Personal Essay Rubric

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Name: ________________________________ Student# _________________________ Date: __________________________

Personal Essay Rubric

Writing Strand Assessment Rubric
Criteria Comments Level

-Correct and detailed understanding of required content from source
-Selection of points, choice of relevant examples (quotations)
Have I:
Written in the form of a personal essay?
Used literary terminology and concepts?
Made relationships among facts with PIE/PPA method incorporated?

-Process and planning, if applicable
-Strength of argument (thesis), and consistent application
-Effective critical analysis and critical thinking (including making connections between texts,
when appropriate)
Have I:
Utilized tools such as graphic organizers, drafting, editing (self and peer)?
Discussed relevant information that relates to personal identity/lived experiences/Black identity?

-Style and voice for communicating for a specific audience and purpose
-Effective sentence structure
-Clear, concise phrasing and diction; vocabulary—variety and accuracy
-Technical conventions (grammar and spelling); effective quotation integration (if applicable)
Have I:
Used grade level appropriate vocabulary and grammar?
Incorporated descriptive language and content?
Expressed my thoughts logically and clearly?

-Application of appropriate essay and/or paragraph structure and format
-Transitions between sentences and paragraphs
-Application of research documentation strategies (MLA style), if applicable
Have I:
Used and made clear connections between ideas with a focus on personal knowledge,
Referenced other texts/and/or the world to support points made?
Transferred rough work to the final product appropriately.
Overall Percentage Mark + Comments:

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