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Pre-Class Assignment # 4: APA Formatting

Maria Cavanzo

Florida International University


PSY 3211 – Research Methods and Design I – Pre-Class Assignment #4 – APA Formatting

Below is a paragraph with a few APA style errors in it. Your job is to try to spot as many
errors as you can!

The development of counterfactual thoughts relies on the variability of the situation as well

as the knowledge that different actions could have resulted in alternate outcomes (Alquist,

Ainsworth, Baumeister, Daly, and Stillman) (2015). According to Alquist & All, situations

that are believed to be highly changeable generate more counterfactual thoughts than events

that seem unavoidable. However, ruminating on every conceivable alternative of a situation

would take an unlimited amount of time and resources. Instead of allotting so much time and

energy on a cognitive task, people tend to narrow down the different scenarios that come to

mind according to the degree of controllability of the factors involved (M. McCloy and L.

Byrne, 2000, pp. 45). For example, the deliberate decisions individuals make that ultimately

lead to a certain outcome is considered to be a controllable event, whereas uncontrollable

events are unavoidable circumstances, such as traffic jams or natural disasters (McCloy and

Byrne, 2000).

1. Find at least three APA style errors in the paragraph above, and provide a
correction for that error.
a. Error 1: Incorrect in text citation i.e. (Alquist, Ainsworth, Baumeister, Daly, and

Stillman) (2015)

i. Correction: (Alquist, Ainsworth, Baumeister, Daly, and Stillman , 2015)

b. Error 2: Incorrect citation of many authors: Alquist & All

i. Correction: Alquist

c. Error 3: Incorrect citation of page number and Authors’ first names yet it is not

direct quotation i.e (M. McCloy and L. Byrne, 2000, pp. 45).

i. Correction: (McCloy and Byrne, 2000).


2. Imagine that you want to reference an article written by Benjamin Baird, Jonathan
Smallwood, Michael D Mrazek, Julia W Y Kam, Michael S Franklin, Jonathan W
Schoole, that it was published it in October of 2012 in the journal Psychological
Science, volume 23 pages 1117-11120. Their title was, “Inspired by Distraction:
Mind Wandering Facilitates Creative Incubation” DOI: 10.1177/0956797612446024.
Below, write out the correct reference in APA format.


Baird, B., Smallwood, J., Michael D Mrazek, M. D., Kam, J. W., Franklin, M. S., & Schoole, J.

W. (2012, October). Inspired by Distraction: Mind Wandering Facilitates Creative

Incubation. Journal of Psychological Science, 23, 1117-11120.


3. Now, give me the correct reference (like you would see on the reference page) for the
article you read in your assignment # 3.


DeLoache, J. S., Chiong, C., Sherman, K., Islam, N., Vanderborght, M., Troseth, G. L., . . .

O’Doherty, K. (2010, March). Do Babies Learn From Baby Media? Journal of

Psychological Science, 21, 1570–1574. doi:10.1177/0956797610384145

4. Correct the following three references – type in the correct format below each incorrect
reference. Please write your corrected reference in a different color than black (any
color is fine!).

Settipani, C. A., & Kendall, P. C., 2013. Social Functioning in Youth with Anxiety Disorders:

Association with Anxiety Severity and Outcomes from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Child

Psychiatry and Human Development, 44, pp. 1-18. doi:10.1007/s10578-012-0307-0



Settipani, C. A., & Kendall, P. C. (2013). Social functioning in youth with anxiety disorders:

association with anxiety severity and outcomes from cognitive-behavioral therapy. Child

Psychiatry & Human Development, 44(1), 1-18. doi:10.1007/s10578-012-0307-0

Mary K. Rothbart, Stephen A. Ahadi, Philip Fisher (2001). Investigations of temperament at

three to seven years: The children's behavior questionnaire. Child Development, 72, 1394-



Mary K. Rothbart, Stephen A. Ahadi, & Philip Fisher (2001). Investigations of temperament at

three to seven years: The children's behavior questionnaire. Child Development, 72,

1394-1408. doi: 10.1111/1467-8624.00355

Gary W. Ladd. (2006). Child Development. Peer rejection, aggressive or withdrawn behavior,

and psychological maladjustment from 5 to 12: an examination of four predictive models., pages

822-846. Issue 77, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2006. 00905.x


Ladd, G. W. (2006). Peer rejection, aggressive or withdrawn behavior, and psychological

maladjustment from ages 5 to 12: An examination of four predictive models. Child

development, 77(4), 822-846.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2006. 00905.x

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