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For reckless heroes of

Table of Contents
Introduction………………….. 1

Part 1: Ferrangon Fortress…. 3

Prison………………………………… 5
Mountain Cliff………………….…….. 7
Gormajork……………………………. 8
The Sewers…………………………… 9
The Ice Cave…………………………. 9
Written: Bram Boyd
Cover: Lauren Krieger Fortress Main I……………………….. 11
Special thanks to the Friendly Adventurers:
Interior Art: Connie Dragon Doland, Gunther, Merlin, and Valguard Fortress Main II………………………. 13
Sun Lion Door……………………….. 15
Seer’s Tower………………………….. 16
Wormgut’s Tower…………………….. 17
Southeast Tower……..……………….. 18
Mount Farn…………………………… 19
Fortress Entrance……….…………….. 20
Basement I……………………………. 21
Basement II……….………………….. 23
Fortress Bowels I…………………….. 25
Fortress Bowels II……………………. 27

Part II: Grimhall…………….. 29

The Long Hall………………………. 31
The Towers of Old……….…………… 33
The Inn Between…………..…………. 35
The Spiral Stair…………..…………… 36
The Cat Room…………..……………. 37
The Caenegaarden……….…………… 39
The Lantern Hall………….………….. 41
The Statue Hall…………..…………… 43
Lord of Cracks…………….………….. 45
The Hall of Giants………….………… 47
The Tomb of The Doom Smith……… 49
The Doom Smith...…………………… 51

Compendia…………………. 53
Monsterium………………………… 53
Loot…………………………………. 59
Esoterica……………………………. 63

© 2023 Bram Boyd

This work includes material taken from the
System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”)
by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License available at https://
Using this book Armor Curses Nightmares
Tomb of the Doom Smith is an adventure for
low to mid level characters. The Farn Valley
waits just off the map of your choosing and Some creatures in the area have found armor As they approach The Doom Smith’s tomb, PCs are more
created by The Doom Smith. Roll to determine likely to have the nightmares listed below each night.
will fit into any classic fantasy world. It is a
grim, violent, and all but hopeless adventure if the enemy carries:
First Nightmare
that will test minds, bodies, and souls. 1. Helmet You dream that you are walking a dark corridor. Dim
2. Chest plate torches occasionally punctuate the darkness, and a strange
Welcome to Farn Players should be advised of the dangers that
wait within these pages. Tomb of The Doom
3. Gauntlets/ Leg plates carpet seems to swim below you. You sense a growing dread
with every step forward, but something urges you onward.
You hold your breath at each turn in the hall, sure that it will
Smith is meant to be a challenge. Encounters Once all three pieces are collected, they can be reveal the source of this faceless fear, but each time you are
are meant to be tough and designed with met with more empty walkway. Every now and then, there
Atop Mount Farn, an ancient fortress guards assembled to create Cursed Armor (AC 20). sounds a loud thunk of metal on metal somewhere in the
the entrance to Grimhall, a deadly dungeon multiple strategies in mind. Sometimes, Roll on the table below for a random, hidden distance. Echoing out doom doom doom.
and the final resting place of The Doom Smith. running away is the best option. Sometimes, curse.
Within await countless treasures and long- running away will be the only option. • Outside of the fortress, Goblins have a 1 Second Nightmare
forgotten relics, but a gauntlet of traps, in 6 chance of carrying cursed armor. Again, you dream you are walking that dark corridor.
Somewhere ahead, metal loudly strikes metal and you can
tortures, and psychological trials stands in your This book is designed to make the GM’s life • In Ferrangon Fortress, Goblinoids have a tell that you are closer now to its source. As you move
way, and that’s mentioning nothing of the easy. For the most part, areas are squeezed into 1 in 3 chance of carrying cursed armor. forward, the hall almost seems to narrow and torches are
hungry beasts and cursed creatures hiding in two-page spreads with a map, descriptions, and fewer and farther in between. In some areas you lose your
the shadows of those too-long halls. sight completely and must feel your way forward with your
all the relative information that fits. Page D20 Armor Curses hand against a damp cobblestone wall. The farther you go,
numbers are included where passages lead to 1 Slowly grows hair inside and outside. If worn at the faster you rush, frightened at the darkness behind you,
other areas and for new items, monsters, and night, the hair grows into the wearer, making it more terrified yet of what lies ahead.
Ferrangon Fortress writings collected in the back of this book. nearly impossible to remove.
While historians might remember that 2 All animals are distrustful or even hostile to Third Nightmare
Ferrangon was once watched over by an order anyone who has worn this armor within a month. You dream that you are standing in a massive room
of goodly knights, the old fortress is now Stats, effects, and time-sensitive 3 When struck by an attack, this armor reverberates dimly lit with stone walls. The ceiling is so high that you can
instructions are included in red. loudly. All within 10 ft must make a DC 13 CON only see darkness above you. You try to walk forward, but
occupied by squatting goblinoids. It takes just or be deafened for the day. your feet barely budge. You look down to see that you are up
over a day to travel from Heap to Ferrangon, 4 When struck by a non-magical weapon, it to your knees in a thick mud. All around you hands reach out
and the lands between are patrolled by goblins. In-game writing from books and letters are becomes stuck, making the armor increasingly from the mud, some lifeless, some searching about for
indicated in italics. unwieldy and heavy. anything to grab.
5 The armor slowly shrinks. If worn at night, the You hear the deafening sound of metal striking metal,
Grimhall Flavor text to be read to the players is
armor becomes stuck and painful, eventually
choking the person if not forcibly removed.
and a spark some hundred feet in front of you lights up a
figure hunched over his work.
The dungeon beneath Fortress Ferrangon has included in a blue box. 6 After a day, the armor begins to smell extremely You wake with the sound still echoing in your head.
passed from memory. Strange magic built the bad. The wearer also smells awful for one week, No benefits gained from resting
dark halls that still hide treasures, traps, and even after removing the armor. The stench is
terrors beyond imagination. ►Blue arrows indicate where routes powerful enough to alert enemies.
Fourth Nightmare
continue to another page. 7 The armor is strangely hot. Gain exhaustion each
You dream again of that massive chamber, up to your
day this armor is worn, twice as much in hot
climates. waste now in the mud. You slog forward, sinking deeper
The Town of Heap Hooks 8 At night, the armor creaks loudly interrupting the with every step. You see now that it isn’t mud at all, but
blood and gore, the torn flesh and mangled bone of
The people of the Farn Valley are largely sleep of everyone nearby.
1. The party might become lost in a blizzard innumerable dead. As you realize this, you hear them, all the
impoverished and downtrodden. They come to 9 Each day someone wears this armor, they lose a
dead that surround you, screaming out in agony together.
and seek out shelter in the fortress. tooth, even if not worn for the entire day
They cry for you to help them, screaming in a desperate
the frontier to seek their fortunes or hide from 10 In daylight, instead of adding to AC, the bonus of rage. You press on, sinking deeper and deeper into the
sordid pasts, but all find hardship and 2. The party is captured and brought to the the armor subtracts from AC. Furthermore, amalgam of death, and as The Doom Smith’s hammer strikes
nightmares. Most who travel to the Farn Valley removing the armor causes 2d6 damage.
prison within Ferrangon Fortress. his anvil, there is a deafening crash of thunder.
at least pass through the town of Heap. 11 For each day the armor is worn, the wearer has a
You awake in a cold sweat, gasping for air.
50% chance of losing one Max HP permanently.
• Goblins raid the town from time to time, 3. Rumors tell of treasure waiting in 12 This armor causes occasional hallucinations, as DC 12 Will or Confused, no benefits from resting
kidnapping those foolish enough to wander Ferrangon, either Wormgut’s, the lost horde determined by the GM.
of an ancient order of knights, or a strange 13 The wearer of this armor is 100x more sensitive Fifth Nightmare
away from civilization. to pain. Whenever damage is taken, DC 14 CON Is this a dream? Is it real? You do not know. You feel
• Non-humans are rare in Heap, and the armor the goblins are finding inside. or stunned. it all around you– hopeless despair and wickedness. You see
people are prejudiced and suspicious. 4. Raiding goblins kidnapped a woman 14 Instantly lose a level once this armor is put on. the dungeon walls and floor around you for what they truly
The level is regained if the armor is given to a are. Tortured souls, bound and nailed together, watching and
• Only common items and services can be named Evalyn from town. Some adventurers willing recipient. crying out to you in silent agony. And The Doom Smith lifts
found in the shops of Heap. were sent to find her but haven’t returned. 15 This armor is semi-intelligent and terrified of you against the wall. You cannot focus on him, but you feel
• A band of adventurers led by Milo insects. It forcibly tugs its wearer in the opposite a wicked smile. He drives a long, twisted nail through you,
direction at the sight of bugs big and small. and you are stuck, screaming in pain.
Strong-Arm has been missing for a week, 5. The people of the region complain of You awake clutching the wound from your dream.
causing the morale of the townsfolk to nightmares. Strangely, they all share the 16 The weight of this armor randomly increases
100-fold on occasion. The GM decides when. 2d6 damage, DC 15 Will or Confused, no benefits from
dwindle. The mayor would pay well for their same details and lead to the mountain. 17 Extremely flammable resting
• Rumor is the mayor promised Strong- 6. Characters belonging to certain religious 18 Bursts into flames when removed and continues Additional Nightmares
to burn hotly for three hours.
Arm a magical relic in exchange for the orders might seek redemption for For each subsequent nightmare, no benefits are gained
Caenegaard, a fallen paladin who rests 19 This armor dissolves in water, poisoning the from resting and take 2d6 damage as The Doom Smith
goblin king’s head. water. tortures PCs in various ways. The DC to save against
uneasily somewhere on the mountain. 20 Just plain unlucky: Take disadvantage on matters confusion increases by 5 each time.
of random chance at the GM’s discretion.
1 2
Part I: Ferrangon Fortress Seer’s Tower

Wormgut’s Tower

Southern Tower
Missing adventurers
The PCs might run into Evalyn or the other
adventurers employed by the mayor to find her.
Behold, The Fortress Ferrangon, that heinous
• Evalyn - Kidnapped by goblins. Seer has
monument to a forgotten strength, infested now
her bound in his tower and practices dark Prison

5-8, 11-14
with unnatural fiends and beasts, dark mirrors Ice Cliff
to the ambitions of Man! It is a blight upon the
magic on her.
• Milo Strong-Arm - Might have been a
Fortress Main
good guy but the PCs will never know for Gatehouse Kitchen Cave Entrance
sure. He dies at the start of the adventure.
Approach • Roe - Grumpy halfling passing as a short
While there are many ways to end up at human. Rogue with a good heart. Deadly Reception Hall Throne Room
Ferrangon, this module assumes the characters with a crossbow. Upper
have been captured and locked up in the prison • Benneth - Cynical and calculating. In it Barracks
within, and thus begin in a random cell. for the money. Knows how to brew up a
However, the party could approach from many weak healing tonic.
different angles, even skipping Part 1 • Doddish - Big, strong, and simple. Good
altogether and finding Grimhall behind any friend to have in a fight.
underground door.
• Fleck - A young pickpocket just getting
started in the crew. Dreams of adventure.
Captured! • Scrap - Fleck’s dog and best friend. Lower Barracks
The party was overwhelmed by a troop of
goblins, easily overpowered by a menacing Statue Room Sewer
witch on a flying carpet, or captured by some Cursed armor

9-10, 21-24
other means only to find themselves in Goblinoids have a 1 in 3 chance of carrying
cursed armor inside the fortress. See page 2. Latrines Study
random cells within a mountain-top prison.
If captured, their confiscated gear can be
found in the northeast tower base (pg 12).
►Begin Prison, page 5
Bad Dreams
While The Doom Smith lives, all those in the
Farn Valley have a 1 in 6 chance of
Frontal assault!
Skilled PCs might elude capture and scale
experiencing nightmares each night. The
nightmares get progressively worse; see page 2
The Ice Cave
Mount Farn to find the fortress’s heavily for their effects.
guarded and soundly sealed main gates.
►Begin Fortress Entrance, page 18 Ruined Stair
2d6 Wandering Monsters
A difficult climb 2 Jorlo (page 56) Subterranean Pond
Especially talented climbers might be able to 3 2d4+2 slightly-distracted goblins with 1d3
scale the Mount Farn’s sheer, crumbling ice prisoners on patrol, heading toward the prison.
walls to find themselves on the mountain 4 1d3 specters angry at the party for trespassing
cliff outside of the fortress. 5 2d3 goblins with a hobgoblin on patrol
►Begin Mountain cliff (1, 2, 3, page 7) Hall of Suffering
6 2d3 goblins with a bugbear leading them on
The low road 7 1d4 goblins on patrol

Dungeon Entrance

The GM might allow the party to find a 8 A goblin archer with 1d3 Worgs on patrol
forgotten cave passageway somewhere
leading to the subterranean pond, skipping 9 1d3 giant diseased rats looking for a meal
the fortress altogether. 10 A giant, intelligent spider stalking the party
►Begin Fortress Bowels II (1. that wishes to lay eggs in their flesh
Hidden Swamp
Subterranean pond, page 27) 11 A group of bandits that betray the group the
moment they gain the upper hand
12 Blurgus (pg 53) and two bugbears
Door to Grimhall
3 4
3. Southern hall
1. Western cell block The hall is about 100ft long with the two cell
Prison The cobblestone hall is lit by a single barred
window on its north side. Frigid air whistles
blocks attached on its northern side. To the
west, the hall leads to a wide stone staircase.
through the bars. There are six prison doors To the east is a well. A cold wind blows from
without keyholes. the eastern cell block.
Imprisoned by goblins, you awake to the sound
of a thunderous crash!
2. Western stairs Goblin guards
You find yourself shivering under ratty sheets You climb the stone steps to a landing with a AC 15, HP 7, +4 Club (1d4+2)
in a prison cell. Light floods into the room double-wide, iron door lit by a single torch on Two guards might be overheard fearfully
through a small, barred window in a wooden the wall to its right. The door has an ornate and discussing the following in Goblin:
door, the only way in or out of the room. detailed carving of a landscape with strange • Gormajork has broken through the walls.
Outside your cell, you hear the high-pitched writing underneath. You know that it could not • Wormgut is going to be mad as he wanted
cries of what can only be goblins. be goblin craftsmanship, as it is far too to feed Strong-Arm to Gormajork himself.
beautiful. • They argue over who will tell the boss.
a-k) Prison Cells After a few minutes, they split up to patrol.
If the PCs have been captured, have them roll a
d12 on the table below to determine which cell 4. The well
they start in. It may once have been a well, but now the
• Each room contains a bed with a ratty a. d. g. 6.
6. putrid stench of human and or goblin waste
blanket and a bucket. rises from its depths. It is too dark to see the
• The doors are sturdy and securely locked. bottom (20 ft drop).
• Window bars are too high to see out of ►To The Sewers (a. Bottom of the well,
and just wide enough to fit an arm through.
1. pg 9)
• There are levers to the side of each cell
door, well out of the prisoners’ reach. e. h. 5. j.
5. Eastern cell block
Light shines in through a gaping hole in the
D12 Cell wall at the end of the cell block. Outside the
1 a) Bed sheets are soaking wet with an wind howls as cold air rushes in. The air is
unknown substance. The shadows of two
goblins are visible in the hall. c. f. i. k. frigid but fresh, a stark contrast to that of the
prison. Three cell doors face into the hall on
2 b) The shadows of two goblins are visible in
the left, and two remain on the right.
the hall. Letter poorly hidden in the wall:
”Months I bin here. Toes all gone black
from cold. Most the others bin fed to the
mountain already. If this should find you, 6. The hole in the wall
A narrow ledge is visible 5 ft below. It leads
Marie, I’m sorry.”
3 c) A bit of food. Goblins might be overheard.
The shadows of two goblins are visible in the 2. 4. off to the left and right, but it is unclear how
far, as it wraps around the prison.
4 d) There is a ratty cloak wadded in the corner ►To Mountain Cliff (1. Mountain cliff,
that helps some with the cold. A small amount pg 7)
of food can be found in the pockets.
5 e) A friendly but panicking prisoner.
•Was kidnapped by goblins The view outside
•Encourages PCs to avoid caves Elvish Riddle Door The goblins are weak and carry clubs. If You can see down the snowy slopes and out
•Despairs that Strong-Arm was taken The door is locked. In its center is an outnumbered, they try to flee up West Stairs across the land for miles. In the distance, down
•Might be convinced to help expertly carved image of a sun rising over a (2) to Fortress Main I (pg 11) and set up an the slope, at least a day’s journey away you see
6 f) A hidden shiv (pg 61). Goblins might be village. The people of the village are on their ambush with help.
overheard. a small town. It is obvious that you are in a
7 g) The wall is carved with crude depictions of knees, seeming to worship the sun. Below prison somewhere atop a mountain. Dark
horrible acts of violence. the image, in Elvish, it says: Captured goblins might reveal: clouds are gathering in the west.
8 h) Hostile prisoner with a shiv (pg 61)
• The basic layout of the fortress
AC 10, HP 8, Shiv +0 (1d4+1)
•Bluffs to be released and then attacks.
“The light shall show you the way.” • A cave giant broke through the wall and • Astute characters will be able to discern
•Believes the PCs to be servants to someone took Strong-Arm. It lives in the cliff-side their location and the location of nearby
he calls The Doom Smith. Pulling the nearby torch opens the door. cave. They feed it prisoners. places of interest.
9 i) An old boot. Goblins might be overheard. Observant characters will hear indistinct • Their leader is a goblin named Wormgut. • Characters familiar with nature will
10 j) Floor and wall of cell are stained with old goblin conversation on the other side of the • There is a great treasure in the dungeon recognize a terrible blizzard is on the way,
blood. door if the goblins have not been alerted. below the fortress, but getting there is a which may make travel down the mountain
11 k) An empty glass vial. Goblins might be
►Fortress Main I (1. To Entering from problem as it’s a long drop, and the staircase difficult. They would also know the low
12 Roll again. If 12 rolled twice, this character the prison, pg 11) is broken. temperatures to be dangerous.
was taken by Gormajork to The Ice Cave (9).

5 6
that eat the egg are poisoned (1d4 and
nauseated), but will also permanently only take

Mountain Cliff Gormajork

half damage from falls. Among the dead
animals, they find a pale, human-sized arm that
still clutches a fine shield.

Every two minutes that characters are out in

the open in the extreme cold of the mountain,
4. The eastern path
The path to the right ends in a 20 ft slope to a Gormajork (Use
they might be negatively affected by the
weather! larger clifftop below. PCs can see a frost- Cave Giant)
covered figure hunkered in the snow. On the AC 14, HP 137, 2x +12
other side of the clifftop stands the gaping Prisoner flails (2d6+7
1. Mountain cliff landing mouth of a cave. PCs that linger here too long plus DC 12 Reflex or
The cold is punishing. Through the recently might be confronted by Gormajork (pg 8). knocked prone)
demolished prison wall, the characters step out
onto the cliff into knee-high snow. The height The frozen corpse A cave giant named
is dizzying, and the wind whips violently The corpse is frozen in a huddled position. Gormajork waits for the
around them, threatening to throw off their Its thickly muscled frame and long arms give overly adventurous in
balance. it an almost ape-like appearance. Under its the Ice Cave (pg 9) but
►Leads to Prison (6. The hole in the stiff robe, it wears chainmail armor and grips might also attack PCs
wall, pg 6) a spear tightly with fingers that are frozen that linger too long on
solid. the cliff.
2. The western path • The robe can be removed fairly easily
A narrow ledge runs along the prison walls. As without taking much time. • Gormajork is 12
PCs cross, there is a 50% chance of strong • The spear will be more difficult, and takes feet tall, with a mane
winds that might knock them to the mountain- longer to free. of bristly black hair
side below or their deaths (if other PCs aren’t • The armor is very difficult to get free. running from her head
fast enough to save them). down her back. She
►Fall to Mount Farn (K17, pg 19) has long tusks and a
5. The mouth of the cave monstrous face.
As you stand outside of the cave, the cold wind • The beast has
3. Western cliff howls into its mouth, and occasionally warmer covered herself in the
Clearing the corner, it becomes evident that the air is felt flowing out. It is almost as if the cave bones of humans,
prison is part of a larger fortress. A 40 ft wide is breathing. It is too dark to see inside, but as animals, goblins, and
tower rises before the party. At its base is an you gaze into the darkness, you cannot shake other unidentifiable
impossibly large egg. There are various dead the feeling that something gazes back. creatures.
animals around the egg. The walls and cliff • The giant drags two
face are extremely difficult to climb. Those who check will find large and small chains behind her, each
tracks in the snow outside the cave. They may with a bloodied and bedraggled prisoner
The nest recognize these as cave giant and goblin tracks. cuffed to the end. They are effortlessly
The egg within is about four feet tall and has a Smart PCs will sense the danger ahead. yanked along by the giant like small children
faint magical aura. The egg is blueish-white ►Leads to The Ice Cave (1. Cave and used as flails in combat. Without warning, a boulder flies out of the
with dark speckles and cold to the touch. Any Entrance, pg 9) • Gormajork is partially blind and relies dark depths of the cavern and smashes the bear
heavily on her hearing in combat. into a twisted and crushed wreck. From the
2. • After a meal, Gormajork will sleep
shadows within the cave comes a mighty roar
that dwarfs that of the bear. The footsteps of
1. • She will attack PCs as soon as she is
something heavy are thudding toward you out
of the darkness…
aware of them. She cannot be reasoned with
but might be evaded.
Fortress 4. Prisoners
Those on the ends of the chains came from the
Encounter prison and were fed to Gormajork by goblins.
3. Prison 5. Something steps out from behind one of the ice
pillars, it walks on all fours and is covered in • They might be two of the missing
thick brown hair- a bear! It stands on its hind adventurers (pg 3) or any PCs taken from
legs, taller than any man, and lets out a great the prison.
roar. • They take damage each time they are
swung as a flail, and won’t be able to survive
more than two or three swings.
Roll for initiative, and allow a few player
turns before continuing. • If the prisoners are somehow saved, they
will help the party any way they can.
7 8

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