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Important Points to be Observed by 3rd Semester Authors and Editors

Laboratory Manuals

Each Experiment should have the following Components:

Name of Experiment

Give the Learning Outcomes of that experiment

Objective: Objective of the experiment. Digital Info: Weblinks on the experiment

or related to that device/ equipment

Brief Theory behind the experiment: Explain in brief on the theoretical background of
the experiment

Required Apparatus: List of equipment and consumables required for the experiment

Connections/ Experiment set up: Explain neatly in a stepwise order of making

connections/ setting up the experiment

Precautions: Explain about the precautions to be taken before connecting different

devices for the conduct of experiment (eg. In electrical/ electronic branch
- Like scraping the strands of electric wire, observing polarities of meters/
power supplies etc.)
Safety measures: Explain in detail on the safety measures to be taken before, during
and after the experiment (eg. In electrical branch – to avoid electric shock

Procedure: Explain the stepwise order of conducting experiment in sequential order.

Explain clearly how to record data both at the initial stage and final output

Reading Data: Explain the procedure to collect the data at input and output
Recording Data: Provide a blank table into which the data is to be recorded. Explain how
to draw a graph from the data. Explain the important points that are to be
noted from the data/ graph. (if required present a model graph)

Pre and post experiment Questions: These questions pattern to be in such a way to help
the students to prepare for viva-voce as well as for job interviews.

The questions should be thought provoking and bring innovations.

Student Activity: The possible mini project or a paper presentation or an industrial visit


Diagrams must be neatly drawn with latest software

Photos and videos of equipment/ tools may

be incorporated for better visualization &

No line diagram or content either copied from the existing books or

downloaded from other sources like internet is incorporated in the Lab

The authors personally take maximum care and hire the professionals for
drawing the line diagrams to be placed in the Lab manuals.

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