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1. What is the concept of Computer Architecture? Explain the current Technology Trends
related to Computer Architecture through cost and power consumption.
2. ISA?
3. What is Amdahl’s Law?
4. What is Moore’s Law?
5. What is Flynn’s Architecture?
6. Define Pipelining concept.
7. What is Von Neumann Architecture? How is it different from the Harvard Architecture?
8. What is the need of Parallelism and Parallel Architectures?
9. What are the various factors affecting CPU Performance?
10. 60% of a program execution time occurs inside a loop that can be executed in parallel and
rest 40% in serial. What is the maximum speedup we should expect from a parallel
version of the program executing on 6CPUs? With reference to Amdahl’s Law, solve the
above question.
11. What is Lhadma’s Law?
12. Design Memory Hierarchy.
13. What is Cache Memory? What is Hit and Miss Ratio?
14. Give the performance metrics of Cache Memory.
15. Different Page Replacement Techniques used in Memory system?
16. What is Coherence?
17. Difference between Spatial and Temporal Locality?
18. What is the concept of Direct Mapping (with respect to Cache)?
19. What are the various techniques for Fast Address Translation?
20. Explain Virtual Memory in detail.

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