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Setup AWS Account:

1. Infrastructure Setup:

 After setting up your AWS account, you'll log in to the AWS Management Console.
 You'll navigate to the AWS EventBridge service and create a new event bus or use
the default one.
 Next, you'll set up an AWS Lambda function that will handle the events. You'll
specify the runtime (e.g., Ruby), code, and configuration.

 Setup SQS and routing of message to different Lambda function(s):

 First, we'll create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue in AWS.
 Then, we'll configure the queue to act as a buffer to hold incoming webhook
 Each type of webhook event will have its own SQS queue.
 Next, we'll set up rules in AWS EventBridge to route incoming webhook
events to the appropriate SQS queues based on event types.
 For example, if we have different types of events like "registration,"
"enrollment," and "webinar," each type will be directed to a specific SQS
 This routing ensures that each Lambda function responsible for processing a
particular type of event receives the correct messages from the SQS queue.
2. Data Handling Logic:

 In your Lambda function, you'll write code to make an HTTP request to API to fetch
webhook payloads.
 You'll parse the received data and process it according to your business logic. This
could involve filtering, transforming, or forwarding the data.
3. Authentication Setup:

 You may implement basic authentication within your Lambda function or through
AWS API Gateway if required by the API endpoint.
4. Routing Rules Setup:

 Depending on the received data, you'll define routing rules within your Lambda
function to determine how to handle different types of events. For example, you may
route events to different destinations based on their content.
5. Error Handling Mechanisms:

 You'll implement error handling logic within your Lambda function to handle cases
such as failed HTTP requests or unexpected data formats. This could include retry
mechanisms or logging errors to CloudWatch Logs.

Queue message retry logic:

 After the SQS queues are set up and messages are routed to them, we'll implement
message retry logic to handle processing failures.
 If a Lambda function fails to process a message from the queue (due to temporary
issues like network errors or service unavailability), we'll configure SQS to
automatically retry delivering the message.
 We'll define retry policies specifying the maximum number of retry attempts and the
delay between retries.
 This retry mechanism ensures that failed messages are reprocessed and not lost,
improving the reliability of our system.
6. Logging and Monitoring Setup:

 You'll configure CloudWatch Logs to capture logs generated by your Lambda

function. This includes logging of incoming events, processing steps, and any errors
 Additionally, you can set up CloudWatch Alarms to trigger notifications or actions
based on predefined thresholds or anomalies.
7. Testing and Debugging:

 You'll thoroughly test your Lambda function by simulating different scenarios,

including successful API calls, failed requests, and unexpected payloads.
 Use tools like AWS Lambda console, CloudWatch Logs, and CloudWatch Metrics
for debugging and monitoring during testing.
8. Documentation:

 Document the setup process, configurations, and functionalities of your Lambda

function. Include details on how to deploy, test, and maintain the function.

 EventBridge captures user registration events and sends them to the SQS queue.
 SQS acts as a buffer, storing the events until they are processed.
 Lambda processes the events, executing custom logic such as sending welcome emails or
updating databases.

Advantages of using SQS

SQS indeed only sends the data that you specify, not the entire event object. When you send a
message to SQS, you're essentially sending a string of data. This could be JSON, XML, or any other
format you choose. SQS doesn't process the data or understand its structure; it simply stores and
delivers the message.
The purpose of using SQS in conjunction with Lambda is mainly for decoupling and buffering.
Here's why it's beneficial:
1. Decoupling :

 SQS acts as a mediator between your event source (e.g., EventBridge) and your
Lambda function. This means your event source (e.g., API Gateway, EventBridge)
doesn't need to directly invoke your Lambda function. Instead, it sends the event to
 This decoupling allows your event source and your Lambda function to operate
independently. If, for any reason, your Lambda function is temporarily unavailable or
overwhelmed, SQS can continue to store incoming messages until your Lambda
function can process them.
2. Buffering :

 SQS acts as a buffer to handle bursts of incoming events. If your event source
suddenly receives a large number of events (e.g., due to a sudden spike in traffic),
SQS can absorb these events and hold them until your Lambda function can process
 This buffering capability helps prevent loss of data and ensures that your system can
handle fluctuations in incoming traffic without being overwhelmed.

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