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March 5, 2024


Teaching Internship

Activity 1.

1. Write the summary of the topics discussed by Dr. Ronald Masiddo

This February 28, 2024, we have received two seminars that served as a refresher and a
reminder and one of which is the discussion of Instructional planning. The seminar covers the
purpose, legal basis, and guidelines for instructional planning, emphasizing the role of Daily
Lesson Log (DLL) and Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) in managing instruction effectively. The legal
basis or the so called “bible” of teachers as Dr. Masiddo made mentioned, is the DepEd Order
42, s. 2016 also known as Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program. It emphasizes the significance of instructional planning in successful
teaching and learning, aligning with the content and performance standards. It also details the
components of instructional planning, the instructional process, lesson planning, and the
integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching. It is also
important to note that newly hired teachers, should craft DLP for a year. And only teachers who
are already in the field for a year and has available LMs and TGs can craft DLL. But there is also
an exemption to the rule: when the applicant teacher has gained a rating of “Very Satisfactory”
or “Outstanding” in the RPMs, they can now proceed to crafting DLL only. Additionally, it
provides templates and samples of DLLs and DLPs, encouraging teachers to utilize these tools for
effective lesson delivery. The seminar concludes with a reflection from our Former DepEd
Secretary Leonor Briones wherein she explains the necessity of instructional planning and the
assurance that the new DLL format is designed to aid teachers in delivering lessons more
2. Craft detailed lesson plan following DepEd Order no. 42 s. 2016.

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