sample Output File – for Case Study _I

The output file generated by running the module ‘Energisation of A 1-:Ph Load Fed Through 1-
Ph PI Model Line’ is given in Annexure II. The output consists of details of input data. The R,L
and C of the series and shunt branch are given in tabular form. The results of numerical
integration are not given in the output file, but the results are stored in hidden file for plotting
and the columns in which different quantities are stored are indicated in the out file. The first
column in the hidden output file is always reserved for storing time steps. The statement ‘FIRST
2 RESULTS ARE NODE VOLTAGES’ means that in column number 2 and 3 the source and
load bus voltages are stored. The statements ‘NEXT 0 RESULTS ARE BRANCH VOLTAGES ‘
means that no branch voltages are stored. The statement FINAL 1 RESULTS ARE
CURRENTS ‘ means that the column number 4 is used for storing the branch current. The
statement ‘MAX. MAGNITUDES .56340E+02 .56120E+02 .21962E+01 gives the maximum
values of the quantities namely source voltage, load bus voltage and current during simulation.
The bus names, the branch names for which the bus voltage, the branch voltages are stored are
given in the output.

The plot of source and load bus voltage is given in the graph. The values given under the graph
gives the maximum values reached during simulation


Case Study – I

Energization of a single phase 0.95 pf load from a non ideal source and a more realistic line
representation (lumped R,L,C )

(i) Circuit Diagram

BUS 1 BUS 12 BUS 13S

SRC 6 mH 2 mH 0.05 Ω 6 mH BUS 13L

19.72 mH
0.81 µF 0.84 µF
cos ωt
22.61 Ω

Fig.1 Energization of 0.95 pf load

(ii) Data


.5E-4 .5E-1 -1 1
SRC BUS1 .0 6.0 .0
BUS1 BUS12 .05 2.0 .0
BUS1 .0 .0 .81
BUS12 .0 .0 .84
BUS12BUS13S .0 6.0 .0
BUS13L 22.61 19.72 .0

BUS13SBUS13L .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

14 SRC 1 .5634E+2 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4


Case Study - II

Energization of a three-phase load - Lumped Parameter

(i) Circuit Diagram


cos ωt


cos ~


cos ~

Fig.2 Energization of a 3-phase load

(ii) Data


.5E-4 .5E-1 -1 1
SRCA BUS1A .0 6.0 .0
SRCB BUS1B .0 6.0 .0
SRCC BUS1C .0 6.0 .0
BUS1ABUS12A .05 2.0 .0
BUS1BBUS12B .05 2.0 .0
BUS1CBUS12C .05 2.0 .0
BUS1A .0 .0 .8
BUS1B .0 .0 .8
BUS1C .0 .0 .8
BUS12A .0 .0 .8
BUS12B .0 .0 .8
BUS12C .0 .0 .8
BUS12A B13SA .0 6.0 .0
BUS12B B13SB .0 6.0 .0
BUS12C B13SC .0 6.0 .0
B13LA 19.04 37.89 .0
B13LB 19.04 37.89 .0
B13LC 19.04 37.89 .0
B13LA .0 .0 37.56
B13LB .0 .0 37.56
B13LC .0 .0 37.56

B13SA B13LA .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

B13SB B13LB .1E-2 .9999E+4 1
B13SC B13LC .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

14 SRCA 1 .5634E+2 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4

14 SRCB 1 .5634E+2 .60E+2 -.120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 SRCC 1 .5634E+2 .60E+2 .120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4


Case Study - III

Energization of a 15 mile long line from an ideal voltage source, line representation by
distributed parameters

(i) Circuit diagram

SRC 1 t=1 ms BUS 1 BUS 12

~ 187.79 cos ωt

Fig.3 Energization of the positive sequence of an open 15 mile distributed line from an ideal
230 kV source.

(ii) Data


.1E-4 .25E-1 -1 1
-1 BUS1 BUS12 .0243 .9238 .0126 24.14

SRC1 BUS1 .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

14 SRC1 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4


Case Study – IV
Energisation of a 3 - phase 15 mile distributed parameter line connected to a transformer and RL
load, all three phases close simultaneously – Lumped and Distributed Parameter Modelling

(i) Circuit diagram

Thev SRC 1 Bus1 15 miles Bus12 Bus13

24.14 Km Transposed
~ ~ ~ Distributed Line
R0 = 0.3167 Ω / Km
L0 = 3.222 mH / Km
C0 = 0.00787 µf / Km
R1 = 0.243 Ω / Km
L1 = 0.923 mH / Km
C1 = 0.0126 µf / Km

Fig: 4 Energisation of all three phases of transposed line

(ii) Data


.2E-5 .25E-1 -1 15
BUS12ABUS13A .0 70.16 .0
BUS12BBUS13B .0 70.16 .0
BUS12CBUS13C .0 70.16 .0
BUS13A 251.2 219.1 .0
BUS13B 251.2 219.1 .0
BUS13C 251.2 219.1 .0
THEVA SRC1A .714 70.68 .0
THEVB SRC1B .714 70.68 .0
THEVC SRC1C .714 70.68 .0
-1 BUS1ABUS12A .3167 3.222 .0078 24.14
-2 BUS1BBUS12B .0243 .9238 .0126 24.14

SRC1A BUS1A .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

SRC1B BUS1B .1E-2 .9999E+4 1
SRC1C BUS1C .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

14 THEVA 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4

14 THEVB 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 -.120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 THEVC 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4


Case Study – V
Transient Fault over voltages for a SLG fault at bus 2, phase a – Symmetrical PI model
(coupled) And distributed line parameter

(i) Circuit diagram

Gen 1 Zthev Bus 1 BKR1 120 miles Bus 2

Z Thev Closed in tclose = 1 ms
Thev Bus 7 Steady state

Fig.5 Calculation of transient fault overvoltages for a SLG fault at bus 2, phase a

(ii) Data


.2E-4 .25E-1 -1
1 THEVA BUS7A .0833 34.56
2 THEVB BUS7B .0233-5.427 .0833 34.56
3 THEVC BUS7C .0233-5.427 .0233-5.427 .0833 34.56
1 GEN3A BUS1A .0 131.0
2 GEN3B BUS1B .0 -23.4 .0 131.0
3 GEN3C BUS1C .0 -23.4 .0 -23.4 .0 131.0
-1 BUS7A BUS1A .3167 3.222 .0078 193.1
-2 BUS7B BUS1B .0243 .9236 .0126 193.1
-1 BKR1A BUS2A .3167 3.222 .0078 193.1
-2 BKR1B BUS2B .0243 .9236 .0126 193.1

BUS1A BKR1A -.1E-2 .9999E+4 1
BUS1B BKR1B -.1E-2 .9999E+4 1
BUS1C BKR1C -.1E-2 .9999E+4 1
BUS2A .1E-2 .9999E+4 1

14 THEVA 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4

14 THEVB 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 -.120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 THEVC 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 GEN3A 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 GEN3B 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 -.120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 GEN3C 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4


Case Study – VI
(i) Circuit diagram

Closed in steady state
(Represented by small
Closed in resistances 1.0E-6
Steady state
topen = 1ms

Gen 3 Zthev Bus 1 120 mi Bus 2

Thev Bus 12 Bus 13
Bus 7
90 mi 15 mi XFMR LOAD

(ii) Data

.1E-4 .25E-1 -1 1
1 THEVA BUS7A .0833 34.56
2 THEVB BUS7B .0233-5.427 .0833 34.56
3 THEVC BUS7C .0233-5.427 .0233-5.427 .0833 34.56
1 GEN3A BUS1A .0 131.0
2 GEN3B BUS1B .0 -23.4 .0 131.0
3 GEN3C BUS1C .0 -23.4 .0 -23.4 .0 131.0
-1 BUS7A BUS1A .3167 3.222 .0078 144.4
-2 BUS7B BUS1B .0243 .9236 .0126 144.4
-1 BKR1A BUS2A .3167 3.222 .0078 193.1
-2 BKR1B BUS2B .0243 .9236 .0126 193.1
-1 BUS1ABUS12A .3167 3.222 .0078 24.14
-2 BUS1BBUS12B .0243 .9236 .0126 24.14
BUS12ABUS13A .0E+0 70.16 .0
BUS12BBUS13B .0E+0 70.16 .0
BUS12CBUS13C .0E+0 70.16 .0
BUS13A .25E+3 219.1 .0
BUS13B .25E+3 219.1 .0
BUS13C .25E+3 219.1 .0
BKR1A .1E-5 .0 .0
BKR1B .1E-5 .0 .0
BKR1C .1E-5 .0 .0

BUS1A BKR1A -.1E-2 .1E-2 2

BUS1B BKR1B -.1E-2 .1E-2 2
BUS1C BKR1C -.1E-2 .1E-2 2

14 THEVA 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4

14 THEVB 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 -.120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 THEVC 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 GEN3A 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .0E+0 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 GEN3B 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 -.120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4
14 GEN3C 1 .18779E+3 .60E+2 .120E+3 -.1E+1 .9999E+4


(iv) Output – Plot of Source Bus and Load Bus Voltages– Case Study -I


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