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Analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following a specific art style from

Neoclassic and Romantic periods.

1. What is the theme of David’s painting, Napoleon Crossing the Alps?
A. Love and romance
B. War and conflict
C. Nature and landscape
D. Politics and power
2. Which statement supports the concept of Neoclassicism?
A. Art should focus on expressing personal emotions and experiences.
B. Art should reflect the beauty and harmony of nature.
C. Art should emphasize reason, order, and classical ideals.
D. Art should prioritize individual creativity and imagination.
3. What approach would you use as a student to encourage others to appreciate Neoclassical art?
A. Create a social media campaign showcasing Neoclassical artworks.
B. Organize a debate on the relevance of Neoclassicism in modern art.
C. Host a Neoclassical art-themed quiz o trivia night.
D. Collaborate with local museums to offer Neoclassical workshops.
4. What are the characteristics of Romantic art?
A. Height of Action, Emotional Extremes, and Dramatic Composition
B. Height of Action, Emotional Extremes, and Formal Composition
C. Height of Sensation, Emotional Extremes, and Dramatic Composition
D. Height of Sensation, Emotional Extremes, and Formal Composition
5. How would you compare Neoclassicism and Romanticism?
A. Neoclassicism focuses on reason and order, while Romanticism emphasizes emotion and
B. Neoclassicism prioritizes nature and landscape, while Romanticism focuses on politics and
C. Neoclassicism values personal experiences and emotions, while Romanticism emphasizes
classical ideals.
D. Neoclassicism is characterized by abstract expressionism, while Romanticism is known for its
realism and precision.
6. What similarities can be found among Gericault’s paintings?
A. They are all landscapes.
B. They are all still life compositions.
C. They are all historical or mythological figures.

7. How would you describe Antonio Canova’s sculptures?

A. Realistic and detailed
B. Colorful and vibrant
C. Abstract and unrestricted
D. Minimalistic and modern
8. What would happen if you used marble and stone to build Neogothic architecture?
A. The architecture would have a sleek and modern appearance.
B. The architecture would be more durable and long-lasting.
C. The architecture would lose its Gothic aesthetic and historical significance.
D. The architecture would be more cost-effective and easier to maintain.
9. What would happen It uses bright colors and asymmetrical designs.
A. It incorporates medieval-inspired elements like pointed arches and turrets.
B. It focuses on simple yet elegant architectural designs.
C. It emphasizes classical Greek and Romantic architectural styles.
10. Why do you think Neogothic style is used in churches and civic buildings?
A. To showcase modern architectural techniques.
B. To emphasize simplicity and minimalism.
C. To evoke a sense of mystery and spirituality.
D. To highlight vibrant colors and intricate patterns.
11. Who were the painters of the Neoclassical period?
A. Jacques-Louis David and Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
B. Antonio Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen
C. Francois Rude and Antonio Barye
D. Henri Labrouste and Charles Garnier
12. What can you say about Thorvaldsen’s Lion of Lucerne?
A. It is a sculpture depicting a famous battle scene.
B. It is a painting showcasing religious themes.
C. It is a monument honoring a historical figure.
D. It is a sculpture commemorating dead people.
13. What are the three types of Neoclassical architecture?
A. Temple Style, Art Deco Style, and Classical Book Style
B. Classical Book Style, Temple Style, and Neogothic Style
C. Palladian Style, Classical Book Style, and Temple Style
D. Art Deco Style, Neogothic Style, Classical Book Style
14. Why did Delacroix choose Liberty as the central figure of his painting, Liberty Leading The People?
A. To symbolize the power of war.
B. To represent the importance of love.
C. To showcase the beauty and harmony of everyday life.
D. To embody the spirit of revolution and freedom.
15. How would you compare the idea of Classical Book style to Neogothic style of architecture?
A. Classical Book style emphasizes simplicity and symmetry, while Neogothic architecture focuses
on intricated details and pointed arches.
B. Classical Book stye is characterized by dark, heavy materials, while Neogothic architecture uses
light and airy elements.
C. Classical Book style incorporates modern technology and materials, while Neogothic architecture
relies on traditional craftsmanship.
D. Classical book style features minimal ornamentation, while Neogothic architecture is known for
its elaborate decorations and embellishments.

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