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1. The units of impulse is (a) NS (b) NS-1 (c) NS-2 (d) NS2
2. Which of the following values gives for the correct precision of the length of pice of rod using
vernier caliper (a) 2.1cm (b) 2.14cm (c) 2.140cm (d) 2.1420cm
3. A Particle with a constant speedy of 25ms-1 in horizontal circular path of radius 0.4m. Calculate the
angular speed (a) 0.16 rads-1 (b) 0.52 rads-1 (c) 5.21 rads-1 (d) 6.25 rads-1
4. The reluntance of a body to start moving is (a) recoil (b) Inertia (C) Resistance (d) Reluctant
The diagram shows the variation of velocity with lime for a body moving in a straight line

v/ms – 1

0 5 10 20 tls

5. Calculate the total distance travelled by the body (a) 600m (b) 400m (c) 300m (d) 100m
6. Calculate the average speed of the body for the duration of 20s (a) 20ms-1 (b) 30ms-1 (c) 15ms-1(d)
7. Calculate the magnitude of the retardation of the body (a) 5.0ms-2 (b) 2.0ms-2 (c) 1.0ms-2 (d) 0.5ms-2f
8. The gravitational pull on a body is measure of the body’s (a) mass (b) velocity (c) weight (d)
9. Which of the following energy sources is non-renewable (a) solar (b) wind (c) hydro (d) petroleum
10. A body of mass 25kg moves on a horizontal straight road with a velocity of 15ms-1 Calculate the
height above the road at which it will possess a potential energy equal to its kinetic energy (g=10ms -
11. An object at rest possesses (a) momentum (b) acceleration (c) potential energy (d) dynamic friction
12. An object is lifted vertically through 3m and then returned to its original position. How much work
is done on the object, if it weight 40N. (a) 210J (b) 120J (c)80J (d) 0J
13. The principle of operation of the pin-hole camera and the formation of shadows and eclipses are
evidences that light (a) can be reflected (b) can be refracted (c) travels in a straight lines (d) can be
14. When white light passes through a triangular glass prism, it is separated into its component colours,
This phenomena is known as (a) dispersion (b) refraction (c) reflection (d) diffraction
15. Which of the following instrument is an example of percussion instrument (a) Xylophone (b)
Saxophone (c) Sonometor (d) Pipe organ
16. A charge of 2.0 ×10−5 C experiences a force of 80N in a uniform electric field. Calculate the
magnitude of electric field intensity (a) 8.0×10 6 Nc-1 (b) 4.0×10 6 Nc– 1 (c) 2.5×10−1 N/c (d)4.0×10 -
17. Which of the following type of energy is stored by dry leclanche cell (a) Chemical (b)Kinetic
(c)Electrical (d) Current
18. A Man stands 10m in front of a large plane mirror. How far must he walk before he is 5m away
from his image (a) 5.0m (b) 7.5m (c) 10.0m (d) 12.5m
19. A Cell of e.m.f 8v and internal resistance 0.5Ω is connected across a resistor of resistance 2.5Ω
Calculate the current in the circult (a) 2.67A (b) 2.75A (c)3.67A l(d)3.75A
20. The diagram above illustrate a segment of an electic circuit. Determine the current in the 2-2


(a) 0.5A (b) 1.0A (c) 1.5A (d) 2.0A

21. A Capacitor of 100 μ is charged to a voltage of 12volts. Find the energy stored in the capacitor (a)
−3 3 -3
7.2 ×10 J (b) 7.2×10 J (c) 7.5×10 J (d) NON.
22. Three Capacitors of capacitance 2 μF , 3 μF and 6 μF are connected in series , Find the total
capacitance (a)11 μF (b)1 μF (c) 2 μF (d) 3F
23. An electron of charge 1.6×10 -19C is accelerated between two metal plates. If the kinetic energy; of
the electron is 4.8×10 -17J, the potential difference between the plates is (a) 400V (b) 300V (c)30V
(d) 40V
24. A Charge of 1.6×10−10 C is placed in a uniform field of intensity 2 .0× 105 N C−1 . Determined the
magnitude of electric force exerted on the charge (a) 3.2 ×105 N (b)1.8 ×10^N (c) 3.2 ×10−5 N (d)
1.8 ×10 N
25. What is the magnitude of the electric field intensity between two place 30cm apart, if the ;p.d
between the plates is 4.2V (a) 126.0Vm – 1 (b) 14.0Vm – 1 (c) 12.6V m – 1 (d) 3.6V m – 1
26. The electric force between two points charges each of magnitude q and at a distance r apart in air of
2 2 2
q qr q q
permilivity ε o is (a) (b) (c) (d)
4 πεor εo 4 πεor 4 πεo r

−G M −GM
27. What is the gravitational potential due to a point mass (m) at distance r – u (a) (b) (c)
28. Two Spheres of masses 100kg and 90kg respectively have their centre separated by a distance of
1.0m. Calculate the magnitude of the force of attraction between them [G = 6.67× 10 – 11 Nm – 2 Kg –
] (a) 6.70×10 – 11 N (B) 6.70×10 – 10 N (c) 6.03× 10 – 10 N (d) 6.003× 10 – 7 N
29. Which of the expression define velocity of escape of a body lauch into space with earth radius R,

gravitational constant G and Mass of the earth M (a)

√ 2 GM
R √
(b) √ 2GMR (c)
2 GM √
30. The ratio of electrostatic force FE to gravitational force FG between two protion each if charge e and
2 2 2
e e GM e
mass m at a distance d is (a) (b) (c) (d)
4 πεoGM GM
4 πεo e
4 πεoG M
1. a Explain the terms Reactance and Impedance in an A.C circuit
b. A series circuit consisting of a 100Ω resistor, a coil of 0.10H inductance and a 20 μF capacitor is
connected across 110V, 60Hz power source.
b. (i) Draw the Circuit of the arrangement. Calculated: (ii). Inductive reactance (iii).capacitive
reactance (iv).impedance (v).current in the circuit (vi).power loss
2. a. Explain (i) Electric field intensity (ii) Electric potential- state the units of each
b. An Isolated electrically- charge sphere of radius r, and charge Q, is supported on an insulator in
air of permitivity Ԑo, Write down (i) Expression for electric field intensity (ii) Expression for
electric potential (c) the parallel plate capacitor 5.0 ×10−3 m apart are maintained at a potential
difference of 5.0 ×10 V .cal the magnitude of the
(i) Electric Field intensity between plates
(ii) Force on the electron
(iii) Acceleration of the election
[Electronic charge = 1.60 ×10−19C, mass of electron 9.1 ×1031 kg]
3. a. What is gravitational potential?
b. Compare and contrast newton law of gravitational force and coulombs law of elestrastic force
c. Two bodies of mass 20kg and 30kg are separated by a distance of 120cm in the gravitational field.
What is the force of attraction between the bodies (G = 6.67 ×10−1 N m2 k g−2 ¿
d. Using dimensional analysis determine the dimension of G in the equation F = 2
4. a. What is velocity escape?
b. Write two equations for the velocity of escape
c. Three 2 μF capacitors are connected in series and two 3 μF are connected in parallel. Use the
information above to answer the following questions
(i) What is the total capacitance in series?
(ii) What is total capacitance in parallel?
(iii) Determine the effective capacitance in the circuit
d. What are the factors that affect the capacitance of a capacitor?
1. Two force 3N and 4N acts at right angle to each other, what is the resultant force? (a) 1N (b) 7N (c)
12N (d) 5N
2. The distance moved in a specified direction is called (a) speed (b) displacement (c) acceleration (d)
3. The distance between two perpendicular line is called (a) displacement (b) position (c) velocity (d)
4. What is the distance between point A (7, 4) and point B (3, 1)? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
5. The component of a vector in a give direction is (a) equal to the magnitude of the resultant vector in
that direction (b) equal to the magnitude of the resultant vector in the opposite direction (c) its
effective magnitude (d) its effective value in that direction.
6. Which of the following physical quantities is a vector? (a) the direction east (b) the wind (c) the
motion of a car (d) the displace of an object
7. Which of the following is a vector quantity? (a) distance (b) energy (c) momentum (d) speed
8. Two force of magnitude 4N and 5N act on a body in the directions due North and East respectively.
Calculate their equilibrant (a) 9.0N, S38.70W (b) 9.0N, N51.30E (c) 6.4N, S38.70W (d) 6.4N,
9. The resultant of two forces acting on an object is maximum, if the angle between them is (a) 45 0 (b)
00 (c) 900 (d) 1800
10. A lorry travels 10km northwards, 4km eastwards, 6km southwads and 4km westwards, it arrives at a
point T, what is the total displacement? (a) 6km south (b) 4km north (c) 6km north (d) 4km east
11. Two forces of magnitude 8N and 4N act at right angles to each other. The angle between the
resultant and the 8N force is (a) 23.90 (b) 26.60 (c) 29.50 (d) 60.00
12. The rate of change of displacement is known as (a) speed (b) velocity (c) impulse (d) acceleration
13. A body start from rest and accelerate uniformly at 5m/s2 until it attains a velocity of 25ms – 1.
Calculate the time taken to attain this velocity (a) 2.5s (b) 5.0s (c) 10.0s (d) 125.0s
14. A bullet is fired upwards with an initial velocity u. if g is the acceleration of free fall, the time taken
u sinθ u sin2 θ 2u sinθ u
to reach the maximum height is (a) (b) (c) (d)
g g g g sinθ
15. Each of the following physical quantities is classified as a vector or a scalar quantity which of the
classifications is correct? (a) electric potential (vector) (b) momentum (scalar) (c) gravitational field
intensity (scalar) (d) magnetic flux density (vector)
16. To attain a maximum range in a projectile motion, the angle of projection must be (a) 0 0 (b) 300 (c)
450 (d) 900
17. A boy travels 12km eastwards to a point B and then 5km southwards to another point c. calculate the
difference between the magnitude of displacement of the boy and the distance travelled by him. (a)
4.0km (b) 7.0km (c) 13.0km (d) 17.0km
18. The magnitude of the resultant of two forces 20N and 15N inclined at 900 to each other is (a) 25N
(b) 30N (c) 35N (d) 40N
19. A uniformly retarded object comes to rest in 30 sec. after travelling a distance of 60m. Calculate the
initial velocity of the object. (a) 2. 0ms – 1 (b) 3.0ms – 1 (c) 4.0ms – 1 (d) 8.0ms – 1
20. The S. I unit of the moment of a force is (a) Jm (b) Jm – 1 (c) kgm (d) Nm
21. Uniform speed occur when there is equal change of (a) distance in equal times (b) displacement in
equal times (c) velocity in equal times (d) acceleration in equal times
22. A car acceleration uniformly form rest at 5ms– 2. Determine its speed after 10sec. (a) 50.0ms – 1 (b)
25.0ms–1 (c) 2.0ms – 1 (d) 0.5ms – 1
23. Which of the following statement about simple harmonic motion is correct? The (a) total mechanical
energy is always conserved (b) linear acceleration is directed to any variable point (c) linear
acceleration varies inversely with displacement (d) period of oscillation varies linearly as
acceleration due to gravity
24. A stone of mass 2.0kg is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 20.0ms – 1, calculate the initial
kinetic energy of the stone (a) 200J (b) 400J (c) 800J (d) 1600J
25. The engine of train produces a force of 3000N when moving at 30ms – 1. Calculate the power of the
engine (a) 1.00 ×10 2 W (b) b3.00 ×10 4 W (c) 9.00 ×10 4 W (d) 3.00 ×105 W
26. The acceleration due to gravity may be defined as the force (a) of attraction of the sun on the earth
(b) with which the earth revolves around the sun (c) with which the earth attracts one-kilogram mass
(d) of the moon on the earth
27. To attain a maximum range in a projectile motion, the angle of projection must be (a) 0 0 (b) 300 (c)
450 (d) 900
28. The slope of a straight line displacement time graph gives the (a) instantaneous acceleration (b)
uniform acceleration (c) uniform speed (d) uniform velocity
29. A car accelerates uniformly from rest at 4ms – 2. How far will it travel in the fifth complete second?
(a) 100m (b) 50m 9d) 32m (d) 18m
30. Two objects, one having three times the mass of the other, are dropped at the same time from a tall
building. When they are above the ground the two objects will have the same (a) momentum (b)
kinetic energy (c) potential energy (d) acceleration
31. An object is in state of equilibrium if it is at ________ (a) rest (b) motion (c) acceleration (d)
32. The component of vector X along the direction of vector Y is zero when
(A) X is at an angle of 450 to Y (B) X and Y are in opposite directions to each other (C) X
and Y are parallel to each other
(D) X is perpendicular to Y
33. The unit of moment of a couple can be expressed in
(A) Nm (B) N-2 (C) Nm2 (D) Nm-2
34. A body of mass 4kg resting on a smooth horizontal plane is simultaneously acted upon by two
perpendicular forces 6N and 8N. Calculate the acceleration of the motion
(A) 2.5ms-1 (B) 3.0ms-1 (C) 4.0ms-1 (D) 4.5ms-1
35. (I) All the three forces must be concurrent (II) The upward force is equal to the
downward force (III) The algebraic sum of the moment about any point must be zero.
Which of the above conditions must hold for a body acted upon by a system of three coplanar forces
in equilibrium?
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I , II and III
36. An aircraft attempts to fly due north at 100kmh , if the wind blows against if from east to west at
60km-1, its resultant velocity is
(A) 117kmh-1, N310E (B) 127kmh-1, N310E
(C) 117kmh-1, N310W (D) 127kmh-1, N310W
37. Two cars moving in the same direction have speeds of 100kmh -1 and 130kmh-1. What is the velocity
of the faster car as measured by an observer in slower car?
(A) 130kmh-1 (B) 230kmh-1 (C) 200kmh-1 (D) 30kmh-1
38. The resultant of two forces is 50N. If the forces are perpendicular to each other and one of them
makes an angle of 300 with the resultant, find its magnitude
(A) 100.0N (B) 57.7N (C) 43.3N (D) 25.0N
39. What happens when three coplanar non-parallel forces are in equilibrium?
(A) Their lines of action are parallel (B) They are represented in magnitude only (C)
They are represent in direction only (D) Their lines of action meet at a point
40. One of the conditions necessary for an object to be in equilibrium when acted upon by a number of
parallel forces is that the vector sum of the forces is
(A) average (B) zero (C) negative (D) positive

1. A body of mass 20g was projected into space at an angle of 60 0 with a velocity of 100m/s.
a. Time taken to reach the maximum height
b. The maximum height reached
c. The range
2. At what angle of projection will the maximum height attained equal to the range
3. A metre rule AB of mass 0.2kg was balanced horizontally on a single support when loads of
0.1kg and 0.08kg were placed at a distance of 60cm and 90cm respectively from A. Find:
a. The position of the support and
b. The magnitude of the downward force
4a. State the condition necessary for a body under
i. parallel co-planer force to be in equilibrium
ii. concurrent force to be in a state of equilibrium

600 T1

Find T1 and T2 (g = 10ms-2)

5a. Define the following (i) Equilibrant (ii) Moment of a force (iii) Couple (iv) Centre of gravity

b. (i) State the conditions for the equilibrium of a rigid body acting upon by parallel coplanar forces
(ii) With the aid of a diagram, explain the three (3) types of equilibrium
c. A metre rule is pivoted at its midpoint c with a vertical force of 20N hanging from the distance
30cm from c. At what distance must a 30N force hang to balance the ruler horizontally?
1. The S.I Unit of mass is (a) g (b) kg (c) s (d) cd
2. The S.I Unit of luminous intensity is (a) metre (b) Joule (c) Candela (d) Kelvin
3. Which of the following quantities is a fundamental quantity (a) impulse (b) moment (c) current (d)
4. The force that keeps an object to move round a circle is (a) centrifugal (b) centripetal (c) circular
force (d) none of the above
5. Which of the following is derived quantity (a) length (b) mass (c) amount of substance (d) power
6. The force that oppose the centripetal force is called (a) centrifugal (b) tension (c) thriust (d) all of the
7. Which of the following motion is described as vibratory motion (a) oscillatory (b) circular (c)
transitional (d) none
8. The dimension of force is (a) MLT – 1 (b) MLT (c) MLT – 2 (d) ML2T – 2
9. Transitional motion is also called (a) linear (b) oscillatory (c) circular (d) rotational
10. Zig-zag motion is also described as (a) rotational (b) Fo and Fro (c) Brownian (d) None
11. The full meaning of S. I is (a) semantic internal (b) symbolic international (c) systeme international
(d) system integration
12. Which of the following instrument can be used to measured the diameter of test tube accurately (a)
metre rule (b) vernier caliper (c) micrometer screw guage (d) tape rule
13. The instrument used to measured the thickness of a metal rod accurately is (a) vernier caliper (b)
micrometer screw guage (c) meter rule (d) none of the above
14. The Unit of power is (a) watt (b) Joule (c) Newton (d) Second
2 2 2
mv mv mv m v
15. Which of the expression below describe centripetal force? (a) (b) 2 (c) (d)
r r r r
16. The Unit of energy is _________ (a) Joule (b) metre (c) second (d) Kelvin
17. Which of the following is an example of vector field (a) magnetic field (b) pressure field (c)
temperature field (d) heat energy field
18. What is the name of the device use to measure quantities of charge or detect small charges? (a)
graphite (b) proof plane (c) electrophorous (d) Gold leaf electroscope
19. The motion of the prongs of sounding fork is (a) Random (b) translational (c) rotational (d) vibratory
20. Which of the following is not consequence of force field (a) electric force (b) magnetic force (c)
gravitational pull (d) surface tension
21. Which of the following is not example of a force (a) tension (b) weight (c) friction (d) mass
22. The product of force and displacement gives (a) energy (b) work done (c) power (d) potential energy
23. Power is defined as (a) capacity of exert a force (b) product of force and time (c) product of force
and distance (d) energy expended per unit time
24. Which of the following quantities is a vector (a) weight (b) mass (c) temperature (d) heat
25. Which of the following is an example of scalar quantity (a) time (b) pressure (c) power (d) velocity
26. If a boy pushes a box through a distance of 5m by exerting a force of 20N, what is the work done by
the boy (a) 20J (b) 5J (c) 100J (d) 250J
27. Find the kinetic energy of a bullet of mass, 2kg that fired from a gun with velocity of 10ms – 1 (a)
200J (b) 100J (c) 20J (d) 12J
28. The work done by a machine is 200J in 10 seconds. What is the power rate of the machine (a)
2000W (b) 180W (c) 210W (d) 20W
29. Which of this expression represent potential energy (a) Mgh (b) ½ mv2 (c) mg (d) Phg
30. The unit of weigh is (a) kg (b) newton (c) watt (d) Joule

1. a. What is centripetal force?
b. A body of mass 20kg moves round a circular track with a velocity of 4ms – 1. If the radius of the
circle is 20m. Calculate the centripetal force exerted on the body.
c. State five differences between mass and weight
d. Give two reasons why weight varies from place to place
e. What is the dimension of force?
2. a. Define work done. State its unit.
b. Determine the work done by a truck that drug a vehicle through a distance of 12.5m by exerting a
force of 200.5N on the vehicle
c. State two type of mechanical energy
d. A man raised a bag of cement of mass 50kg through a vertical height of 5m. What is the potential
energy possessed by the cement? Take “g” = 10ms – 2
e. Give four examples of vector quantities
3. a. What is field?
b. State three types of vector field
c. Give the definition of the types of field you identify above
d. Example the concept “combines motion of cylindrical object”
e. Give 5 examples of derived quantities and state the unit of each
4. a. Explain the term uniform acceleration
b. A body start from rest and accelerate uniformly, until it attains a velocity of 20ms – 1 for
10seconds. It maintains this velocity for 40seconds before it finally come to rest in another 10sec.
Use this information to answer the following:
c. Draw a velocity time graph to illustrate above information
d. Determine the following from the graph (i) Acceleration (ii) Retardation (iii) Total distance
covered (iv) Average speed
5. a. What is friction
b. State laws of frictions
c. State 4 ways of reducing friction
d. Mention 3 advantages of friction
e. State 2 disadvantages of friction

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