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initially, I would like to mention the benefits of tourism.

Tourism is supplemented money to the

local and national budget. the government can use it to improve infrastructure and upgrade
services. besides, tourism creates works for citizens to reduce unemployment. especially, it also
encourages the exchange in many spheres like the economy, culture...moreover, it also spreads
the image of an area through festivals, carnival. Therefore, travel is considered a key non-smoke
industry in various countries. When numerous people focus on a destination, it will exacerbate
environmental pollution without collecting and disposing of waste. especially, in tourism
destinations, the cultural mixture often occurs and damages the cultural features of that area.
More importantly, citizens must sell their land to investors to build hotels, resorts. therefore,
living expenses and land prices often increase. More importantly, social evil occurs frequently
and affects the peaceful life of residents. the government passes and enforces policies to solve
disadvantages radically. In conclusion, for all reasons mentioned above, it can be affirmed that
tourism benefit is transcended drawbacks. Therefore, many countries still developing it and
limiting shortcomings

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