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1) The shoot system in a plant consists of the following except ____ .

a) stem b) root c) flower d)


2) The early man gathered the following for food except______

a) fruits. b) trees c) nuts d) leaves

3) which one of these tools did the early man use for his hunting expenditure? a) harvester b)
bomb c) knife d) sticks


4) Groundnut and cocoa were brought to Nigeria from____ by _____

a) USA, tourists b) USA, traders c) AsIa, tourists d) Asia,traders

5) Banana and plantain originated from____ a) USA b) Ghana c) Asia d) india

6) Aquatic organisms are the major source of ___ a) starch b) protein c) fat d) vitamin

7) All the following are careers in agriculture except____ a) horticulture b) mining c) crop
farming d) fish farming

8 ) The kind of agriculture in which farmers produce enough to feed himself and excess is sold is
called _____ a) subsistence agriculture b) mixed farming c) crop farming d) commercial

9) commercial farming is ____ intensive a) capita b) labour c) raw materials d) farm

10) Subsistence farming involves the cultivation of a ___ piece of land a) small b) large c)
sizeable d,) workable

11) Agriculture is best defined as the_____ a) cultivation of cash crops and raising of wildlife

b) production of crops and rearing of animals

c) production of food crops

d) Rearing of aquatic animals

12) cultivation and management of crop is ___ a) animal science b) soil science c) crop science
d) surgery

13) which of the following is not a characteristic of subsistence farming ___ a) it is practice by
peasant farmer b) large area is cultivated c) family labour is use d) makes use of simple farm
14) crops that require two years to complete their life cycle are called ____ a,) annual crops b)
biennial crops c) perennial crops d) permanent crops

15) Dicotyledonous plants have ___ a) one cotyledon b) two cotyledons c);three cotyledons d)
four cotyledons

16) which of the crops is not an annual crop? a) cotton b) cowpea c) millet d) cocoa

17) The following are example of dicot plans except ____ a) tomato b) waterleaf c) groundnut d)

18) crops that complet their life cycle in more than two years are called ____a,) perennial crops
b) annual crops c) biennial crops d) dicennial crops

19) Apiculture involves _____ a) rearing of land snail b) growing of vegetable c) Rearing of fish
in water d) keeping bee to produce honey

,20) All these are methods of disseminating new ideals to farmer except ___ a) mass media b)
individual method c) group method d) selective method

21) The scientific study of growing fruits , vegetable,ornamental flowers is ____a) agricultural
extension b) horticulture c) Apiculture d) fishery

22) Only __ farmers can be involved in commercial farming a) poor b) powerful c) rich d)

23) Fishes can be preserved by the following except____ a) freezing b) smoking c) wind d)

24) The following are examples of Monocotyledonous except ___a) groundnut b) maize c) rice
d) millet

25) The word agriculture is derived ____latin words a) three b) one c) four d) two

26) which of the following is not an annual crop? __ a) cotton b) maize c) cassava d) millet

27) The other name for a main root is ____ a) adventitious root b) latera root c) tap root d)
fibrous root

28) All these are examples of tap root system except_____ a) maize b) cowpea c) pepper d)

29) which of the following is a raw material for textile industry?____a) Cocoa b) cotton c)
tobacco d,) millet
39) one of these is characteristic of monocot plant a) they have fibrous root b) they havetap root
c) leaves have net venation d) the laeves are short and broad

Theory parts ( answer all)

1) What is agriculture?

b) list three industries that make use of Agricultural products

C) In what five ways is agriculture important to man?

2a) state any two .: I) tools used by the early man for hunting expenditure,

Ii) sources of his shelter III) sources of his clothing

b) What is the origin of plantain and banana?

3a) list four branches of agriculture.

b) define the following i) subsistence agriculture and Ii) commercial agriculture

c lisf four differences between Subsistence and commercial agriculture

4a) list three classes of crops based on their life cycle

b) ln a tabular form list four differences between monocot and dicot plants

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